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Hibrit UPS'lerin Sağladığı Bazı İmkanların Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi

Year 2021, , 722 - 726, 30.11.2021


Tüketiciye kesintisiz ve kaliteli enerji sağlamak amacıyla kullanılan Kesintisiz Güç Kaynakları (KGK) da enerji sektöründeki gelişmelere paralel olarak değişimlere uğramıştır. Bu süreçte güç elektroniği elemanlarındaki gelişmelerle konvansiyonel KGK'ların verimliliği artmış, trafosuz KGK’lar ile boyutları ve ağırlıkları azaltılmıştır. Son zamanlarda yenilenebilir enerji sistemlerindeki gelişmelere kayıtsız kalmayan KGK sistemleri, bu sistemlerden elde edilen enerjiyi kullanarak hibrit bir yapıya kavuşmuştur. Bu çalışmada, hibrit KGK'ların çeşitli avantajları, referans bir hibrit KGK üzerinden, giriş/çıkış akımı/gerilim dalga formu aracılığıyla deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda hibrit KGK’ların yükün sadece PV sistem üzerinden beslenmesi, yükün şebekeden ve PV sistemden beraber beslenmesi, şebekeye bağlı/şebekeden bağımsız çalışmaya uyum sağlaması gibi çeşitli özellikleri incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar, hibrit KGK’ların kesintisiz, yüksek kaliteli ve verimli enerji sağlama konusunda umut verici olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Aamir, M., Ahmed Kalwar, K., & Mekhilef, S. (2016). Review: Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 58, 1395–1410.
  • Aamir, M., & Mekhilef, S. (2017). An Online Transformerless Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System with a Smaller Battery Bank for Low-Power Applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32(1), 233–247.
  • Bortolini, M., Gamberi, M., & Graziani, A. (2014). Technical and economic design of photovoltaic and battery energy storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 86, 81–92.
  • Daud, M. Z., Mohamed, A., & Hannan, M. A. (2013). An improved control method of battery energy storage system for hourly dispatch of photovoltaic power sources. Energy Conversion and Management, 73, 256–270.
  • Guerrero, J. M., de Vicuña, L. G., & Uceda, J. (2007). Uninterruptible power supply systems provide protection. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 1(1), 28–38.
  • Güneş, İ., Üstüntepe, B., & Hava, A. M. (2009). Modern transformerless uninterruptable power supply (UPS) systems. 2009 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering - ELECO 2009, I-316-I–320.
  • Kaura, V., & Blasko, V. (1997). Operation of a voltage source converter at increased utility voltage. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 12(1), 132–137.
  • Khan, H. S., Aamir, M., Ali, M., Waqar, A., Ali, S. U., & Imtiaz, J. (2019). Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Parallel Connected Online UPS System under Unbalanced and Nonlinear Loads. Energies 2019, Vol. 12, Page 581, 12(4), 581.
  • Koffler, R. (2003). Transformer or transformerless ups? IEE Power Engineer, 17(3), 34–36.
  • Lahyani, A., Venet, P., Guermazi, A., & Troudi, A. (2013). Battery/Supercapacitors Combination in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28(4), 1509–1522.
  • Niroomand, M., & Karshenas, H. R. (2010). Review and comparison of control methods for uninterruptible power supplies. PEDSTC 2010 - 1st Power Electronics and Drive Systems and Technologies Conference, 18–23.
  • Vieira, C., & Pires, V. F. (2016). Hybrid PV-UPS system with multilevel structure of power converters and reliability improvment. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2016, 873–878.
  • Zhan, Y., Guo, Y., Zhu, J., & Wang, H. (2008). Intelligent uninterruptible power supply system with back-up fuel cell/battery hybrid power source. Journal of Power Sources, 179(2), 745–753.
  • Zhang, W., Xu, D., Li, X., Xie, R., Li, H., Dong, D., Sun, C., & Chen, M. (2013). Seamless transfer control strategy for fuel cell uninterruptible power supply system. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28(2), 717–729.

Experimentally Investigation of Some Facilities Provided by Hybrid UPSs

Year 2021, , 722 - 726, 30.11.2021


Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), which are used to provide uninterrupted and high-quality energy to the consumer, have also changed in parallel with the developments in the energy sector. In the process, the efficiency of conventional UPSs has increased by developments in power electronics elements, and the dimensions and weights have been reduced with the transformerless UPSs. Recently, UPS systems, which are not indifferent to the developments in renewable energy systems, have achieved a hybrid structure using the energy obtained from these systems. In this study, various advantages of these UPSs are examined experimentally over a sample hybrid UPS via input/output current/voltage waveform. In this context, several features of hybrid UPSs such as feeding the load only through the PV system, supplying the load from the grid and PV system, adapting to on-grid/off-grid operation were examined. The results show that hybrid UPSs are promising in providing uninterrupted, high quality, and efficient energy.


  • Aamir, M., Ahmed Kalwar, K., & Mekhilef, S. (2016). Review: Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 58, 1395–1410.
  • Aamir, M., & Mekhilef, S. (2017). An Online Transformerless Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System with a Smaller Battery Bank for Low-Power Applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 32(1), 233–247.
  • Bortolini, M., Gamberi, M., & Graziani, A. (2014). Technical and economic design of photovoltaic and battery energy storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 86, 81–92.
  • Daud, M. Z., Mohamed, A., & Hannan, M. A. (2013). An improved control method of battery energy storage system for hourly dispatch of photovoltaic power sources. Energy Conversion and Management, 73, 256–270.
  • Guerrero, J. M., de Vicuña, L. G., & Uceda, J. (2007). Uninterruptible power supply systems provide protection. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 1(1), 28–38.
  • Güneş, İ., Üstüntepe, B., & Hava, A. M. (2009). Modern transformerless uninterruptable power supply (UPS) systems. 2009 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering - ELECO 2009, I-316-I–320.
  • Kaura, V., & Blasko, V. (1997). Operation of a voltage source converter at increased utility voltage. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 12(1), 132–137.
  • Khan, H. S., Aamir, M., Ali, M., Waqar, A., Ali, S. U., & Imtiaz, J. (2019). Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Parallel Connected Online UPS System under Unbalanced and Nonlinear Loads. Energies 2019, Vol. 12, Page 581, 12(4), 581.
  • Koffler, R. (2003). Transformer or transformerless ups? IEE Power Engineer, 17(3), 34–36.
  • Lahyani, A., Venet, P., Guermazi, A., & Troudi, A. (2013). Battery/Supercapacitors Combination in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28(4), 1509–1522.
  • Niroomand, M., & Karshenas, H. R. (2010). Review and comparison of control methods for uninterruptible power supplies. PEDSTC 2010 - 1st Power Electronics and Drive Systems and Technologies Conference, 18–23.
  • Vieira, C., & Pires, V. F. (2016). Hybrid PV-UPS system with multilevel structure of power converters and reliability improvment. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2016, 873–878.
  • Zhan, Y., Guo, Y., Zhu, J., & Wang, H. (2008). Intelligent uninterruptible power supply system with back-up fuel cell/battery hybrid power source. Journal of Power Sources, 179(2), 745–753.
  • Zhang, W., Xu, D., Li, X., Xie, R., Li, H., Dong, D., Sun, C., & Chen, M. (2013). Seamless transfer control strategy for fuel cell uninterruptible power supply system. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28(2), 717–729.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

İbrahim Güneş This is me 0000-0002-6336-5432

Osman Okay This is me 0000-0003-2416-8724

Emre Akarslan 0000-0002-5918-7266

Publication Date November 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Güneş, İ., Okay, O., & Akarslan, E. (2021). Experimentally Investigation of Some Facilities Provided by Hybrid UPSs. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(28), 722-726.