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Katı Atık Yönetiminde Kompostlaştırmanın Önemi, Problemler ve Çözüm Önerileri: Türkiye Örneği

Year 2020, , 66 - 71, 31.08.2020


Organik atıkların yüksek üretim oranları ve bu atıkların açık çöp sahalarına veya sıhhi olmayan depolama alanlarına atılması olumsuz birtakım çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal sorunlara neden olmaktadır. Kompostlama, organik atıkların yönlendirilmesinde daha temiz teknolojilerden birini temsil eder. Elde edinilen son raporlara göre, Türkiye'de 2018 yılında üretilen belediye atık miktarı 32,2 milyon ton olarak gerçekleşti. Diğer ülkelere benzer şekilde, Türkiye'de belediye atıklarının en uygun ve ekonomik yöntemlerle bertaraf edilmesi planlanmaktadır. Belediye atık yönetimi planlaması yönetmeliklerin amaçlarına dayanmaktadır. Mevcut durumda, Çevre Bakanlığı verilerine göre Türkiye'de 8 adet biyolojik atık işleme tesisi bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca, karışık belediye atıklarının işlendiği 6 mekanik-biyolojik ön arıtma ve geri dönüşüm tesisi bulunmaktadır. Atık yönetim planlarında, 2023 yılında oluşan atıkların %65'i düzenli depolama ve %35'i geri kazanımı hedeflenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye ve diğer benzer ülkelerdeki belediye atık yönetimi sorunlarının detayları ve başarı öyküleri incelenmiş ve bunlara ilave olarak sonuçlar tartışılmıştır. Kompostlamanın birçok ülke ve Türkiye'de, bazı sorunlarından dolayı hala yaygın bir yöntem olmadığı görülmektedir. İdari ve teknik faktörler değerlendirildiğinde, atık transferi ile düzenli depolama ve biyogaz geri kazanımı ülkedeki en iyi, en kolay ve ekonomik yöntemdir. Biyolojik ve katı atık yönetimi oldukça önemli bir iştir. Bu proses yönetim sistemi için önemli bir rol oynar. Buna ilave olarak Türkiye’deki ve özellikle İstanbul ilindeki ulusal sıfır atık faaliyetleri ile ilgili yönetim ilk aşamadadır ve bu işlemlerin daha iyi sonuç almaları için uzun bir zaman periyoduna ihtiyacı olduğu aşıkardır.


  • CSB, (2017). Ministry of Environment, “Annual Report” webpage available:, April 2018. Ministry of Environment (CSB), webpage available at: [Accessed April 21, 2018].
  • EU, 2008. Directive 2008/98/EC of The European Parliament And of The Council on Waste and Repealing Certain Directives. Official Journal of the European Union, L312, 3–30.
  • Gajalakshmi, S. & Abbasi, S.A. (2002). Effect of the application of water hyacinth compost/vermicompost on the growth and flowering of Crossandra undulaefolia and on several vegetables. Bioresour. Technol., 85, 197-199.
  • Houng, H. (2005). “Policies and Measures of Waste Disposal and Treatment in Taiwan.” In book: Towards Zero Waste Society. New Management Policies for Solid Waste Disposal in Chinese Taipei. pp: 69-143. Available at: [Accessed May 21,2019]
  • ISTAC, (2018). webpage available at:, [Accessed Apr 10, 2018].
  • IBB (2020). webpage available at:, [Accessed Feb 10, 2020].
  • Kanat, G., A. Demir, B. Ozkaya, M.S. Bilgili, (2006). “Addressing the operational problems in a composting and recycling plant”, Waste Management, 26 (12), 1384–1391.
  • Kanat, G. (2010). “Municipal solid-waste management in Istanbul”, Waste Management, 30, 1737–1745
  • Laurent, A., Bakas, I., Clavreul, J., Bernstad, A., Niero, M., Gentil, E., Hauschild, M.Z. & Christensen, T.H. (2014). Review of LCA studies of solidwaste management systems – part I: lessons learned and perspectives. Waste Manage., 34, 573–588.
  • Logsdon S.D., Sauer P.A., Shipitalo M.J. (2017). Compost improves urban soil and water quality. J. Water Resour. Protect., 9, 345-357.
  • Meng X., Liu B., Zhang H., Wu J., Yuan X. & Cui Z. (2019). Co-composting of the biogas residues and spent mushroom substrate: Physicochemical properties and maturity assessment. Bioresource Technol., 276, 281-287
  • Mohammadshirazi F., McLaughlin R.A., Heitman J.L. & Brown V.K. (2017). A multi-year study of tillage and amendment effects on compacted soils. J. Environ. Manag., 203, 533-541
  • Mohee, R. & Soobhany, N. (2014). Comparison of heavy metals content in compost against vermicompost of organic solid waste: past and present. Resour Conserv Recycl., 92, 206–213.
  • Nath, K. & Singh, K. (2016). Analysis of different nutrient status of liquid biofertilizer of different combinations of buffalo dung with gram bran and water hyacinth through vermicomposting by Eisenia fetida. Environ Dev Sustain., 18, 645-656.
  • Pearson, C., Littlewood, E., Douglas, P., Robertson, S., Gant, T.W. & Hansell, A.L. (2015). Exposures and health outcomes in relation to bioaerosol emissions fromcomposting facilities: a systematic review of occupational and communitystudies. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health B Crit. Rev., 18(1), 43–69.
  • TUIK (2020). Environmental Statics, The Turkish Statistical Institute webpage available at:, [Accessed Feb 10, 2020].
  • Wang, T., Wang, S., Zhong, X., Sun, Z., Huang, Y., Tan, L., Tang, Y. & Kid, K.. (2017). Converting digested residue eluted from dry anaerobic digestion of distilled grain waste into value-added fertilizer by aerobic composting. J. Cleaner Prod., 166, 530–536.
  • Wei, Y., Li, J., Shi, D., Liu, G., Zhao, Y. & Shimaoka, T. (2017). Environmental challenges impeding the composting of biodegradable municipal solid waste: A critical review. Resour Conserv Recycl., 122, 51–65.
  • Xiao R., Awasthi M.K., Li R., Park J., Pensky S.M., Wang Q., Wang, J.J. & Zhang, Z. (2017). Recent developments in biochar utilization as an additive in organic solid waste composting: a review. Bioresour. Technol., 246, 200–213.

Importance of Solid Waste Management on Composting, Problems and Proposed Solutions: The Case of Turkey

Year 2020, , 66 - 71, 31.08.2020


The high generation rates of organic waste and their open dumpsite in landfills are resulting in some adverse affects related with environment, economy and social life. Composting represents one of cleaner technologies in diverting organic pollutants from landfill. According to the recent statistics, the amount rate of municipal waste generated in Turkey in 2018 was nearly 32.2 tons. Comparable to the other countries waste management systems, it is a fore thought to arrange of municipal wastes in Turkey with the most suitable and economical methods. Municipal waste management technologies asnd strategies was based on the objectives of the Waste Landfill Regulation and Packaging Wastes Control Regulation. In the recent case, there are 8 biological waste treatment processing facilities in Turkey. Additionally, there are 6 mechanical-biological pre-treatment and recycling process facilities where mixed municipal waste is treated. In the management strategies, the waste formed in 2023 was targeted to 65% landfilled and 35% recovery. In this case study, details of municipal waste problems and achievment scenarios in Turkey and in other similar countries are been examined and results are discussed. It is seen that composting is still not a common method in the cities of many countries and Turkey due to some significiant problems. When administrative and technical factors are evaluated, waste transferring to landfill and biogas recovery is the best, easiest and economical method in the country. It is understood that biological and solid waste management is a very important work. This process play a significiant role for management system. Additionally, managements about national zero waste activities in Turkey and especially Istanbul city are still in the first step and this process need long time period to have better results.


  • CSB, (2017). Ministry of Environment, “Annual Report” webpage available:, April 2018. Ministry of Environment (CSB), webpage available at: [Accessed April 21, 2018].
  • EU, 2008. Directive 2008/98/EC of The European Parliament And of The Council on Waste and Repealing Certain Directives. Official Journal of the European Union, L312, 3–30.
  • Gajalakshmi, S. & Abbasi, S.A. (2002). Effect of the application of water hyacinth compost/vermicompost on the growth and flowering of Crossandra undulaefolia and on several vegetables. Bioresour. Technol., 85, 197-199.
  • Houng, H. (2005). “Policies and Measures of Waste Disposal and Treatment in Taiwan.” In book: Towards Zero Waste Society. New Management Policies for Solid Waste Disposal in Chinese Taipei. pp: 69-143. Available at: [Accessed May 21,2019]
  • ISTAC, (2018). webpage available at:, [Accessed Apr 10, 2018].
  • IBB (2020). webpage available at:, [Accessed Feb 10, 2020].
  • Kanat, G., A. Demir, B. Ozkaya, M.S. Bilgili, (2006). “Addressing the operational problems in a composting and recycling plant”, Waste Management, 26 (12), 1384–1391.
  • Kanat, G. (2010). “Municipal solid-waste management in Istanbul”, Waste Management, 30, 1737–1745
  • Laurent, A., Bakas, I., Clavreul, J., Bernstad, A., Niero, M., Gentil, E., Hauschild, M.Z. & Christensen, T.H. (2014). Review of LCA studies of solidwaste management systems – part I: lessons learned and perspectives. Waste Manage., 34, 573–588.
  • Logsdon S.D., Sauer P.A., Shipitalo M.J. (2017). Compost improves urban soil and water quality. J. Water Resour. Protect., 9, 345-357.
  • Meng X., Liu B., Zhang H., Wu J., Yuan X. & Cui Z. (2019). Co-composting of the biogas residues and spent mushroom substrate: Physicochemical properties and maturity assessment. Bioresource Technol., 276, 281-287
  • Mohammadshirazi F., McLaughlin R.A., Heitman J.L. & Brown V.K. (2017). A multi-year study of tillage and amendment effects on compacted soils. J. Environ. Manag., 203, 533-541
  • Mohee, R. & Soobhany, N. (2014). Comparison of heavy metals content in compost against vermicompost of organic solid waste: past and present. Resour Conserv Recycl., 92, 206–213.
  • Nath, K. & Singh, K. (2016). Analysis of different nutrient status of liquid biofertilizer of different combinations of buffalo dung with gram bran and water hyacinth through vermicomposting by Eisenia fetida. Environ Dev Sustain., 18, 645-656.
  • Pearson, C., Littlewood, E., Douglas, P., Robertson, S., Gant, T.W. & Hansell, A.L. (2015). Exposures and health outcomes in relation to bioaerosol emissions fromcomposting facilities: a systematic review of occupational and communitystudies. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health B Crit. Rev., 18(1), 43–69.
  • TUIK (2020). Environmental Statics, The Turkish Statistical Institute webpage available at:, [Accessed Feb 10, 2020].
  • Wang, T., Wang, S., Zhong, X., Sun, Z., Huang, Y., Tan, L., Tang, Y. & Kid, K.. (2017). Converting digested residue eluted from dry anaerobic digestion of distilled grain waste into value-added fertilizer by aerobic composting. J. Cleaner Prod., 166, 530–536.
  • Wei, Y., Li, J., Shi, D., Liu, G., Zhao, Y. & Shimaoka, T. (2017). Environmental challenges impeding the composting of biodegradable municipal solid waste: A critical review. Resour Conserv Recycl., 122, 51–65.
  • Xiao R., Awasthi M.K., Li R., Park J., Pensky S.M., Wang Q., Wang, J.J. & Zhang, Z. (2017). Recent developments in biochar utilization as an additive in organic solid waste composting: a review. Bioresour. Technol., 246, 200–213.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Gokhan Erguven 0000-0003-1573-080X

Gürdal Kanat 0000-0003-2600-2912

Publication Date August 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Erguven, G., & Kanat, G. (2020). Importance of Solid Waste Management on Composting, Problems and Proposed Solutions: The Case of Turkey. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(19), 66-71.