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Döküm Kasnakların Tahrikinde Kullanılan V-Kayışlarının Otomatik Soğutulmasının Deneysel Olarak Araştırılması

Year 2022, , 323 - 330, 31.01.2022


Bilindiği gibi otomotiv sanayisinin önemli bir elemanı olan V-kayışları, devir düşürmede kullanıldığı gibi, makinenin korunmasında da bir sigorta görevi görmektedir. Bu sigorta durumunun, yine devir düşürmede kullanılan dişli veya (zincir) dişliler ile sağlanması mümkün değildir. Bu yüzden otomotiv sanayisinde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu araştırma V-kayışların ömrünü etkileyen önemli faktörlerden biri olan sıcaklığı en aza indirmek için, kasnaklar üzerine 8-16-32 adetlerde düz ve eğik kanatlar yerleştirildi. Takılan bu kanat tiplerinin ve sayılarının, belirlenen toplam devir sayılarına (4000-8000-16000-32000-64000 devir) ulaşıldığında kanatsız kasnağa göre sıcaklığı nasıl etkileyeceği araştırıldı. Kayış ve kasnak sıcaklıkları infrared lazer termometre ile ölçüldü. Yapılan çalışmada kanatsız kasnağa göre en iyi sonuç veren kanat tipinin ve sayısının eğik 32 kanatlı kasnak olduğu görüldü. SPSS T-Test analiz programı kullanılarak incelendi. Analiz sonuçlarına bakıldığında standart sapma miktarlarının kabul edilebilir bir değerde oldukları görüldü. SPSS kolerasyon katsayı testi analizi 32 eğik kanatlı kasnağın sıcaklığı kanatsız kasnağa göre en fazla düşürdüğünü gösterdi. Bu çalışmaların sonucunda elde edilen sonuçların otomotiv sanayisi ve V-kayışların kullanıldığı makineler için önemli bir katkısı olacağını düşünmekteyiz.


  • Firbank TC. (1970). Mechanics of the belt drive. Int. J. Mech. Sci. Pergaman Press. 12, Printed in Great Britain, 1053-63.
  • O. Reynolds (1874). On the efficiency of belts or straps as communicators of work, Engineering 38 396.
  • Gerbert, G. (1981). Some Notes on V-Belt Drives. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, Cilt 103, Sayı 1, 8-18.
  • Oliver, L. Johnson, C. and Breig, W. (1976). V-Belt Life Prediction and Power Rating. Journal of Engineering for Industry, Trans Asme, 340-347. Dolan, J.P. and Worley, W.S. (1976). Closed Form Approximations to the Solution of V-Belt Force and Slip Equations. Journal Mechanism, Transmissions and Automation in Design.
  • Alciator, D.G. and Traver A.E (1989). Multipulley Belt Drive Mechanics Creep Theory and Shear. Proceedings of the International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, Institute of Technology, Chicago. 65-70.
  • Peeken, H. and Fischer, F. (1989). Experimental Investigation of Power Loss and Operating Conditions of Statically Loaded Belt Drives. Proceedings of 1989 Int. PTG Conf.: New Technology Power Transmission, 90’s, ASME, 15-24.
  • Uçar, M. and Cengiz, A. (2004), Experımental Analysıs Of The Effects Of Envıronmental Condıtıons On The V-Belt Slıp Journal of Engineering Sciences. 10 (1) 137-144.
  • Maamuri (2003). Babylon University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol 8, No 3.
  • Sundararaman, S. et al. (2009). Temperature dependent fatigue-failure analysis of V-ribbed serpentine belts. International Journal of Fatigue 31, 1262–1270.
  • Song, G. Chandrashekhara, K. Breig, WF. Klein, DL. and Oliver, LR. (2005). Analysis of cordreinforced poly-rib serpentine drive with thermal effect. ASME J Mech Des;127:1198–206.
  • Legorju-jago, K. and Bathias, C. (2002). Fatigue initiation and propagation in natural and synthetic rubbers. Int J Fatigue 24:85–92.
  • Uçar, M. Cengiz, A. (2004). Experımental Analysıs Of The Effects Of Envıronmental Condıtıons On The V-Belt Slıp Journal of Engineering Sciences. 10 (1) 137-144.

Experimental Investigation of Automatic Cooling of V-Belts Used in the Drive of Cast Pulleys

Year 2022, , 323 - 330, 31.01.2022


As it is known, V-belts, which are an important element of the automotive industry, are used as a insurance in the protection of the machine as well as in reducing the speed. It is not possible to provide this insurance situation with gear or (chain) gears, which are also used in reduction of speed. Therefore, it has an important place in the automotive industry. In this study, cast pulleys were designed and manufactured, 8-16-32 straight and curved vanes were attached to the pulleys, and the effect of V-belts and pulleys on cooling was investigated. It was investigated how these vane types and numbers will affect the temperature compared to the normal pulley when the determined total number of revolutions (4000-8000-16000-32000-64000 revolution) is reached. Belt and pulley temperatures were measured with an infrared laser thermometer. In the study, it was seen that the type and number of vanes that gave the best results compared to the normal pulley were 32 forward vane pulleys. It was analyzed using SPSS T-Test analysis program. Looking at the analysis results, it was seen that the standard deviation amounts were at an acceptable value. SPSS correlation coefficient test analysis showed that 32 forward vane pulleys decreased the temperature the most compared to the normal pulley. We think that the results obtained as a result of these studies will be an important contribution to the automotive industry and machines using V-belts.


  • Firbank TC. (1970). Mechanics of the belt drive. Int. J. Mech. Sci. Pergaman Press. 12, Printed in Great Britain, 1053-63.
  • O. Reynolds (1874). On the efficiency of belts or straps as communicators of work, Engineering 38 396.
  • Gerbert, G. (1981). Some Notes on V-Belt Drives. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, Cilt 103, Sayı 1, 8-18.
  • Oliver, L. Johnson, C. and Breig, W. (1976). V-Belt Life Prediction and Power Rating. Journal of Engineering for Industry, Trans Asme, 340-347. Dolan, J.P. and Worley, W.S. (1976). Closed Form Approximations to the Solution of V-Belt Force and Slip Equations. Journal Mechanism, Transmissions and Automation in Design.
  • Alciator, D.G. and Traver A.E (1989). Multipulley Belt Drive Mechanics Creep Theory and Shear. Proceedings of the International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, Institute of Technology, Chicago. 65-70.
  • Peeken, H. and Fischer, F. (1989). Experimental Investigation of Power Loss and Operating Conditions of Statically Loaded Belt Drives. Proceedings of 1989 Int. PTG Conf.: New Technology Power Transmission, 90’s, ASME, 15-24.
  • Uçar, M. and Cengiz, A. (2004), Experımental Analysıs Of The Effects Of Envıronmental Condıtıons On The V-Belt Slıp Journal of Engineering Sciences. 10 (1) 137-144.
  • Maamuri (2003). Babylon University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol 8, No 3.
  • Sundararaman, S. et al. (2009). Temperature dependent fatigue-failure analysis of V-ribbed serpentine belts. International Journal of Fatigue 31, 1262–1270.
  • Song, G. Chandrashekhara, K. Breig, WF. Klein, DL. and Oliver, LR. (2005). Analysis of cordreinforced poly-rib serpentine drive with thermal effect. ASME J Mech Des;127:1198–206.
  • Legorju-jago, K. and Bathias, C. (2002). Fatigue initiation and propagation in natural and synthetic rubbers. Int J Fatigue 24:85–92.
  • Uçar, M. Cengiz, A. (2004). Experımental Analysıs Of The Effects Of Envıronmental Condıtıons On The V-Belt Slıp Journal of Engineering Sciences. 10 (1) 137-144.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Zülküf Balalan 0000-0001-5808-6263

Mesut Köse 0000-0001-9167-6943

Omer Ekinci 0000-0002-0179-6456

Publication Date January 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Balalan, Z., Köse, M., & Ekinci, O. (2022). Experimental Investigation of Automatic Cooling of V-Belts Used in the Drive of Cast Pulleys. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(33), 323-330.