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İzmir İlinde Elektrikli Kara Araçları için Güneş Enerjisi Destekli Bir Şarj İstasyonun Tasarlanması

Year 2021, , 635 - 648, 31.01.2021


Ulaşım alanındaki enerji ihtiyacı gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Ulaşım sektörünün enerji kullanımındaki payı görece fazla olduğu için son yıllarda elektrikli araç ve şarj istasyonlarına olan yatırımlar ivme kazanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, şarj istasyonlarının güneş enerjisi gibi yenilenebilir kaynaklardan enerjilerini üreterek şebekeye olan yükü ve araç dolum maliyetlerini azaltması beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, İzmir ili için alışveriş merkezlerinde geçirilen süreler, mevcut elektrikli araç sayısı ve şarj istasyonu sayısı dikkate alınarak fotovoltaik panel ile desteklenmiş şebekeye bağlı bir elektrikli araç şarj istasyonunun yenilenebilir enerji, talep ve güç dengesi altsistemleri kullanılarak simülasyon modeli MATLAB\Simulink ortamında oluşturulmuştur. Elektrikli aracın geliş zamanı, istasyonda ne kadar kalacağı ve bataryasının doluluk oranı literatür ve gerçek verilere uygun olarak rassal değişken olarak modellenmiştir. Farklı boyutlandırılmış güneş enerjisi destekli elektrik araç şarj istasyonlarının önümüzdeki 25 seneyi kapsayacak şekilde maliyet analizi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, şebeke üzerine binen yükün azaltılmasına olan katkısı da incelenmiştir.


  • Chrysanidis, G., Kosmanos, D., Argyriou, A., & Maglaras, L. (2019). Stochastic optimization of electric vehicle charging stations. Proceedings - 2019 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation, SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/SCALCOM/IOP/SCI 2019, 1–7.
  • Dong, X., Mu, Y., Xu, X., Jia, H., Wu, J., Yu, X., & Qi, Y. (2018). A charging pricing strategy of electric vehicle fast charging stations for the voltage control of electricity distribution networks. Applied Energy, 225(92), 857–868.
  • EİGM, 2020, Enerji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü Denge Tabloları. (Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2020)
  • Enfsolar, Solar Panel Directory, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2019).
  • Eşarj, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.10.2019).
  • European Commission, Photovoltaic Geographical Information System, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.10.2019).
  • Jian, L., Zheng, Y., Xiao, X., & Chan, C. C. (2015). Optimal scheduling for vehicle-to-grid operation with stochastic connection of plug-in electric vehicles to smart grid. Applied Energy, 146, 150–161.
  • Jiang, X., Wang, J., Han, Y., & Zhao, Q. (2017). Coordination Dispatch of Electric Vehicles Charging/Discharging and Renewable Energy Resources Power in Microgrid. Procedia Computer Science, 107(Icict), 157–163.
  • Google Haritalar, Karşıyaka, (Erişim Tarihi:15.11.2019).
  • InfiniSolar, Hybrid 10kW PV Inverter User Manual, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.10.2019).
  • International Energy Agency, 2018, Global EV Outlook, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, France, 139p.
  • Konyalıoğlu, S. (2014). Tüketicilerin alışveriş merkezi (AVM) tercihlerinde avm yönetiminin önemi.
  • Liang, H., Liu, Y., Li, F., & Shen, Y. (2019). Dynamic Economic/Emission Dispatch Including PEVs for Peak Shaving and Valley Filling. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(4), 2880–2890.
  • Liu, L., Kong, F., Liu, X., Peng, Y., & Wang, Q. (2015). A review on electric vehicles interacting with renewable energy in smart grid. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 51, 648–661.
  • Mohammadi Landi, M., Mohammadi, M., & Rastegar, M. (2018). Simultaneous determination of optimal capacity and charging profile of plug-in electric vehicle parking lots in distribution systems. Energy, 158, 504–511.
  • Mwasilu, F., Justo, J. J., Kim, E. K., Do, T. D., & Jung, J. W. (2014). Electric vehicles and smart grid interaction: A review on vehicle to grid and renewable energy sources integration. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 34, 501–516.
  • Peng, C., Zou, J., & Lian, L. (2017). Dispatching strategies of electric vehicles participating in frequency regulation on power grid: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68(July 2015), 147–152.
  • Resmi Gazete, 2018. Otopark Yönetmeliği (Sayı: 30340).
  • Resmî Gazete, 2019a, 1044 Sayılı Cumhurbaşkanı Kararı (Sayı: 30770), 2s.
  • Resmî Gazete, 2019b, Elektrik Piyasasında Lisanssız Elektrik Üretim Yönetmeliği (Sayı: 30772), 16s.
  • Saygin, D., Ercumen, Y., Groote, M. De, & Bean, F. M. (2019a). Enhancing Turkey’s policy framework for energy efficiency of buildings, and recommendations for the way forward based on international experiences. (June).
  • Saygın, D., Tör, O., Teimourzadeh, S., Koç, M., Hildermeier, J., & Kolokathis, C. (2019b). Türkiye ulaştırma sektörünün dönüşümü : Elektrikli araçların Türkiye dağıtım şebekesine etkileri. In SHURA Enerji Dönüşümü Merkezi. Retrieved from
  • Shaukat, N., Khan, B., Ali, S. M., Mehmood, C. A., Khan, J., Farid, U., … Ullah, Z. (2018). A survey on electric vehicle transportation within smart grid system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81(May 2017), 1329–1349.
  • Tuballa, M. L., & Abundo, M. L. (2016). A review of the development of Smart Grid technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 59, 710–725.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu, Elektrik Tarifelerine Esas Tarife Tabloları, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.10.2019).
  • Wang, H. J., Wang, B., Fang, C., Li, W., & Huang, H. W. (2019). Charging Load Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Based on Charging Frequency. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 237(6).
  • Yiğit Akü, Jel VRLA Derin Deşarj Aküler, ( Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2019).
  • Zheng, Y., Niu, S., Shang, Y., Shao, Z., & Jian, L. (2019). Integrating plug-in electric vehicles into power grids: A comprehensive review on power interaction mode, scheduling methodology and mathematical foundation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 112(June), 424–439.

Design of a Solar-Assisted Charging Station For Electric Vehicles in İzmir

Year 2021, , 635 - 648, 31.01.2021


The energy demand in the field of transportation is increasing day by day. Investments in electric vehicles and charging stations have gained momentum in recent years as the transportation sector has a relatively large share in energy use. In this context, charging stations are expected to generate their energy from renewable sources such as solar energy and reduce the load on the grid and vehicle charging costs. In this study, a simulation model of a charging station connected to the grid supported by photovoltaic panel is created by MATLAB\Simulink based on the times spent in shopping centers, the number of vehicles and charging stations available for İzmir. This model consists of renewable (solar) energy, demand and power balance subsystems. The arrival time of the electric vehicle, the duration which it will stay at the station and the battery's state of charge measure are all treated as random processes. The cost analysis of different sized solar-assisted electric vehicle charge stations has been carried out for 25 years. Additionally, the effect on reducing the excessive load on the grid is investigated.


  • Chrysanidis, G., Kosmanos, D., Argyriou, A., & Maglaras, L. (2019). Stochastic optimization of electric vehicle charging stations. Proceedings - 2019 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Advanced and Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing and Communications, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation, SmartWorld/UIC/ATC/SCALCOM/IOP/SCI 2019, 1–7.
  • Dong, X., Mu, Y., Xu, X., Jia, H., Wu, J., Yu, X., & Qi, Y. (2018). A charging pricing strategy of electric vehicle fast charging stations for the voltage control of electricity distribution networks. Applied Energy, 225(92), 857–868.
  • EİGM, 2020, Enerji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü Denge Tabloları. (Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2020)
  • Enfsolar, Solar Panel Directory, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2019).
  • Eşarj, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.10.2019).
  • European Commission, Photovoltaic Geographical Information System, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.10.2019).
  • Jian, L., Zheng, Y., Xiao, X., & Chan, C. C. (2015). Optimal scheduling for vehicle-to-grid operation with stochastic connection of plug-in electric vehicles to smart grid. Applied Energy, 146, 150–161.
  • Jiang, X., Wang, J., Han, Y., & Zhao, Q. (2017). Coordination Dispatch of Electric Vehicles Charging/Discharging and Renewable Energy Resources Power in Microgrid. Procedia Computer Science, 107(Icict), 157–163.
  • Google Haritalar, Karşıyaka, (Erişim Tarihi:15.11.2019).
  • InfiniSolar, Hybrid 10kW PV Inverter User Manual, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.10.2019).
  • International Energy Agency, 2018, Global EV Outlook, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, France, 139p.
  • Konyalıoğlu, S. (2014). Tüketicilerin alışveriş merkezi (AVM) tercihlerinde avm yönetiminin önemi.
  • Liang, H., Liu, Y., Li, F., & Shen, Y. (2019). Dynamic Economic/Emission Dispatch Including PEVs for Peak Shaving and Valley Filling. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(4), 2880–2890.
  • Liu, L., Kong, F., Liu, X., Peng, Y., & Wang, Q. (2015). A review on electric vehicles interacting with renewable energy in smart grid. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 51, 648–661.
  • Mohammadi Landi, M., Mohammadi, M., & Rastegar, M. (2018). Simultaneous determination of optimal capacity and charging profile of plug-in electric vehicle parking lots in distribution systems. Energy, 158, 504–511.
  • Mwasilu, F., Justo, J. J., Kim, E. K., Do, T. D., & Jung, J. W. (2014). Electric vehicles and smart grid interaction: A review on vehicle to grid and renewable energy sources integration. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 34, 501–516.
  • Peng, C., Zou, J., & Lian, L. (2017). Dispatching strategies of electric vehicles participating in frequency regulation on power grid: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68(July 2015), 147–152.
  • Resmi Gazete, 2018. Otopark Yönetmeliği (Sayı: 30340).
  • Resmî Gazete, 2019a, 1044 Sayılı Cumhurbaşkanı Kararı (Sayı: 30770), 2s.
  • Resmî Gazete, 2019b, Elektrik Piyasasında Lisanssız Elektrik Üretim Yönetmeliği (Sayı: 30772), 16s.
  • Saygin, D., Ercumen, Y., Groote, M. De, & Bean, F. M. (2019a). Enhancing Turkey’s policy framework for energy efficiency of buildings, and recommendations for the way forward based on international experiences. (June).
  • Saygın, D., Tör, O., Teimourzadeh, S., Koç, M., Hildermeier, J., & Kolokathis, C. (2019b). Türkiye ulaştırma sektörünün dönüşümü : Elektrikli araçların Türkiye dağıtım şebekesine etkileri. In SHURA Enerji Dönüşümü Merkezi. Retrieved from
  • Shaukat, N., Khan, B., Ali, S. M., Mehmood, C. A., Khan, J., Farid, U., … Ullah, Z. (2018). A survey on electric vehicle transportation within smart grid system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81(May 2017), 1329–1349.
  • Tuballa, M. L., & Abundo, M. L. (2016). A review of the development of Smart Grid technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 59, 710–725.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu, Elektrik Tarifelerine Esas Tarife Tabloları, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.10.2019).
  • Wang, H. J., Wang, B., Fang, C., Li, W., & Huang, H. W. (2019). Charging Load Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Based on Charging Frequency. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 237(6).
  • Yiğit Akü, Jel VRLA Derin Deşarj Aküler, ( Erişim Tarihi: 30.08.2019).
  • Zheng, Y., Niu, S., Shang, Y., Shao, Z., & Jian, L. (2019). Integrating plug-in electric vehicles into power grids: A comprehensive review on power interaction mode, scheduling methodology and mathematical foundation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 112(June), 424–439.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Atahan Çobanoğlu This is me 0000-0001-6789-4051

Gökhan Demirkıran 0000-0002-0076-6036

Mustafa Güneş 0000-0001-7042-3605

Publication Date January 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Çobanoğlu, A., Demirkıran, G., & Güneş, M. (2021). İzmir İlinde Elektrikli Kara Araçları için Güneş Enerjisi Destekli Bir Şarj İstasyonun Tasarlanması. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(21), 635-648.