Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 6/1/13

Year: 2013

Original Articles


1. Clinical Profile of Thorax and Lung Injuries Associated with the 2011 Van Earthquake in Turkey


5. Asymmetric Dimethylarginine and Homocysteine Levels in Dialysis Patients


6. Effects of Fentanyl with Levobupivacaine on Cognitive Functions and Cerebral Oxygenation


7. Effectiveness of Home Exercise Program in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

Case Report


1. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Coexıiting Parkinson


2. Coexistence of Behçet


3. Primary Hiperplastic Persistant Vitreus: A Case Report


4. Soft Tissue Abscess Caused by Aspergillus Fumigatus in an Immunosuppressive Patient


5. Wilson Disease with Situs Inversus Totalis


6. A Rare Cause of Hydrocephaly: Tectal Glioma


7. Inverse Bat wing