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Farklı pH Çözeltileri ve Donma Çözülmenin Travertenlerin Fiziko-Mekanik Özelliklerine Birlikte Etkisi

Year 2021, , 1 - 6, 31.12.2021


Traverten, blok verme, çeşitli desenlere sahip olma ve kolay işlenebilir olmasından dolayı inşaat malzemesi olarak oldukça yaygın bir kullanım alınana sahiptir. Fakat porozite açısından diğer doğal taşlara nazaran daha boşluklu yapılara sahip olması en büyük dezavantajıdır. Bu durum, travertenlerin dış mekânlarda kullanım alanlarını oldukça kısıtlamaktadır. Özellikle, çok yağış alan ve donma-çözünme olaylarının fazla göründüğü ortamlarda bu tür doğal taşların kullanımı önerilmemektedir. Birçok araştırmacı donma çözünmenin travertenlere etkisini araştırırken su ile doygun hale getirmiştir ve suyun asidik-bazik özelliklerini incelememişlerdir. Bu çalışmada, donma çözünmenin farklı pH çözeltilerine (2.0, 7.0 ve 12.0) maruz bırakılarak birlikte etkisi ele alınmıştır. Bu amaçla, Malatya kırmızı traverten ve Erzurum traverten üç farklı çözelti kullanılarak 20 kez donma-çözünmeye maruz bırakıldı ve her 5 döngü sonunda tek eksenli basınç dayanımı, P dalga hızı ve Schmidt çekici sertlik değerleri tayin edildi. Çalışma sonucunda, pH değeri azaldıkça ve donma çözünme döngü sayıları arttıkça travertenlerin tek eksenli basınç, P dalga hızı ve Schmidt çekici sertliğindeki düşüş artmıştır.


  • Aghababaei M., Behnia M., Moradian O. (2019). Experimental investigation on strength and failure behavior of carbonate rocks under multistage triaxial compression. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 104099.
  • Akin M, Ozsan A. (2011). Evaluation of the long-term durability of yellow travertine using accelerated weathering tests. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 70, 101–114.
  • Amirkiyaei,V., Ghasemi E., Faramarzi L. (2020). Determination of P-wave velocity of carbonate building stones during freeze-thaw cycles. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 38(6), 5999-6009.
  • Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Pappalardo G., Raneri S. (2015). Microtextural and microstructural influence on the changes of physical and mechanical proprieties related to salts crystallization weathering in natural building stones. The example of Sabucina stone (Sicily). Construction and Building Materials, 95, 355–365.
  • Deng H., Li J., Zhu M., Wang K., Wang L., Deng C. (2012). Experimental research on strength deterioration rules of sandstone under “saturation-air dry” circulation function. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 33, 3306–3312.
  • Erdogan O., Ozvan A. (2015). Evaluation of strength parameters and quality assessment of different lithotype levels of Edremit (Van) Travertine (Eastern Turkey), Journal of African Earth Sciences, 106, 108–118.
  • Fener M., Ince I. (2015). Effects of the freeze-thaw (F-T) cycle on the andesitic rocks (Sille-Konya/Turkey) used in construction building. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 109, 96-106.
  • Freire-Lista D.M., Fort R., Varas-Muriel M.J. (2015). Freeze–thaw fracturing in building granites. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 113, 40–51. Gökçe M.V., İnce İ., Fener M, Taşkıran T., Kayabali K. (2016). The effects of freeze-thaw (F-T) cycles on the Gödene travertine used in historical structures in Konya (Turkey). Cold Regions Science and Technology, 127, 65-75.
  • Graue B., Siegesmund S., Middendorf B.. (2011). Quality assessment of replacement stones for the cologne cathedral: mineralogical and petrophysical requirements. Environmental Earth Science, 63, 1799‐1822.
  • Hajpál M. (2002). Changes in sandstones of historical monuments exposed to fire or high temperature. Fire Technology, 38, 373–382.
  • Hale P.A., Shakoor A. (2003). A laboratory investigation of the effects of cyclic heating and cooling, wetting and drying, and freezing and thawing on the compressive strength of selected sandstones. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 9, 117–130.
  • ISRM (1978a). Suggested methods for determination of the Schmidt rebound hardness. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Geomechanics Abstracts, 15(3), 101–102.
  • ISRM (1978b). Suggested methods for determining sound velocity, International Journal Of Rock Mechanic and Mining Science and Geomechanic Abstract, 15, 53- 58.
  • ISRM (1978c). Suggested Methods For Determining The Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability of Rock Materials, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 16, 135-140.
  • Jamshidi A., Nikudel M.R., Khamehchiyan M. (2016). Evaluation of the durability of Gerdoee travertine after freeze–thaw cycles in fresh water and sodium sulfate solution by decay function models. Engineering Geology, 202, 36–43.
  • Koca M.Y., Ozden G., Yavuz A.B., Kincal C., Onargan T., Kucuk K. (2006). Changes in the enginering properties of marble in fire-exposed columns. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 43, 520–530.
  • Kryza R., Prell M., Czechowski F., Domaradzka M. (2009). Acidic weathering of carbonate building stones: experimental assessment (preliminary results). Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Geologia, 54, 33–36.
  • Lam dos Santos J.P., Rosa L.G., Amaral P.M. (2011). Temperature effects on mechanical behavior of engineered stones. Construction and Building Materials, 25, 171–174.
  • Luo X., Zhou S., Huang B., et al. (2021). Effect of freeze–thaw temperature and number of cycles on the physical and mechanical properties of marble. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 39, 567–582.
  • Momeni A., Abdilor Y., Khanlari G.R. et al. (2016). The effect of freeze–thaw cycles on physical and mechanical properties of granitoid hard rocks. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 75, 1649–1656.
  • Müller U. (2008). The mineralogical composition of sandstone and its effect on sulphur dioxide deposition. Materiales de Construcción, 58, 81–95. Oguchi C.T., Yuasa H. (2010). Simultaneous wetting/drying, freeze/thaw and salt crystallization experiments of three types of Oya tuff. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 333, 59–72.
  • Ozguven A., Ozcelik Y. (2014). Effects of high temperature on physico-mechanical properties of Turkish natural building stones. Engineering Geology, 183, 127–136.
  • Sarıcı D.E., Kızılkaya N., Özdemir E., Polat F. (2018). Evalution of salt crystallisation effects on artificial marble. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials, 1(2), 20-24.
  • Sarici D.E., Ozdemir E. (2018). Determining point load strength loss from porosity, Schmidt hardness, and weight of some sedimentary rocks under freeze–thaw conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77, 62.
  • Sharma P.K., Khandelwal M., Singh T.N. (2007). Variation on physico-mechanical properties of Kota stone under different watery environments. Building and Environment, 42, 4117-4123.
  • Swathy M., Karpagam B., Manu S., Arun M. (2020). Characteristics and deterioration mechanisms in coral stones used in a historical monument in a saline environment. Construction and Building Materials, 241, 118102.
  • Taghipour M., Nikudel M.R., Farhadian M.B. (2015). Engineering properties and durability of limestones used in Persepolis complex, Iran, against acid solutions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 1-12.
  • Vincenzo F., Antonio F., Michele L., Maria N.M., Luigi S. (2018). Petrographic features influencing basic geotechnical parameters of carbonate soft rocks from Apulia (southern Italy). Engineering Geology, 233, 76–97.
  • Weddfelt K., Saadati M., Larsson P.L. (2017). On the load capacity and fracture mechanism of hard rocks at indentation loading. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 100, 170–176.
  • Yavuz A.B., Topal T. (2007). Thermal and salt crystallization effects on marble deterioration: examples from Western Anatolia, Turkey. Engineering Geology, 90(1–2), 30–40.

The Combined Effect of Different pH Solutions and Freeze-Thaw on Physico-Mechanical Properties of Travertines

Year 2021, , 1 - 6, 31.12.2021


Travertine is widely used as a construction material due to gives blocks, various patterns and easy to process. However, its biggest disadvantage is that it has a more porous structure than other natural stones. This situation restricts the outdoor usage areas of travertines. Especially, in environments that receive heavy rainfall and freeze-thaw events, the use of such natural stones is not recommended. Many researchers, while investigating the effect of freeze-thaw on travertines, saturated with water and did not determine acidic-basic properties of water. In this study, combined effect of freeze-thaw by exposure to different pH (2.0, 7.0 and 12.0) solutions is investigated. For this purpose, Malatya red travertine and Erzurum travertine were exposed to freeze-thaw 20 times using three different solutions and at the end of every 5 cycles, uniaxial compressive strength, P wave velocity and Schmidt hammer hardness values were determined. As a result of the study, the decrease in uniaxial compressive strenght, P wave velocity and Schmidt hammer hardness of travertines increased as pH value decreased and freeze-thaw cycle numbers increased.


  • Aghababaei M., Behnia M., Moradian O. (2019). Experimental investigation on strength and failure behavior of carbonate rocks under multistage triaxial compression. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 104099.
  • Akin M, Ozsan A. (2011). Evaluation of the long-term durability of yellow travertine using accelerated weathering tests. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 70, 101–114.
  • Amirkiyaei,V., Ghasemi E., Faramarzi L. (2020). Determination of P-wave velocity of carbonate building stones during freeze-thaw cycles. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 38(6), 5999-6009.
  • Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Pappalardo G., Raneri S. (2015). Microtextural and microstructural influence on the changes of physical and mechanical proprieties related to salts crystallization weathering in natural building stones. The example of Sabucina stone (Sicily). Construction and Building Materials, 95, 355–365.
  • Deng H., Li J., Zhu M., Wang K., Wang L., Deng C. (2012). Experimental research on strength deterioration rules of sandstone under “saturation-air dry” circulation function. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 33, 3306–3312.
  • Erdogan O., Ozvan A. (2015). Evaluation of strength parameters and quality assessment of different lithotype levels of Edremit (Van) Travertine (Eastern Turkey), Journal of African Earth Sciences, 106, 108–118.
  • Fener M., Ince I. (2015). Effects of the freeze-thaw (F-T) cycle on the andesitic rocks (Sille-Konya/Turkey) used in construction building. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 109, 96-106.
  • Freire-Lista D.M., Fort R., Varas-Muriel M.J. (2015). Freeze–thaw fracturing in building granites. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 113, 40–51. Gökçe M.V., İnce İ., Fener M, Taşkıran T., Kayabali K. (2016). The effects of freeze-thaw (F-T) cycles on the Gödene travertine used in historical structures in Konya (Turkey). Cold Regions Science and Technology, 127, 65-75.
  • Graue B., Siegesmund S., Middendorf B.. (2011). Quality assessment of replacement stones for the cologne cathedral: mineralogical and petrophysical requirements. Environmental Earth Science, 63, 1799‐1822.
  • Hajpál M. (2002). Changes in sandstones of historical monuments exposed to fire or high temperature. Fire Technology, 38, 373–382.
  • Hale P.A., Shakoor A. (2003). A laboratory investigation of the effects of cyclic heating and cooling, wetting and drying, and freezing and thawing on the compressive strength of selected sandstones. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 9, 117–130.
  • ISRM (1978a). Suggested methods for determination of the Schmidt rebound hardness. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences Geomechanics Abstracts, 15(3), 101–102.
  • ISRM (1978b). Suggested methods for determining sound velocity, International Journal Of Rock Mechanic and Mining Science and Geomechanic Abstract, 15, 53- 58.
  • ISRM (1978c). Suggested Methods For Determining The Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability of Rock Materials, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 16, 135-140.
  • Jamshidi A., Nikudel M.R., Khamehchiyan M. (2016). Evaluation of the durability of Gerdoee travertine after freeze–thaw cycles in fresh water and sodium sulfate solution by decay function models. Engineering Geology, 202, 36–43.
  • Koca M.Y., Ozden G., Yavuz A.B., Kincal C., Onargan T., Kucuk K. (2006). Changes in the enginering properties of marble in fire-exposed columns. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 43, 520–530.
  • Kryza R., Prell M., Czechowski F., Domaradzka M. (2009). Acidic weathering of carbonate building stones: experimental assessment (preliminary results). Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Geologia, 54, 33–36.
  • Lam dos Santos J.P., Rosa L.G., Amaral P.M. (2011). Temperature effects on mechanical behavior of engineered stones. Construction and Building Materials, 25, 171–174.
  • Luo X., Zhou S., Huang B., et al. (2021). Effect of freeze–thaw temperature and number of cycles on the physical and mechanical properties of marble. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 39, 567–582.
  • Momeni A., Abdilor Y., Khanlari G.R. et al. (2016). The effect of freeze–thaw cycles on physical and mechanical properties of granitoid hard rocks. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 75, 1649–1656.
  • Müller U. (2008). The mineralogical composition of sandstone and its effect on sulphur dioxide deposition. Materiales de Construcción, 58, 81–95. Oguchi C.T., Yuasa H. (2010). Simultaneous wetting/drying, freeze/thaw and salt crystallization experiments of three types of Oya tuff. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 333, 59–72.
  • Ozguven A., Ozcelik Y. (2014). Effects of high temperature on physico-mechanical properties of Turkish natural building stones. Engineering Geology, 183, 127–136.
  • Sarıcı D.E., Kızılkaya N., Özdemir E., Polat F. (2018). Evalution of salt crystallisation effects on artificial marble. Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials, 1(2), 20-24.
  • Sarici D.E., Ozdemir E. (2018). Determining point load strength loss from porosity, Schmidt hardness, and weight of some sedimentary rocks under freeze–thaw conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77, 62.
  • Sharma P.K., Khandelwal M., Singh T.N. (2007). Variation on physico-mechanical properties of Kota stone under different watery environments. Building and Environment, 42, 4117-4123.
  • Swathy M., Karpagam B., Manu S., Arun M. (2020). Characteristics and deterioration mechanisms in coral stones used in a historical monument in a saline environment. Construction and Building Materials, 241, 118102.
  • Taghipour M., Nikudel M.R., Farhadian M.B. (2015). Engineering properties and durability of limestones used in Persepolis complex, Iran, against acid solutions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 1-12.
  • Vincenzo F., Antonio F., Michele L., Maria N.M., Luigi S. (2018). Petrographic features influencing basic geotechnical parameters of carbonate soft rocks from Apulia (southern Italy). Engineering Geology, 233, 76–97.
  • Weddfelt K., Saadati M., Larsson P.L. (2017). On the load capacity and fracture mechanism of hard rocks at indentation loading. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 100, 170–176.
  • Yavuz A.B., Topal T. (2007). Thermal and salt crystallization effects on marble deterioration: examples from Western Anatolia, Turkey. Engineering Geology, 90(1–2), 30–40.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Engin Özdemir 0000-0002-6043-0403

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Özdemir, E. (2021). Farklı pH Çözeltileri ve Donma Çözülmenin Travertenlerin Fiziko-Mekanik Özelliklerine Birlikte Etkisi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(32), 1-6.