Research Article
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Intervention with Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals with Autism with Eating Problems

Year 2023, , 211 - 224, 30.09.2023


The aim of the research is to reveal the results of the intervention with a physical activity and nutrition program adapted to autistic individuals with eating problems. Among the single-subject research models, the multiple probe model across behaviors with a single initial probe phase was used. The population of the research consists of adolescent individuals with mild autism and obesity problems. The sample of the research consists of one (1) person determined by simple random sampling method among the families who voluntarily agreed to participate in the research. The research lasted twenty-eight (28) weeks. The data obtained were recorded by weighing before starting the study, every week after the start of the study, and the week when the study ended. The data obtained at the end of the application was analyzed by showing it on a graph. The data obtained was converted into point scores and turned into a line graph to reveal the change that occurred. It was observed that there were significant changes in the weight of the individual participating in the research over the weeks. Considering the results obtained, it can be said that the exercise and diet programs implemented during the research were effective.


  • Ahearn, W. H. (2003). Using simultaneous presentation to ıncrease vegetable consumption in a mildly selective child with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 36(3), 361–365.
  • Aktitiz, S., Yalçın, E., & Göktaş, Z. (2019). Dietary approaches in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Health Academy Kastamonu, 4(2), 127–143.
  • Akın, S., & Alp, H. (2019). Effect of adapted game-aided physical education program on the motor skills of children with autism spectrum disorders: Longitudinal case study. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 8(3), 63-72.
  • Aksoy, Y. (2020). The Effects of physical activities as recreational activities on social communication in children with autism. Gaziantep University Journal of Sports Sciences, 5(1), 1–9.
  • Al-Heizan, M.O., Alabdulwahab, S.S., Kachanathu, S.J., & Natho, M. (2015). Sensory processing dysfunction among Saudi children with and without autism. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(5), 1313–1316.
  • Arslan, E., & İnce, G. (2015). The Effect of a 12-week exercise program on gross motor skill levels of children with a typical autism. International Journal of Sports, Exercise & Training Sciences, 1(1), 51–62.
  • Bicer, A. H., & Alsaffar, A. A. (2013). Body mass index, dietary intake and feeding problems of Turkish children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(11), 3978–3987.
  • Broder-Fingert, S., Brazauskas, K., Lindgren, K., Iannuzzi, D., & Cleave, J. V. (2014). Prevalence of overweight and obesity in a large clinical sample of children with autism. Academic Pediatrics, 14(4), 408–414.
  • Çevik-Güner, Ü., & Bilkay, İ. (2022). Parents' perceptions and concerns about obesity in children with autism. YOBU Journal of Health Sciences Faculty, 3(1), 14–24.
  • Derer, A. (2018). Examination of physical activity, motor proficiency, and social skill levels in children with autism. Master Thesis, Pamukkale University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Psycho Social Field in Sports, Denizli.
  • Dhaliwal, K. K., Orsso, C. E., Richard, C., Haqq, A. M., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2019). Risk factors for unhealthy weight gain and obesity among children with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(13), 1-29.
  • Fujiwara, T., Morisaki, N., Honda, Y., Sampei, M., & Tani, Y. (2016). Chemicals, nutrition, and autism spectrum disorder: A Mini-Review. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10(APR), 1–7. Article 174.
  • Girli, A., Özgönenel, S. Ö., Sarı, H. Y., & Ardahan, E. (2016). Assessment of nutritional status in children with autism. Children and Civilization, 1, 87–99.
  • Harris, C., & Card, B. (2012). A Pilot study to evaluate nutritional influences on gastrointestinal symptoms and behavior patterns in children with autism spectrum disorder. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 20, 437–440.
  • Hinckson, E.A., Dickinson, A., Water, T., Sands, M., & Penman, L. (2013) Physical activity, dietary habits and overall health in overweight and obese children and youth with intellectual disability or autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(4), 1170–1178.
  • Kaya, K., & Alp, H. (2022). Examination of research on the importance of physical education and sports in children with autism: A Meta-Analysis. International Sport Science Student Studies, 4(1), 1–7.
  • Keskin, B., Hanbay, E., & Kalyoncu, M. (2017). The effects of exercise interventions on sports performance in children with autism aged 5-8 years. Istanbul University Journal of Sports Sciences,7(2), 50–58.
  • Kim, Y. S., & Leventhal, B. L. (2015). Genetic epidemiology and insights into ınteractive genetic and environmental effects in autism spectrum disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 77, 66–74.
  • Kodak, T., & Piazza, C. C. (2008). Assessment and behavioral treatment of feeding and sleeping disorders in children with autism spectrum disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 17(4), 887–905.
  • Lang, R., Koegel, L. K., Ashbaugh, K., Regester, A., Ence, W., & Smith, W. (2010). Physical exercise and individuals with autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4(4), 565–576.
  • MacDonald, M., Esposito, P., & Ulrich, D. (2011). The physical activity patterns of children with autism. BMC Res Notes 4, 422, 1-5.
  • Marzouki, H., Soussi, B., Selmi, O., Hajji, Y., Marsigliante, S., Bouhlel, E., Muscella, A., Weiss, K., & Knechtle, B. (2022). Effects of aquatic training in children with autism spectrum disorder. Biology, 11(5), 1–12. Article 657.
  • Mayes, S. D., & Zickgraf, H. (2019). Atypical eating behaviors in children and adolescents with autism, ADHD, others disorders and typical development. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 64, 76–83.
  • Meral, B. F. (2017). Dietary problems in children with autism spectrum disorder and evidence-based behavioral interventions. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 18(3), 493–508.
  • Merdan, F., & Çetin, İ. (2020). Nutrition and gastrointestinal issues in children with autism. Journal of General Health Sciences, 2(3), 126–135.
  • Molina-López, J., Leiva-García, B., Planells, E., & Planells, P. (2021). Food selectivity, nutritional inadequacies, and mealtime behavioral problems in children with autism spectrum disorder compared to neurotypical children. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54(12), 2155–2166.
  • Nor, N. K., Ghozali, A. H., & Ismail, J. (2019). Prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and associated risk factors. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 7(FEB), 1–10.
  • Odabaş, C. (2016). Investigation of the effects of regular sports training on individual skills in educable children with autism. Master's thesis, Bartin University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports Teacher, Bartın.
  • Orhan, B. E. (2014). The effect of movement education on social skills in autism. Master's thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports Teacher, Ankara.
  • Önal, S., & Uçar, A. (2017). Dietary approaches in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. Ankara Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 179–194.
  • Özdamar, K. (2003). Modern scientific research methods. Kaan Publishing House.
  • Özer, M., & Kurşun, Z. (2022). Dietary approaches in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Journal Of Sustainable Educational Studies, (Ö1), 341–348.
  • Özeren, G. S. (2011). Autism spectrum disorder and a perspective through the lens of evidence. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences, 2(4), 184–194.
  • Peña, C. M., & Payne, A. (2022). Parental experiences of adopting healthy lifestyles for children with disabilities living with overweight and obesity. Disability and Health Journal, 15(1), Article 101215.
  • Pitetti, K. H., Rendoff, A. D., Grover, T., & Beets, M. W. (2007). The efficacy of a 9-month treadmill walking program on the exercise capacity and weight reduction for adolescents with severe autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 37(6), 997-1006.
  • Polfuss, M., Johnson, N., Bonis, S.A., Hovis, S.L., Apollon, F., & Sawin K.J. (2016). Autism spectrum disorder and the child’s weight–related behaviors: A Parents’ Perspective. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 31(6), 598–607.
  • Sowa, M., & Meulenbroek, R. (2012). Effects of physical exercise on autism spectrum disorders: a meta-analysis. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6, 46–57.
  • Srinivasan, S. M., Pescatello, L. S., & Bhat, A. N. (2014). Current perspectives on physical activity and exercise recommendations for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Physical Therapy, 94(6), 875–889. 10.2522/ptj.20130157.
  • Şengüzel, S., Cebeci, A. N., Ekici, B., Gönen, İ., & Tatlı, B. (2021). Impact of eating habits and nutritional status on children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 16(3), 413–421.
  • Şimşek, F. (2017). The Effect of stretching exercises on balance performance in children with autism spectrum disorder aged 10-16. Master's Thesis, Istanbul Gelişim University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Coach Education, Bartın.
  • Toscano, C. V. A., Barros, L., Lima, A. B., Nunes, T., Carvalho, H. M., & Gaspar, J. M. (2021). Neuroinflammation in autism spectrum disorders: Exercise as a “Pharmacological” tool. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 129, 63–74.
  • Uçar, K., & Samur, G. (2017). Current dietary treatment approaches in autism therapy. Nutrition and Dietetics Journal, 45(1), 53–60.
  • Uzunçayır, D., & İlhan, E. L. (2021). Being a coach for children with special needs: A Qualitative assessment in accordance with coachers' opinions. G. Hergüner & A. S. Yücel (eds.) A Multidisciplinary approach to sports and health sciences. Güven Plus Grup A.Ş. Yayınları:
  • Vinck-Baroody, O. de, Shui, A., Macklin, E. A., Hyman, S. L., Leventhal, J. M., & Weitzman, C. (2015). Overweight and obesity in a sample of children with spectrum disorder. Academic Pediatrics, 15(4), 396–404.
  • Yarımkaya, E., İlhan, E. L., & Karasu, N. (2017). Examination of changes in communication skills of an individual with autism spectrum disorder participating in peer-mediated adapted physical activities. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 18(2), 225–252.

Yeme Problemi Olan Otizmli Bireylere Uyarlanmış Fiziksel Aktivite ve Beslenme Programı ile Müdahale

Year 2023, , 211 - 224, 30.09.2023


Araştırmanın amacı, yeme problemi olan otizmli bireylere uyarlanmış fiziksel aktivite ve beslenme programı ile müdahalenin sonuçlarını ortaya koyabilmektir. Tek denekli araştırma modellerinden tekli başlangıç yoklama evreli davranışlar arası çoklu yoklama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini, hafif düzeyde otizmli, obezite sorunu olan adolesan bireyler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, araştırmaya gönüllü katılmayı kabul eden ailelerin arasından basit tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen bir (1) kişi oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma yirmi sekiz (28) hafta sürmüştür. Çalışmaya başlamadan önce, başladıktan sonra her hafta ve çalışmanın sona erdiği hafta tartı ile ölçüm yapılarak elde edilen veriler kayıt altına alınmıştır. Uygulama sonunda elde edilen veriler, grafik üzerinde gösterilerek analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler, nokta puana dönüştürülerek, meydana gelen değişimi ortaya koymak için çizgi grafiğe dönüştürülmüştür. Araştırmaya katılan bireyin haftalara göre kilosunda belirgin değişiklikler olduğu görülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlara bakıldığında araştırma süresince uygulanan egzersiz ve diyet programlarının etkili olduğu söylenebilir.


  • Ahearn, W. H. (2003). Using simultaneous presentation to ıncrease vegetable consumption in a mildly selective child with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 36(3), 361–365.
  • Aktitiz, S., Yalçın, E., & Göktaş, Z. (2019). Dietary approaches in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Health Academy Kastamonu, 4(2), 127–143.
  • Akın, S., & Alp, H. (2019). Effect of adapted game-aided physical education program on the motor skills of children with autism spectrum disorders: Longitudinal case study. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 8(3), 63-72.
  • Aksoy, Y. (2020). The Effects of physical activities as recreational activities on social communication in children with autism. Gaziantep University Journal of Sports Sciences, 5(1), 1–9.
  • Al-Heizan, M.O., Alabdulwahab, S.S., Kachanathu, S.J., & Natho, M. (2015). Sensory processing dysfunction among Saudi children with and without autism. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(5), 1313–1316.
  • Arslan, E., & İnce, G. (2015). The Effect of a 12-week exercise program on gross motor skill levels of children with a typical autism. International Journal of Sports, Exercise & Training Sciences, 1(1), 51–62.
  • Bicer, A. H., & Alsaffar, A. A. (2013). Body mass index, dietary intake and feeding problems of Turkish children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(11), 3978–3987.
  • Broder-Fingert, S., Brazauskas, K., Lindgren, K., Iannuzzi, D., & Cleave, J. V. (2014). Prevalence of overweight and obesity in a large clinical sample of children with autism. Academic Pediatrics, 14(4), 408–414.
  • Çevik-Güner, Ü., & Bilkay, İ. (2022). Parents' perceptions and concerns about obesity in children with autism. YOBU Journal of Health Sciences Faculty, 3(1), 14–24.
  • Derer, A. (2018). Examination of physical activity, motor proficiency, and social skill levels in children with autism. Master Thesis, Pamukkale University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Psycho Social Field in Sports, Denizli.
  • Dhaliwal, K. K., Orsso, C. E., Richard, C., Haqq, A. M., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2019). Risk factors for unhealthy weight gain and obesity among children with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(13), 1-29.
  • Fujiwara, T., Morisaki, N., Honda, Y., Sampei, M., & Tani, Y. (2016). Chemicals, nutrition, and autism spectrum disorder: A Mini-Review. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10(APR), 1–7. Article 174.
  • Girli, A., Özgönenel, S. Ö., Sarı, H. Y., & Ardahan, E. (2016). Assessment of nutritional status in children with autism. Children and Civilization, 1, 87–99.
  • Harris, C., & Card, B. (2012). A Pilot study to evaluate nutritional influences on gastrointestinal symptoms and behavior patterns in children with autism spectrum disorder. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 20, 437–440.
  • Hinckson, E.A., Dickinson, A., Water, T., Sands, M., & Penman, L. (2013) Physical activity, dietary habits and overall health in overweight and obese children and youth with intellectual disability or autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(4), 1170–1178.
  • Kaya, K., & Alp, H. (2022). Examination of research on the importance of physical education and sports in children with autism: A Meta-Analysis. International Sport Science Student Studies, 4(1), 1–7.
  • Keskin, B., Hanbay, E., & Kalyoncu, M. (2017). The effects of exercise interventions on sports performance in children with autism aged 5-8 years. Istanbul University Journal of Sports Sciences,7(2), 50–58.
  • Kim, Y. S., & Leventhal, B. L. (2015). Genetic epidemiology and insights into ınteractive genetic and environmental effects in autism spectrum disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 77, 66–74.
  • Kodak, T., & Piazza, C. C. (2008). Assessment and behavioral treatment of feeding and sleeping disorders in children with autism spectrum disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 17(4), 887–905.
  • Lang, R., Koegel, L. K., Ashbaugh, K., Regester, A., Ence, W., & Smith, W. (2010). Physical exercise and individuals with autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4(4), 565–576.
  • MacDonald, M., Esposito, P., & Ulrich, D. (2011). The physical activity patterns of children with autism. BMC Res Notes 4, 422, 1-5.
  • Marzouki, H., Soussi, B., Selmi, O., Hajji, Y., Marsigliante, S., Bouhlel, E., Muscella, A., Weiss, K., & Knechtle, B. (2022). Effects of aquatic training in children with autism spectrum disorder. Biology, 11(5), 1–12. Article 657.
  • Mayes, S. D., & Zickgraf, H. (2019). Atypical eating behaviors in children and adolescents with autism, ADHD, others disorders and typical development. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 64, 76–83.
  • Meral, B. F. (2017). Dietary problems in children with autism spectrum disorder and evidence-based behavioral interventions. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 18(3), 493–508.
  • Merdan, F., & Çetin, İ. (2020). Nutrition and gastrointestinal issues in children with autism. Journal of General Health Sciences, 2(3), 126–135.
  • Molina-López, J., Leiva-García, B., Planells, E., & Planells, P. (2021). Food selectivity, nutritional inadequacies, and mealtime behavioral problems in children with autism spectrum disorder compared to neurotypical children. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54(12), 2155–2166.
  • Nor, N. K., Ghozali, A. H., & Ismail, J. (2019). Prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and associated risk factors. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 7(FEB), 1–10.
  • Odabaş, C. (2016). Investigation of the effects of regular sports training on individual skills in educable children with autism. Master's thesis, Bartin University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports Teacher, Bartın.
  • Orhan, B. E. (2014). The effect of movement education on social skills in autism. Master's thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical Education And Sports Teacher, Ankara.
  • Önal, S., & Uçar, A. (2017). Dietary approaches in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. Ankara Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 179–194.
  • Özdamar, K. (2003). Modern scientific research methods. Kaan Publishing House.
  • Özer, M., & Kurşun, Z. (2022). Dietary approaches in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Journal Of Sustainable Educational Studies, (Ö1), 341–348.
  • Özeren, G. S. (2011). Autism spectrum disorder and a perspective through the lens of evidence. Acıbadem University Journal of Health Sciences, 2(4), 184–194.
  • Peña, C. M., & Payne, A. (2022). Parental experiences of adopting healthy lifestyles for children with disabilities living with overweight and obesity. Disability and Health Journal, 15(1), Article 101215.
  • Pitetti, K. H., Rendoff, A. D., Grover, T., & Beets, M. W. (2007). The efficacy of a 9-month treadmill walking program on the exercise capacity and weight reduction for adolescents with severe autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 37(6), 997-1006.
  • Polfuss, M., Johnson, N., Bonis, S.A., Hovis, S.L., Apollon, F., & Sawin K.J. (2016). Autism spectrum disorder and the child’s weight–related behaviors: A Parents’ Perspective. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 31(6), 598–607.
  • Sowa, M., & Meulenbroek, R. (2012). Effects of physical exercise on autism spectrum disorders: a meta-analysis. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6, 46–57.
  • Srinivasan, S. M., Pescatello, L. S., & Bhat, A. N. (2014). Current perspectives on physical activity and exercise recommendations for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Physical Therapy, 94(6), 875–889. 10.2522/ptj.20130157.
  • Şengüzel, S., Cebeci, A. N., Ekici, B., Gönen, İ., & Tatlı, B. (2021). Impact of eating habits and nutritional status on children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 16(3), 413–421.
  • Şimşek, F. (2017). The Effect of stretching exercises on balance performance in children with autism spectrum disorder aged 10-16. Master's Thesis, Istanbul Gelişim University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Coach Education, Bartın.
  • Toscano, C. V. A., Barros, L., Lima, A. B., Nunes, T., Carvalho, H. M., & Gaspar, J. M. (2021). Neuroinflammation in autism spectrum disorders: Exercise as a “Pharmacological” tool. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 129, 63–74.
  • Uçar, K., & Samur, G. (2017). Current dietary treatment approaches in autism therapy. Nutrition and Dietetics Journal, 45(1), 53–60.
  • Uzunçayır, D., & İlhan, E. L. (2021). Being a coach for children with special needs: A Qualitative assessment in accordance with coachers' opinions. G. Hergüner & A. S. Yücel (eds.) A Multidisciplinary approach to sports and health sciences. Güven Plus Grup A.Ş. Yayınları:
  • Vinck-Baroody, O. de, Shui, A., Macklin, E. A., Hyman, S. L., Leventhal, J. M., & Weitzman, C. (2015). Overweight and obesity in a sample of children with spectrum disorder. Academic Pediatrics, 15(4), 396–404.
  • Yarımkaya, E., İlhan, E. L., & Karasu, N. (2017). Examination of changes in communication skills of an individual with autism spectrum disorder participating in peer-mediated adapted physical activities. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 18(2), 225–252.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled
Journal Section Articles

Didem Yazar 0000-0001-7136-9890

Hulusi Alp 0000-0001-9301-453X

Early Pub Date September 14, 2023
Publication Date September 30, 2023
Acceptance Date September 14, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yazar, D., & Alp, H. (2023). Intervention with Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals with Autism with Eating Problems. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education, 5(2), 211-224.
AMA Yazar D, Alp H. Intervention with Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals with Autism with Eating Problems. EJSSE. September 2023;5(2):211-224. doi:10.47778/ejsse.1343093
Chicago Yazar, Didem, and Hulusi Alp. “Intervention With Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals With Autism With Eating Problems”. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education 5, no. 2 (September 2023): 211-24.
EndNote Yazar D, Alp H (September 1, 2023) Intervention with Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals with Autism with Eating Problems. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education 5 2 211–224.
IEEE D. Yazar and H. Alp, “Intervention with Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals with Autism with Eating Problems”, EJSSE, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 211–224, 2023, doi: 10.47778/ejsse.1343093.
ISNAD Yazar, Didem - Alp, Hulusi. “Intervention With Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals With Autism With Eating Problems”. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education 5/2 (September 2023), 211-224.
JAMA Yazar D, Alp H. Intervention with Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals with Autism with Eating Problems. EJSSE. 2023;5:211–224.
MLA Yazar, Didem and Hulusi Alp. “Intervention With Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals With Autism With Eating Problems”. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education, vol. 5, no. 2, 2023, pp. 211-24, doi:10.47778/ejsse.1343093.
Vancouver Yazar D, Alp H. Intervention with Physical Activity and Nutrition Program Adapted to Individuals with Autism with Eating Problems. EJSSE. 2023;5(2):211-24.

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