Research Article
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Mengen’de Yetişen Bazı Yabani Mantar Türlerinin Doğal Boya Kaynağı Olarak Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2020, , 751 - 759, 31.12.2020


Bu çalışmada, doğal boya olarak chantarelle (Cantharellus Cibarius), porcini (Boletus Edulis ) ve trumpet (Craterellus Tubaeformis ) yabani mantarların ekstraksiyon ürünleri kullanılmıştır. Cantharellus Cibarius, Boletus Edulis ve Craterellus Tubaeformis türlerinden mantarlar Bolu Mengen ilçesinden toplanmış, yıkandıktan sonra etüvde (40°C ± 2°C) 8 saat kurutulmuştur. Materyal olarak 160 denye % 100 ipek iplik kullanılmıştır. Boyamalarda kullanılacak ipek iplikler laboratuvar tipi boyama makinesinde (Termal) 20 g/l zeytinyağı sabun çözeltisi 1 saat kaynatılmış ve ardından materyale sıcak ve soğuk yıkama işlemleri yapılarak materyaller kurutulmuştur. Boyamadan önce ipek iplikler bakır sülfat, potasyum alüminyum sülfat, potasyum dikromat, kalay (II) klorür, demir (II) klorür ve demir (III) klorür ile mordanlanmıştır. Çektirme yöntemine göre, iplikler laboratuvar boyama makinesinde 60 dakika kaynama sıcaklığında boyanmış, flotte içerisinde soğutulmaya bırakılarak 12 saat sonra örneklere, soğuk taşar yıkama, sıcak yıkama, kaynar sabunlama ve soğuk durulama işlemleri yapılmıştır. Kurutma işleminden sonra renk koordinatları oluşturmak için spektrofotometre (Datacolor Spectra Flash 600 plus- D65/ 10°) ile renk ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Boyanmış örneklerin yıkama, sürtme ve ışık haslıkları incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak: Mordan maddelerinin, toplam renk farklılığı (ΔE*) değişiminde etkili olduğu belirlenmiş ve en yüksek toplam renk farklılık değeri, bakırsülfat mordanının kullanıldığı boyamada elde edilmiştir. (ΔE*=10.2884). Açıklık – koyuluk (ΔL*) eksenine göre renk değerlendirilmesinde, potasyum bikromat ile mordanlanmış örnek dışında, diğer boyamalarda renk standarttan daha açık elde edilmiştir.
Chantarelle, porcini ve trumpet mantarlarlarından elde edilen boyarmaddeler ile ipekli materyalin boyanmasında Renk Kuvveti (K/S) değerleri karşılaştırıldığında; en iyi renk veriminin demir (II) klorür ile mordanlandıktan sonra porcini mantarından elde edilen doğal boya ile boyanmış ipek materyalde elde edildiği görülmektedir. Mordansız boyama ve demir (III) klorür, potasyum dikromat ve kalay klorür mordanları ile yapılan tüm boyamalarda renk verimi oldukça düşüktür.
Porcini mantarından elde edilmiş doğal boya ile boyanmış örneklerde, en yüksek toplam renk farklılık değerinin, demir (II) klorür mordanının kullanıldığı boyamada elde edildiği görülmüştür. Trumpet mantarından elde edilen doğal boya ile boyanmış ipek örneklerinde; en yüksek toplam renk farklılık değeri, bakır sülfat mordanının kullanıldığı boyamada elde edilmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi

Project Number



  • Ahmad, W. Y. W., Noor, N. Md., Ahmad, M. R., Ab Kadir. M. I., (2014). Microwave-Assisted Extraction as a Rapid Extraction to Produce Natural Dyes from Pycnoporus sanguineus Mushroom. Proceedings of the International Colloquium in Textile Engineering, Fashion, Apparel and Design 2014 (ICTEFAD 2014) pp 95-98.
  • Anonim 1. Cantharellus cibarius Fr.; (erişim tarihi 05.02.2020)
  • Anonim 2. Boletus edulis Bull. : Fr.; (erişim tarihi 25.01.2020)
  • Anonim 3. Craterellus tubaeformis; (erişim tarihi 15.01.2020)
  • Anonim 4. (erişim tarihi 25.07.2019)
  • Anonim 5. (erişim tarihi 02.02.2020)
  • Benli, H., Bahtiyari, M.I. (2015). Combination of ozone and ultrasound in pretreatment of cotton fabrics prior to natural dyeing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 89,116-124.
  • Bessete, A., Bessete AR. (2001). The rainbow beneath my feet: A mushroom dyer’s field guide, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, pp. 118.
  • Bhatti, I. A., Adeel, S., Jamal, M. A., Safdar, M., Abbas, M. (2010). Influence of gamma radiation on the colour strength and fastness properties of fabric using turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) as natural dye. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 79, 622−625.
  • Cheung, L.M., Cheung, P.C.K., Ooi, V.E.C. (2003). Antioxidant activity and total phenolics of edible mushroom extracts. Food Chemistry 81, 249–255.
  • Dayioglu, H.;Kut, D., Merdan, N., Canbolat, Ş. (2015). The Effect of Dyeing Properties of Fixing Agent and Plasma treatment on Silk Fabric Dyed with Natural Dye Extract Obtained from Sambucus Ebulus L. Plant. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 1609 – 1617.
  • Ebrahimzadeh, M.A., Safdari, Y., Khalili, M. (2015). Antioxidant Activity of Different Fractions of Methanolic Extract of the Golden Chanterelle Mushroom Cantharellus cibarius (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Iran. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. v17.i6.pages. 557-565.
  • Elshemy, N.S. (2011). Unconventional Natural Dyeing Using Microwave Heating with Cochineal as Natural Dyes, Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 15, 4, 26-36.
  • Hynninen, P.H., Räisänen, R.,Elovaara, P. (2000). Preparative Isolation of Anthraquinones from the Fungus Dermocybe sanguine Using Enzymatic Hydrolysis by the Endogenous β-GIucosidase. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of BiosciencesVolume 55, Issue 7-8, Pages 600-610.
  • Karuppan P., Sekarenthiran, S. C., Velusamy K., Sadasivam M., Mahalingam P., Ramayanam, B. M. ; Devi S. (2014). Prospective Aspects of Myco-Chrome As Promising Future Textiles. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP8) 2014..s. 412-416.
  • Kim, J.H., Sung, N.Y., Kwon, S.K., Srinivasan, P., Song, B.S., Choi, J.I., Yoon, Y., Jin Kyu Kim, J.K., Byun, M.W., Kim, M.R., Lee, J.W. (2009). Gamma-irradiation improves the color and antioxidant properties of Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) extract. J Med Food. 12(6):1343-7.
  • Kozarski, M., Klaus, A., Jakovljevic, D., Todorovic, N., Vunduk, J., Petrović, P., Niksic, M., Miroslav M Vrvic, M.M., Leo van Griensven, L.V. (2015). Antioxidants of Edible Mushrooms. Oct. 27; 20(10): 19489–19525.
  • Lee, Y.H., Kim, H.D. (2004). Dyeing properties and colour fastness of cotton and silk fabrics dyed with Cassia tora L. extract. Fiber. Polym. 5, 303-308. Liu, M., Zhao, H., Wu, J., Xiong, X., Zheng, L. (2018). Eco-friendly curcumin-based dyes for supercritical carbon dioxide natural fabric dyeing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 197,1262-1267.
  • Mirjalili, M., Nazarpoor, K., Karimi, L. (2011). Extraction and identification of dye from walnut green husks for silk dyeing. Asian J. Chem. 23, 1055–1059.
  • Mongkholrattanasit, R., Krystufek, J., Wiener, J., Vikova, M. (2011). Dyeing, fastness, and UV protection properties of silk and wool fabrics dyed with eucalyptus leaf extract by the exhaustion process. Fibres Text. East. Eur. 19, 3, 94-99.
  • Mongkholrattanasit, R., Krystufek, J., Wiener, J., Vikova, M. (2011). UV protection properties of silk fabric dyed with eucalyptus leaf extract. The Journal of The Textile Institute . Volume 102, 2011 - Issue 3. Pages 272-279.
  • Nakpathom, M., Somboon, B., Narumol, N., Mongkholrattanasit, R. (2018). Dyeing of Cationized Cotton with Natural Colorant from Purple Corncob, Journal of Natural Fibers, 15, 5, 668-679.
  • Nasiry, D., Khalatbary, A.R., Ebrahimzadeh, M.A. (2017).Anti-Inflammatory and Wound-Healing Potential of Golden Chanterelle Mushroom, Cantharellus cibarius (Agaricomycetes). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, , 19(10):893-903
  • Perumal K. (2004). Isolation, extraction and dyeing performance of fungal pigment from Ganoderma applanatum, Coriolus versicolor and Amanita muscaria. J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol. 34: 690-691.
  • Prabhu, K.H., Teli, M.D., Waghmare, N.G. ( 2011). Eco-friendly dyeing using natural mordant extracted from Emblica officinalis G. Fruit on cotton and silk fabrics with antibacterial activity. Fiber. Polym. 12, 753-759.
  • Tayade, P.B., Adivarekar, R.V. (2013). Adsorption kinetics and thermodynamic study of Cuminum cyminum L. dyeing on silk. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Volume 1, Issue 4, Pages 1336-1340.
  • Prusty, A.K., Das, T., Nayak, A., Das, N.B. (2010). Colourimetric analysis and antimicrobial study of natural dyes and dyed silk. J. Clean. Prod. 18, 1750-1756.
  • Rangel-Castro JI., Staffas A., Danell E., (2002) The ergocalciferol content of dried pigmented and albino Cantharellus cibarius fruit bodies, Mycol. Res. 106 (1): 70–73
  • Rather L.J., Shahid I. ul, Khan M.A., Mohammad F.. (2016) Adsorption and kineticstudies of Adhatoda vasica natural dye onto woolen yarn with evaluations ofcolorimetric and fluorescence characteristics, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 4 (2) 1780–1796.
  • Raisanen R. (2009) Dyes from lichens and mushrooms. In: Bechtold B, Mussak R (eds) Handbook of natural colorants. Wiley, UK, pp 183–200.
  • Raisanen R, Nousiainen P, Hynninen PH (2001) Emodin and dermocybin natural anthraquinones as a high temperature disperse dye for polyester and polyamide. Text Res J 71:922–927.
  • Raisanen R, Nousiainen P, Hynninen P.H. (2001) Emodin and dermocybin natural anthraquinones as mordant dye for wool and polyamide. Text Res J 71:1016–1022.
  • Räisänen R. (2002). Anthraquinones from fungus Dermocybe Sanguinea as textile dyes. Academic Dissertation, University of Helsinki, Finland Rice M.C. and Beebee D. (1980). Mushrooms for color. Eureka, CA: Mad River Press; pp. 153.
  • Santis, D.D., Moresi, M. (2007). Production of alizarin extracts from Rubia tinctorumand assessment of their dyeing properties, Industrial Crops and Products 26, 151–162.
  • Sarıkaya, A. G. (2019). Sulu Çözeltilerden Cr(VI)’nın Biyosorpsiyonunda Pleurotus ostreatus’un Biyokütle Olarak Kullanımının Araştırılması. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (17), 1173-1183.
  • Shahid, M., Islam,S., Mohammad, F. ( 2013). Recent advancements in natural dye applications: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production 53,310–331.
  • Tidke, G., Rai, M.K. (2006). Biotechnological Potential of Mushrooms: Drugs and Dye Production. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. Volume 8, Issue 4, pages 351-360
  • Vankar, P.S., Shanker,R., Verma, A. (2007). Enzymatic natural dyeing of cotton and silk fabrics, without metal mordants, Journal of Cleaner Production 15, 1441-1450.
  • Vankar, P.S., Shanker, R. ( 2006). Sonicator dyeing of cotton and silk fabric by Ixora coccinea. Asian Text. J., 77-80.
  • Wang, L., Wang, N., Jia, S., Zhou, Q. ( 2009). Research on dyeing and ultraviolet protection of silk fabric using vegetable dyes extracted from Flos Sophorae. Text. Res. J. 79, 1402-1409.
  • Weber, R.W., Mucci, A., Davoli, P. (2004). Laetiporic acid, a new polyene pigment from the wood-rotting basidiomycete Laetiporus sulphureus (Polyporales, Fungi). Tetrahedron Lett. 45: 1075-1078.

Evaluation of Some Wild Mushroom Species Growing in Mengen as a Natural Dye Source

Year 2020, , 751 - 759, 31.12.2020


In this study, extraction products of chantarelle (Cantharellus Cibarius), porcini (Boletus Edulis) and trumpet (Craterellus Tubaeformis) wild mushrooms were used as a natural dyes. Cantharellus Cibarius, Boletus Edulis and Craterellus Tubaeformis mushroom species were collected from Bolu Mengen district, washed and then dried in the oven (40oC ± 2oC) for 8 hours. 100% silk treat with 160 denye was used as a material to be dyed. The silk treads to be used in dyeing, were boiled in a laboratory type dyeing machine (Emsey Teknik) by applying 20g/l olive oil soap solution for 60 minutes, and then the material was dried by performing hot and cold water washing processes. Before dyeing, silk treads were mordanted with copper sulphate, potassium aluminum sulphate, potassiun dichromate, tin(II)chloride, iron(II)chloride and iron(III)chloride to see the effects of different mordants. According to the exhaustion method, the silk yarns were were dyed in the laboratory dyeing machine for 60 minutes at boiling temperature (around 98oC), then left to cool in the dyeing liquor, finally followed cold overflow washing, hot washing and cold rinsing additionally. After drying the samples, color measurements were carried out with a spectrophotometer (Datacolor Spectra Flash 600 Plus-D65/10o ) to create color coordinates. Color fastness to washing, rubbing and light of the dyed samples were examined. As a result, it was determined that mordant substances were effective in the change of total color difference ( ΔE) and the highest value was obtained in the dyeing using copper suphate mordant (ΔE 10.2884). In the evaluation of the color according to the lightness-darkness (ΔL) axis, the color was obtained lighter than the standard in other dyeings, except for the sample that was mordanted with potassium dichromate.
Comparing the color strength (K/S) values of the dyestuffs obtained from chantarelle, porcini and trumpet mushrooms on the dyed silk, it was observed that the best color yield was obtained in the silk material dyed with natural dye obtained from porcini mushroom after being mordanted with iron (II) chloride. The color yield was very low in the dyeing without mordant and all dyeing with iron (III) chloride, potassium dichromate and tin chloride mordants.
In the samples dyed with natural dyes obtained from porcini mushroom, the highest total color difference value was obtained in the dyeing using iron(II)chloride mordant. Silk samples dyed with natural dye obtained from trumpet mushroom, the highest total color difference value achieved in the dyeing using copper suphate mordant.

Project Number



  • Ahmad, W. Y. W., Noor, N. Md., Ahmad, M. R., Ab Kadir. M. I., (2014). Microwave-Assisted Extraction as a Rapid Extraction to Produce Natural Dyes from Pycnoporus sanguineus Mushroom. Proceedings of the International Colloquium in Textile Engineering, Fashion, Apparel and Design 2014 (ICTEFAD 2014) pp 95-98.
  • Anonim 1. Cantharellus cibarius Fr.; (erişim tarihi 05.02.2020)
  • Anonim 2. Boletus edulis Bull. : Fr.; (erişim tarihi 25.01.2020)
  • Anonim 3. Craterellus tubaeformis; (erişim tarihi 15.01.2020)
  • Anonim 4. (erişim tarihi 25.07.2019)
  • Anonim 5. (erişim tarihi 02.02.2020)
  • Benli, H., Bahtiyari, M.I. (2015). Combination of ozone and ultrasound in pretreatment of cotton fabrics prior to natural dyeing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 89,116-124.
  • Bessete, A., Bessete AR. (2001). The rainbow beneath my feet: A mushroom dyer’s field guide, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, pp. 118.
  • Bhatti, I. A., Adeel, S., Jamal, M. A., Safdar, M., Abbas, M. (2010). Influence of gamma radiation on the colour strength and fastness properties of fabric using turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) as natural dye. Radiat. Phys. Chem., 79, 622−625.
  • Cheung, L.M., Cheung, P.C.K., Ooi, V.E.C. (2003). Antioxidant activity and total phenolics of edible mushroom extracts. Food Chemistry 81, 249–255.
  • Dayioglu, H.;Kut, D., Merdan, N., Canbolat, Ş. (2015). The Effect of Dyeing Properties of Fixing Agent and Plasma treatment on Silk Fabric Dyed with Natural Dye Extract Obtained from Sambucus Ebulus L. Plant. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 1609 – 1617.
  • Ebrahimzadeh, M.A., Safdari, Y., Khalili, M. (2015). Antioxidant Activity of Different Fractions of Methanolic Extract of the Golden Chanterelle Mushroom Cantharellus cibarius (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Iran. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. v17.i6.pages. 557-565.
  • Elshemy, N.S. (2011). Unconventional Natural Dyeing Using Microwave Heating with Cochineal as Natural Dyes, Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 15, 4, 26-36.
  • Hynninen, P.H., Räisänen, R.,Elovaara, P. (2000). Preparative Isolation of Anthraquinones from the Fungus Dermocybe sanguine Using Enzymatic Hydrolysis by the Endogenous β-GIucosidase. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung - Section C Journal of BiosciencesVolume 55, Issue 7-8, Pages 600-610.
  • Karuppan P., Sekarenthiran, S. C., Velusamy K., Sadasivam M., Mahalingam P., Ramayanam, B. M. ; Devi S. (2014). Prospective Aspects of Myco-Chrome As Promising Future Textiles. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP8) 2014..s. 412-416.
  • Kim, J.H., Sung, N.Y., Kwon, S.K., Srinivasan, P., Song, B.S., Choi, J.I., Yoon, Y., Jin Kyu Kim, J.K., Byun, M.W., Kim, M.R., Lee, J.W. (2009). Gamma-irradiation improves the color and antioxidant properties of Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) extract. J Med Food. 12(6):1343-7.
  • Kozarski, M., Klaus, A., Jakovljevic, D., Todorovic, N., Vunduk, J., Petrović, P., Niksic, M., Miroslav M Vrvic, M.M., Leo van Griensven, L.V. (2015). Antioxidants of Edible Mushrooms. Oct. 27; 20(10): 19489–19525.
  • Lee, Y.H., Kim, H.D. (2004). Dyeing properties and colour fastness of cotton and silk fabrics dyed with Cassia tora L. extract. Fiber. Polym. 5, 303-308. Liu, M., Zhao, H., Wu, J., Xiong, X., Zheng, L. (2018). Eco-friendly curcumin-based dyes for supercritical carbon dioxide natural fabric dyeing, Journal of Cleaner Production, 197,1262-1267.
  • Mirjalili, M., Nazarpoor, K., Karimi, L. (2011). Extraction and identification of dye from walnut green husks for silk dyeing. Asian J. Chem. 23, 1055–1059.
  • Mongkholrattanasit, R., Krystufek, J., Wiener, J., Vikova, M. (2011). Dyeing, fastness, and UV protection properties of silk and wool fabrics dyed with eucalyptus leaf extract by the exhaustion process. Fibres Text. East. Eur. 19, 3, 94-99.
  • Mongkholrattanasit, R., Krystufek, J., Wiener, J., Vikova, M. (2011). UV protection properties of silk fabric dyed with eucalyptus leaf extract. The Journal of The Textile Institute . Volume 102, 2011 - Issue 3. Pages 272-279.
  • Nakpathom, M., Somboon, B., Narumol, N., Mongkholrattanasit, R. (2018). Dyeing of Cationized Cotton with Natural Colorant from Purple Corncob, Journal of Natural Fibers, 15, 5, 668-679.
  • Nasiry, D., Khalatbary, A.R., Ebrahimzadeh, M.A. (2017).Anti-Inflammatory and Wound-Healing Potential of Golden Chanterelle Mushroom, Cantharellus cibarius (Agaricomycetes). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, , 19(10):893-903
  • Perumal K. (2004). Isolation, extraction and dyeing performance of fungal pigment from Ganoderma applanatum, Coriolus versicolor and Amanita muscaria. J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol. 34: 690-691.
  • Prabhu, K.H., Teli, M.D., Waghmare, N.G. ( 2011). Eco-friendly dyeing using natural mordant extracted from Emblica officinalis G. Fruit on cotton and silk fabrics with antibacterial activity. Fiber. Polym. 12, 753-759.
  • Tayade, P.B., Adivarekar, R.V. (2013). Adsorption kinetics and thermodynamic study of Cuminum cyminum L. dyeing on silk. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Volume 1, Issue 4, Pages 1336-1340.
  • Prusty, A.K., Das, T., Nayak, A., Das, N.B. (2010). Colourimetric analysis and antimicrobial study of natural dyes and dyed silk. J. Clean. Prod. 18, 1750-1756.
  • Rangel-Castro JI., Staffas A., Danell E., (2002) The ergocalciferol content of dried pigmented and albino Cantharellus cibarius fruit bodies, Mycol. Res. 106 (1): 70–73
  • Rather L.J., Shahid I. ul, Khan M.A., Mohammad F.. (2016) Adsorption and kineticstudies of Adhatoda vasica natural dye onto woolen yarn with evaluations ofcolorimetric and fluorescence characteristics, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 4 (2) 1780–1796.
  • Raisanen R. (2009) Dyes from lichens and mushrooms. In: Bechtold B, Mussak R (eds) Handbook of natural colorants. Wiley, UK, pp 183–200.
  • Raisanen R, Nousiainen P, Hynninen PH (2001) Emodin and dermocybin natural anthraquinones as a high temperature disperse dye for polyester and polyamide. Text Res J 71:922–927.
  • Raisanen R, Nousiainen P, Hynninen P.H. (2001) Emodin and dermocybin natural anthraquinones as mordant dye for wool and polyamide. Text Res J 71:1016–1022.
  • Räisänen R. (2002). Anthraquinones from fungus Dermocybe Sanguinea as textile dyes. Academic Dissertation, University of Helsinki, Finland Rice M.C. and Beebee D. (1980). Mushrooms for color. Eureka, CA: Mad River Press; pp. 153.
  • Santis, D.D., Moresi, M. (2007). Production of alizarin extracts from Rubia tinctorumand assessment of their dyeing properties, Industrial Crops and Products 26, 151–162.
  • Sarıkaya, A. G. (2019). Sulu Çözeltilerden Cr(VI)’nın Biyosorpsiyonunda Pleurotus ostreatus’un Biyokütle Olarak Kullanımının Araştırılması. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (17), 1173-1183.
  • Shahid, M., Islam,S., Mohammad, F. ( 2013). Recent advancements in natural dye applications: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production 53,310–331.
  • Tidke, G., Rai, M.K. (2006). Biotechnological Potential of Mushrooms: Drugs and Dye Production. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. Volume 8, Issue 4, pages 351-360
  • Vankar, P.S., Shanker,R., Verma, A. (2007). Enzymatic natural dyeing of cotton and silk fabrics, without metal mordants, Journal of Cleaner Production 15, 1441-1450.
  • Vankar, P.S., Shanker, R. ( 2006). Sonicator dyeing of cotton and silk fabric by Ixora coccinea. Asian Text. J., 77-80.
  • Wang, L., Wang, N., Jia, S., Zhou, Q. ( 2009). Research on dyeing and ultraviolet protection of silk fabric using vegetable dyes extracted from Flos Sophorae. Text. Res. J. 79, 1402-1409.
  • Weber, R.W., Mucci, A., Davoli, P. (2004). Laetiporic acid, a new polyene pigment from the wood-rotting basidiomycete Laetiporus sulphureus (Polyporales, Fungi). Tetrahedron Lett. 45: 1075-1078.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Filiz Yıldız 0000-0001-7757-8888

Nigar Merdan 0000-0001-7246-4849

Habip Dayıoğlu 0000-0002-2069-4412

Emine Koçak 0000-0002-0656-6430

Project Number 2014.18.06.740
Publication Date December 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Yıldız, F., Merdan, N., Dayıoğlu, H., Koçak, E. (2020). Mengen’de Yetişen Bazı Yabani Mantar Türlerinin Doğal Boya Kaynağı Olarak Değerlendirilmesi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(20), 751-759.