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An Investigation on Effective Atomic Numbers and Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Some Bioactive Glasses

Year 2019, , 168 - 175, 31.03.2019


A bioactive material is known as a natural or man-made material that prompts a specific biological response from the body such as bonding to tissue. They have numerous applications in the repair and reconstruction of diseased and damaged tissue, and tissue and hard tissue (bone) re-engineering. In this study, we have evaluated the same gamma-ray shielding parameters such as mass attenuation coefficient (μ/ρ), effective atomic number (Zeff), half value layer (HVL), mean free path (MFP) for selected bioactive glasses. The shielding effectiveness of the selected glasses is found comparable each other. Effective atomic number (Zeff) is convenient parameters used to characterize the radiation response of a multi-element material in the technical and industrial applications, radiation shielding design, absorbed dose. Thus, it is very significant to choose accurate method to determine this parameter unambiguously. In the present study, effective atomic number of different type of material has been calculated by using calculation method for total photon interaction in the energy region of 1 keV to 100 GeV. The results obtained from this study show that effective atomic number depends strongly on the chemical composition of the interaction material in the lower as well as higher energy region, but in the intermediate energy region, the chemical composition dependence becomes very weak. This result can be interpreted that an increase in P2O5 content in the composition of bioactive glasses results as an in increase of bioactivity of that particular materials. Therefore, this study underlines the finding that bioactive glasses would be potential biomaterials for biomedical applications. 


  • AlMateri, M., Agar, O., Altunsoy, E. E., Kilicoglu, O., Sayyed, M. I., & Tekin, H. O. (2019). Photon and neutron shielding characteristics of samarium doped lead alumino borate glasses containing barium, lithium and zinc oxides determined at medical diagnostic energies. Results in Physics.
  • Bashter, I. I. (1997). Calculation of radiation attenuation coefficients for shielding concretes. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 24(17), 1389–1401.
  • Berger, M. (2010). XCOM: photon cross sections database. Http://Www. Nist. Gov/Pml/Data/Xcom/Index. Cfm.
  • Demir, N., Tarim, U. A., Popovici, M.-A., Demirci, Z. N., Gurler, O., & Akkurt, I. (2013). Investigation of mass attenuation coefficients of water, concrete and bakelite at different energies using the FLUKA Monte Carlo code. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 298(2), 1303–1307.
  • Dong, M. G., Agar, O., Tekin, H. O., Kilicoglu, O., Kaky, K. M., & Sayyed, M. I. (2019). A comparative study on gamma photon shielding features of various germanate glass systems. Composites Part B: Engineering.
  • Hubbell, J. H. (1999). Review of photon interaction cross section data in the medical and biological context. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 44(1), R1.
  • Issa, S. A., Saddeek, Y. B., Sayyed, M. I., Tekin, H. O., & Kilicoglu, O. (2019). Radiation shielding features using MCNPX code and mechanical properties of the PbONa2OB2O3CaOAl2O3SiO2 glass systems. Composites Part B: Engineering, 167, 231–240.
  • Issa, S. A., Tekin, H. O., Elsaman, R., Kilicoglu, O., Saddeek, Y. B., & Sayyed, M. I. (2019). Radiation shielding and mechanical properties of Al2O3-Na2O-B2O3-Bi2O3 glasses using MCNPX Monte Carlo code. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 223, 209–219.
  • Singh, V. P., & Badiger, N. M. (2013). Study of mass attenuation coefficients, effective atomic numbers and electron densities of carbon steel and stainless steels. Radioprotection, 48(3), 431–443.
  • Singh, Vishwanath P., Ali, A. M., Badiger, N. M., & El-Khayatt, A. M. (2013). Monte Carlo simulation of gamma ray shielding parameters of concretes. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 265, 1071–1077.
  • Singh, Vishwanath P., & Badiger, N. M. (2013). Study of effective atomic numbers and electron densities, kerma of alcohols, phantom and human organs, and tissues substitutes. Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, 28(2), 137–145.
  • Singh, Vishwanath P., Medhat, M. E., & Badiger, N. M. (2014). Utilization of Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation method for studying attenuation of photons in normal and heavy concretes at high energy values. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(1), 325–331.
  • Tekin, H. O., Altunsoy, E. E., Ozturk, F. C., Kilicoglu, O., & Sayyed, M. I. (2018). Gamma-ray attenuation properties of boron carbide in radiological energy range using MCNPX code. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2042, p. 020059). AIP Publishing.
  • Tekin, H. O., Kavaz, E., Altunsoy, E. E., Kilicoglu, O., Agar, O., Erguzel, T. T., & Sayyed, M. I. (2019). An extensive investigation on gamma-ray and neutron attenuation parameters of cobalt oxide and nickel oxide substituted bioactive glasses. Ceramics International.
  • Tekin, H. O., Kilicoglu, O., Kavaz, E., Altunsoy, E. E., Almatari, M., Agar, O., & Sayyed, M. I. (2019). The investigation of gamma-ray and neutron shielding parameters of Na2O-CaO-P2O5-SiO2 bioactive glasses using MCNPX codewe. Results in Physics.
  • Tekin, H. O., Sayyed, M. I., Altunsoy, E. E., & Manici, T. (2017). Shielding properties and effects of WO3 and PbO on mass attenuation coefficients by using MCNPX code. Dig. J. Nanomater. Biostruct, 12(3), 861–867.
  • Tekin, H. O., Sayyed, M. I., Kilicoglu, O., Karahan, M., Erguzel, T. T., Kara, U., & Konuk, M. (2018). Calculation of gamma-ray attenuation properties of some antioxidants using Monte Carlo simulation method. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 4(5), 057001.
  • Vijayakumar, R., Rajasekaran, L., & Ramamurthy, N. (2001). Effective atomic numbers for photon energy absorption of some low-Z substances of dosimetric interest. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 62(5–6), 371–377.

Biyoaktif Camların Etkin Atom Numaraları ve Kütle Azaltma Katsayıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2019, , 168 - 175, 31.03.2019


Biyoaktif bir malzeme, vücuttan dokuya bağlanma gibi belirli bir biyolojik yanıt sağlayan doğal veya insan yapımı bir materyal olarak bilinir. Hastalıklı ve hasarlı dokuların onarımı ve rekonstrüksiyonunda ve doku ve sert doku (kemik) yeniden yapılanmasında sayısız uygulamaları vardır. Bu çalışmada, seçilen biyoaktif camlar için kütle azaltma katsayısı (μ / ρ), etkin atom numarası (Zeff), yarı değer kalınlığı (HVL) ve ortalama serbest yol (MFP) gibi gama ışını zırhlama parametrelerini değerlendirdik. Seçilen camların zırhlama etkileri birbirleriyle karşılaştırılabilir. Etkin atom numarası (Zeff), çok elementli bir malzemenin teknik ve endüstriyel uygulamalarını, radyasyon tepkisini, radyasyon zırhlama tasarımını, emilen dozun miktarını tespit etmek için kullanılan uygun bir parametredir. Bu nedenle, bu parametreyi kesin olarak belirlemek için doğru yöntemi seçmek çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, 1 keV ile 100 GeV enerji bölgesinde toplam foton etkileşimi için hesaplama yöntemi kullanılarak farklı tipte malzemelerin etkili atom numarası hesaplanmıştır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, etkin atom numarasının, düşük ve daha yüksek enerji bölgesindeki etkileşimli malzemenin kimyasal bileşimine güçlü bir şekilde bağlı olduğunu, ancak orta enerji bölgesinde, kimyasal bileşim bağımlılığının çok zayıflaştığını göstermektedir. Bu sonuç, biyoaktif camların bileşiminde P2O5 içeriğindeki bir artışın malzemelerin biyoaktivitesinin artmasıyla sonuçlandığı şeklinde yorumlanabilir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma biyoaktif camların biyomedikal uygulamalar için potansiyel biyomalzemeler olacağını ortaya koymaktadır.


  • AlMateri, M., Agar, O., Altunsoy, E. E., Kilicoglu, O., Sayyed, M. I., & Tekin, H. O. (2019). Photon and neutron shielding characteristics of samarium doped lead alumino borate glasses containing barium, lithium and zinc oxides determined at medical diagnostic energies. Results in Physics.
  • Bashter, I. I. (1997). Calculation of radiation attenuation coefficients for shielding concretes. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 24(17), 1389–1401.
  • Berger, M. (2010). XCOM: photon cross sections database. Http://Www. Nist. Gov/Pml/Data/Xcom/Index. Cfm.
  • Demir, N., Tarim, U. A., Popovici, M.-A., Demirci, Z. N., Gurler, O., & Akkurt, I. (2013). Investigation of mass attenuation coefficients of water, concrete and bakelite at different energies using the FLUKA Monte Carlo code. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 298(2), 1303–1307.
  • Dong, M. G., Agar, O., Tekin, H. O., Kilicoglu, O., Kaky, K. M., & Sayyed, M. I. (2019). A comparative study on gamma photon shielding features of various germanate glass systems. Composites Part B: Engineering.
  • Hubbell, J. H. (1999). Review of photon interaction cross section data in the medical and biological context. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 44(1), R1.
  • Issa, S. A., Saddeek, Y. B., Sayyed, M. I., Tekin, H. O., & Kilicoglu, O. (2019). Radiation shielding features using MCNPX code and mechanical properties of the PbONa2OB2O3CaOAl2O3SiO2 glass systems. Composites Part B: Engineering, 167, 231–240.
  • Issa, S. A., Tekin, H. O., Elsaman, R., Kilicoglu, O., Saddeek, Y. B., & Sayyed, M. I. (2019). Radiation shielding and mechanical properties of Al2O3-Na2O-B2O3-Bi2O3 glasses using MCNPX Monte Carlo code. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 223, 209–219.
  • Singh, V. P., & Badiger, N. M. (2013). Study of mass attenuation coefficients, effective atomic numbers and electron densities of carbon steel and stainless steels. Radioprotection, 48(3), 431–443.
  • Singh, Vishwanath P., Ali, A. M., Badiger, N. M., & El-Khayatt, A. M. (2013). Monte Carlo simulation of gamma ray shielding parameters of concretes. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 265, 1071–1077.
  • Singh, Vishwanath P., & Badiger, N. M. (2013). Study of effective atomic numbers and electron densities, kerma of alcohols, phantom and human organs, and tissues substitutes. Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, 28(2), 137–145.
  • Singh, Vishwanath P., Medhat, M. E., & Badiger, N. M. (2014). Utilization of Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation method for studying attenuation of photons in normal and heavy concretes at high energy values. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 300(1), 325–331.
  • Tekin, H. O., Altunsoy, E. E., Ozturk, F. C., Kilicoglu, O., & Sayyed, M. I. (2018). Gamma-ray attenuation properties of boron carbide in radiological energy range using MCNPX code. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2042, p. 020059). AIP Publishing.
  • Tekin, H. O., Kavaz, E., Altunsoy, E. E., Kilicoglu, O., Agar, O., Erguzel, T. T., & Sayyed, M. I. (2019). An extensive investigation on gamma-ray and neutron attenuation parameters of cobalt oxide and nickel oxide substituted bioactive glasses. Ceramics International.
  • Tekin, H. O., Kilicoglu, O., Kavaz, E., Altunsoy, E. E., Almatari, M., Agar, O., & Sayyed, M. I. (2019). The investigation of gamma-ray and neutron shielding parameters of Na2O-CaO-P2O5-SiO2 bioactive glasses using MCNPX codewe. Results in Physics.
  • Tekin, H. O., Sayyed, M. I., Altunsoy, E. E., & Manici, T. (2017). Shielding properties and effects of WO3 and PbO on mass attenuation coefficients by using MCNPX code. Dig. J. Nanomater. Biostruct, 12(3), 861–867.
  • Tekin, H. O., Sayyed, M. I., Kilicoglu, O., Karahan, M., Erguzel, T. T., Kara, U., & Konuk, M. (2018). Calculation of gamma-ray attenuation properties of some antioxidants using Monte Carlo simulation method. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 4(5), 057001.
  • Vijayakumar, R., Rajasekaran, L., & Ramamurthy, N. (2001). Effective atomic numbers for photon energy absorption of some low-Z substances of dosimetric interest. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 62(5–6), 371–377.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Özge Kılıçoğlu 0000-0002-8443-9816

Publication Date March 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Kılıçoğlu, Ö. (2019). An Investigation on Effective Atomic Numbers and Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Some Bioactive Glasses. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(15), 168-175.