Research Article
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Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 190 - 204, 31.12.2021


The proximate composition and functional properties of flour blends from wheat and millet at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% were determined using AOAC standard method. The products were coded as A(100% Wheat flour as control), B(90% Wheat flour and 10% Millet flour), C(80% Wheat flour and 20% Millet flour), D(70% Wheat flour and 30% Millet flour), E(60% Wheat flour and 40% Millet flour). Cakes were prepared using these blends and their sensory properties assessed. Results obtained revealed that the protein content of the flour increased with increase in millet flour addition from 9.36–13.74%. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the fat (12.38–20.35%), ash (0.69–1.28%), crude fibre (1.78–3.85% and carbohydrate (51.65–55.48%) respectively. The bulk density, water and oil absorption capability, emulsion ability, and foaming capacity had significant variations (p< 0.05) between the control in most parameters assessed. The study concluded that millet flour could be used to supplement wheat flour up to 40% in baking to minimize wheat flour imports while also increasing millet flour production and its value.

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  • Aboshora, W., Lianfu, Z., Dahir, M., Qingran, M., Musa, A., Gasmalla, M. A., & Omar, K. A. 2016. Influence of doum (Hyphaene thebaica L.) flour addition on dough mixing properties, bread quality and antioxidant potential. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(1), 591-600. PMid:26787978.
  • Adeyeye S. A., & Akingbala J. O. 2015. Quality characteristics and acceptability of cookies from sweet potato–maize flour blends. Nutrition & Food Science, 45(5), 703–715. doi:10.1108/NFS-03-2015-0020
  • Aremu M.O., Olaofe O. & Akintayo E.T. 2007. Functional properties of some Nigerian varieties of legume seed flours and flour concentration effect on foaming and gelation properties. Journal of Food Technology, 5, 109-115.
  • Ayele H. H., Bultosa G., Abera T. & Astatkie T. 2017. Nutritional and sensory quality of wheat bread supplemented with cassava and soybean flours. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 3(1), 1331892.
  • AOAC. 1995. Official methods of analysis. Association of official analytical chemists (16th ed., pp. 226–234). Washington, DC: AOAC International.
  • Bagdi A., Tóth B., Lőrincz R., Szendi S., Gere A., Kókai Z., Sipos L. & Tömösközi S. 2016. Effect of aleurone-rich flour on composition, baking, textural, and sensory properties of bread. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie, 65, 762-769.
  • Besbes E., Le Bail A. & Seetharaman K. 2016. Impact of local hydrothermal treatment during bread baking on soluble amylose, firmness, amylopectin retrogradation and water mobility during bread staling. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(1), 304-314. PMid:26787950.
  • Begum R., Rakshit S. K & Rahman, S. M. M. 2011. Protein fortification and use of cassava flour for bread formulation, International Journal of Food Properties, 14(1), 185-198.
  • Callejo M. J., Benavente E., Ezpeleta J. I., Laguna M. J., Carrillo J. M. & Rodríguez-Quijano M. 2016. Influence of teff variety and wheat flour strength on bread making properties of healthier teff-based breads. Journal of Cereal Science, 68, 38-45.
  • Chandra S., Singh S. & Kumari D. 2015. Evaluation of functional properties of composite flours and sensorial attributes of composite flour biscuits. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(6), 3681-3688. PMid:26028751.
  • Chandrasekara A., Naczk M. & Shahidi F. 2012. Effect of processing on the antioxidant activity of millet grains. Food Chem., 133:1–9.
  • Devi P.B., Vijayabharathi R., Sathyabama S., Malleshi N.G. & Riyadarisini V.B. 2011. Health benefits of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) polyphenols and dietary fiber: a review. J Food Sci Technol. [Available from Springer]. Posted November 22.
  • Gavurnikova S., Havrlentova M., Mendel L., Cicova I., Bielikova M. & Kraic J. 2011. Parameters of wheat flour, dough, and bread fortified by buckwheat and millet flours. Agriculture, 57, 144-153.
  • Goesaert H., Brijs K., Veraverbeke W. S., Courtin C. M., Gebruers K. & Delcour J. A. 2005. Wheat flour constituents: how they impact bread quality, and how to impact their functionality. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 16(1-3), 12-30.
  • Inyang U. E. & Asuquo I. E. 2016. Physico-chemical and sensory qualities of functional bread produced from whole-meal wheat and unripe plantain composite flours. MOJ Food Processing and Technology., 2(2), 48-53.
  • Iwe M.O. 2002. Handbook of sensory methods and analysis. Enugu, Nigeria: Rojoint Communication Services Ltd.
  • Jideani V. A. 2005. Characteristics of Local Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum). Grains. Nigerian Food Journal., 23, 193-204.
  • Jean-Xavier G. & Rossella M. 1996. The Sensory Perception of Texture and Mouth Feel. Trends in Food Sci. Technol. 7(7): 213-219.
  • Jensen S., Skibsted L. H., Kidmose U. & Thybo A. K. 2015. Addition of cassava flours in bread-making: sensory and textural evaluation. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie, 60(1), 292-299.
  • Kaushal P., Kumar V. & Sharma H. K. 2012. Comparative study of physicochemical, functional, anti-nutritional and pasting properties of taro (Colocasia esculenta), rice (Oryza sativa), pegion pea (Cajanus cajan) flour and their blends. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie, 48(1), 59-68.
  • Larmond E. 1977. Laboratory methods for sensory evaluation of foods, publication No. 1637, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa
  • Man S., Păucean A., Muste S. & Pop A. 2015. Effect of the chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) flour addition on physicochemical properties of wheat bread. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Food Science and Technology, 72(1), 41-49.
  • Mal B., Padulosi S. & Ravi S.B. 2010. Minor millets in South Asia: learnings from IFAD-NUS Project in India and Nepal. Maccarese, Rome, Italy: Bioversity Intl and Chennai, India: M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation. p 1–185
  • Mitiku D. H., Abera S., Bussa N. & Abera T. 2018. Physico-chemical characteristics and sensory evaluation of wheat bread partially substituted with sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) flour. British Food Journal, 120(8), 1764-1775.
  • Narayana K., Narsinga Rao M.S. 1982. Functional properties of war and heat processed winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) flour. J Food Sci., 42:534–538
  • Nwaojigwa D.M., Lucy E. & Cintana S.U. 2007. Nutritional composition, functional and baking properties of wheat-sweet potato composite biscuits and cakes. Afr. J. Food and Nutri. Dev. 17: 54-62.
  • Okezie B. O. & Bello A.E. 1988. Physicochemical and functional properties of winged bean flour and isolate compared with soy isolates. Journal of Food Science, 53: 450–455. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.1988.tb07728.x
  • Oladele A. K. & Aina J. O. 2009. Chemical Composition and properties of flour produced from two varieties of tigernut (Cyperns esculentus). African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(21), 2473-2476.
  • Okoye J. I., Nkwocha A. C. & Ogbonnaya A. E. 2008. Production, proximate composition and consumer acceptability of biscuits from wheat/soybean flour blends. Continental Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2, 6–13.
  • Okwudili Udeh H., Kwaku Gyebi D. & Afam Israel Obiefuna J. 2017. Finger millet bioactive compounds, bioaccessibility, and potential health effects – a Review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 35(1), 7-17.
  • Ramashia S. E., Gwata E. T., Meddows-Taylor S., Anyasi T. A. & Jideani A. I. O. 2018. Some physical and functional properties of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) obtained in sub-Saharan Africa. Food Research International, 104, 110-118.PMid:29433775.
  • Saleh A. S., Zhang Q., Chen J. & Shen Q. 2013. Millet grains: nutritional quality, processing, and potential health benefits. Comprehensive Reviews of Food Science and Food Safety 12(1): 281-295.
  • Shahidi F. & Chandrasekara A. 2013. Millet grain phenolics and their role in disease risk reduction and health promotion: A review. Journal of Functional Foods 5(2).570 -581.
  • Shen Y., Jin L., Xiao P., Lu Y. & Bao J.S. 2009. Total phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant capacity in rice grain and their relations to grain color, size and weight. J. Cereal Sci., 49: 106-111.
  • Shandilya U. K. & Sharma A. 2017. Functional foods and their benefits: an overview. Journal of Nutritional Health and Food Engineering, 7(4), 1-5.
  • Singh K.P., Mishra A. & Mishra H.N. 2012. Fuzzy analysis of sensory attributes of bread prepared from millet-based composite flours. LWT- Food Science and Technology 48(2): 276–282
  • Sukhcharn S., Riar C.S. & Saxena D.C. 2008: Effect of incorporating sweet potato flour to wheat flour on the quality characteristics of cookies. Afr. J. Food Sci. 2: 65-72.
  • Tanya SNC. Development of high fibre cake using gram flour, International Journal of Information Research and Review, 2016;2513-2515
  • Zhang T., Li Z., Wang Y., Xue Y. & Xue C. 2016. Effects of konjac glucomannan on heat-induced changes of physicochemical and structural properties of surimi gels. Food Research International, 83, 152-161.
Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 190 - 204, 31.12.2021


Project Number



  • Aboshora, W., Lianfu, Z., Dahir, M., Qingran, M., Musa, A., Gasmalla, M. A., & Omar, K. A. 2016. Influence of doum (Hyphaene thebaica L.) flour addition on dough mixing properties, bread quality and antioxidant potential. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(1), 591-600. PMid:26787978.
  • Adeyeye S. A., & Akingbala J. O. 2015. Quality characteristics and acceptability of cookies from sweet potato–maize flour blends. Nutrition & Food Science, 45(5), 703–715. doi:10.1108/NFS-03-2015-0020
  • Aremu M.O., Olaofe O. & Akintayo E.T. 2007. Functional properties of some Nigerian varieties of legume seed flours and flour concentration effect on foaming and gelation properties. Journal of Food Technology, 5, 109-115.
  • Ayele H. H., Bultosa G., Abera T. & Astatkie T. 2017. Nutritional and sensory quality of wheat bread supplemented with cassava and soybean flours. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 3(1), 1331892.
  • AOAC. 1995. Official methods of analysis. Association of official analytical chemists (16th ed., pp. 226–234). Washington, DC: AOAC International.
  • Bagdi A., Tóth B., Lőrincz R., Szendi S., Gere A., Kókai Z., Sipos L. & Tömösközi S. 2016. Effect of aleurone-rich flour on composition, baking, textural, and sensory properties of bread. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie, 65, 762-769.
  • Besbes E., Le Bail A. & Seetharaman K. 2016. Impact of local hydrothermal treatment during bread baking on soluble amylose, firmness, amylopectin retrogradation and water mobility during bread staling. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(1), 304-314. PMid:26787950.
  • Begum R., Rakshit S. K & Rahman, S. M. M. 2011. Protein fortification and use of cassava flour for bread formulation, International Journal of Food Properties, 14(1), 185-198.
  • Callejo M. J., Benavente E., Ezpeleta J. I., Laguna M. J., Carrillo J. M. & Rodríguez-Quijano M. 2016. Influence of teff variety and wheat flour strength on bread making properties of healthier teff-based breads. Journal of Cereal Science, 68, 38-45.
  • Chandra S., Singh S. & Kumari D. 2015. Evaluation of functional properties of composite flours and sensorial attributes of composite flour biscuits. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(6), 3681-3688. PMid:26028751.
  • Chandrasekara A., Naczk M. & Shahidi F. 2012. Effect of processing on the antioxidant activity of millet grains. Food Chem., 133:1–9.
  • Devi P.B., Vijayabharathi R., Sathyabama S., Malleshi N.G. & Riyadarisini V.B. 2011. Health benefits of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) polyphenols and dietary fiber: a review. J Food Sci Technol. [Available from Springer]. Posted November 22.
  • Gavurnikova S., Havrlentova M., Mendel L., Cicova I., Bielikova M. & Kraic J. 2011. Parameters of wheat flour, dough, and bread fortified by buckwheat and millet flours. Agriculture, 57, 144-153.
  • Goesaert H., Brijs K., Veraverbeke W. S., Courtin C. M., Gebruers K. & Delcour J. A. 2005. Wheat flour constituents: how they impact bread quality, and how to impact their functionality. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 16(1-3), 12-30.
  • Inyang U. E. & Asuquo I. E. 2016. Physico-chemical and sensory qualities of functional bread produced from whole-meal wheat and unripe plantain composite flours. MOJ Food Processing and Technology., 2(2), 48-53.
  • Iwe M.O. 2002. Handbook of sensory methods and analysis. Enugu, Nigeria: Rojoint Communication Services Ltd.
  • Jideani V. A. 2005. Characteristics of Local Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum). Grains. Nigerian Food Journal., 23, 193-204.
  • Jean-Xavier G. & Rossella M. 1996. The Sensory Perception of Texture and Mouth Feel. Trends in Food Sci. Technol. 7(7): 213-219.
  • Jensen S., Skibsted L. H., Kidmose U. & Thybo A. K. 2015. Addition of cassava flours in bread-making: sensory and textural evaluation. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie, 60(1), 292-299.
  • Kaushal P., Kumar V. & Sharma H. K. 2012. Comparative study of physicochemical, functional, anti-nutritional and pasting properties of taro (Colocasia esculenta), rice (Oryza sativa), pegion pea (Cajanus cajan) flour and their blends. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie, 48(1), 59-68.
  • Larmond E. 1977. Laboratory methods for sensory evaluation of foods, publication No. 1637, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa
  • Man S., Păucean A., Muste S. & Pop A. 2015. Effect of the chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) flour addition on physicochemical properties of wheat bread. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Food Science and Technology, 72(1), 41-49.
  • Mal B., Padulosi S. & Ravi S.B. 2010. Minor millets in South Asia: learnings from IFAD-NUS Project in India and Nepal. Maccarese, Rome, Italy: Bioversity Intl and Chennai, India: M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation. p 1–185
  • Mitiku D. H., Abera S., Bussa N. & Abera T. 2018. Physico-chemical characteristics and sensory evaluation of wheat bread partially substituted with sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) flour. British Food Journal, 120(8), 1764-1775.
  • Narayana K., Narsinga Rao M.S. 1982. Functional properties of war and heat processed winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) flour. J Food Sci., 42:534–538
  • Nwaojigwa D.M., Lucy E. & Cintana S.U. 2007. Nutritional composition, functional and baking properties of wheat-sweet potato composite biscuits and cakes. Afr. J. Food and Nutri. Dev. 17: 54-62.
  • Okezie B. O. & Bello A.E. 1988. Physicochemical and functional properties of winged bean flour and isolate compared with soy isolates. Journal of Food Science, 53: 450–455. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.1988.tb07728.x
  • Oladele A. K. & Aina J. O. 2009. Chemical Composition and properties of flour produced from two varieties of tigernut (Cyperns esculentus). African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(21), 2473-2476.
  • Okoye J. I., Nkwocha A. C. & Ogbonnaya A. E. 2008. Production, proximate composition and consumer acceptability of biscuits from wheat/soybean flour blends. Continental Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2, 6–13.
  • Okwudili Udeh H., Kwaku Gyebi D. & Afam Israel Obiefuna J. 2017. Finger millet bioactive compounds, bioaccessibility, and potential health effects – a Review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 35(1), 7-17.
  • Ramashia S. E., Gwata E. T., Meddows-Taylor S., Anyasi T. A. & Jideani A. I. O. 2018. Some physical and functional properties of finger millet (Eleusine coracana) obtained in sub-Saharan Africa. Food Research International, 104, 110-118.PMid:29433775.
  • Saleh A. S., Zhang Q., Chen J. & Shen Q. 2013. Millet grains: nutritional quality, processing, and potential health benefits. Comprehensive Reviews of Food Science and Food Safety 12(1): 281-295.
  • Shahidi F. & Chandrasekara A. 2013. Millet grain phenolics and their role in disease risk reduction and health promotion: A review. Journal of Functional Foods 5(2).570 -581.
  • Shen Y., Jin L., Xiao P., Lu Y. & Bao J.S. 2009. Total phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant capacity in rice grain and their relations to grain color, size and weight. J. Cereal Sci., 49: 106-111.
  • Shandilya U. K. & Sharma A. 2017. Functional foods and their benefits: an overview. Journal of Nutritional Health and Food Engineering, 7(4), 1-5.
  • Singh K.P., Mishra A. & Mishra H.N. 2012. Fuzzy analysis of sensory attributes of bread prepared from millet-based composite flours. LWT- Food Science and Technology 48(2): 276–282
  • Sukhcharn S., Riar C.S. & Saxena D.C. 2008: Effect of incorporating sweet potato flour to wheat flour on the quality characteristics of cookies. Afr. J. Food Sci. 2: 65-72.
  • Tanya SNC. Development of high fibre cake using gram flour, International Journal of Information Research and Review, 2016;2513-2515
  • Zhang T., Li Z., Wang Y., Xue Y. & Xue C. 2016. Effects of konjac glucomannan on heat-induced changes of physicochemical and structural properties of surimi gels. Food Research International, 83, 152-161.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Article

John Adanse

Kate Bıgson This is me

Nkansah Asante Maureen This is me

Agamba Dorothy This is me

Project Number N/A
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Adanse, J., Bıgson, K., Asante Maureen, N., Dorothy, A. (2021). Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 5(2), 190-204.
AMA Adanse J, Bıgson K, Asante Maureen N, Dorothy A. Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour. EJFST. December 2021;5(2):190-204.
Chicago Adanse, John, Kate Bıgson, Nkansah Asante Maureen, and Agamba Dorothy. “Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour”. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology 5, no. 2 (December 2021): 190-204.
EndNote Adanse J, Bıgson K, Asante Maureen N, Dorothy A (December 1, 2021) Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology 5 2 190–204.
IEEE J. Adanse, K. Bıgson, N. Asante Maureen, and A. Dorothy, “Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour”, EJFST, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 190–204, 2021.
ISNAD Adanse, John et al. “Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour”. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology 5/2 (December 2021), 190-204.
JAMA Adanse J, Bıgson K, Asante Maureen N, Dorothy A. Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour. EJFST. 2021;5:190–204.
MLA Adanse, John et al. “Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour”. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology, vol. 5, no. 2, 2021, pp. 190-04.
Vancouver Adanse J, Bıgson K, Asante Maureen N, Dorothy A. Quality Characteristics and Sensory Evaluation of Cakes Produced from Composite Blends of Wheat (Titricum Aestivum L.) and Finger Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum) Flour. EJFST. 2021;5(2):190-204.

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