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Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Verilerinden Anatomik Ayak Kemik Yapısının Ultraviyole Ledli 3 Boyutlu Yazıcı İle Üretimi

Year 2021, , 128 - 133, 31.01.2021


Burada sunulan çalışmanın amacı, bilgisayarlı tomografi tarama verilerinden faydalanılarak oluşturulan anatomik insan ayak kemiği modelinin, ışıkla kürleşebilen sıvı reçine kullanan ultraviyole (UV) led teknolojili likit kristal ekran (LCD) maskeleme panelli 3 boyutlu (3B) stereolitografi (SLA) yazıcıyla dijital olarak üretilmesidir. Bu çalışmayla, hem karmaşık bir anatomik modelin UV led ışık teknolojini kullanan LCD 3B yazıcıyla hassas bir şekilde ve kolaylıkla dijital olarak üretilebilir olup olmadığı hem de sözü edilen yazıcının yeteneği, esnekliği ve de potansiyeli gösterilmiştir. Bilgisayarlı tomografi cihazının ürettiği ve 2 boyutlu dijital görüntüleme ve iletişim (DICOM) verilerinden yola çıkarak öncelikle InVesalius tıbbi görselleştirme yazılımı aracılığıyla anatomik ayak kemiği modeli oluşturulmuştur. Bu model MeshLab yazılımında işleme tabi tutularak gerekli temizleme ve iyileştirme işlemi yapılmış ve ardında da ChiTuBox dilimleme yazılımı ile katmanlara ayırma, katmandaki kürleştirilecek kısımların belirlenmesi ve destek yapılarının oluşturulması işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tüm bu işlemlerden sonra anatomik ayak modeli UV led ışık kaynaklı, reçine bazlı düşük maliyetli SLA 3B yazıcıyla üretilmiştir. Üretilen bu model cerrahi müdahale öncesi ameliyat planlaması, sağlık personeli arasında daha iyi iletişim, tıp öğrencilerinin eğitimi ve kişiselleştirilmiş implant tasarımı gibi çok çeşitli konularda kullanılabilecektir.


  • Hull, C.W. U.S. Patent 4575330 (Publication Date: 3/11/ 1986). “Apparatus for Production of Three-Dimensional Objects by Stereolithography”, patents/US4575330
  • Lim, C.S.; Chua, C.K.; Leong, K.F. (2003): Rapid Proto-typing, World Scientific, Second edition.
  • Cooper, K.G. (2001): Rapid Prototyping Technology, Se-lection and Application, Marcel Dekker Inc.
  • Crawford, S. (2013):
  • Rosen, D.; Gibson, I.; Stucker, B. (2010): Additive Manu-facturing Technologies, Springer.
  • Knill, O.; Slavkovsky, E. (2013): Cornel University Library, arXiv:1306.5599 [math.HO].
  • Pearce, J.M., Blair, C.M., Laciak, K.J., Andrews, R.,Nosrat, A., Zelenika Zovko, I., (2010), 3-D printing of open source appropriate Technologies for self-directed sustainable development, Journal of Sustainable Development, 3 (4), pp. 17-29.
  • Wittbrodt, B.T., Glover, A.G., Laureto, J., Anzalone, G.C., Oppliger, D., Irwin, J.L., Pearce, J.M. (2013), Life-cycle economic analysis of distributed Manufacturing with open source 3-D printers, Mechatronics, 23, pp. 713-726.
  • Blua, A., (2013), A new industrial revolution: The brave new World of 3D printing, Radio Free Europe Radio Library, /24949765.html, (Son erişilen tarih: 23/012/2020)
  • The Economist (2012), A third industrial revolution, April 2012, /a-third-industrial-revolution,(Son erişimtarihi:23.12. 2020)
  • Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D printing, O’Reilly, November 2013, ISBN: 9781457183027, library/view/make-ultimate-guide/9781457183669/, (Son erişim tarihi: 23.12.2020)
  • Martens, T., Mears, L., Dotson, M., Graham, M., Sanger, P., (2011), Use of fused deposition modeling of polyphenylsulfone for centrifugal casting of polyurethane: material, surface, and process considerations, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 133 (5), 051003,
  • Gür, Yılmaz, (2020), Chapter 10 - “Mathematical Modelling and Additive Manufacturing of a Gyroid”, Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Engineering Problems, Editors: J.A. Tenreiro Machado, Necati Özdemir, Dumitru Baleanu,, pp. 187-196.
  • Rowan, D. (2011): Retrieved from WIRED Business Future Shock,, (Son erişim tarihi: 23.12.2020)
  • Quan, H., Zhang, T., Xu, H., Luo S., Nie, J., Zhu, X., (2020), Photo-curing 3D printing technique and its challenges, Bioactive Materials, 5, pp. 110-115.
  • Computed Tomography (CT), “What is CT Scanning of the Body?” ct, (Son erişim tarihi: 26.12.2020)
  • What is a CT scan? articles/153201.php (Son erişim tarihi: 26.12.2020)
  • Berce,P.; Chezan,H.; Balc,N. (2005), ESAFORM 2005 Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp.697-682.
  • Giannatsis,J.; Dedoussis,V., (2009), Int J Adv. Manuf. Technol, 40, pp.116-127.
  • Palousek,D.; Rosicky,F. (2014): Rapid Prototyping Journal 20/1, pp. 27–32
  • Marcincin, J.N.; Marcincinova,L.N.; Barna,J.; Janak,M. (2012): Tehnički Vjesnik 19, 3, pp. 689-694.
  • InVesalius® v3.0, (2020),, (Son erişim tarihi: 26.12.2020)
  • MeshLab®, (2020), Visual Computing Lab – ISTI –CNR, 2014.
  • ChiTuBox® Dilimleme Yazılımı, (2020), Guangdong, China, 518102, (Son erişim tarihi: 23.12.2020).

Fabrication of an Anatomical Foot Bone Structure from Computerised Tomography Data by an Ultraviolet Led 3D Printer

Year 2021, , 128 - 133, 31.01.2021


The aim of the study presented here is to digitally fabricate of a human anatomical bone structure from computerised tomography scan data by using a resin based ultraviolet (UV) Led LCD 3D printer. This study shows that whether a complex anatomical model can be fabricated precisely and easily with a UV led LCD 3D printer or not and the ability, flexibility and potential of the mentioned UV led LCD 3D printer. Based on the 2D digital imaging and communication (DICOM) data constituted by the computerised tomography device, an anatomical foot bone structure model is primarily created by InVesalius medical visualisation software. This model further processed in the MeshLab software in order to do the necessary cleaning and improvements, and then layering, defining the areas will be cured in that layer and generating of support structures with ChiTuBox slicing software. After all these processes are completed, the anatomical foot model structure will be fabricated with a UV led light sourced resin based low-cost SLA 3D printer. This model can be used for wide variety of subjects such as pre-operative surgical planning, better communication among healthcare professionals, training of medical students, and personalised implant design.


  • Hull, C.W. U.S. Patent 4575330 (Publication Date: 3/11/ 1986). “Apparatus for Production of Three-Dimensional Objects by Stereolithography”, patents/US4575330
  • Lim, C.S.; Chua, C.K.; Leong, K.F. (2003): Rapid Proto-typing, World Scientific, Second edition.
  • Cooper, K.G. (2001): Rapid Prototyping Technology, Se-lection and Application, Marcel Dekker Inc.
  • Crawford, S. (2013):
  • Rosen, D.; Gibson, I.; Stucker, B. (2010): Additive Manu-facturing Technologies, Springer.
  • Knill, O.; Slavkovsky, E. (2013): Cornel University Library, arXiv:1306.5599 [math.HO].
  • Pearce, J.M., Blair, C.M., Laciak, K.J., Andrews, R.,Nosrat, A., Zelenika Zovko, I., (2010), 3-D printing of open source appropriate Technologies for self-directed sustainable development, Journal of Sustainable Development, 3 (4), pp. 17-29.
  • Wittbrodt, B.T., Glover, A.G., Laureto, J., Anzalone, G.C., Oppliger, D., Irwin, J.L., Pearce, J.M. (2013), Life-cycle economic analysis of distributed Manufacturing with open source 3-D printers, Mechatronics, 23, pp. 713-726.
  • Blua, A., (2013), A new industrial revolution: The brave new World of 3D printing, Radio Free Europe Radio Library, /24949765.html, (Son erişilen tarih: 23/012/2020)
  • The Economist (2012), A third industrial revolution, April 2012, /a-third-industrial-revolution,(Son erişimtarihi:23.12. 2020)
  • Make: Ultimate Guide to 3D printing, O’Reilly, November 2013, ISBN: 9781457183027, library/view/make-ultimate-guide/9781457183669/, (Son erişim tarihi: 23.12.2020)
  • Martens, T., Mears, L., Dotson, M., Graham, M., Sanger, P., (2011), Use of fused deposition modeling of polyphenylsulfone for centrifugal casting of polyurethane: material, surface, and process considerations, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 133 (5), 051003,
  • Gür, Yılmaz, (2020), Chapter 10 - “Mathematical Modelling and Additive Manufacturing of a Gyroid”, Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Engineering Problems, Editors: J.A. Tenreiro Machado, Necati Özdemir, Dumitru Baleanu,, pp. 187-196.
  • Rowan, D. (2011): Retrieved from WIRED Business Future Shock,, (Son erişim tarihi: 23.12.2020)
  • Quan, H., Zhang, T., Xu, H., Luo S., Nie, J., Zhu, X., (2020), Photo-curing 3D printing technique and its challenges, Bioactive Materials, 5, pp. 110-115.
  • Computed Tomography (CT), “What is CT Scanning of the Body?” ct, (Son erişim tarihi: 26.12.2020)
  • What is a CT scan? articles/153201.php (Son erişim tarihi: 26.12.2020)
  • Berce,P.; Chezan,H.; Balc,N. (2005), ESAFORM 2005 Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp.697-682.
  • Giannatsis,J.; Dedoussis,V., (2009), Int J Adv. Manuf. Technol, 40, pp.116-127.
  • Palousek,D.; Rosicky,F. (2014): Rapid Prototyping Journal 20/1, pp. 27–32
  • Marcincin, J.N.; Marcincinova,L.N.; Barna,J.; Janak,M. (2012): Tehnički Vjesnik 19, 3, pp. 689-694.
  • InVesalius® v3.0, (2020),, (Son erişim tarihi: 26.12.2020)
  • MeshLab®, (2020), Visual Computing Lab – ISTI –CNR, 2014.
  • ChiTuBox® Dilimleme Yazılımı, (2020), Guangdong, China, 518102, (Son erişim tarihi: 23.12.2020).
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Yılmaz Gür 0000-0003-1709-1298

Publication Date January 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Gür, Y. (2021). Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Verilerinden Anatomik Ayak Kemik Yapısının Ultraviyole Ledli 3 Boyutlu Yazıcı İle Üretimi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(22), 128-133.