Research Article
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Quality of service evaluation: a study on the optimization performance of mobile network operators in Turkey

Year 2019, , 445 - 453, 31.12.2019


effective way to
monitor the network by examining statistics data in detail and
obtaining/analyzing drive test results. This enables network growth and
capacity development, problems in the operation and maintenance unit of the
mobile network are resolved quickly. In order for the optimization to be
successful, the following are required: Identify and analyze the main causes of
call failure, Understanding digital and RF data before a dropped call.
Optimization aims to achieve the best network quality by effectively using the
spectrum in the network. Once the site is implemented and on-air, its problems
are found and corrected to meet the criteria of mobile network quality. So, the
optimization process is a continuous and repetitive process to improve the
quality of the cellular network. However, while making optimizing in a site,
care should be taken not to disrupt the parameters of other sites. In this
paper, an optimization study is carried out in Diyarbakir of Turkey for a
mobile operator to increase some parameters as Rxlevel, RxQual, Speech Quality
Index (SQI) and to solve some problems directly affecting the quality of service
(SQI) as cases of being nearly identical of the signal level in many cells, lost
of line of sight, sudden appearance and disappearance of neighbor cells, and instantaneous
decrease in signal level. As a result, these problems are solved by some cases:
Coverage areas of the neighbor cells are decreased by reducing the antenna
powers and antenna down tilt angles on the BTSs. A new frequency planning is made by selecting two of the serving cells. The
antenna of the sector serving the distressed area at this station is replaced
with a higher antenna type with a gain of 3 dB. Also, a signal amplifier called
repeater is placed in the tunnel and this unwanted situation is removed.


  • Demestichas, P., Georgakopoulos, A., Karvounas, D., Tsagkaris, K., Stavroulaki, V., Lu, J., ... & Yao, J. (2013). 5G on the horizon: Key challenges for the radio-access network. IEEE vehicular technology magazine, 8(3), 47-53.
  • Tutschku, K. (1998, March). Demand-based radio network planning of cellular mobile communication systems. In Proceedings. IEEE INFOCOM'98, the Conference on Computer Communications. Seventeenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Gateway to the 21st Century (Cat. No. 98 (Vol. 3, pp. 1054-1061). IEEE.
  • Hurley, S. (2002). Planning effective cellular mobile radio networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 51(2), 243-253.
  • El-Atty, S. M. A., & Gharsseldien, Z. M. (2017). Performance analysis of an advanced heterogeneous mobile network architecture with multiple small cell layers. Wireless Networks, 23(4), 1169-1190.
  • Švraka, R., Mitić, D., Lebl, A., & Markov, Ž. (2016). Calculating Limits of Base Station Emission Power in GSM. automatika, 57(3), 774-781.
  • Singh, N. P., & Singh, B. (2012). Performance enhancement of cellular network using adaptive soft handover algorithm. Wireless Personal Communications, 62(1), 41-53.
  • Lebl, A., Mitic, D., Trenkic, B., & Markov, Z. (2018). Determination of Base Station Emission Power Change in a Mobile Network Cell with Movable Users. Radioengineering, 27(4).
  • Ling, R., & Donner, J. (2013). Mobile communication. John Wiley & Sons. New York, USA
  • Stüber, G.L. (2017). Principles of Mobile Communication. Springer International Publishing. New York, USA
  • Fazio, P., De Rango, F., & Tropea, M. (2017). Prediction and qos enhancement in new generation cellular networks with mobile hosts: A survey on different protocols and conventional/unconventional approaches. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 19(3), 1822-1841.
  • Kehinde, A. I., Adunola, S. L. F. O., & Isaac, A. I. GSM QUALITY OF SERVICE PERFORMANCE IN ABUJA, NIGERIA.
  • Zhang, X., & Andrews, J. G. (2015). Downlink cellular network analysis with multi-slope path loss models. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 63(5), 1881-1894.
  • Han, S. Y., Abu-Ghazaleh, N. B., & Lee, D. (2016). Efficient and consistent path loss model for mobile network simulation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 24(3), 1774-1786.
  • Kumar, A., & Magarini, M. (2018). Symbol Error Probability Analysis of DFrFT-Based OFDM Systems With CFO and STO in Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(1), 64-81.
  • Liu, W., Shen, W., Li, B., & Wang, L. (2018). Toward Device-Free Micro-Gesture Tracking via Accurate Acoustic Doppler-Shift Detection. IEEE Access, 7, 1084-1094.
  • Pous, M., Azpúrua, M. A., & Silva, F. (2015). Measurement and evaluation techniques to estimate the degradation produced by the radiated transients interference to the GSM system. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 57(6), 1382-1390.

Hizmet kalitesi değerlendirmesi: Türkiye'deki mobil ağ operatörlerinin optimizasyon performansı üzerine bir çalışması

Year 2019, , 445 - 453, 31.12.2019


Her mobil ağın
performansını korumak ve iyileştirmek için kontrol altında olması önemlidir.
Optimizasyon, temel olarak istatistik verilerini ayrıntılı olarak inceleyerek
ve sürüş testi sonuçlarını elde ederek/analiz ederek ağı izlemenin en etkili
Bu durum, ağın büyümesini ve ağın kapasitesinin gelişmesini mümkün kılar,
mobil ağın işletme ve bakım ünitesindeki sorunlar hızla çözülür.
başarılı olması için aşağıdakiler gereklidir:
Çağrı başarısızlığının ana nedenlerini
belirlemek ve analiz etmek, bir aramadan önce dijital ve RF verilerini anlamak.
Optimizasyon, ağdaki
spektrumu etkili bir şekilde kullanarak en iyi ağ kalitesini elde etmeyi
Sahe kurulduktan ve yayına alındıktan sonra, sorunları mobil ağ kalitesi
ölçütlerini karşılamak üzere bulup düzeltir.
Dolayısıyla, optimizasyon işlemi, hücresel
ağın kalitesini artırmak için sürekli ve tekrarlayan bir işlemdir.
Ancak, bir sahada
optimizasyon yaparken, diğer sitelerin parametrelerinin bozulmamasına özen
Bu makalede, bir mobil operatör için Rxlevel, RxQual, Konuşma Kalitesi
Endeksi (SQI) gibi bazı parametreleri arttırmak ve servis kalitesini doğrudan
etkileyen bazı sorunları çözmek için bir mobil operatör için Türkiye
Diyarbakır'da bir optimizasyon çalışması yapılmıştır. Pek çok hücrede sinyal
seviyesinin neredeyse aynı olması, görüş hattının kaybedimesi durumu, komşu
hücrelerine ait sinyalllerinin ani görünümü ve kaybolması ve sinyal seviyesinde
ani düşüşlerin gerçekleşmesidir. Sonuç olarak, bu problemler bazı durumlarda
çözülmektedir: Komşu hücrelerin kapsama alanları, anten güçlerini ve antenlerin
BTS'lerde aşağıya eğilme açıları azaltılarak giderilir. Servis hücrelerinin
ikisini seçerek yeni bir frekans planlaması yapılır.
Baz istasyonundaki problemli bölgeye
hizmet veren sektörün anteni, 3 dB kazançla daha yüksek anten tipiyle
değiştirilir. Ayrıca, bir tünele tekrarlayıcı adı verilen bir sinyal
yükselticisi yerleştirilerek ve bu istenmeyen durumlar giderilir.


  • Demestichas, P., Georgakopoulos, A., Karvounas, D., Tsagkaris, K., Stavroulaki, V., Lu, J., ... & Yao, J. (2013). 5G on the horizon: Key challenges for the radio-access network. IEEE vehicular technology magazine, 8(3), 47-53.
  • Tutschku, K. (1998, March). Demand-based radio network planning of cellular mobile communication systems. In Proceedings. IEEE INFOCOM'98, the Conference on Computer Communications. Seventeenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Gateway to the 21st Century (Cat. No. 98 (Vol. 3, pp. 1054-1061). IEEE.
  • Hurley, S. (2002). Planning effective cellular mobile radio networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 51(2), 243-253.
  • El-Atty, S. M. A., & Gharsseldien, Z. M. (2017). Performance analysis of an advanced heterogeneous mobile network architecture with multiple small cell layers. Wireless Networks, 23(4), 1169-1190.
  • Švraka, R., Mitić, D., Lebl, A., & Markov, Ž. (2016). Calculating Limits of Base Station Emission Power in GSM. automatika, 57(3), 774-781.
  • Singh, N. P., & Singh, B. (2012). Performance enhancement of cellular network using adaptive soft handover algorithm. Wireless Personal Communications, 62(1), 41-53.
  • Lebl, A., Mitic, D., Trenkic, B., & Markov, Z. (2018). Determination of Base Station Emission Power Change in a Mobile Network Cell with Movable Users. Radioengineering, 27(4).
  • Ling, R., & Donner, J. (2013). Mobile communication. John Wiley & Sons. New York, USA
  • Stüber, G.L. (2017). Principles of Mobile Communication. Springer International Publishing. New York, USA
  • Fazio, P., De Rango, F., & Tropea, M. (2017). Prediction and qos enhancement in new generation cellular networks with mobile hosts: A survey on different protocols and conventional/unconventional approaches. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 19(3), 1822-1841.
  • Kehinde, A. I., Adunola, S. L. F. O., & Isaac, A. I. GSM QUALITY OF SERVICE PERFORMANCE IN ABUJA, NIGERIA.
  • Zhang, X., & Andrews, J. G. (2015). Downlink cellular network analysis with multi-slope path loss models. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 63(5), 1881-1894.
  • Han, S. Y., Abu-Ghazaleh, N. B., & Lee, D. (2016). Efficient and consistent path loss model for mobile network simulation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 24(3), 1774-1786.
  • Kumar, A., & Magarini, M. (2018). Symbol Error Probability Analysis of DFrFT-Based OFDM Systems With CFO and STO in Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(1), 64-81.
  • Liu, W., Shen, W., Li, B., & Wang, L. (2018). Toward Device-Free Micro-Gesture Tracking via Accurate Acoustic Doppler-Shift Detection. IEEE Access, 7, 1084-1094.
  • Pous, M., Azpúrua, M. A., & Silva, F. (2015). Measurement and evaluation techniques to estimate the degradation produced by the radiated transients interference to the GSM system. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 57(6), 1382-1390.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Bahadır Başyiğit 0000-0003-4558-5068

Habib Dogan 0000-0001-8685-9569

Abdullah Genc 0000-0002-7699-2822

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Başyiğit, B., Dogan, H., & Genc, A. (2019). Hizmet kalitesi değerlendirmesi: Türkiye’deki mobil ağ operatörlerinin optimizasyon performansı üzerine bir çalışması. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(17), 445-453.