Research Article
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Investigation of Some Physico-chemical Properties of Köyceğiz, Bafa and Limni Lakes (Muğla-Turkey)

Year 2019, , 338 - 345, 31.12.2019


Lakes are among the most important wetland ecosystems. Lakes which are important ecologically are special ecosystems and have many significant roles such as arranging water regime of the region, enabling characteristic plant and animal groups to live and forming a great source economically, culturally, scientifically and recreationally. In addition, the lake as a resource for various human activities (fishing, recreation and tourism, power generation, waste water emissions et al.,) and as a shelter for nature has to be adequately managed and exploited according to the approved regulations.

Muğla Province, located between 36°17' and 37°33` Northern latitude and 27°13`and 29°46` Eastern longitude, has 13 328 km2 surface area and a very rough terrain. The province is located in the basins of Büyük Menderes, Dalaman and Eşen Rivers and surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea in the South and the Aegean Sea in the West. Muğla Province is rich in terms of fresh water resources with major water resources in the province being the Eşencay and Dalaman Rivers, Bafa Lake, Güllük Lagoon and Köyceğiz Lake.
This study was carried out between June 2011 and May 2012 in these important lakes; Köyceğiz, Bafa and Limni Lake. These stations, selected these lakes were investigated for water quality aspects. In total 15 stations points were water sampled on these lakes. Water temperature, pH and electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen were measured on site by using YSI 556 MPS multi-probe instrument. Samples taken from the site were measured in terms of ortho-phosphate, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in the Basis Sciences Laboratory of Fishering Faculty in Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University.
Water samples, taken from these stations were studied for physico-chemical evidences. Results of the study were determined as: water temperature (11.43-28.62 ⁰C), pH (6.03-8.90), electrical conductivity (403.6-2124 µScm-1), dissolved oxygen (1.73-11.42 mgL-1), nitrite nitrogen (BDL-0.12 mgL-1), nitrate nitrogen (BDL-25.85 mgL-1), ammonia nitrogen (BDL-1.64 mgL-1) and ortho-phosphate (BDL-1.24 mgL-1). Physico-chemical data were evaluated in accordance with the Legislation of Water Pollution Control. As a conclusion of this study the pollution in these lakes were seen to be mostly influenced by a combination of anthropogenic factors, agricultural pollutants, tourism activities, domestic waste and sewage water.


  • Anonymous (1998). Report on the environmental position of Muğla city. Muğla Governorship Provincial Directorate of Environment Publication (in Turkish).
  • Anonymous (2000). Strategies for developing fisheries in Turkey. T. R Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs General Directorate of Protection and Control Publication No: 8. Ankara pp 54, (in Turkish).
  • Anonymous (2008). Water Pollution Control Regulation, 13 February 2008 dated and number 26786 Official Gazette, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Ankara.
  • Balık, S., Ustaoğlu, M.R., Sarı, H.M., İlhan, A. & Topkara, E.T. (2005). Fish Fauna of Yuvarlakçay (Köycegiz, Muğla) E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences22(1-2): 221–223.
  • Barlas, M., Ikiel, C. & Ozdemir, N. (1995). Physical and chemical examination of stream resources of Gökova Bay. East Anatolia Region I. (1993) and II (1995) water resources symposium, Erzurum, Atatürk University, 704-712.
  • Barlas, M., İmamoğlu Ö. & Yorulmaz, B. (2002). Investigation of Water Quality of Tersakan Stream (Muğla-Dalaman), XVI. National Biology Congress, Malatya (in Turkish).
  • Barlas, M., Yılmaz, F., İmamoğlu, Ö. & Akboyun Ö. (2000). Physico-chemical and Biological Investigation of Yuvarlakçay (Köyceğiz-Muğla), I. Fisheries Symposium, Sinop, 249-265.
  • Barlas, M., Yılmaz, F., Yorulmaz, B. & Kalyancu, H. (2008). Ecological Status of Inland Waters of Muğla. EIFAC Symposium on Interactions Between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture, Antalya 21-24 May 2008, 34-43.
  • De Sa Matos Paixao, L.S. (2011). Water Quality Investigation of Namnam Creek Which Feeds Köyceğiz Lake. Master thesis, Muğla University Institute of Science and Technology. p. 67, Mugla.
  • Demir, A.N., Fakıoğlu, O., & Dural B., (2014) Phytoplankton functional groups provide a quality assessment method by the Q assemblage index in Lake Mogan (Turkey). Turk J Bot 38: 169–179.
  • Dirican, S. & Barlas, M. (2005). Physio-chemical characteristics and fish of Çine (Muğla-Aydın) stream, (in Turkish). Ekology14 (54), 25-30.
  • Dügel, M. (1995). Determination of Water Quality Of Running Waters Inflowing to Köycegiz Lake Based on Physico-chemical and Biological Parameters, Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Science and Technology, 87pp.
  • Egemen, Ö., Önen M., Büyükışık, B., Hoşsucu, B., Sunlu, U., Gökpınar, Ş., Cirik, S. (1999). Güllük Lagünü (Ege Denizi,Türkiye) Ekosistemi, Tr.J. of Agriculture and Forestry,23 (1999) Ek Sayı 3: 927-947.
  • Erdinç, S.Ö. (2010). Water Quality Investigation of Kadın Creek and Akçapınar Creek that Fed Gökova Bay. Master thesis, Mugla University Institute of Science and Technology, p. 88.
  • Franzen, M., Bubmann, M., Kordges Th., Thiesmeier, B. & Verlag L., (2008). Die Amphibien and Reptilien der Südwest-Türkei. ISBN 978-3-933066-38-1.
  • Iscen, F.C., Emiroglu, Ö., Ilhan, S., Arslan, N., Yilmaz, V. & Ahiska, S., (2008). Application of multivariate statistical techniques in the assessment of surface water quality in Uluabat Lake. Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 144(1-3):269–276.
  • Kalyoncu, H., Barlas. M., Yıldırım, M.Z. &Yorulmaz, B. (2008). Gastropods of two important streams of Gökova Bay (Muğla,Turkey) and their relationships with water quality.International Journal of Science & Technology. Vol: 3, No:1, 27-36.
  • Kasparek (1988). Der Bafasee: Natur und Geschichte in der Turkischen Agais (German Edition), page 174, Germany
  • Kazancı, N. & Dügel M. (2000). An Evaluation of Water Quality of Yuvarlakçay Stream in the Köyceğiz - Dalyan Protected Area, SW Turkey, Tr. J. of Zoology24, 69-80.
  • Kazancı, N., Dügel, M., Oğuzkurt, D.,& Girgin, S. (1999) Limnology of meromictic lake Köyceğiz in Köyceğiz-Dalyan Nature Reserve Area in South-Western Turkey and preliminary recommendations for its management. Proceeding of 8th Int. Conf. on the Conservation and Management of Lakes. Sustainable Lake Management,pp.9
  • Koc, C. (2008) The effects of the environment and ecology projects on lake management and water quality, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 146(1-3):397–409.
  • Koc, C. (2010). A Study on the Pollution and Water Quality Modeling of the River Buyuk Menderes, Turkey, Clean Soil Air Water, 38(12):1169-1176.
  • Özdemir, N., Barlas, M., & Özdemir, N. (1995).Limnological Investigation of Kocagöl in Dalaman-Kapugargın Village, Eastern Anatolia Region I. (1993) and II. Fisheries Symposium, Erzurum, Turkey, 89-92.
  • Özdemir, N., Yılmaz, F. & Yorulmaz, B. (2007). Investigation of Some Physico-chemical Parameters and Fish Fauna of Bereket Hydro-Electric Power Plant Dam Lake on Dalaman Stream, Journal of Ecology, 16 (62):30-36.
  • Özdemir, N., Yılmaz, F., Barlas, M. & Yorulmaz, B. (2003). Namnam Stream (Köyceğiz) Fish Fauna and Ecological Characteristics, XII. National Fisheries Symposium, 2-5 September, 166-170.
  • Pulatsü, S.,& Çamdeviren, H (1999). Water quality parameters in inflow of Sakaryabası trout farm. J Agric Sci 5(2):30–35.
  • WPCR, (2008). Water Pollution Control Regulation. Date/Number of Official Newspaper, 31.12.2004/25687.
  • Soysal, H., Sipahioglu, S., Kolçak, D. &Altınok, Y. (1981). Historical Earthquake Catalogue Of Turkey And Surrounding Area (2100 B.C.–1900 A.D.). Technical Report, Tübitak, No. Tbag-341.
  • Wetzel, R.G. (2001). Limnology Lake and River Ecosystems. Third Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, An Imprint of Elsevier, p.1006, USA.
  • Yılmaz, F. (2004). Physico-chemical features of Mumcular Dam Lake (Bodrum-Muğla), Ekology, 13(50):10-17.
  • Yılmaz, E.,& Koç, C. (2014).Research On Water Qualıty Of Lake Bafa In Turkey.Environmental Engineering and Management Journal,13(1):153-162.
  • Yorulmaz, B., Barlas, M., Özdemir, N. & Yılmaz, F. (2003). Dalaman Stream (Muğla) Biological Evaluation of Water Quality, XII. National Aquaculture Symposium, Elazığ 42-47

Köyceğiz, Bafa ve Limni Göllerinin (Muğla-Türkiye) Bazı Fiziko-kimyasal Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2019, , 338 - 345, 31.12.2019


Göller en önemli sulak alan ekosistemleri arasındadır. Ekolojik olarak önemli olan göller, özel ekosistemlerdir ve bölgenin su rejimini düzenlemek, karakteristik bitki ve hayvan gruplarının ekonomik, kültürel, bilimsel ve rekreasyonel bir şekilde yaşamalarını ve büyük bir kaynak oluşturmalarını sağlamak gibi birçok önemli role sahiptir.Bunun yanında, çeşitli insan faaliyetleri (balıkçılık, rekreasyon ve turizm, enerji üretimi, atık su emisyonu vd.,)ve doğa için bir sığınak olarak kabul edilen göller, güncel yönetmeliklere göre yönetilmeli ve sömürülmemelidir.
36°17'-37°33` Kuzey enlemleri ve 27°13`-29°46` Doğu boylamları arasında yer alan Muğla, 13328 km2 yüzey alanına ve çok engebeli bir arazi yapısına sahiptir. Muğla İli, Büyük Menderes, Dalaman ve Eşençayı havzalarında yer alıp, Güneyde Akdeniz, Batıda Ege Denizi ile çevrilidir. Muğla ili, Eşencayı, Dalaman Çayı, Bafa Gölü, Güllük Lagünü ve Köyceğiz Gölü gibi ana su kaynakları ile diğer tatlı su kaynakları bakımından zengindir.
Bu çalışma aylık olarak Haziran 2011 ile Mayıs 2012 tarihleri arasında Köyceğiz, Bafa ve Limni Gölü’nde yapılmıştır. Seçilenbu istasyonlardaki göller su kalitesi yönünden araştırılmıştır.Bu göllerden seçilen toplam 15 istasyon noktasından su örnekleri alınmıştır.
Su sıcaklığı, pH, elektriksel iletkenlik ve çözünmüş oksijen, YSI 556 MPS çoklu prob cihazı kullanılarak sahada ölçülmüştür.Sahadan alınan örnekler Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Laboratuvarı’na getirilerek,orto-fosfat, nitrit azotu, nitrat azotu ve amonyum azotu bakımından ölçülmüştür.Bu istasyonlardan alınan su örnekleri fiziko-kimyasal parametreler yönünden incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları şu şekilde belirlenmiştir: Su sıcaklığının 11,43 ile28,62⁰C, pH’ın 6,03 ile 8,90, elektriksel iletkenliğin 403,6 ile 2124 µScm-1, çözünmüş oksijen değerinin 1,73 ile 11,42 mgL-1, nitrit azotunun BDL ile0,12 mgL-1, nitrat azotunun BDLile 25,85 mgL-1, amonyum azotunun BDL ile 1,64 mgL-1 ve orto–fosfat değerlerinin BDL ile 1,24 mgL-1arasında değişim gösterdiği saptanmıştır.Fiziko-kimyasal parametreler Su Kirliliği Kontrolü Mevzuatı’na uygun olarak değerlendirilmiştir.Bu çalışmanın bir sonucu olarak, bu göllerdeki kirliliğin çoğunlukla antropojenik faktörler, tarımsal kirleticiler, turizm faaliyetleri, evsel atıklar ve atık su kombinasyonundan etkilendiği görülmüştür.


  • Anonymous (1998). Report on the environmental position of Muğla city. Muğla Governorship Provincial Directorate of Environment Publication (in Turkish).
  • Anonymous (2000). Strategies for developing fisheries in Turkey. T. R Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs General Directorate of Protection and Control Publication No: 8. Ankara pp 54, (in Turkish).
  • Anonymous (2008). Water Pollution Control Regulation, 13 February 2008 dated and number 26786 Official Gazette, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Ankara.
  • Balık, S., Ustaoğlu, M.R., Sarı, H.M., İlhan, A. & Topkara, E.T. (2005). Fish Fauna of Yuvarlakçay (Köycegiz, Muğla) E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences22(1-2): 221–223.
  • Barlas, M., Ikiel, C. & Ozdemir, N. (1995). Physical and chemical examination of stream resources of Gökova Bay. East Anatolia Region I. (1993) and II (1995) water resources symposium, Erzurum, Atatürk University, 704-712.
  • Barlas, M., İmamoğlu Ö. & Yorulmaz, B. (2002). Investigation of Water Quality of Tersakan Stream (Muğla-Dalaman), XVI. National Biology Congress, Malatya (in Turkish).
  • Barlas, M., Yılmaz, F., İmamoğlu, Ö. & Akboyun Ö. (2000). Physico-chemical and Biological Investigation of Yuvarlakçay (Köyceğiz-Muğla), I. Fisheries Symposium, Sinop, 249-265.
  • Barlas, M., Yılmaz, F., Yorulmaz, B. & Kalyancu, H. (2008). Ecological Status of Inland Waters of Muğla. EIFAC Symposium on Interactions Between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture, Antalya 21-24 May 2008, 34-43.
  • De Sa Matos Paixao, L.S. (2011). Water Quality Investigation of Namnam Creek Which Feeds Köyceğiz Lake. Master thesis, Muğla University Institute of Science and Technology. p. 67, Mugla.
  • Demir, A.N., Fakıoğlu, O., & Dural B., (2014) Phytoplankton functional groups provide a quality assessment method by the Q assemblage index in Lake Mogan (Turkey). Turk J Bot 38: 169–179.
  • Dirican, S. & Barlas, M. (2005). Physio-chemical characteristics and fish of Çine (Muğla-Aydın) stream, (in Turkish). Ekology14 (54), 25-30.
  • Dügel, M. (1995). Determination of Water Quality Of Running Waters Inflowing to Köycegiz Lake Based on Physico-chemical and Biological Parameters, Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, Institute of Science and Technology, 87pp.
  • Egemen, Ö., Önen M., Büyükışık, B., Hoşsucu, B., Sunlu, U., Gökpınar, Ş., Cirik, S. (1999). Güllük Lagünü (Ege Denizi,Türkiye) Ekosistemi, Tr.J. of Agriculture and Forestry,23 (1999) Ek Sayı 3: 927-947.
  • Erdinç, S.Ö. (2010). Water Quality Investigation of Kadın Creek and Akçapınar Creek that Fed Gökova Bay. Master thesis, Mugla University Institute of Science and Technology, p. 88.
  • Franzen, M., Bubmann, M., Kordges Th., Thiesmeier, B. & Verlag L., (2008). Die Amphibien and Reptilien der Südwest-Türkei. ISBN 978-3-933066-38-1.
  • Iscen, F.C., Emiroglu, Ö., Ilhan, S., Arslan, N., Yilmaz, V. & Ahiska, S., (2008). Application of multivariate statistical techniques in the assessment of surface water quality in Uluabat Lake. Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 144(1-3):269–276.
  • Kalyoncu, H., Barlas. M., Yıldırım, M.Z. &Yorulmaz, B. (2008). Gastropods of two important streams of Gökova Bay (Muğla,Turkey) and their relationships with water quality.International Journal of Science & Technology. Vol: 3, No:1, 27-36.
  • Kasparek (1988). Der Bafasee: Natur und Geschichte in der Turkischen Agais (German Edition), page 174, Germany
  • Kazancı, N. & Dügel M. (2000). An Evaluation of Water Quality of Yuvarlakçay Stream in the Köyceğiz - Dalyan Protected Area, SW Turkey, Tr. J. of Zoology24, 69-80.
  • Kazancı, N., Dügel, M., Oğuzkurt, D.,& Girgin, S. (1999) Limnology of meromictic lake Köyceğiz in Köyceğiz-Dalyan Nature Reserve Area in South-Western Turkey and preliminary recommendations for its management. Proceeding of 8th Int. Conf. on the Conservation and Management of Lakes. Sustainable Lake Management,pp.9
  • Koc, C. (2008) The effects of the environment and ecology projects on lake management and water quality, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 146(1-3):397–409.
  • Koc, C. (2010). A Study on the Pollution and Water Quality Modeling of the River Buyuk Menderes, Turkey, Clean Soil Air Water, 38(12):1169-1176.
  • Özdemir, N., Barlas, M., & Özdemir, N. (1995).Limnological Investigation of Kocagöl in Dalaman-Kapugargın Village, Eastern Anatolia Region I. (1993) and II. Fisheries Symposium, Erzurum, Turkey, 89-92.
  • Özdemir, N., Yılmaz, F. & Yorulmaz, B. (2007). Investigation of Some Physico-chemical Parameters and Fish Fauna of Bereket Hydro-Electric Power Plant Dam Lake on Dalaman Stream, Journal of Ecology, 16 (62):30-36.
  • Özdemir, N., Yılmaz, F., Barlas, M. & Yorulmaz, B. (2003). Namnam Stream (Köyceğiz) Fish Fauna and Ecological Characteristics, XII. National Fisheries Symposium, 2-5 September, 166-170.
  • Pulatsü, S.,& Çamdeviren, H (1999). Water quality parameters in inflow of Sakaryabası trout farm. J Agric Sci 5(2):30–35.
  • WPCR, (2008). Water Pollution Control Regulation. Date/Number of Official Newspaper, 31.12.2004/25687.
  • Soysal, H., Sipahioglu, S., Kolçak, D. &Altınok, Y. (1981). Historical Earthquake Catalogue Of Turkey And Surrounding Area (2100 B.C.–1900 A.D.). Technical Report, Tübitak, No. Tbag-341.
  • Wetzel, R.G. (2001). Limnology Lake and River Ecosystems. Third Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, An Imprint of Elsevier, p.1006, USA.
  • Yılmaz, F. (2004). Physico-chemical features of Mumcular Dam Lake (Bodrum-Muğla), Ekology, 13(50):10-17.
  • Yılmaz, E.,& Koç, C. (2014).Research On Water Qualıty Of Lake Bafa In Turkey.Environmental Engineering and Management Journal,13(1):153-162.
  • Yorulmaz, B., Barlas, M., Özdemir, N. & Yılmaz, F. (2003). Dalaman Stream (Muğla) Biological Evaluation of Water Quality, XII. National Aquaculture Symposium, Elazığ 42-47
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Cengiz Koç 0000-0001-7310-073X

Nedim Özdemir 0000-0001-7410-6113

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Koç, C., & Özdemir, N. (2019). Investigation of Some Physico-chemical Properties of Köyceğiz, Bafa and Limni Lakes (Muğla-Turkey). Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(17), 338-345.