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Borik Asit-Gliserin’ in Reolojik Özelliklerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi

Year 2022, , 26 - 31, 31.05.2022


Bu çalışmada kütlece %0.1-1 bölüntülerde gliserin içerisinde hazırlanmış borik asit solüsyonların reolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Reolojik ölçümler stress kontrollü reometre kullanılarak 20-50 oC sıcaklıklarda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Reolojik ölçümler, lineer ve lineer olmayan viskoelastisite ölçümleri olmak üzere iki farklı yöntem ile yapılmıştır. Doğrusal olmayan viskoelastik ölçümlerde solüsyonun kayma hızına karşı viskozitesinin değişimi, hem farklı kütle fraksiyonları için hem de sabit bir kütle fraksiyonunda farklı sıcaklıklar için incelenmiştir. Diğer bir deneysel aşamada ise frekans bağımlı depolama G' ve kayıp modülü G'', küçük salınım kayma gerilimi altında ölçülerek akışkanın elastik davranışı belirlenmiştir. Farklı kütlesel fraksiyonlarda hazırlanan örneklerin detaylı reolojik analizleri sonucunda; tüm solüsyonların Newton kuralına uyan akışkan davranışı gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca artan sıcaklıkla solüsyonların viskozitesinin azaldığı açıkça görülmüştür. Gerçekleştirilen doğrusal reolojik ölçümler sonucunda G''> G' olduğundan, verilen frekans aralığında solüsyonların viskoz davranış özelliği gösterdiği gözlenmiştir.


  • Aliasgharlou, N., Sana, F. A., Khoshbakht, S., Zolfaghari, P., & Charkhian, H. (2020). Fabrication and characterization of boric acid-crosslinked ethyl cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol films as potential drug release systems for topical drug delivery. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 44(6), 1723-1732.
  • Behr, A. (2008). The Future of Glycerol. New Usages for a Versatile Raw Material. By Mario Pagliaro and Michele Rossi.
  • Bilgili, H., Öztürk, B., Özdemir, S., & Yetkin, E. (2014). Koroner arter ektazisi olan hastalarda plazma viskozitesi. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 36(3), 362-367.
  • Chilakamarry, C. R., Sakinah, A. M., Zularisam, A. W., Pandey, A., & Vo, D. V. N. (2021). Technological perspectives for utilisation of waste glycerol for the production of biofuels: A review. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 24, 101902.
  • Cook, S. G. (2009). Borate fluxes in ceramic bodies. W hitewares, 23(2002), 47.
  • Durin‐France, A., Ferry, L., Lopez Cuesta, J. M., & Crespy, A. (2000). Magnesium hydroxide/zinc borate/talc compositions as flame‐retardants in EVA copolymer. Polymer International, 49(10), 1101-1105.
  • Ertürk, N., & Ay, S. B. (2022). Effect of Ethylene Glycol and Glycerol Concentrations on Properties of Rye-Based Films. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (34), 705-710.
  • Gadhave, R. V., Mahanwar, P. A., Gadekar, P. T., & Kasbe, P. S. (2020). A study on the effect of starch–polyvinyl alcohol blends by addition of citric acid and boric acid for enhancement in performance properties of polyvinyl acetate-based wood adhesive. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 17(1), 9-20.
  • Hazrol, M. D., Sapuan, S. M., Zainudin, E. S., Zuhri, M. Y. M., & Abdul Wahab, N. I. (2021). Corn starch (Zea mays) biopolymer plastic reaction in combination with sorbitol and glycerol. Polymers, 13(2), 242.
  • Haesebrouck, F., Baele, M., De Keyser, H., Hermans, K., & Pasmans, F. (2009). Antimicrobial activity of an acetic and boric acid solution against Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 78(2), 89-90.
  • Kapukaya, R., & Ciloglu, O. (2020). Treatment of chronic wounds with polyurethane sponges impregnated with boric acid particles: A randomised controlled trial. International Wound Journal, 17(5), 1159-1165.
  • Keklikcioğlu Çakmak, N., Temel, Ü. N., & YAPICI, K. (2017). Grafen Oksit-Su Nanoakışkanlarının Reolojik Davranışlarının İncelenmesi. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 38(4 ek), 176-183.
  • Larsson, E., Donzel-Gargand, O., Heinrichs, J., & Jacobson, S. (2022). Tribofilm formation of a boric acid fuel additive–Material characterization; challenges and insights. Tribology International, 107541.
  • Lee, E. J., & Kim, B. C. (2013). The effects of boric acid on the rheological behavior of time dependent structure formation in PVA/DMSO solutions. Fibers and Polymers, 14(12), 2097-2102.
  • Lima, P. J. M., da Silva, R. M., Neto, C. A. C. G., Gomes e Silva, N. C., Souza, J. E. D. S., Nunes, Y. L., & Sousa dos Santos, J. C. (2021). An overview on the conversion of glycerol to value‐added industrial products via chemical and biochemical routes. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry.
  • Ma, Q., He, T., Khan, A. M., Wang, Q., & Chung, Y. W. (2021). Achieving macroscale liquid superlubricity using glycerol aqueous solutions. Tribology International, 160, 107006.
  • Nur, P. F., Pınar, T., Uğur, P., Ayşenur, Y., Murat, E., & Kenan, Y. (2021). Fabrication of polyamide 6/honey/boric acid mats by electrohydrodynamic processes for wound healing applications. Materials Today Communications, 29, 102921.
  • Tezel, G. B. (2021). A Study on Tunable Viscoelastic Properties of Xhantan Gum and Sodium Alginate Hyrogelling System. Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 55(3), 464-471.
  • Tan, H. W., Aziz, A. A., & Aroua, M. K. (2013). Glycerol production and its applications as a raw material: A review. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 27, 118-127.
  • Tarique, J., Sapuan, S. M., & Khalina, A. (2021). Effect of glycerol plasticizer loading on the physical, mechanical, thermal, and barrier properties of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) starch biopolymers. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-17.
  • Zapol, P., Curtiss, L. A., & Erdemir, A. (2000). Periodic ab initio calculations of orthoboric acid. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 113(8), 3338-3343.
  • Zhu, X., Zhang, Y., Deng, J., & Luo, X. (2018). Effect of Glycerol on the Properties of the Cross‐Linked Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Beads. ChemistrySelect, 3(2), 467-470.

Experimental Investigation of Rheological Properties of Boric Acid-Glycerin

Year 2022, , 26 - 31, 31.05.2022


In this study, the rheological properties of boric acid solutions prepared in glycerine in 0.1-1% aliquots by mass were investigated. Rheological measurements were carried out at 20-50 oC using a stress-controlled rheometer. Rheological measurements were made with two different methods, linear and non-linear viscoelasticity measurements. The variation of viscosity of the solution versus shear rate in nonlinear viscoelastic measurements was investigated both for different mass fractions and for different temperatures at a constant mass fraction. In another experimental step, the elastic behavior of the fluid was determined by measuring frequency dependent storage G' and loss modulus G'' under small swing shear stress. As a result of detailed rheological analysis of the samples prepared in different mass fractions; It was determined that all solutions showed fluid behavior in accordance with Newton's rule. It was also clearly seen that the viscosity of the solutions decreased with increasing temperature. As a result of the linear rheological measurements performed, it was observed that the solutions showed viscous behavior in the given frequency range, since G'' > G'.


  • Aliasgharlou, N., Sana, F. A., Khoshbakht, S., Zolfaghari, P., & Charkhian, H. (2020). Fabrication and characterization of boric acid-crosslinked ethyl cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol films as potential drug release systems for topical drug delivery. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 44(6), 1723-1732.
  • Behr, A. (2008). The Future of Glycerol. New Usages for a Versatile Raw Material. By Mario Pagliaro and Michele Rossi.
  • Bilgili, H., Öztürk, B., Özdemir, S., & Yetkin, E. (2014). Koroner arter ektazisi olan hastalarda plazma viskozitesi. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 36(3), 362-367.
  • Chilakamarry, C. R., Sakinah, A. M., Zularisam, A. W., Pandey, A., & Vo, D. V. N. (2021). Technological perspectives for utilisation of waste glycerol for the production of biofuels: A review. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 24, 101902.
  • Cook, S. G. (2009). Borate fluxes in ceramic bodies. W hitewares, 23(2002), 47.
  • Durin‐France, A., Ferry, L., Lopez Cuesta, J. M., & Crespy, A. (2000). Magnesium hydroxide/zinc borate/talc compositions as flame‐retardants in EVA copolymer. Polymer International, 49(10), 1101-1105.
  • Ertürk, N., & Ay, S. B. (2022). Effect of Ethylene Glycol and Glycerol Concentrations on Properties of Rye-Based Films. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (34), 705-710.
  • Gadhave, R. V., Mahanwar, P. A., Gadekar, P. T., & Kasbe, P. S. (2020). A study on the effect of starch–polyvinyl alcohol blends by addition of citric acid and boric acid for enhancement in performance properties of polyvinyl acetate-based wood adhesive. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 17(1), 9-20.
  • Hazrol, M. D., Sapuan, S. M., Zainudin, E. S., Zuhri, M. Y. M., & Abdul Wahab, N. I. (2021). Corn starch (Zea mays) biopolymer plastic reaction in combination with sorbitol and glycerol. Polymers, 13(2), 242.
  • Haesebrouck, F., Baele, M., De Keyser, H., Hermans, K., & Pasmans, F. (2009). Antimicrobial activity of an acetic and boric acid solution against Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 78(2), 89-90.
  • Kapukaya, R., & Ciloglu, O. (2020). Treatment of chronic wounds with polyurethane sponges impregnated with boric acid particles: A randomised controlled trial. International Wound Journal, 17(5), 1159-1165.
  • Keklikcioğlu Çakmak, N., Temel, Ü. N., & YAPICI, K. (2017). Grafen Oksit-Su Nanoakışkanlarının Reolojik Davranışlarının İncelenmesi. Cumhuriyet Science Journal, 38(4 ek), 176-183.
  • Larsson, E., Donzel-Gargand, O., Heinrichs, J., & Jacobson, S. (2022). Tribofilm formation of a boric acid fuel additive–Material characterization; challenges and insights. Tribology International, 107541.
  • Lee, E. J., & Kim, B. C. (2013). The effects of boric acid on the rheological behavior of time dependent structure formation in PVA/DMSO solutions. Fibers and Polymers, 14(12), 2097-2102.
  • Lima, P. J. M., da Silva, R. M., Neto, C. A. C. G., Gomes e Silva, N. C., Souza, J. E. D. S., Nunes, Y. L., & Sousa dos Santos, J. C. (2021). An overview on the conversion of glycerol to value‐added industrial products via chemical and biochemical routes. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry.
  • Ma, Q., He, T., Khan, A. M., Wang, Q., & Chung, Y. W. (2021). Achieving macroscale liquid superlubricity using glycerol aqueous solutions. Tribology International, 160, 107006.
  • Nur, P. F., Pınar, T., Uğur, P., Ayşenur, Y., Murat, E., & Kenan, Y. (2021). Fabrication of polyamide 6/honey/boric acid mats by electrohydrodynamic processes for wound healing applications. Materials Today Communications, 29, 102921.
  • Tezel, G. B. (2021). A Study on Tunable Viscoelastic Properties of Xhantan Gum and Sodium Alginate Hyrogelling System. Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 55(3), 464-471.
  • Tan, H. W., Aziz, A. A., & Aroua, M. K. (2013). Glycerol production and its applications as a raw material: A review. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 27, 118-127.
  • Tarique, J., Sapuan, S. M., & Khalina, A. (2021). Effect of glycerol plasticizer loading on the physical, mechanical, thermal, and barrier properties of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) starch biopolymers. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-17.
  • Zapol, P., Curtiss, L. A., & Erdemir, A. (2000). Periodic ab initio calculations of orthoboric acid. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 113(8), 3338-3343.
  • Zhu, X., Zhang, Y., Deng, J., & Luo, X. (2018). Effect of Glycerol on the Properties of the Cross‐Linked Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Beads. ChemistrySelect, 3(2), 467-470.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Gamze Topal Canbaz 0000-0001-7615-7627

Neşe Keklikcioğlu Çakmak 0000-0002-8634-9232

Publication Date May 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Topal Canbaz, G., & Keklikcioğlu Çakmak, N. (2022). Borik Asit-Gliserin’ in Reolojik Özelliklerinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(36), 26-31.