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Bazı hayvan karaciğerlerinin mineral ve ağır metal içerkleri

Year 2019, , 302 - 307, 31.03.2019


tavuk, keçi, bıldırcın, koyun ve beş farklı ördek karaciğerlerinin mineral ve
ağır metal içerikleri, İndüktif Olarak Eşleşmiş Plazma-Atomik Emisyon
Spektroskopisi (ICP-AES) ile belirlenmiştir. Karaciğerlerin P içeriği 8172.87
mg / Kg (Civil) ila 10051.46 mg / kg (keçi) arasında değişmiştir. Ek olarak,
karaciğer numunelerinin K içeriği 7848.39 mg / Kg (Kaşıkcı) ile 10404.48 mg /
kg (tavuk) arasında bulunmuştur. Karaciğerlerin Ca içerikleri 117.46 mg / kg
(keçi) ile 316.78 mg / kg (bıldırcın) arasında değişirken, Mg içeriği 475.69 mg
/ kg (sığır eti) ve 769.32 mg / kg (tavuk) arasında değişmektedir. Bu
çalışmada, bıldırcın karaciğerinin en yüksek demir konsantrasyonlarını (413.41
mg / Kg) içerdiğini, ardından sırasıyla tavuk (363.88 mg / Kg), keçi (138.47 mg
/ Kg), koyun (114.40 mg / Kg) ve sığır eti (102.20 mg / Kilogram)
belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, numunelerin Zn içerikleri 49.69 mg / Kg (bıldırcın) ve
104.20 mg / Kg (Civil) arasında değişmiştir. Karaciğerlerin Fe içeriği 669.12
mg / Kg (Civil) ila 3808.90 mg / Kg (Kıl) arasında değişirken, Na içeriği
3142.2 mg / Kg (Yeşil) ile 4756.8 mg / Kg (Kıl) arasında bulunmuştur.
Karaciğerlerin Cu içerikleri 16.48 mg / Kg (Kıl) ile 72.73 mg / Kg (Civil)
arasında belirlenmiştir. Karaciğer tiplerinin mineral içeriğinde anlamlı
farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir (p <0.05). Bu çalışmada araştırılan
hayvanların karaciğerleri sağlık için iyi bir 
takviye gıda olarak kullanılabilir.


  • ReferencesAbu-Salem, F.M., Abou Arab, E.A. 2010. Chemical properties, microbiological quality and sensory evaluation of chicken and duck liver parte (foie gras). Grasas y Aceites 61(2),126-135.
  • Akan, J.C., Abdulrahman, F.I. , Sodipo, O.A. 2010. Chiroma. Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Liver, Kidney and Meat of Beef, Mutton, Caprine and Chicken from Kasuwan Shanu Market in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol. 2(8), 743-748.
  • Baykov, B.D., Stoyanov, M.P., Gugova, M.L. 1996. Cadmium and lead bioaccumulation in male chickens for high food concentrations. Toxicol. Environ. Chem. 54,155-159.
  • Doneley, B., 2004. Treating liver disease in the avian patient. Saminars in avian and exotic pet. Med. 13, 8-15.
  • FAO, 1995. Standard for contaminants and toxins in consumer products human and animal. Codex ata. 193.
  • Guitart, R., Torra, M., Cerradelo, S., Puig-Casado, P., Mateo, R., To-Figueras, J. (1994). Pb, Cd, As, and S concentrations in livers of dead wild birds from the Ebro Delta, Spain. Bulletin Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 52, 523.Hussain, R.Th., Ebraheem, M. Kh., Moker, H.M. 2012. Assessment of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn) contents in livers of chicken available in the local markets of Basrah city, Fraq. Basrah J. Vet. Res.11, 43-51.
  • Janet, C.K., Carl, L.K., 1994. Zinc. In: Maurice, E.S., James, A.O., Moshes, S.L., Febiger (eds.), Modern nutrition in Health and disease. 8th edn. Part I. pp:227-228.
  • John, H.H., Jeanne, I.R. 1994. Food Additives, contaminants and Natural Toxins. In: Maurice, E.S., James, A.O., Moshe, S.L. and Febiger, (eds), Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 8th Edn, Part II, pp:1597-1598.
  • Iwegbue, C.M.A. Nwajei, G.E., Iyoha, E. 2008. Heavy metal residues of chicken meat and gizzand and turkey meat consumed in southern Nigeria. Bulgarian J. Vet. Med. 11(4), 275-280.
  • Khan, C.A., Meijer, G.A.L. 2005. The risk of contamination of food with toxic substances present in animal feed. Animal Feed Sci. Techn. 133, 84-108.
  • Lacher, T.E. Jr.,& Goldstein, M.I. 1997. Tropical ecotoxicology: status and needs. Environ.Toxicol. Chem. 16, 100.
  • Lee, Y.H., Stuebing, R.B. 1990. Heavy metal contamination in the River Toad, Bufojuxtasper (Inger), near a copper mine in East Malaysia. Bull. Environ. Contam.Toxicol.45, 272-279.Lopez-Alonso, M., Miranda, M., Castillo, C., Hernandez, J., Garcia-Vaguero, M., Benedito, J.L. 2007. Toxic and essential metals in liver, kidney and muscle of pigs at slaughter in Galicia, morth-west Spain. Food Additive Contam. 24, 943-954.
  • Mailman, R.B. 1980. Heavy metals. In: Guthrie, F.E., Perry, J.J. (eds). Introduction to Environmental Toxicology. Elsevier, New York. pp.43.
  • Mariam, I., lqbal, S., Nagra, S.A. 2004. Distribution of some trace and mocro minerals in beef, mutton and poultry. Int. J. AB 6, 816-820.
  • Oforka, N.C., Osuji, L.C., Onwuachu, U.I. 2012. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in muscles and Internal organs of chickens raised in Rivers State, Nigeria. J. Emergingrends in Eng. Appl. Sci. 3(3),406-411.
  • Olarifa, F.G., Olarifa, A.K., Onwude, T.E. 2004. Lethal and Sub lethal effects of copper to the African cat fish (Clarias gariepinus). African J. Biomed. Res. 7, 65-70.
  • Pappas, A.C., Zoidis, E., Fegeros, K., Surai, P.F., Zervas, G. 2010. Relation of cadmim to other elements and the antioxidant system. In: Parvau, P.G., ed. Cadmium in the Environment. New York: Nova Science Publishers, p.263-295.
  • Parmegianni, L. 1983. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Int. Lobor. Org., Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Püskülcü, H., Ikiz, F. 1989. Introdiction to Statistic. Bilgehan Presss, p 333, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey (in Turkish).
  • Rehman, K.U., Andleeb, S., Mahmood, A. 2012. Assessment of heavy metals in different tissues of broilers and domestic layers. Global Vet. 9(1), 32-37.
  • Reis, L.S.L.S., Pardo, P.E., Camargos, A.S., Oba, E. 2010. Mineral element and heavy metal poisoning in animals. J. Med.mMedical Sci. 1(12), 560-579.
  • Sabir, S.M., Khan, S.W., Hayat, I. 2003. Effect of environmental pollution on quality of meat in district Bagh, Azad Kashmur. Pak. J. Nutr. 2(2), 98-101.
  • Skujins, S. 1998. Handbook for ICP-AES (Varıan-Vista). A Short Guıde To Vista Series ICP-AES Operation.Varian Int.AGşZug.Version 1.0. pp 29. Switzerland.
  • Underwood, E.J., Suttle, N.F. 2001. Occasionally beneficial elements (Goron, Chromium, lithium, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, tin, vanadium. In:Underwood, E.J., and Suttle, N.F. (eds). The mineral nutrition of livestock 3ed, CABI Publishing: New York, USA, pp. 513-542.
  • Walsh, C.J. 2000. Urban imparts on the ecology of receiving Water: a frame work for assessment, conservation and restoration. Hydrobiol. 107, 111-431.
  • WHO 1996. World health organization: Health criteria and other supporting infermation.In:Guideline for drinking water quality Vol 2, 2 nd edu., Geneva, 31-38.

Mineral and heavy metal contents of some animal livers

Year 2019, , 302 - 307, 31.03.2019


mineral and heavy metal contents of beef, chicken, goat, quail, sheep and five
different ducks livers were determined by
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission
Spectroscopy (
ICP-AES). The P contents of livers ranged from
8172.87 mg/Kg  (Civil) to 10051.46 mg/kg
(goat). In addition, K contents of liver samples were found between 7848.39
mg/Kg (Kaşıkcı) and 10404.48 mg/kg (chicken). While Ca contents of livers
change between 117.46 mg/kg (goat) and 316.78 mg/kg (quail), Mg content varied
between 475.69 mg/kg (beef) and 769.32 mg/kg (chicken).  This study showed that quail liver contained
the highest concentrations of iron (413.41 mg/Kg),  followed by chicken (363.88 mg/Kg), goat
(138.47 mg/Kg), sheep (114.40 mg/Kg) and beef 
(102.20 mg/Kg). In addition,Zn contents of samples varied between 49.69
mg/Kg (quail)  and 104.20 mg/Kg (Civil). While
Fe contents of livers range from 669.12 mg/Kg (Civil) to 3808.90 mg/Kg (Kıl),
Na contents were found between 3142.2 mg/Kg (Yeşil) to 4756.8 mg/Kg (Kıl). Cu
contents of livers were established between 16.48 mg/Kg (Kıl) and 72.73
mg/Kg (Civil). There were significant differences in
mineral contents of liver types (p<0.05).
In this study,
investigated animal livers can be used as supplement for good personal health.


  • ReferencesAbu-Salem, F.M., Abou Arab, E.A. 2010. Chemical properties, microbiological quality and sensory evaluation of chicken and duck liver parte (foie gras). Grasas y Aceites 61(2),126-135.
  • Akan, J.C., Abdulrahman, F.I. , Sodipo, O.A. 2010. Chiroma. Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Liver, Kidney and Meat of Beef, Mutton, Caprine and Chicken from Kasuwan Shanu Market in Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria. Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol. 2(8), 743-748.
  • Baykov, B.D., Stoyanov, M.P., Gugova, M.L. 1996. Cadmium and lead bioaccumulation in male chickens for high food concentrations. Toxicol. Environ. Chem. 54,155-159.
  • Doneley, B., 2004. Treating liver disease in the avian patient. Saminars in avian and exotic pet. Med. 13, 8-15.
  • FAO, 1995. Standard for contaminants and toxins in consumer products human and animal. Codex ata. 193.
  • Guitart, R., Torra, M., Cerradelo, S., Puig-Casado, P., Mateo, R., To-Figueras, J. (1994). Pb, Cd, As, and S concentrations in livers of dead wild birds from the Ebro Delta, Spain. Bulletin Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 52, 523.Hussain, R.Th., Ebraheem, M. Kh., Moker, H.M. 2012. Assessment of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn) contents in livers of chicken available in the local markets of Basrah city, Fraq. Basrah J. Vet. Res.11, 43-51.
  • Janet, C.K., Carl, L.K., 1994. Zinc. In: Maurice, E.S., James, A.O., Moshes, S.L., Febiger (eds.), Modern nutrition in Health and disease. 8th edn. Part I. pp:227-228.
  • John, H.H., Jeanne, I.R. 1994. Food Additives, contaminants and Natural Toxins. In: Maurice, E.S., James, A.O., Moshe, S.L. and Febiger, (eds), Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 8th Edn, Part II, pp:1597-1598.
  • Iwegbue, C.M.A. Nwajei, G.E., Iyoha, E. 2008. Heavy metal residues of chicken meat and gizzand and turkey meat consumed in southern Nigeria. Bulgarian J. Vet. Med. 11(4), 275-280.
  • Khan, C.A., Meijer, G.A.L. 2005. The risk of contamination of food with toxic substances present in animal feed. Animal Feed Sci. Techn. 133, 84-108.
  • Lacher, T.E. Jr.,& Goldstein, M.I. 1997. Tropical ecotoxicology: status and needs. Environ.Toxicol. Chem. 16, 100.
  • Lee, Y.H., Stuebing, R.B. 1990. Heavy metal contamination in the River Toad, Bufojuxtasper (Inger), near a copper mine in East Malaysia. Bull. Environ. Contam.Toxicol.45, 272-279.Lopez-Alonso, M., Miranda, M., Castillo, C., Hernandez, J., Garcia-Vaguero, M., Benedito, J.L. 2007. Toxic and essential metals in liver, kidney and muscle of pigs at slaughter in Galicia, morth-west Spain. Food Additive Contam. 24, 943-954.
  • Mailman, R.B. 1980. Heavy metals. In: Guthrie, F.E., Perry, J.J. (eds). Introduction to Environmental Toxicology. Elsevier, New York. pp.43.
  • Mariam, I., lqbal, S., Nagra, S.A. 2004. Distribution of some trace and mocro minerals in beef, mutton and poultry. Int. J. AB 6, 816-820.
  • Oforka, N.C., Osuji, L.C., Onwuachu, U.I. 2012. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in muscles and Internal organs of chickens raised in Rivers State, Nigeria. J. Emergingrends in Eng. Appl. Sci. 3(3),406-411.
  • Olarifa, F.G., Olarifa, A.K., Onwude, T.E. 2004. Lethal and Sub lethal effects of copper to the African cat fish (Clarias gariepinus). African J. Biomed. Res. 7, 65-70.
  • Pappas, A.C., Zoidis, E., Fegeros, K., Surai, P.F., Zervas, G. 2010. Relation of cadmim to other elements and the antioxidant system. In: Parvau, P.G., ed. Cadmium in the Environment. New York: Nova Science Publishers, p.263-295.
  • Parmegianni, L. 1983. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety. Int. Lobor. Org., Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Püskülcü, H., Ikiz, F. 1989. Introdiction to Statistic. Bilgehan Presss, p 333, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey (in Turkish).
  • Rehman, K.U., Andleeb, S., Mahmood, A. 2012. Assessment of heavy metals in different tissues of broilers and domestic layers. Global Vet. 9(1), 32-37.
  • Reis, L.S.L.S., Pardo, P.E., Camargos, A.S., Oba, E. 2010. Mineral element and heavy metal poisoning in animals. J. Med.mMedical Sci. 1(12), 560-579.
  • Sabir, S.M., Khan, S.W., Hayat, I. 2003. Effect of environmental pollution on quality of meat in district Bagh, Azad Kashmur. Pak. J. Nutr. 2(2), 98-101.
  • Skujins, S. 1998. Handbook for ICP-AES (Varıan-Vista). A Short Guıde To Vista Series ICP-AES Operation.Varian Int.AGşZug.Version 1.0. pp 29. Switzerland.
  • Underwood, E.J., Suttle, N.F. 2001. Occasionally beneficial elements (Goron, Chromium, lithium, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, tin, vanadium. In:Underwood, E.J., and Suttle, N.F. (eds). The mineral nutrition of livestock 3ed, CABI Publishing: New York, USA, pp. 513-542.
  • Walsh, C.J. 2000. Urban imparts on the ecology of receiving Water: a frame work for assessment, conservation and restoration. Hydrobiol. 107, 111-431.
  • WHO 1996. World health organization: Health criteria and other supporting infermation.In:Guideline for drinking water quality Vol 2, 2 nd edu., Geneva, 31-38.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Erman Duman 0000-0003-3405-9572

Mustafa Mete Özcan This is me 0000-0003-3405-9572

Mehmet Hamurcu 0000-0003-3405-9572

Mehmet Musa Özcan 0000-0003-3405-9572

Publication Date March 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Duman, E., Özcan, M. M., Hamurcu, M., Özcan, M. M. (2019). Mineral and heavy metal contents of some animal livers. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(15), 302-307.