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Atık Yönetiminde Döngüsel Ekonomi Modeli ve Döngülerin Tasarımına İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2019, , 18 - 27, 31.03.2019
An Erratum to this article was published on January 31, 2023.


İlk iki sanayi devriminden sonra teknolojik sosyal, ekonomik gelişmelerle hızla ilerleyen lineer ekonominin çevre üzerinde çok olumsuz geri dönüşü olmayan sonuçları olmuştur. Küresel kaynak kullanım hızlı bir oranda artarken, tek kullanımlık yaşam tarzlarımız gezegeni al, yap, kullan, at dünyası haline getirmiştir. Mevcut düzendeki lineer ekonomi modelinin sürdürülebilir olmadığı daha da açık hale gelmiştir, bunun yanı artan nüfus, refah, eşitsizlik ve tüketim, demografik değişim ve kaynaklar üzerindeki talep bu modeli daha da sürdürülemez kılmaktadır. Mevcut tahminler, toplam küresel tüketimin gezegenin kendini yenileme kapasitesini şimdiden %50 oranında aştığını göstermektedir. Doğal kaynakların kullanımının rasyonelleşmesi ve sürdürülebilir olmayan üretim ve tüketim kalıplarının değiştirilmesi için bir şey yapılmadığı takdirde, zaten kritik olan bu durum giderek daha da kötüleşmeye devam edecektir. Gelecek nesillerin ihtiyaçlarından ödün vermeden, toplumu, daha az doğal kaynak girdisiyle daha fazla değer yarabilen bir topluma geçirmek amacıyla, hammadde, kaynak ve yenilenebilir enerji kullanımlarını esas alan yeni bir ekonomik sistemin ortaya çıkması neredeyse bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Avrupa Birliği, Çin ve pek çok hükümet tarafından da desteklenen ve günümüzde giderek önem kazanmaya başlayan “Döngüsel Ekonomi Modeli”ne ilişkin bu çalışmada, atık yönetimi kapsamında döngüsel ekonomi modeli incelenmiş ve sistemin temelini oluşturan döngülere ve tasarım stratejilerine değinilmiştir.


  • Andrews, D., (2015), The circular economy, design thinking and education for sustainability, Local Economy, 30(3), 305-315.
  • Anonymous 2018. Basel Convention.
  • Bocken, N. M., de Pauw, I., Bakker, C., & Van der Grinten,B., (2016), Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 33(5), 308-320.
  • Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı (ÇŞB), By-Law on Waste Management, Official Gazette: 2 April 2015, No: 29314,, Accessed: 11.05.2017.
  • European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) (2015), Circular Economy: A Commentary from the Perspectives of the Natural and Social Sciences. reports_statements/EASAC_Circular_Economy_. Web.pdf,Accessed: 20.10.2017.
  • European Environment Agency- EEA (2014), Waste Prevention Report, Accessed: 03.11.2017.
  • EEA (2014), Waste Prevention Report, 03.11.2017.
  • EEA (2016), Circular Economy in Europe- Developing the Knowledge Base,,Accessed: 04.02.2017
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation- EMF (2015a), Towards the circular economy. Economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition., Accessed: 20.12.2017.
  • EMF (2015b), Delivering the Circular Economy – A Toolkit for Policymakers. Accessed: 11.12. 2017.
  • Haas, W., Krausmann, F., Wiedenhofer, D., & Heinz, M.,(2015), How circular is the global economy?: An assessment of material flows, waste production, and recycling in the European Union and the world in 2005, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(5), 765-777.
  • Huda, K. M. N., (2008), Municipal Solid Waste Management - Bangladesh Perspective. Dhaka: Academic Press and Publishers Library,
  • IPCC (2013), Fifth Assessment Report - Climate Change 2013 - IPCC.
  • Korhonen, J., Nuur, C., Feldmann, A., & Birkie, S. E.,(2018), Circular economy as an essentially contested concept. Journal of Cleaner Production, 175, 544-552.
  • McDonough, W. and Braungart M., (2002), Cradle to cradle: Remaking the way we make things, New York, NY: North Point Press.
  • Murray, A., Skene K. and Haynes. K., (2017), The Circular Economy: An interdisciplinary exploration of the concept and its application in a global context, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 140, No.3, pp. 369-380.
  • Murray, S. J., Foster, P. N., & Prentice, I. C., (2012), Future global water resources with respect to climate change and water withdrawals as estimated by a dynamic global vegetation model, Journal of Hydrology, 448, 14-29. OECD (2011), INDICATORS. Towards Green Growth : Monitoring progress.
  • Rizos, V., (2017), Circular Economy: Definitions, Business challenges and the way forward. Proceedings of the Beyond WCEF2017: The European Union Advancing a Global Circular Economy, Brussels, Belgium, 11.
  • Schaffartzik, A., Mayer, A., Gingrich, S., Eisenmenger, N., Loy, C., & Krausmann, F., (2014), The global metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950–2010. Global Environmental Change, 26, 87-97.
  • UNEP (2006), Circular Economy: An alternative for economic development.
  • Wilson, D.C., L. Rodic, A. Scheinberg et al., (2012), Comparative analysis of solid waste management in 20 cities,Waste Management & Research, 30(3), 237-254
  • Wilson, D. C., Rodic, L., Modak, P., Soos, R., Carpintero Rogero, A., Velis, C., ... & Simonett, O., (2015), Global Waste Management Outlook (GWMO); Prepared for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and International Solid Waste Association (ISWA); Wilson, DC, Ed. UNEP International Environment Technology Centre (IETC): Osaka, Japan.

An Evaluation on the Circular Economy Model and the Loops Design in the Context of Waste Management

Year 2019, , 18 - 27, 31.03.2019
An Erratum to this article was published on January 31, 2023.


The linear economy, which has gone further with the technological, social and economic developments after the two industrial revolutions, had very negative irreversible consequences on the environment. Our disposable lifestyles have transformed the planet into a ‘take-make- use and throw’ world, while the global resource use has increased rapidly. It is now much clearer that this business as usual linear economy model is not sustainable; besides, increasing population, welfare, inequality and consumption, demographic changes and demand on resources make this model even more unsustainable. Current estimates show that total global consumption has already exceeded 50% of the planet's self-renewal capacity. If nothing is done to rationalize the use of natural resources and to change those unsustainable production and consumption patterns, the situation that is already critical will continue to deteriorate further. Without compromising the needs of future generations, to turn the society into a one that can create more value with less natural resource input, a new economic system based on the use of raw materials, resources and renewable energy is almost a necessity. This study focuses on the ‘Circular Economy Model’, which has gained more importance nowadays and also supported by the European Union (EU), China and many governments also; examines the model within the scope of waste management, along with the loops underlying the system and the design strategies.


  • Andrews, D., (2015), The circular economy, design thinking and education for sustainability, Local Economy, 30(3), 305-315.
  • Anonymous 2018. Basel Convention.
  • Bocken, N. M., de Pauw, I., Bakker, C., & Van der Grinten,B., (2016), Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 33(5), 308-320.
  • Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı (ÇŞB), By-Law on Waste Management, Official Gazette: 2 April 2015, No: 29314,, Accessed: 11.05.2017.
  • European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) (2015), Circular Economy: A Commentary from the Perspectives of the Natural and Social Sciences. reports_statements/EASAC_Circular_Economy_. Web.pdf,Accessed: 20.10.2017.
  • European Environment Agency- EEA (2014), Waste Prevention Report, Accessed: 03.11.2017.
  • EEA (2014), Waste Prevention Report, 03.11.2017.
  • EEA (2016), Circular Economy in Europe- Developing the Knowledge Base,,Accessed: 04.02.2017
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation- EMF (2015a), Towards the circular economy. Economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition., Accessed: 20.12.2017.
  • EMF (2015b), Delivering the Circular Economy – A Toolkit for Policymakers. Accessed: 11.12. 2017.
  • Haas, W., Krausmann, F., Wiedenhofer, D., & Heinz, M.,(2015), How circular is the global economy?: An assessment of material flows, waste production, and recycling in the European Union and the world in 2005, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(5), 765-777.
  • Huda, K. M. N., (2008), Municipal Solid Waste Management - Bangladesh Perspective. Dhaka: Academic Press and Publishers Library,
  • IPCC (2013), Fifth Assessment Report - Climate Change 2013 - IPCC.
  • Korhonen, J., Nuur, C., Feldmann, A., & Birkie, S. E.,(2018), Circular economy as an essentially contested concept. Journal of Cleaner Production, 175, 544-552.
  • McDonough, W. and Braungart M., (2002), Cradle to cradle: Remaking the way we make things, New York, NY: North Point Press.
  • Murray, A., Skene K. and Haynes. K., (2017), The Circular Economy: An interdisciplinary exploration of the concept and its application in a global context, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 140, No.3, pp. 369-380.
  • Murray, S. J., Foster, P. N., & Prentice, I. C., (2012), Future global water resources with respect to climate change and water withdrawals as estimated by a dynamic global vegetation model, Journal of Hydrology, 448, 14-29. OECD (2011), INDICATORS. Towards Green Growth : Monitoring progress.
  • Rizos, V., (2017), Circular Economy: Definitions, Business challenges and the way forward. Proceedings of the Beyond WCEF2017: The European Union Advancing a Global Circular Economy, Brussels, Belgium, 11.
  • Schaffartzik, A., Mayer, A., Gingrich, S., Eisenmenger, N., Loy, C., & Krausmann, F., (2014), The global metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950–2010. Global Environmental Change, 26, 87-97.
  • UNEP (2006), Circular Economy: An alternative for economic development.
  • Wilson, D.C., L. Rodic, A. Scheinberg et al., (2012), Comparative analysis of solid waste management in 20 cities,Waste Management & Research, 30(3), 237-254
  • Wilson, D. C., Rodic, L., Modak, P., Soos, R., Carpintero Rogero, A., Velis, C., ... & Simonett, O., (2015), Global Waste Management Outlook (GWMO); Prepared for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and International Solid Waste Association (ISWA); Wilson, DC, Ed. UNEP International Environment Technology Centre (IETC): Osaka, Japan.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Evren Sapmaz Veral 0000-0002-7936-7416

Publication Date March 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Sapmaz Veral, E. (2019). An Evaluation on the Circular Economy Model and the Loops Design in the Context of Waste Management. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(15), 18-27.