Research Article
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Eğitim Yönetiminin Zorluklarını Yönetmek: Öğrenme Çıktılarını Geliştirmek İçin Gerçekleştirilen En İyi Uygulamalar

Year 2023, , 68 - 74, 31.03.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, eğitim yönetiminin karşılaştığı temel zorlukları incelemek ve bu zorlukların ele alınması için en iyi uygulamalara ilişkin içgörüler sunmaktır. Araştırma, değişen eğitim ortamını ve kaynakların etkin ve verimli yönetimine yönelik artan talebi, eğitim yönetiminde teknolojinin rolünü ve eğitim yönetiminde liderliğin önemini araştırmaktadır. Çalışma, kapsamlı bir literatür taraması ve eğitim yönetimindeki güncel uygulamaların analizi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bulgular, devam eden mesleki gelişime, güçlü ortaklıkların ve iş birliklerinin geliştirilmesine ve etkili veri odaklı karar alma süreçlerinin uygulanmasına duyulan ihtiyacı vurgulamaktadır. Sonuçlar, etkili eğitim yönetiminin, eğitim sistemlerinin karmaşıklıklarının derinlemesine anlaşılmasını ve paydaşlarla etkili bir şekilde iş birliği yapma yeteneğini gerektirdiğini göstermektedir. Teknoloji, karar vermeyi iyileştirmede ve kaynak tahsisini desteklemede çok önemli bir rol oynarken, güçlü liderlik becerileri, inovasyon kültürü ve destekleyici ve kapsayıcı bir çalışma ortamı başarı için kritik öneme sahiptir. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma eğitim sistemlerinin kalitesini ve etkinliğini artırmak için pratik stratejiler sunmaktadır. Bulgular, öğrencilerin mümkün olan en iyi eğitimi almalarını ve kaynakların verimli ve etkili bir şekilde kullanılmasını sağlamak için eğitim yönetiminin karşılaştığı zorlukların ele alınmasının önemini vurgulamaktadır.


  • Aarkrog, V., & Wahlgren, B. (2022). Goal orientation and decision-making in education. Vocations and Learning, 15(1), 71-86. doi:
  • Abate, S. G., & Adamu, A. Y. (2022). Stakeholders’ participation in adult education programme development in Ethiopia. International journal of lifelong education, 41(3), 257-276. doi:
  • Aslan, S. K., Yalçın, B., Göktepe, N., Türkmen, E., Canbolat, S., Bakoğlu, N., & Serbest, Ş. (2022). Effects of demographic, occupational, and practice environment variables on organizational silence among nurse managers. International Nursing Review, 69(2), 132-138. doi:
  • Boff, D. S., & Zulianelo, I. (2021). Desafios na gestão escolar: narrativas de diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos de escolas públicas. Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, 25(3), 2163-2177. doi:
  • Boveda, M., & Weinberg, A. E. (2022). Centering racialized educators in collaborative teacher education: The development of the intersectionally conscious collaboration protocol. Teacher Education and Special Education, 45(1), 8-26. doi:
  • Bronwen, L., Farmer, F., Levitan, J., Kisber, L. B., Rosenberg, A., Maccannell, E., . . . Starr, L. (2022). Exploring the limits of 21st century educational change discourses. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 1-13. doi:
  • Camarena, L., & Fusi, F. (2022). Always connected: Technology use increases technostress among public managers. The American Review of Public Administration, 52(2), 154-168. doi:
  • Da‐Hong, L., Hong‐Yan, L., Wei, L., Guo, J. J., & En‐Zhong, L. (2020). Application of flipped classroom based on the Rain Classroom in the teaching of computer‐aided landscape design. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(2), 357-366. doi:
  • Even- Zahav, A., Widder, M., & Hazzan, O. (2022). From teacher professional development to teacher personal-professional growth: the case of expert STEM teachers. Teacher Development, 26(3), 299-316. doi:
  • García-Martínez, I., Montenegro-Rueda, M., Molina-Fernández, E., & Fernández-Batanero, J. M. (2021). Mapping teacher collaboration for school success. Effectiveness and School Improvement, 32(4), 631-649. doi:
  • Hallinger, P., & Kulophas, D. (2020). The evolving knowledge base on leadership and teacher professional learning: a bibliometric analysis of the literature,1960-2018. Professional development in education, 46(4), 521-540. doi:
  • Ifenthaler, D. (2022). A systems perspective on data and analytics for distance education. Distance Education, 43(2), 333-341. doi:
  • Kazu, İ. Y., Kazu H. & Kuvvetli, M. (2022). Evaluation of studies on language skill areas of digital game-based foreign. Social Sceince Development Journal, 7(29), 117-127.
  • Knapp, M. (2020). Between legal requirements and local traditions in school improvement reform in Austria: School leaders as gap managers. European Journal of Education, 55(2), 169-182. doi:
  • Leithwood, K., Harris, A., & Hopkins, D. (2008). Seven strong claims about successful school leadership. School Leadership and Management, 28(1), 27-42. doi:
  • Loukis Euripidis , N., Manolis, M., & Niki, K. (2020). Artificial intelligence-based public sector data analytics for economic crisis policymaking. Transforming Government- People Process and Policy, 14(4), 639-662. doi:
  • Mayger, L. K., & Hochbein, C. D. (2020). Growing Connected: Relational Trust and Social Capital in Community Schools. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 26(3), 210-235. doi:
  • Mayo, I. C., García-Martín, S., Rodríguez, R. C., & Grande-de-Prado, M. (2021). Calidad y liderazgo sostenible. International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 9(1), 76-91. doi:
  • Özdemir, N., Gün, F., & Yirmibeş, A. (2021). Learning–centred leadership and student achievement: Understanding the mediating effect of the teacher professional community and parental involvement. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 0(0), 1-21. doi:
  • Riadi, R. M. (2021). School Financial Management based on Accountability and Transparency. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 13(2), 1-14. doi:
  • Shirley, D. (2020). Vectors of educational change: An introduction to the twentieth anniversary issue of the Journal of Educational Change. Journal of Educational Change, 21, 385-392. doi:
  • Tashakkori, A., Teddlie, C., & Teddlie, C. B. (1998). Mixed methodology: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches (Vol. 46). California: SAGE.
  • Wilcox, K. (2021). Interrogating the discourses of ‘teaching excellence’in higher education. European Educational Research Journal, 20(1), 42-58. doi:
  • Xiaodong, J., Chong, Q., Chenhao, H., & Shu, Y. (2021, 07 01). Energy-efficient resource management for OFDM modulated bidirectional relaying with quality-of-service constraint. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 1(136), 1-19. doi:
  • Yu, S. A. (2021). Application of computer information technology in college physical education using fuzzy evaluation theory. Computational Intelligence, 37(3), 1181-1198. doi:

Navigating the Challenges of Education Management Best Practices for Improving Student Outcomes

Year 2023, , 68 - 74, 31.03.2023


The purpose of this study is to examine the key challenges facing education management and to offer insights into best practices for addressing these challenges. The research investigates the shifting educational landscape and the increasing demand for effective and efficient management of resources, the role of technology in education management, and the importance of leadership in education management. The study was conducted using a comprehensive literature review and analysis of current practices in education management. The findings highlight the need for ongoing professional development, the development of strong partnerships and collaborations, and the implementation of effective data-driven decision-making processes. The results indicate that effective education management requires a deep understanding of the complexities of educational systems and the ability to collaborate effectively with stakeholders. Technology plays a crucial role in improving decision making and supporting resource allocation, while strong leadership skills, a culture of innovation, and a supportive and inclusive work environment are critical to success. In conclusion, this study offers practical strategies for enhancing the quality and effectiveness of educational systems. The findings emphasize the importance of addressing the challenges facing education management in order to ensure that students receive the best possible education and that resources are used efficiently and effectively.

Supporting Institution

Fırat University


We would like to express our gratitude to all those who have contributed to the completion of this article. Firstly, we would like to thank our colleagues and mentors who have provided us with invaluable guidance and support throughout the writing process. Their insights and feedback have been instrumental in shaping the ideas presented here. We would also like to thank the educators and administrators who have shared their experiences and expertise with us. Their insights into the challenges and opportunities of education management have been invaluable in informing our recommendations. Finally, we would like to express our appreciation to the students who inspire us with their passion for learning and their dedication to achieving their goals. It is their success that motivates us to explore best practices in education management and work towards improving student outcomes. Without the contributions of these individuals, this article would not have been possible. We are grateful for their support and guidance, and we hope that this article will contribute to the ongoing efforts to improve education management and promote student success.


  • Aarkrog, V., & Wahlgren, B. (2022). Goal orientation and decision-making in education. Vocations and Learning, 15(1), 71-86. doi:
  • Abate, S. G., & Adamu, A. Y. (2022). Stakeholders’ participation in adult education programme development in Ethiopia. International journal of lifelong education, 41(3), 257-276. doi:
  • Aslan, S. K., Yalçın, B., Göktepe, N., Türkmen, E., Canbolat, S., Bakoğlu, N., & Serbest, Ş. (2022). Effects of demographic, occupational, and practice environment variables on organizational silence among nurse managers. International Nursing Review, 69(2), 132-138. doi:
  • Boff, D. S., & Zulianelo, I. (2021). Desafios na gestão escolar: narrativas de diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos de escolas públicas. Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional, 25(3), 2163-2177. doi:
  • Boveda, M., & Weinberg, A. E. (2022). Centering racialized educators in collaborative teacher education: The development of the intersectionally conscious collaboration protocol. Teacher Education and Special Education, 45(1), 8-26. doi:
  • Bronwen, L., Farmer, F., Levitan, J., Kisber, L. B., Rosenberg, A., Maccannell, E., . . . Starr, L. (2022). Exploring the limits of 21st century educational change discourses. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 1-13. doi:
  • Camarena, L., & Fusi, F. (2022). Always connected: Technology use increases technostress among public managers. The American Review of Public Administration, 52(2), 154-168. doi:
  • Da‐Hong, L., Hong‐Yan, L., Wei, L., Guo, J. J., & En‐Zhong, L. (2020). Application of flipped classroom based on the Rain Classroom in the teaching of computer‐aided landscape design. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(2), 357-366. doi:
  • Even- Zahav, A., Widder, M., & Hazzan, O. (2022). From teacher professional development to teacher personal-professional growth: the case of expert STEM teachers. Teacher Development, 26(3), 299-316. doi:
  • García-Martínez, I., Montenegro-Rueda, M., Molina-Fernández, E., & Fernández-Batanero, J. M. (2021). Mapping teacher collaboration for school success. Effectiveness and School Improvement, 32(4), 631-649. doi:
  • Hallinger, P., & Kulophas, D. (2020). The evolving knowledge base on leadership and teacher professional learning: a bibliometric analysis of the literature,1960-2018. Professional development in education, 46(4), 521-540. doi:
  • Ifenthaler, D. (2022). A systems perspective on data and analytics for distance education. Distance Education, 43(2), 333-341. doi:
  • Kazu, İ. Y., Kazu H. & Kuvvetli, M. (2022). Evaluation of studies on language skill areas of digital game-based foreign. Social Sceince Development Journal, 7(29), 117-127.
  • Knapp, M. (2020). Between legal requirements and local traditions in school improvement reform in Austria: School leaders as gap managers. European Journal of Education, 55(2), 169-182. doi:
  • Leithwood, K., Harris, A., & Hopkins, D. (2008). Seven strong claims about successful school leadership. School Leadership and Management, 28(1), 27-42. doi:
  • Loukis Euripidis , N., Manolis, M., & Niki, K. (2020). Artificial intelligence-based public sector data analytics for economic crisis policymaking. Transforming Government- People Process and Policy, 14(4), 639-662. doi:
  • Mayger, L. K., & Hochbein, C. D. (2020). Growing Connected: Relational Trust and Social Capital in Community Schools. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 26(3), 210-235. doi:
  • Mayo, I. C., García-Martín, S., Rodríguez, R. C., & Grande-de-Prado, M. (2021). Calidad y liderazgo sostenible. International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 9(1), 76-91. doi:
  • Özdemir, N., Gün, F., & Yirmibeş, A. (2021). Learning–centred leadership and student achievement: Understanding the mediating effect of the teacher professional community and parental involvement. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 0(0), 1-21. doi:
  • Riadi, R. M. (2021). School Financial Management based on Accountability and Transparency. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 13(2), 1-14. doi:
  • Shirley, D. (2020). Vectors of educational change: An introduction to the twentieth anniversary issue of the Journal of Educational Change. Journal of Educational Change, 21, 385-392. doi:
  • Tashakkori, A., Teddlie, C., & Teddlie, C. B. (1998). Mixed methodology: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches (Vol. 46). California: SAGE.
  • Wilcox, K. (2021). Interrogating the discourses of ‘teaching excellence’in higher education. European Educational Research Journal, 20(1), 42-58. doi:
  • Xiaodong, J., Chong, Q., Chenhao, H., & Shu, Y. (2021, 07 01). Energy-efficient resource management for OFDM modulated bidirectional relaying with quality-of-service constraint. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 1(136), 1-19. doi:
  • Yu, S. A. (2021). Application of computer information technology in college physical education using fuzzy evaluation theory. Computational Intelligence, 37(3), 1181-1198. doi:
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

İbrahim Yaşar Kazu 0000-0002-1039-0482

Murat Kuvvetli 0000-0001-6343-6459

Publication Date March 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Kazu, İ. Y., & Kuvvetli, M. (2023). Navigating the Challenges of Education Management Best Practices for Improving Student Outcomes. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(49), 68-74.