Abstract. The surroundings andlifestyle that are typical of rural areas are less safe than those of urbanareas. This retrospective studyanalyzed risk factors of the patients with burn injuries who lived in ruralareas. BetweenJanuary 2000 and June 2011, 1145 patients were hospitalized in the Adana burn unit of Baskent Universityof whom 600 (52.5%) lived in rural areas and 545 (47.5%) lived in urban areas.The two groups were compared with respect to demographic characteristics, causeof burn injury, severity of burn injury, and length of hospital stay. Thetreatment methods used were recorded in the burn treatment registry. In this study, burns occurring in rural areas were deeper,larger, and caused more deaths than those occurring in urban areas, which maybe due to the characteristics of the rural population, including theunavailability of transportation to the burn units. Rural burns were more frequent and more severe than urbanburns, which demonstrate the importance of appropriate prevention directed atrural populations.Key words: Burn injury, rural area, urban area, prevention
Edelman LS. Social and economic factors associated with the risk of burn injury. Burns 2007; 33: 958-965.
Warda L, Tenenbein M, Moffatt M. House fire injury prevention update. Part I. A review of risk factors for fatal and non-fatal house fire injury. Inj Prev 1999; 5: 145-150.
Daisy S, Mostaque AK, Bari S, et al. Socioeconomic and cultural influence in the causationof burns in the urban children of Bangladesh. J Burn Care Rehabil 2001; 22: 2692
Warda L, Tenenbein M, Moffatt M. House fire injury prevention update. Part I. A review of risk factors for fatal and non-fatal house fire injury. Inj Prev 1999; 5: 145-150.
Delgado JR-C, Gilman ME, Lavarello RH, et al. Risk factors for burns in children: crowding, poverty, and poor maternal education. Inj Prev 2002; 8: 38-41.
Hummel RP III, Greenhalgh DG, Barthel PP, et al. Outcome and socioeconomic aspects of suspected child abuse scald burns. J Burn Care Rehabil 1993; 14: 121-126.
Werneck GL, Reichenheim ME. Pediatric burns and associated risk factors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Burns 1997; 23: 478-483.
Mallonee S, Istre GR, Rosenberg M, et al. Surveillance and prevention of residential-fire injuries. N Engl J Med 1996; 335: 27-31.
Parker DJ, Sklar DP, Tandberg D, et al. Fire fatalities among New Mexico children. Ann Emerg Med 1993; 22: 517-522.
Runyan CW, Bangdiwala SI, Linzer MA, Sacks JJ, Butts J. Risk factors for fatal residential fires.NEngl J Med 1992; 327: 859-863.
Trecan GV, Lessenot S, Grossin C, et al. Differences between burns in rural and in urban areas: implications for prevention. Burns 2000; 26: 351-3
Rioja LF, Alonso PE, Soria MD, et al. Incidence of ember burns in Andalusia (Spain). Burns 1993; 19: 220-2 Fernández-Morales E, Gálvez-Alcaraz L, Fernández-Crehuet-Navajas J, Gómez-Gracia E, Salinas-Martínez JM. Epidemiology of burns in Malaga, Spain. Burns 1997; 23: 323-332.
Kut A, Basaran O, Noyan T, Arda S, Akgun S, Haberal M. Epidemiologic Analysis of Patients With Burns Presenting to the Burn Units of a University Hospital Network in Turkey. J Burn Care Res 2006; 27: 161-169.
Haberal M, Ucar N, Bilgin N. Epidemiological survey of burns treated in Ankara, Turkey and desirable burn prevention strategies. Burns 1995; 21: 601-606.
Anlatici R, Ozerdem OR, Dalay C, Kesiktas E, Acarturk S, Seydaoglu G. A retrospective analysis of 1083 Turkish patients with serious burns. Burns 2002; 28: 231-237.
Haberal M, Oner Z, Bayraktar U, Bilgin N. Epidemiology of adults’ and children’s’ burns in a Turkish burn center. Burns Incl Therm Inj 1987; 13: 136-140.
Turegun M, Sengezer M, Selmanpakoglu N, Celikoz B, Nisanci M. The last 10 years in a burn centre in Ankara, Turkey: an analysis of 5264 cases. Burns 1997; 23: 584-590.
Pearson TA, Lewis C. Rural epidemiology: insights from a rural population laboratory. Am J Epidemiol 1998; 148: 949-957.
Grossman DC, Kim A, Macdonald SC, Klein P, Copass MK, Maier RV. Urban-rural differences in prehospital care of major trauma. J Trauma 1997; 42: 723-729.
Daisy S, Mostaque AK, Bari TS, Khan AR, Karim S, Quamruzzaman Q. Socioeconomic and cultural influence in the causation of burns in the urban children of Bangladesh. J Burn Care Rehabil 2001; 22: 269-273.
Gupta M, Gupta OK, Yaduvanshi RK, Upadhyaya J. Burn epidemiology: the Pink City scene. Burns 1993; 19: 47-51.
Van Niekerk A, Reimers A, Laflamme L. Area characteristics and determinants of hospitalized childhood burn injury: a study in the city of Cape Town. Public Health 2006; 120: 115-124.
Delgado J, Ramı´rez-Cardich ME, Gilman RH, et al. Risk factors for burns in children: crowding, poverty, and poor maternal education. Inj Prevent 2002; 8: 38-41.
Mallonee S, Istre GR, Rosenberg M, et al. Surveillance and prevention of residential-fire injuries. New Engl J Med 1996; 335: 27-31.
Shai D. Income, housing, and fire injuries: a census tract analysis. Public Health Rep 2006; 121: 149-154.
Shai D, Lupinacci P. Fire fatalities among children: an analysis across Philadelphia’s census tracts. Public Health Rep 2003; 118: 115-126.
Haberal M, Moray G, Kut A. The current status of burn centers and burn care in Turkey. In: Haberal M, Moray G,Kut A, editors. Burn Care Facilities at Baskent University and Turkey. Ankara: Baskent University Publications, 2004. p. 8.
Year 2013,
Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 8 - 12, 02.05.2013
Edelman LS. Social and economic factors associated with the risk of burn injury. Burns 2007; 33: 958-965.
Warda L, Tenenbein M, Moffatt M. House fire injury prevention update. Part I. A review of risk factors for fatal and non-fatal house fire injury. Inj Prev 1999; 5: 145-150.
Daisy S, Mostaque AK, Bari S, et al. Socioeconomic and cultural influence in the causationof burns in the urban children of Bangladesh. J Burn Care Rehabil 2001; 22: 2692
Warda L, Tenenbein M, Moffatt M. House fire injury prevention update. Part I. A review of risk factors for fatal and non-fatal house fire injury. Inj Prev 1999; 5: 145-150.
Delgado JR-C, Gilman ME, Lavarello RH, et al. Risk factors for burns in children: crowding, poverty, and poor maternal education. Inj Prev 2002; 8: 38-41.
Hummel RP III, Greenhalgh DG, Barthel PP, et al. Outcome and socioeconomic aspects of suspected child abuse scald burns. J Burn Care Rehabil 1993; 14: 121-126.
Werneck GL, Reichenheim ME. Pediatric burns and associated risk factors in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Burns 1997; 23: 478-483.
Mallonee S, Istre GR, Rosenberg M, et al. Surveillance and prevention of residential-fire injuries. N Engl J Med 1996; 335: 27-31.
Parker DJ, Sklar DP, Tandberg D, et al. Fire fatalities among New Mexico children. Ann Emerg Med 1993; 22: 517-522.
Runyan CW, Bangdiwala SI, Linzer MA, Sacks JJ, Butts J. Risk factors for fatal residential fires.NEngl J Med 1992; 327: 859-863.
Trecan GV, Lessenot S, Grossin C, et al. Differences between burns in rural and in urban areas: implications for prevention. Burns 2000; 26: 351-3
Rioja LF, Alonso PE, Soria MD, et al. Incidence of ember burns in Andalusia (Spain). Burns 1993; 19: 220-2 Fernández-Morales E, Gálvez-Alcaraz L, Fernández-Crehuet-Navajas J, Gómez-Gracia E, Salinas-Martínez JM. Epidemiology of burns in Malaga, Spain. Burns 1997; 23: 323-332.
Kut A, Basaran O, Noyan T, Arda S, Akgun S, Haberal M. Epidemiologic Analysis of Patients With Burns Presenting to the Burn Units of a University Hospital Network in Turkey. J Burn Care Res 2006; 27: 161-169.
Haberal M, Ucar N, Bilgin N. Epidemiological survey of burns treated in Ankara, Turkey and desirable burn prevention strategies. Burns 1995; 21: 601-606.
Anlatici R, Ozerdem OR, Dalay C, Kesiktas E, Acarturk S, Seydaoglu G. A retrospective analysis of 1083 Turkish patients with serious burns. Burns 2002; 28: 231-237.
Haberal M, Oner Z, Bayraktar U, Bilgin N. Epidemiology of adults’ and children’s’ burns in a Turkish burn center. Burns Incl Therm Inj 1987; 13: 136-140.
Turegun M, Sengezer M, Selmanpakoglu N, Celikoz B, Nisanci M. The last 10 years in a burn centre in Ankara, Turkey: an analysis of 5264 cases. Burns 1997; 23: 584-590.
Pearson TA, Lewis C. Rural epidemiology: insights from a rural population laboratory. Am J Epidemiol 1998; 148: 949-957.
Grossman DC, Kim A, Macdonald SC, Klein P, Copass MK, Maier RV. Urban-rural differences in prehospital care of major trauma. J Trauma 1997; 42: 723-729.
Daisy S, Mostaque AK, Bari TS, Khan AR, Karim S, Quamruzzaman Q. Socioeconomic and cultural influence in the causation of burns in the urban children of Bangladesh. J Burn Care Rehabil 2001; 22: 269-273.
Gupta M, Gupta OK, Yaduvanshi RK, Upadhyaya J. Burn epidemiology: the Pink City scene. Burns 1993; 19: 47-51.
Van Niekerk A, Reimers A, Laflamme L. Area characteristics and determinants of hospitalized childhood burn injury: a study in the city of Cape Town. Public Health 2006; 120: 115-124.
Delgado J, Ramı´rez-Cardich ME, Gilman RH, et al. Risk factors for burns in children: crowding, poverty, and poor maternal education. Inj Prevent 2002; 8: 38-41.
Mallonee S, Istre GR, Rosenberg M, et al. Surveillance and prevention of residential-fire injuries. New Engl J Med 1996; 335: 27-31.
Shai D. Income, housing, and fire injuries: a census tract analysis. Public Health Rep 2006; 121: 149-154.
Shai D, Lupinacci P. Fire fatalities among children: an analysis across Philadelphia’s census tracts. Public Health Rep 2003; 118: 115-126.
Haberal M, Moray G, Kut A. The current status of burn centers and burn care in Turkey. In: Haberal M, Moray G,Kut A, editors. Burn Care Facilities at Baskent University and Turkey. Ankara: Baskent University Publications, 2004. p. 8.
Tarim, M. A. (2013). Living in rural areas is a major risk factor for severe burn injury in Turkey. EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 18(1), 8-12.
Tarim MA. Living in rural areas is a major risk factor for severe burn injury in Turkey. EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. May 2013;18(1):8-12.
Tarim, Mehmet Akin. “Living in Rural Areas Is a Major Risk Factor for Severe Burn Injury in Turkey”. EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 18, no. 1 (May 2013): 8-12.
Tarim MA (May 1, 2013) Living in rural areas is a major risk factor for severe burn injury in Turkey. EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 18 1 8–12.
M. A. Tarim, “Living in rural areas is a major risk factor for severe burn injury in Turkey”, EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 8–12, 2013.
Tarim, Mehmet Akin. “Living in Rural Areas Is a Major Risk Factor for Severe Burn Injury in Turkey”. EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 18/1 (May 2013), 8-12.
Tarim MA. Living in rural areas is a major risk factor for severe burn injury in Turkey. EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. 2013;18:8–12.
Tarim, Mehmet Akin. “Living in Rural Areas Is a Major Risk Factor for Severe Burn Injury in Turkey”. EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, vol. 18, no. 1, 2013, pp. 8-12.
Tarim MA. Living in rural areas is a major risk factor for severe burn injury in Turkey. EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. 2013;18(1):8-12.