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The Experimental Investigation of Springback in Laser Welded HSLA Sheet Materials

Year 2019, , 29 - 37, 31.12.2019


In this study, the parameters that affect the springback behavior of HSLA300 sheet materials bonded with laser welding at different power parameters were investigated experimentally. Welding parameters (1300, 1400 and 1500 watts), die angle (15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 degrees) and holding time (0, 10 and 20 seconds) were determined as test parameters. A high amount of martensite phase was observed in welded samples due to sudden cooling in the weld zone. However, as the welding power increased, the amount of carbon and manganese in the HSLA structure was reduced, resulting in a decrease in the hardness amount and the bending angle. In experimental studies, it was observed that the springback angle decreased by 0.15 degrees with an increase of 100 watts of laser welding power. It has been observed that the increase in the die angle from 15 degrees to 45 degrees increases the bending angle in the bending operations by an average of 0.14 degrees. It was determined that the springback angle decreased by 0.14 degrees with an increase of 10 seconds holding time.


  • Ahmed, G. S., Ahmed, H., Mohiuddin, M. V., & Sajid, S. M. S. (2014). Experimental evaluation of springback in mild steel and its validation using LS-DYNA. Procedia materials science, 6, 1376-1385.
  • Aydın, K., Karaağaç, İ., & Uluer, O. (2019). The formability and springback characterization of laser-welded DP–HSLA sheets. Applied Physics A, 125(8), 525.
  • Dai, H. L., Jiang, H. J., Dai, T., Xu, W. L., & Luo, A. H. (2017). Investigation on the influence of damage to springback of U-shape HSLA steel plates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 708, 575-586.
  • De Souza, T., & Rolfe, B. F. (2013). Understanding robustness of springback in high strength steels. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 68, 236-245.
  • Dong, D., Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Li, J., Ma, M., & Jiang, T. (2014). Microstructure and dynamic tensile behavior of DP600 dual phase steel joint by laser welding. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 594, 17-25.
  • Erdogan, M. (2003). Effect of austenite dispersion on phase transformation in dual phase steel. Scripta Materialia, 48(5), 501-506.
  • Ghaei, A., Green, D. E., & Aryanpour, A. (2015). Springback simulation of advanced high strength steels considering nonlinear elastic unloading–reloading behavior. Materials & Design, 88, 461-470.
  • Handbook, A. S. M. (1988). Forming and forging. ASM international, 14, 483.
  • Irving, B. (1997). Laser beam welding shifts into high gear. Welding journal, 76(11).
  • Jokinen, T. (2004). Novel ways of using Nd: YAG laser for welding thick section austenitic stainless steel. VTT.
  • Karaağaç, İ. (2017). The experimental investigation of springback in V-bending using the flexforming process. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42(5), 1853-1864.
  • Karaağaç, İ., Önel, T., & Uluer, O. (2019). The effects of local heating on springback behaviour in v bending of galvanized DP600 sheet. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 1-7.
  • Karaaslan, A., Sönmez, N., & Topuz, A. (1998). Lazer ile kaynak edilebilirliğin alaşımsız yapı çeliğinde araştırılması, 2. Uluslararası Kaynak Teknolojisi Sempozyumu.
  • Khan, M. S., Bhole, S. D., Chen, D. L., Biro, E., Boudreau, G., & Van Deventer, J. (2009). Welding behaviour, microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar resistance spot welds between galvannealed HSLA350 and DP600 steels. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 14(7), 616-625.
  • Lun, N., Saha, D. C., Macwan, A., Pan, H., Wang, L., Goodwin, F., & Zhou, Y. (2017). Microstructure and mechanical properties of fibre laser welded medium manganese TRIP steel. Materials & Design, 131, 450-459.
  • Mkaddem, A., & Saidane, D. (2007). Experimental approach and RSM procedure on the examination of springback in wiping-die bending processes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 189(1-3), 325-333.
  • Onoro, J., & Ranninger, C. (1997). Fatigue behaviour of laser welds of high-strength low-alloy steels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 68(1), 68-70.
  • Panda, N., Pawar, R. S. (2018). Optimization of process parameters affecting on springback in v-bending process for high strength low alloy steel HSLA 420 using FEA and Taguchi technique. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 12(1), 28-34.
  • Pang, M., Yu, G., Wang, H. H., & Zheng, C. Y. (2008). Microstructure study of laser welding cast nickel-based superalloy K418. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 207(1-3), 271-275.
  • Schuler GmbH., & Schuler GmbH. (1998). Metal forming handbook. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Tekaslan, Ö., Şeker, U., & Özdemir, A. (2006). Determining springback amount of steel sheet metal has 0.5 mm thickness in bending dies. Materials & design, 27(3), 251-258.
  • Thipprakmas, S., & Rojananan, S. (2008). Investigation of spring-go phenomenon using finite element method. Materials & Design, 29(8), 1526-1532.
  • Türkmen, M., & Gündüz, S. (2011). Martensite morphology and strain aging behaviours in intercritically treated low carbon steel. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 38(5), 346-352.

Lazer Kaynaklı HSLA Sac Malzemelerde Geri Esnemenin Deneysel Araştırılması

Year 2019, , 29 - 37, 31.12.2019


Bu çalışmada farklı güç parametrelerinde lazer kaynağı ile birleştirilen HSLA300 sac malzemelerin bükülme operasyonu sonrası geri esneme davranışına etki eden parametreler deneysel araştırılmıştır. Kaynak parametresi olarak kaynak gücü (1300, 1400 ve 1500 watt), proses parametresi olarak da kalıp açısı (15, 30, 45, 60 ve 75 derece) ve ütüleme süresi (0, 10 ve 20 saniye) deney parametreleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Kaynaklı numunelerde kaynak bölgesindeki ani soğumaya bağlı olarak yüksek miktarda martenzit fazı gözlemlenmiştir. Ancak kaynak gücünün artmasıyla birlikte HSLA yapısındaki karbon ve mangan miktarının az olmasından dolayı sertlik miktarında ve geri esneme açısında azalma meydana gelmiştir. Deneysel çalışmalarda da lazer kaynak gücünün 100 watt artmasıyla geri esneme açısının ortalama 0,15 derece azaldığı gözlenmiştir. Kalıp açısındaki 15 dereceden 45 derece açıya kadar olan artışın bükme operasyonlarında geri esneme açısını ortalama 0,14 derece arttırdığı, 45 derece açıdan 75 derece açıya kadar artışın bükme operasyonlarında geri esneme açısını ortalama 0,52 derece azalttığı gözlemlenmiştir. Ütüleme süresinin 10 saniye artmasıyla geri esneme açısının ortalama 0,14 derece azaldığı belirlenmiştir.


  • Ahmed, G. S., Ahmed, H., Mohiuddin, M. V., & Sajid, S. M. S. (2014). Experimental evaluation of springback in mild steel and its validation using LS-DYNA. Procedia materials science, 6, 1376-1385.
  • Aydın, K., Karaağaç, İ., & Uluer, O. (2019). The formability and springback characterization of laser-welded DP–HSLA sheets. Applied Physics A, 125(8), 525.
  • Dai, H. L., Jiang, H. J., Dai, T., Xu, W. L., & Luo, A. H. (2017). Investigation on the influence of damage to springback of U-shape HSLA steel plates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 708, 575-586.
  • De Souza, T., & Rolfe, B. F. (2013). Understanding robustness of springback in high strength steels. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 68, 236-245.
  • Dong, D., Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Li, J., Ma, M., & Jiang, T. (2014). Microstructure and dynamic tensile behavior of DP600 dual phase steel joint by laser welding. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 594, 17-25.
  • Erdogan, M. (2003). Effect of austenite dispersion on phase transformation in dual phase steel. Scripta Materialia, 48(5), 501-506.
  • Ghaei, A., Green, D. E., & Aryanpour, A. (2015). Springback simulation of advanced high strength steels considering nonlinear elastic unloading–reloading behavior. Materials & Design, 88, 461-470.
  • Handbook, A. S. M. (1988). Forming and forging. ASM international, 14, 483.
  • Irving, B. (1997). Laser beam welding shifts into high gear. Welding journal, 76(11).
  • Jokinen, T. (2004). Novel ways of using Nd: YAG laser for welding thick section austenitic stainless steel. VTT.
  • Karaağaç, İ. (2017). The experimental investigation of springback in V-bending using the flexforming process. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42(5), 1853-1864.
  • Karaağaç, İ., Önel, T., & Uluer, O. (2019). The effects of local heating on springback behaviour in v bending of galvanized DP600 sheet. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 1-7.
  • Karaaslan, A., Sönmez, N., & Topuz, A. (1998). Lazer ile kaynak edilebilirliğin alaşımsız yapı çeliğinde araştırılması, 2. Uluslararası Kaynak Teknolojisi Sempozyumu.
  • Khan, M. S., Bhole, S. D., Chen, D. L., Biro, E., Boudreau, G., & Van Deventer, J. (2009). Welding behaviour, microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar resistance spot welds between galvannealed HSLA350 and DP600 steels. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 14(7), 616-625.
  • Lun, N., Saha, D. C., Macwan, A., Pan, H., Wang, L., Goodwin, F., & Zhou, Y. (2017). Microstructure and mechanical properties of fibre laser welded medium manganese TRIP steel. Materials & Design, 131, 450-459.
  • Mkaddem, A., & Saidane, D. (2007). Experimental approach and RSM procedure on the examination of springback in wiping-die bending processes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 189(1-3), 325-333.
  • Onoro, J., & Ranninger, C. (1997). Fatigue behaviour of laser welds of high-strength low-alloy steels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 68(1), 68-70.
  • Panda, N., Pawar, R. S. (2018). Optimization of process parameters affecting on springback in v-bending process for high strength low alloy steel HSLA 420 using FEA and Taguchi technique. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, 12(1), 28-34.
  • Pang, M., Yu, G., Wang, H. H., & Zheng, C. Y. (2008). Microstructure study of laser welding cast nickel-based superalloy K418. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 207(1-3), 271-275.
  • Schuler GmbH., & Schuler GmbH. (1998). Metal forming handbook. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Tekaslan, Ö., Şeker, U., & Özdemir, A. (2006). Determining springback amount of steel sheet metal has 0.5 mm thickness in bending dies. Materials & design, 27(3), 251-258.
  • Thipprakmas, S., & Rojananan, S. (2008). Investigation of spring-go phenomenon using finite element method. Materials & Design, 29(8), 1526-1532.
  • Türkmen, M., & Gündüz, S. (2011). Martensite morphology and strain aging behaviours in intercritically treated low carbon steel. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 38(5), 346-352.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Kadir Aydın 0000-0001-5701-8058

İbrahim Karaağaç 0000-0001-6727-3650

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Aydın, K., & Karaağaç, İ. (2019). Lazer Kaynaklı HSLA Sac Malzemelerde Geri Esnemenin Deneysel Araştırılması. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(17), 29-37.