Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 34 - 42, 01.01.2021



  • Al-Jibouri HA, Miller PA and Robinson AF (1958). Genotypic and environmental variances in an upland cotton cross of interspecific origin. J.Agron., 51: 515-518.
  • Braun HJ, Atlin G and Payne T (2010). Multi-location tes ting as a tool to identify plant response to global climate change. Climate Change and Crop Prodn., 1:115-138.
  • Burton GW (1952). Quantitative inheritance in grasses. In: Proc. 6th Intl. Grassland Cong.,1: 227-283.
  • Chandra K, Prasad R, Thakur P, Madhukar K and Prasad L (2017). Heat tolerance in wheat - A key s trategy to combat climate change through molecular markers. Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 6(3): 662-675.
  • Dewey DR and Lu KH (1959). A correlation and pathcoefficient analysis of components of cres ted wheat grass seed production. Agron. J., 42: 515-517.
  • Dey, Anwesha (2020). Rice and wheat production in India: An overtime s tudy on growth and ins tability. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem. 9(2): 158-161.
  • Fisher RA (1925). S tatis tical Methods for Research Workers. Oliver and Boyd. Edinburgh.
  • Guin K, Sethi SK and Arya RK (2019). Genetic s tudies on Triticum timopheevi based cytoplasmic genetic male s terility (CGMS) sys tem in relation to hybrid seed production in wheat (T. aestivum). Ekin J. 5(2):103-110.
  • Hanson GH, Robinson HF and Coms tock RE (1956). Biometrical s tudies of yield in segregating population of Korean Lespodzoa. Agron. J.,48: 267-282.
  • ICAR-IIWBR (2019). Director’s Report of AICRP on Wheat and Barley 2018-19, Ed: G. P. Singh.
  • ICAR-Indian Ins titute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal, Haryana, India. P 72.
  • Islam AU, Chhabra AK, Dhanda SS and Peerzada OH (2017). Genetic diversity, heritability and correlation s tudies for yield and its components in bread wheat under heat s tress conditions. IOSR J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 10(5): 71-77.
  • Johanson HW, Robinson HF and Coms tock RE (1955). Es timates of genetic and environmental variability in Soyabean. Agron. J., 47(7): 314-315.
  • Halford NG (2009). New insights on the effects of heat s tress on crops. J. Exptl. Bot.,60 (15): 4215-4216.
  • Kant S, Lamba RAS, Arya RK and Panwar IS (2014). Effect of terminal heat s tress on s tability of yield and quality parameters in bread wheat in southwes t Haryana. J. Wheat Res. 6(1):64-73.
  • Kant S, Lamba RAS, Panwar IS and Arya RK (2011). Variability and inter-relationship among yield and quality parameters in bread wheat. J. Wheat Res.3(2):50-55.
  • Khanal D, Thapa D, Dhakal K, Kandel B and Pandey M (2020). Correlation and path coefficient analysis of elite spring wheat lines developed for high temperature tolerance. Environ. Ecosys tem Sci.,4(2): 56-59.
  • Kumar M, Sharma RK, Singh GP and Kala YK (2018). Diversity and association analysis in bread wheat under terminal heat s tress condition. J. Wheat Res., 9(2): 132-136.
  • Lopes MS and Reynolds MP (2012). S tay-green in spring wheat can be determined by spectral reflectance measurements (normalized difference vegetation index) independently from phenology. J. Exptl. Bot., 63(10): 3789-3798.
  • Madry W, S tudnicki M, Rozbicki J, Golba J, Gozdowski D, Pecio A and Oleksy A (2015).
  • Ontogenetic-based sequential path analysis of grain yield and its related traits in several winter wheat cultivars. Acta Agric.Scandinavica, Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 65(7): 605- 618.
  • Mansouri A, Oudjehih B, Benbelkacem A, Fellahi ZA and Bouzerzour H (2018). Variation and relationships among agronomic traits in durum wheat [Triticum turgidum (L.) Thell. ssp. turgidum conv. durum (Desf.) MacKey] under South Mediterranean growth conditions: S tepwise and path analyses. Intl. J. Agron.10.1155/2018/8191749.
  • Mohammadi M, Karimizadeh R, Sabaghnia N and Shefazadeh MK (2012). Effective application of canopy temperature for wheat genotypes screening under different water availability in warm environments. Bulgarian J. Agril. Sci., 18(6): 934-941.
  • Mohanty S, Mukherjee S, Mukhopadhyaya SK and Dash AP (2016). Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under terminal heat s tress. Intl. J. Bio-Resource S tress Manag., 7(6): 1232-1238.
  • Nawaz A, Farooq M, Cheema SA and Wahid A (2013). Differential response of wheat cultivars to terminal heat s tress. Intl. J. Agric. Bio.,15: 1354-1358.
  • Neeru, Panwar IS and Singh V (2017). Genetic parameters of variability and path analysis in wheat under timely and late sown conditions. Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 6(7): 1914-1923.
  • Panse VG and Sukhatme PV (1967). S tatis tical Methods for Agricultural Workers. ICAR, New Delhi.
  • Parihar R, Agrawal AP, Burman M and Minz MG (2018). Relationship between grain yield and other yield attributing characters in wheat under terminal heat s tress. J. Pharmacog. Phytochem., 7(1): 2114-2117.
  • Preeti, Panwar IS, Arya RK and Divya Phought. (2016a). Effect of environment on yield accumulation in wheat cultivars under Haryana conditions International Journal of Farm Sciences 6(3): 1-4.
  • Preeti, Panwar IS and Arya RK (2016b). Effects of changing environment on wheat dry matter yield. Forage Res.42 (1): 56-61 Rathwa H, Pansuriya A, Patel J and Jalu R (2018).
  • Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 7(1): 1208- 1215.
  • Sangwan S, Ram K, Rani P and Munjal R (2018). Effect of terminal high temperature on chlorophyll content and normalized difference vegetation index in recombinant inbred lines of bread wheat. Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 7(6): 1174- 1183.
  • Sareen S, Bhusal N, Kumar M, Bhati PK, Munjal R, Kumari J, Kumar S and Sarial AK (2020). Molecular genetic diversity analysis for heat tolerance of indigenous and exotic wheat genotypes. J. Plant Biochem. Biotech., 29(1): 15-23.
  • Sharma D, Jaiswal J, Singh N, Chauhan A and Gahtyari N C (2018). Developing a selection criterion for terminal heat tolerance in bread wheat based on various morpho-physiological traits. Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 7(7): 2716-2726.
  • Suresh, Bishnoi OP and Behl RK (2018). Use of heat susceptibility index and heat response index as a measure of heat tolerance in wheat and triticale. Ekin J. Crop Breed. Genet., 4(2): 39-44.
  • USDA (2017). World Agricultural Production. Washington, DC, USA: United S tates Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service.
  • Veeresha BA and Naik VR (2016). Analysis of genetic variability parameters for morphophysiological, yield and quality traits under heat s tress condition in bread wheat. Intl. J. Agric. Sci.,8 (10): 1119-1121

Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 34 - 42, 01.01.2021


This s tudy inves tigated genetic variability, character association and path analysis for 12 morphological and 6 physiological
traits in fourty wheat accessions at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during rabi 2018-19 growing season.
The mean sum of squares due to genotypes were highly significant for all the morpho-physiological characters s tudied
hereby indicates enough variability for selection of heat tolerant genotypes for further crop improvement. Phenotypic and
genotypic coefficients of variation were recorded highes t for grain yield followed by biological yield, peduncle length and
1000 grain weight, signifying scope for genetic improvement through selection. High heritability coupled with high genetic
advance was reflected for grain yield, peduncle length, biological yield, 1000 grain weight and plant height. Correlation
studies showed significant and positive association of grain yield with biological yield, 1000 grain weight, harves t index,
SPAD 1, SPAD 2, grains per spike, spike length, peduncle length, NDVI 2, NDVI 1 and tillers per plant. Biological yield
exerted the highes t positive direct effect on grain yield followed by harves t index, SPAD1 and peduncle length. Hence, due
emphasis should be given to these attributes for genetic improvement in wheat under heat stress condition.


  • Al-Jibouri HA, Miller PA and Robinson AF (1958). Genotypic and environmental variances in an upland cotton cross of interspecific origin. J.Agron., 51: 515-518.
  • Braun HJ, Atlin G and Payne T (2010). Multi-location tes ting as a tool to identify plant response to global climate change. Climate Change and Crop Prodn., 1:115-138.
  • Burton GW (1952). Quantitative inheritance in grasses. In: Proc. 6th Intl. Grassland Cong.,1: 227-283.
  • Chandra K, Prasad R, Thakur P, Madhukar K and Prasad L (2017). Heat tolerance in wheat - A key s trategy to combat climate change through molecular markers. Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 6(3): 662-675.
  • Dewey DR and Lu KH (1959). A correlation and pathcoefficient analysis of components of cres ted wheat grass seed production. Agron. J., 42: 515-517.
  • Dey, Anwesha (2020). Rice and wheat production in India: An overtime s tudy on growth and ins tability. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem. 9(2): 158-161.
  • Fisher RA (1925). S tatis tical Methods for Research Workers. Oliver and Boyd. Edinburgh.
  • Guin K, Sethi SK and Arya RK (2019). Genetic s tudies on Triticum timopheevi based cytoplasmic genetic male s terility (CGMS) sys tem in relation to hybrid seed production in wheat (T. aestivum). Ekin J. 5(2):103-110.
  • Hanson GH, Robinson HF and Coms tock RE (1956). Biometrical s tudies of yield in segregating population of Korean Lespodzoa. Agron. J.,48: 267-282.
  • ICAR-IIWBR (2019). Director’s Report of AICRP on Wheat and Barley 2018-19, Ed: G. P. Singh.
  • ICAR-Indian Ins titute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal, Haryana, India. P 72.
  • Islam AU, Chhabra AK, Dhanda SS and Peerzada OH (2017). Genetic diversity, heritability and correlation s tudies for yield and its components in bread wheat under heat s tress conditions. IOSR J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 10(5): 71-77.
  • Johanson HW, Robinson HF and Coms tock RE (1955). Es timates of genetic and environmental variability in Soyabean. Agron. J., 47(7): 314-315.
  • Halford NG (2009). New insights on the effects of heat s tress on crops. J. Exptl. Bot.,60 (15): 4215-4216.
  • Kant S, Lamba RAS, Arya RK and Panwar IS (2014). Effect of terminal heat s tress on s tability of yield and quality parameters in bread wheat in southwes t Haryana. J. Wheat Res. 6(1):64-73.
  • Kant S, Lamba RAS, Panwar IS and Arya RK (2011). Variability and inter-relationship among yield and quality parameters in bread wheat. J. Wheat Res.3(2):50-55.
  • Khanal D, Thapa D, Dhakal K, Kandel B and Pandey M (2020). Correlation and path coefficient analysis of elite spring wheat lines developed for high temperature tolerance. Environ. Ecosys tem Sci.,4(2): 56-59.
  • Kumar M, Sharma RK, Singh GP and Kala YK (2018). Diversity and association analysis in bread wheat under terminal heat s tress condition. J. Wheat Res., 9(2): 132-136.
  • Lopes MS and Reynolds MP (2012). S tay-green in spring wheat can be determined by spectral reflectance measurements (normalized difference vegetation index) independently from phenology. J. Exptl. Bot., 63(10): 3789-3798.
  • Madry W, S tudnicki M, Rozbicki J, Golba J, Gozdowski D, Pecio A and Oleksy A (2015).
  • Ontogenetic-based sequential path analysis of grain yield and its related traits in several winter wheat cultivars. Acta Agric.Scandinavica, Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 65(7): 605- 618.
  • Mansouri A, Oudjehih B, Benbelkacem A, Fellahi ZA and Bouzerzour H (2018). Variation and relationships among agronomic traits in durum wheat [Triticum turgidum (L.) Thell. ssp. turgidum conv. durum (Desf.) MacKey] under South Mediterranean growth conditions: S tepwise and path analyses. Intl. J. Agron.10.1155/2018/8191749.
  • Mohammadi M, Karimizadeh R, Sabaghnia N and Shefazadeh MK (2012). Effective application of canopy temperature for wheat genotypes screening under different water availability in warm environments. Bulgarian J. Agril. Sci., 18(6): 934-941.
  • Mohanty S, Mukherjee S, Mukhopadhyaya SK and Dash AP (2016). Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under terminal heat s tress. Intl. J. Bio-Resource S tress Manag., 7(6): 1232-1238.
  • Nawaz A, Farooq M, Cheema SA and Wahid A (2013). Differential response of wheat cultivars to terminal heat s tress. Intl. J. Agric. Bio.,15: 1354-1358.
  • Neeru, Panwar IS and Singh V (2017). Genetic parameters of variability and path analysis in wheat under timely and late sown conditions. Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 6(7): 1914-1923.
  • Panse VG and Sukhatme PV (1967). S tatis tical Methods for Agricultural Workers. ICAR, New Delhi.
  • Parihar R, Agrawal AP, Burman M and Minz MG (2018). Relationship between grain yield and other yield attributing characters in wheat under terminal heat s tress. J. Pharmacog. Phytochem., 7(1): 2114-2117.
  • Preeti, Panwar IS, Arya RK and Divya Phought. (2016a). Effect of environment on yield accumulation in wheat cultivars under Haryana conditions International Journal of Farm Sciences 6(3): 1-4.
  • Preeti, Panwar IS and Arya RK (2016b). Effects of changing environment on wheat dry matter yield. Forage Res.42 (1): 56-61 Rathwa H, Pansuriya A, Patel J and Jalu R (2018).
  • Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 7(1): 1208- 1215.
  • Sangwan S, Ram K, Rani P and Munjal R (2018). Effect of terminal high temperature on chlorophyll content and normalized difference vegetation index in recombinant inbred lines of bread wheat. Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 7(6): 1174- 1183.
  • Sareen S, Bhusal N, Kumar M, Bhati PK, Munjal R, Kumari J, Kumar S and Sarial AK (2020). Molecular genetic diversity analysis for heat tolerance of indigenous and exotic wheat genotypes. J. Plant Biochem. Biotech., 29(1): 15-23.
  • Sharma D, Jaiswal J, Singh N, Chauhan A and Gahtyari N C (2018). Developing a selection criterion for terminal heat tolerance in bread wheat based on various morpho-physiological traits. Intl. J. Current Microbiol. Appl. Sci., 7(7): 2716-2726.
  • Suresh, Bishnoi OP and Behl RK (2018). Use of heat susceptibility index and heat response index as a measure of heat tolerance in wheat and triticale. Ekin J. Crop Breed. Genet., 4(2): 39-44.
  • USDA (2017). World Agricultural Production. Washington, DC, USA: United S tates Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service.
  • Veeresha BA and Naik VR (2016). Analysis of genetic variability parameters for morphophysiological, yield and quality traits under heat s tress condition in bread wheat. Intl. J. Agric. Sci.,8 (10): 1119-1121
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Sachin Shehrawat This is me

Yogender Kumar This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Shehrawat, S., & Kumar, Y. (2021). Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 7(1), 34-42.
AMA Shehrawat S, Kumar Y. Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress. Ekin Journal. January 2021;7(1):34-42.
Chicago Shehrawat, Sachin, and Yogender Kumar. “Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 7, no. 1 (January 2021): 34-42.
EndNote Shehrawat S, Kumar Y (January 1, 2021) Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 7 1 34–42.
IEEE S. Shehrawat and Y. Kumar, “Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress”, Ekin Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 34–42, 2021.
ISNAD Shehrawat, Sachin - Kumar, Yogender. “Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 7/1 (January 2021), 34-42.
JAMA Shehrawat S, Kumar Y. Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress. Ekin Journal. 2021;7:34–42.
MLA Shehrawat, Sachin and Yogender Kumar. “Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, vol. 7, no. 1, 2021, pp. 34-42.
Vancouver Shehrawat S, Kumar Y. Genetic Architecture of Morpho-Physiological Traits in Wheat Accessions under Terminal Heat Stress. Ekin Journal. 2021;7(1):34-42.