Research Article
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Effects of Bench Geometry on Cutting Performance of Marble Production With Diamond Wire

Year 2019, Issue: 17, 663 - 675, 31.12.2019


Diamond wire cutting method is a commonly used method in block marble production. The success of this method depends on the cutting capacity and level of wear present in the diamond beads. Bench geometry is one of the most influential factors in cutting capacity and diamond bead wear. For this purpose, necessary measurements were made in Emmioğlu Inc. Amasya beige quarry and Özmersan Inc. Sivas yellow travertine quarry and the results of these measurements were evaluated to determine the effects of bench geometry on diamond wire cutting performance. The results indicated that as bench height/panel width (h/l) ratio increased, cutting capacity decreased; there were exponential relationships between the cutting area, hourly cutting capacity and the level of wear in the diamond beads-which were all affected by the bench geometry selection. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models were used to predict cutting capacity and diamond bead wear. The estimation with ANN analysis gives high correlation coefficients (R2=0,92-0,94) between the predicted and measured cutting capacity and the diamond bead wear values.


  • Beckman,T.R., Hulick, R.M. (1991). Diamond wire sawing speed dam project. Industrial Diamond Review, 272-274.
  • Berry, P., Bortolussi, A., Ciccu, R., Manca, P.P., Masacci, G., Pinzari, M. (1989). Optimum use of diamond wire equipment in stone quarrying. In: Proceedings of the 21st APCOM, Las Vegas, 351-365.
  • Bortolussi, A., Ciccu, R., Manca, P.P., Massacci, G. (1990). Simulation and optimization of rock cutting with diamond wire. XXII. International Symposium APCOM, Berlin, 163-176.
  • Bortolussi, A., Ciccu, R., Manca, P.P., Massacci, G. (1994). Computer simulation of diamond-wire cutting of hard rock and abrassive rock. IMM, 103, 55-128.
  • Cai, O., Mancini, R. (1989). Diamond wire for cutting hard rock. Dimensional Stone, 24-27.
  • Capuzzi, Q. (1989). Diamond wire cutting tecnology in granite quarry. ACIMM for Marble, 24.
  • Demirdağ, S. (2001). Mermer işletmeciliğinde elmas telle kesim performansının araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta.
  • Fausett, L. (1994). Fundamentals of neural networks. NJ Prentice Hall, pp 328-329.
  • Fine, T.L. (1999). Feedforward neural network methodology. Springer.
  • Görgülü K. (1994). Bazı mermer ocaklarında (Isparta-Burdur-Sivas) işletme sistemlerinin incelenmesi ve öncelikli kaya madde/kütle özellikleri ile ilişkilendirilmesi araştırmaları. C.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst. Maden Müh. Anabilim Dalı, Sivas, 95.
  • Gurney, K. (1997). An introduction to neural networks. CRC Press.
  • Hayes, D. (1990). Demolition-the modern method. Industrial Diamond Review, 69.
  • Haykin S. (1994). Neural networks. Macmillan Collage Publishing Conpany, 1994, pp 181-182
  • Jain, S.C., Rathore, S.S. (2009). Role of cut size area on the performance of diamond wire saw machine in quarrying of marble. International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment, 23, 79-91.
  • Jain, S.C., Rathore, S.S. (2011). Prediction of cutting performance of diamond wire saw machine in quarrying of marble a neural network approach. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 44, 367-371.
  • Lin C., LEE G. (1996). Neural fuzzy systems. Prentice Hall, pp 236-240, 242, 445-448.
  • Mannoni, L, Mannoni T. (1984). Le marbre. Sagep, Italy, 270.
  • Özçelik, Y. (1999). Mermercilikte kullanılan elmas tel kesme makinalarının çalışma koşullarının ıncelenmesi. Doktora tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Özçelik, Y., Kulaksız, S., Çetin, M.Ç. (2002). Assessment of the wear of diamond beads in the cutting of different rock types by the ridge regression. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 127, 3, 392-400.
  • Paul, D. (1993). Levenberg-Marquart methods and nonlinear estimation. SIAM News, 26, 6.
  • Tönshoff, H.K., Asche, J. (1997). Wear of metal-bond diamond tools in the machining of stone. Industrial Diamond Review, 1, 7-13.
  • Tönshoff, H.K., Hillmann-Apmann, H. (2002). Diamond tools for wire sawing metal components. Diamond and Related Materials, 11, 742–748.
  • Werland, W. (1990). Railway bridge cut in two. Industrial Diamond Review, 65-66.

Elmaslı Tel ile Mermer Üretiminde Basamak Geometrisinin Kesme Performansı Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2019, Issue: 17, 663 - 675, 31.12.2019


Elmaslı tel kesme metodu blok mermer üretiminde yaygın olarak kullanılan bir yöntem olup, yöntemin başarısı kesme kapasitesi ve elmaslı boncuklarda oluşan aşınmalara bağlıdır. Kesme kapasitesi ve elmaslı boncuk aşınmasını en çok etkileyen faktörlerden biri de ocak basamak geometrisidir. Bu çalışma elmaslı tel ile mermer üretiminde basamak geometrisinin kesme performansı üzerine etkilerinin ayrıntılı olarak incelenmesi amacıyla iki farklı mermer işletmesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları mermer işletmelerinde kesme yüksekliği/kesme genişliği oranı (h/l) arttıkça saatlik kesme kapasitesinin azaldığını, kesilen alan ile saatlik kesme kapasitesi arasında üssel (polinom) ilişkiler olduğunu, uygun basamak geometrisinin seçiminde elmaslı boncuklarda meydana gelen aşınmaların etkili olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ölçülen kesme kapasitesi ve elmaslı boncuk aşınma oranlarının tahmini için Yapay Sinir Ağları (YSA) modelleri kullanılmıştır. Yapay Sinir Ağları (YSA) ile yapılan modellerde tahmin edilen ve ölçülen kesme kapasitesi ve elmaslı boncuk aşınma değerleri arasında oldukça yüksek korelasyon katsayıları elde edilmiştir (R2 = 0,92-0,94).


  • Beckman,T.R., Hulick, R.M. (1991). Diamond wire sawing speed dam project. Industrial Diamond Review, 272-274.
  • Berry, P., Bortolussi, A., Ciccu, R., Manca, P.P., Masacci, G., Pinzari, M. (1989). Optimum use of diamond wire equipment in stone quarrying. In: Proceedings of the 21st APCOM, Las Vegas, 351-365.
  • Bortolussi, A., Ciccu, R., Manca, P.P., Massacci, G. (1990). Simulation and optimization of rock cutting with diamond wire. XXII. International Symposium APCOM, Berlin, 163-176.
  • Bortolussi, A., Ciccu, R., Manca, P.P., Massacci, G. (1994). Computer simulation of diamond-wire cutting of hard rock and abrassive rock. IMM, 103, 55-128.
  • Cai, O., Mancini, R. (1989). Diamond wire for cutting hard rock. Dimensional Stone, 24-27.
  • Capuzzi, Q. (1989). Diamond wire cutting tecnology in granite quarry. ACIMM for Marble, 24.
  • Demirdağ, S. (2001). Mermer işletmeciliğinde elmas telle kesim performansının araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta.
  • Fausett, L. (1994). Fundamentals of neural networks. NJ Prentice Hall, pp 328-329.
  • Fine, T.L. (1999). Feedforward neural network methodology. Springer.
  • Görgülü K. (1994). Bazı mermer ocaklarında (Isparta-Burdur-Sivas) işletme sistemlerinin incelenmesi ve öncelikli kaya madde/kütle özellikleri ile ilişkilendirilmesi araştırmaları. C.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst. Maden Müh. Anabilim Dalı, Sivas, 95.
  • Gurney, K. (1997). An introduction to neural networks. CRC Press.
  • Hayes, D. (1990). Demolition-the modern method. Industrial Diamond Review, 69.
  • Haykin S. (1994). Neural networks. Macmillan Collage Publishing Conpany, 1994, pp 181-182
  • Jain, S.C., Rathore, S.S. (2009). Role of cut size area on the performance of diamond wire saw machine in quarrying of marble. International Journal of Mining Reclamation and Environment, 23, 79-91.
  • Jain, S.C., Rathore, S.S. (2011). Prediction of cutting performance of diamond wire saw machine in quarrying of marble a neural network approach. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 44, 367-371.
  • Lin C., LEE G. (1996). Neural fuzzy systems. Prentice Hall, pp 236-240, 242, 445-448.
  • Mannoni, L, Mannoni T. (1984). Le marbre. Sagep, Italy, 270.
  • Özçelik, Y. (1999). Mermercilikte kullanılan elmas tel kesme makinalarının çalışma koşullarının ıncelenmesi. Doktora tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Özçelik, Y., Kulaksız, S., Çetin, M.Ç. (2002). Assessment of the wear of diamond beads in the cutting of different rock types by the ridge regression. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 127, 3, 392-400.
  • Paul, D. (1993). Levenberg-Marquart methods and nonlinear estimation. SIAM News, 26, 6.
  • Tönshoff, H.K., Asche, J. (1997). Wear of metal-bond diamond tools in the machining of stone. Industrial Diamond Review, 1, 7-13.
  • Tönshoff, H.K., Hillmann-Apmann, H. (2002). Diamond tools for wire sawing metal components. Diamond and Related Materials, 11, 742–748.
  • Werland, W. (1990). Railway bridge cut in two. Industrial Diamond Review, 65-66.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Kürşat Dilmaç 0000-0003-1212-6527

Kazım Görgülü This is me 0000-0003-3246-3838

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 17


APA Dilmaç, M. K., & Görgülü, K. (2019). Elmaslı Tel ile Mermer Üretiminde Basamak Geometrisinin Kesme Performansı Üzerine Etkileri. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(17), 663-675.