Research Article
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Mathematical Modelling Competencies of Pre-Service Primary School Teachers’: The Time at School

Year 2022, , 95 - 112, 31.12.2022


In this study, it is aimed to examine the mathematical modelling competencies of pre-service primary school teachers’ in the process of solving the “Time at School” problem. Case study, one of the qualitative research methods, was determined as the design of the research. Thirty-four (34) third-year pre-service primary school teachers’ who are studying in the third year of the primary school teachers’ program in the 2020-2021 fall semester of a state university in the Mediterranean region constitute the participants of the research. The modelling problem named Time at School was used to reveal the modelling competencies of pre-service primary school teachers’ in the process of creating a mathematical model. Written solution process papers of pre-service primary school teachers’ were analysed by descriptive analysis method. As a result of the research, it has been revealed that they are inadequate especially in the steps of the modelling process, understanding the problem, selecting the variables and establishing assumptions, interpreting the solutions and validating the model. It has been observed that pre-service teachers mostly tend to solve the problem directly. In order to overcome these difficulties, it can be suggested to create classroom environments where pre-service teachers can work and gain experience with mathematical modelling problems and model building activities.


  • Asempapa, R. S. (2015). Mathematical modelling: Essential for primary and middle school students. Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(1), 16-29.
  • Berry, J., & Houston, K. (1995). Mathematical modelling. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd.
  • Biccard, P. (2010). An investigation into the development of mathematical modelling competencies of grade 7 learners (Master thesis). Stellenbosch Üniversitesi, South Africa.
  • Biccard, P., & Wessels, D. C. (2011). Documenting the development of modelling competencies of grade 7 mathematics students. G. Kaiser, W. Blum, R. Borromeo Ferri ve G. Stillman (Ed.), Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling (ICTMA 14) içinde (s. 375-383). Springer.
  • Bliss, K., & Libertini, J. (2016). What is mathematical modelling? S. Garfunkel ve M. Montgomery (Ed.), GAIMME: Guidelines for assessment & instruction in mathematical modelling education içinde (s. 7-21). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM.
  • Blomhøj, M. (2011). Modelling Competency: Teaching, Learning and Assessing Competencies – Overview. Kaiser, G., Blum, W., Borromeo Ferri, R., Stillman, G. (eds) Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling içinde (pp. 343-347). Springer, Dordrecht..
  • Blum, W. (2002). ICMI study 14: applications and modelling in mathematics education-discussion document. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 51, 149-171.
  • Blum, W. (2011). Can modelling be taught and learnt? Some answers from empirical research. G. Kaiser, W. Blum, R. Borromeo Ferri ve G. Stillman (Ed.), Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling: International perspectives on the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling içinde (s. 15-30). Springer.
  • Blum, W. (2015). Quality teaching of mathematical modelling: What do we know? What can we do?. S. J. Cho (Ed.), The proceedings of the 12th international congress on mathematical education-intellectual and attitudinal challenges içinde (s. 73-96). Springer.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2006). Theoretical and empirical differentiations of phases in the modelling process. ZDM, 38(2), 86-95.
  • Blum, W., & Borrome Ferri, R. (2009). Mathematical modelling: Can it be taught and learnt?. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application, 1(1), 45-58.
  • Borromeo-Ferri, R., & Blum, W. (2010). Mathematical modelling in teacher education experiences from a modelling seminar. V. Durand-Guerrier, S. Soury-Lavergne ve F. Arzarello (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6) içinde (s. 2046-2055). INRP.
  • Bukova-Güzel, E. (2011). An examination of pre-service mathematics teachers’ approaches to construct and solve mathematical modelling problems. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 30(1), 19-36.
  • Bukova Güzel, E., Tekin Dede, A., Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N., Kula Ünver, S., & Özaltun Çelik, A. (2018). Matematiksel modelleme problemleri. E. Bukova Güzel (Ed.), Matematik eğitiminde matematiksel modelleme içinde (s. 146). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Carlson, M. A., Wickstrom, M. H., Burroughs, E. A., & Fulton, E. W. (2016). A case for mathematical modelling in the primary school classroom. C. R. Hirsch ve A. R. McDuffie (Eds.), Mathematical modelling and modelling mathematics içinde (s. 121-129). National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Chan, C. M. E., Ng, K. E. D., Widjaja, W., & Seto, C. (2012). Assessment of primary 5 students' mathematical modelling competencies. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, 35(2), 146-178.
  • Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2010). Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers.
  • Deniz, D., & Akgün, L. (2017). Ortaöğretim matematik öğretmenlerinin matematiksel modelleme yöntemi ve uygulamalarına yönelik görüşleri. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 95-117.
  • Duran, M., Doruk, M., & Kaplan, A. (2016). Matematik öğretmeni adaylarının matematiksel modelleme süreçleri: Kaplumbağa paradoksu örneği. Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi, 5(4), 55-71.
  • English, L. (2002). Development of 10-year-olds' mathematical modelling. A. Cockburn ve E. Nardi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th International PME Conference içinde (s. 329–336). University of East Anglia.
  • English, L. (2007). Interdisciplinary modelling in the primary mathematics curriculum. J. Watson ve K. Beswick (Ed.), Mathematics: Essential research, essential practice içinde (s.275-284). MERGA Inc.
  • English, L. (2009). Promoting interdisciplinarity through mathematical modelling. ZDM, 41(1-2), 161-181.
  • English, L., & Watters, J. J. (2004). Mathematical modelling with young children. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2, 335-342.
  • English, L., & Watters, J. J. (2005). Mathematical modelling in third-grade classrooms. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 16, 59-80.
  • Fox, J. (2006). A justification for mathematical modelling experiences in the preparatory classroom. M. Chinnappan, P. Grootenboer ve R. Zevenbergen (Ed.) Identities Cultures and Learning Spaces içinde (s. 221-228). MERGA Inc.
  • Frejd, P. (2012). Teacher’s conceptions of mathematical modelling at swedish upper secondary school. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application, 1(5), 17-40.
  • Gainsburg, J. (2008). Real-world connections in secondary mathematics teaching. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11(3), 199-219.
  • García, F. J., Maass, K., & Wake, G. (2010). Theory meets practice: Working pragmatically within different cultures and traditions. Modeling students’ mathematical modeling competencies içinde (s. 445-457). Springer. Graham, A. T., & Thomas, M. O. J. (2000). Building a Versatile Understanding of Algebraic Variables with a Graphic Calculator. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 41, 265-282.
  • Haas, B., Kreis, Y., & Lavicza, Z. (2020). Connecting the real world to mathematical models in primary schools in Luxemburg. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 40(2), 1-6.
  • Haines C., & Crouch R. (2007). Mathematical modelling and applications: Ability and competence frameworks. W. Blum, P. L. Galbraith, H. W. Henn ve M. Niss (Ed.), Modelling and applications in mathematics education (417-424) içinde. Springer.
  • Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N. (2012). Teknoloji destekli ortamda matematiksel modelleme problemlerinin çözüm süreçlerinin analiz edilmesi: Yaklaşım ve düşünme süreçleri üzerine bir açıklama (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N., Tekin Dede, A., Kula, S., & Bukova Güzel, E. (2014). Öğrencilerin kuyruklu yıldız problemi’ne ilişkin çözüm yaklaşımlarının matematiksel modelleme süreci çerçevesinde incelenmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 31, 1-17. Korkmaz, E. (2010). İlköğretim matematik ve sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının matematiksel modellemeye yönelik görüşleri ve matematiksel modelleme yeterlikleri (Yayımlanmamış Doktora tezi). Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Balıkesir.
  • Lesh, R., & Doerr, H. (2003). Foundations of a models and modelling perspective on mathematics teaching, learning, and problem solving. R. Lesh ve H. M. Doerr (Ed), Beyond constructivism: Models and modelling perspective on mathematics problem solving, learning, and teaching içinde (s. 3-34). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Lesh, R. A., Hamilton, E., & Kaput, J. J. (2007). Foundations for the future in mathematics education. Lawrance Erlbaum.
  • Liljedahl, P., Chernoff, E., & Zazkis, R. (2007). Interweaving mathematics and pedagogy in task design: A tale of one task. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 10(4), 239-249.
  • Maaß, K. (2006). What are modelling competencies? ZDM, 38(2), 113-142.
  • MaaB, K., & Mischo, C. (2011). Implementing modelling into day-to-day teaching practice-The project STRATUM and its framework. Journal fur Mathematik-Didaktik, 32, 103-131.
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM] (2000). Principles and standarts for school mathematics. NCTM Publications.
  • Niss, M., Blum, W., & Galbraith, P. L. (2007). Introduction. W. Blum, P. Galbraith, H. Henn ve M. Niss (Ed.), Modelling and applications in mathematics education: The 14th ICMI study içinde (s. 3-32). Springer.
  • Özaltun, A., Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N., Kula, S., & Bukova Güzel, E. (2013). Matematik öğretmeni adaylarının modelleme sürecinde kullandıkları gösterim şekilleri. Türk Bilgisayar ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 4(2), 66-88.
  • Peter Koop, A. (2004). Fermi problems in primary mathematics classrooms: Pupils’ interactive modelling processes. I. Putt, R. Farragher ve M. McLean (Ed.), Mathematics education for the third millenium: Towards 2010 içinde (s. 454-461). MERGA.
  • Pilten, P., Serin, M. K., & Işık, N. (2016). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin matematiksel modellemeye ilişkin algılarını belirlemeye yönelik bir olgubilim çalışması. Electronic Turkish Studies, 11(3), 1919-1934.
  • Sekerak, J. (2010). Phases of mathematical modelling and competence of high school students. The Teaching of Mathematics, 13(2), 105-112.
  • Siller, H.S., & Kuntze, S. (2011). Modelling as a big idea in mathematics: knowledge and views of pre-service and in-service teachers. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application, 1(6), 33-39.
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Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Matematiksel Modelleme Yeterlikleri: Okulda Zaman Problemi

Year 2022, , 95 - 112, 31.12.2022


Bu çalışmada, sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının matematiksel modelleme yeterliklerinin, Okulda Zaman probleminin çözümü sürecinde incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması, araştırmanın deseni olarak belirlenmiştir. Akdeniz bölgesindeki bir devlet üniversitesinin, 2020-2021 güz döneminde sınıf öğretmenliği programının üçüncü sınıfında öğrenim görmekte olan otuz dört (34) üçüncü sınıf, sınıf öğretmeni adayı araştırmanın katılımcılarını oluşturmaktadır. Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının matematiksel model oluşturma sürecindeki modelleme yeterliklerini ortaya çıkarmak için Okulda Zaman (Maaß & Mischo, 2011) isimli modelleme problemi kullanılmıştır. Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının yazılı çözüm süreci kâğıtları, betimsel analiz yöntemiyle çözümlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının matematiksel modelleme yeterliklerini yerine getirmede zorlandıkları belirlenmiştir. Özellikle modelleme sürecinin basamaklarından problemi anlama, değişkenleri seçme ve varsayımları kurma, çözümleri yorumlama ve modeli doğrulama basamaklarında yetersiz kaldıkları ortaya çıkmıştır. Öğretmen adaylarının çoğunlukla doğrudan problemi çözme eğiliminde oldukları görülmüştür. Bu güçlüklerin üstesinden gelebilmek için öğretmen adaylarının matematiksel modelleme problemleri ve model oluşturma etkinlikleri ile çalışabilecekleri ve deneyim kazanabilecekleri sınıf ortamlarının oluşturulması öneri olarak sunulabilir.


  • Asempapa, R. S. (2015). Mathematical modelling: Essential for primary and middle school students. Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(1), 16-29.
  • Berry, J., & Houston, K. (1995). Mathematical modelling. J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd.
  • Biccard, P. (2010). An investigation into the development of mathematical modelling competencies of grade 7 learners (Master thesis). Stellenbosch Üniversitesi, South Africa.
  • Biccard, P., & Wessels, D. C. (2011). Documenting the development of modelling competencies of grade 7 mathematics students. G. Kaiser, W. Blum, R. Borromeo Ferri ve G. Stillman (Ed.), Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling (ICTMA 14) içinde (s. 375-383). Springer.
  • Bliss, K., & Libertini, J. (2016). What is mathematical modelling? S. Garfunkel ve M. Montgomery (Ed.), GAIMME: Guidelines for assessment & instruction in mathematical modelling education içinde (s. 7-21). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM.
  • Blomhøj, M. (2011). Modelling Competency: Teaching, Learning and Assessing Competencies – Overview. Kaiser, G., Blum, W., Borromeo Ferri, R., Stillman, G. (eds) Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling içinde (pp. 343-347). Springer, Dordrecht..
  • Blum, W. (2002). ICMI study 14: applications and modelling in mathematics education-discussion document. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 51, 149-171.
  • Blum, W. (2011). Can modelling be taught and learnt? Some answers from empirical research. G. Kaiser, W. Blum, R. Borromeo Ferri ve G. Stillman (Ed.), Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling: International perspectives on the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling içinde (s. 15-30). Springer.
  • Blum, W. (2015). Quality teaching of mathematical modelling: What do we know? What can we do?. S. J. Cho (Ed.), The proceedings of the 12th international congress on mathematical education-intellectual and attitudinal challenges içinde (s. 73-96). Springer.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2006). Theoretical and empirical differentiations of phases in the modelling process. ZDM, 38(2), 86-95.
  • Blum, W., & Borrome Ferri, R. (2009). Mathematical modelling: Can it be taught and learnt?. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application, 1(1), 45-58.
  • Borromeo-Ferri, R., & Blum, W. (2010). Mathematical modelling in teacher education experiences from a modelling seminar. V. Durand-Guerrier, S. Soury-Lavergne ve F. Arzarello (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 6) içinde (s. 2046-2055). INRP.
  • Bukova-Güzel, E. (2011). An examination of pre-service mathematics teachers’ approaches to construct and solve mathematical modelling problems. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 30(1), 19-36.
  • Bukova Güzel, E., Tekin Dede, A., Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N., Kula Ünver, S., & Özaltun Çelik, A. (2018). Matematiksel modelleme problemleri. E. Bukova Güzel (Ed.), Matematik eğitiminde matematiksel modelleme içinde (s. 146). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Carlson, M. A., Wickstrom, M. H., Burroughs, E. A., & Fulton, E. W. (2016). A case for mathematical modelling in the primary school classroom. C. R. Hirsch ve A. R. McDuffie (Eds.), Mathematical modelling and modelling mathematics içinde (s. 121-129). National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Chan, C. M. E., Ng, K. E. D., Widjaja, W., & Seto, C. (2012). Assessment of primary 5 students' mathematical modelling competencies. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, 35(2), 146-178.
  • Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2010). Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers.
  • Deniz, D., & Akgün, L. (2017). Ortaöğretim matematik öğretmenlerinin matematiksel modelleme yöntemi ve uygulamalarına yönelik görüşleri. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), 95-117.
  • Duran, M., Doruk, M., & Kaplan, A. (2016). Matematik öğretmeni adaylarının matematiksel modelleme süreçleri: Kaplumbağa paradoksu örneği. Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi, 5(4), 55-71.
  • English, L. (2002). Development of 10-year-olds' mathematical modelling. A. Cockburn ve E. Nardi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th International PME Conference içinde (s. 329–336). University of East Anglia.
  • English, L. (2007). Interdisciplinary modelling in the primary mathematics curriculum. J. Watson ve K. Beswick (Ed.), Mathematics: Essential research, essential practice içinde (s.275-284). MERGA Inc.
  • English, L. (2009). Promoting interdisciplinarity through mathematical modelling. ZDM, 41(1-2), 161-181.
  • English, L., & Watters, J. J. (2004). Mathematical modelling with young children. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2, 335-342.
  • English, L., & Watters, J. J. (2005). Mathematical modelling in third-grade classrooms. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 16, 59-80.
  • Fox, J. (2006). A justification for mathematical modelling experiences in the preparatory classroom. M. Chinnappan, P. Grootenboer ve R. Zevenbergen (Ed.) Identities Cultures and Learning Spaces içinde (s. 221-228). MERGA Inc.
  • Frejd, P. (2012). Teacher’s conceptions of mathematical modelling at swedish upper secondary school. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application, 1(5), 17-40.
  • Gainsburg, J. (2008). Real-world connections in secondary mathematics teaching. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11(3), 199-219.
  • García, F. J., Maass, K., & Wake, G. (2010). Theory meets practice: Working pragmatically within different cultures and traditions. Modeling students’ mathematical modeling competencies içinde (s. 445-457). Springer. Graham, A. T., & Thomas, M. O. J. (2000). Building a Versatile Understanding of Algebraic Variables with a Graphic Calculator. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 41, 265-282.
  • Haas, B., Kreis, Y., & Lavicza, Z. (2020). Connecting the real world to mathematical models in primary schools in Luxemburg. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 40(2), 1-6.
  • Haines C., & Crouch R. (2007). Mathematical modelling and applications: Ability and competence frameworks. W. Blum, P. L. Galbraith, H. W. Henn ve M. Niss (Ed.), Modelling and applications in mathematics education (417-424) içinde. Springer.
  • Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N. (2012). Teknoloji destekli ortamda matematiksel modelleme problemlerinin çözüm süreçlerinin analiz edilmesi: Yaklaşım ve düşünme süreçleri üzerine bir açıklama (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir.
  • Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N., Tekin Dede, A., Kula, S., & Bukova Güzel, E. (2014). Öğrencilerin kuyruklu yıldız problemi’ne ilişkin çözüm yaklaşımlarının matematiksel modelleme süreci çerçevesinde incelenmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 31, 1-17. Korkmaz, E. (2010). İlköğretim matematik ve sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının matematiksel modellemeye yönelik görüşleri ve matematiksel modelleme yeterlikleri (Yayımlanmamış Doktora tezi). Balıkesir Üniversitesi, Balıkesir.
  • Lesh, R., & Doerr, H. (2003). Foundations of a models and modelling perspective on mathematics teaching, learning, and problem solving. R. Lesh ve H. M. Doerr (Ed), Beyond constructivism: Models and modelling perspective on mathematics problem solving, learning, and teaching içinde (s. 3-34). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Lesh, R. A., Hamilton, E., & Kaput, J. J. (2007). Foundations for the future in mathematics education. Lawrance Erlbaum.
  • Liljedahl, P., Chernoff, E., & Zazkis, R. (2007). Interweaving mathematics and pedagogy in task design: A tale of one task. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 10(4), 239-249.
  • Maaß, K. (2006). What are modelling competencies? ZDM, 38(2), 113-142.
  • MaaB, K., & Mischo, C. (2011). Implementing modelling into day-to-day teaching practice-The project STRATUM and its framework. Journal fur Mathematik-Didaktik, 32, 103-131.
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM] (2000). Principles and standarts for school mathematics. NCTM Publications.
  • Niss, M., Blum, W., & Galbraith, P. L. (2007). Introduction. W. Blum, P. Galbraith, H. Henn ve M. Niss (Ed.), Modelling and applications in mathematics education: The 14th ICMI study içinde (s. 3-32). Springer.
  • Özaltun, A., Hıdıroğlu, Ç. N., Kula, S., & Bukova Güzel, E. (2013). Matematik öğretmeni adaylarının modelleme sürecinde kullandıkları gösterim şekilleri. Türk Bilgisayar ve Matematik Eğitimi Dergisi, 4(2), 66-88.
  • Peter Koop, A. (2004). Fermi problems in primary mathematics classrooms: Pupils’ interactive modelling processes. I. Putt, R. Farragher ve M. McLean (Ed.), Mathematics education for the third millenium: Towards 2010 içinde (s. 454-461). MERGA.
  • Pilten, P., Serin, M. K., & Işık, N. (2016). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin matematiksel modellemeye ilişkin algılarını belirlemeye yönelik bir olgubilim çalışması. Electronic Turkish Studies, 11(3), 1919-1934.
  • Sekerak, J. (2010). Phases of mathematical modelling and competence of high school students. The Teaching of Mathematics, 13(2), 105-112.
  • Siller, H.S., & Kuntze, S. (2011). Modelling as a big idea in mathematics: knowledge and views of pre-service and in-service teachers. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application, 1(6), 33-39.
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There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Makaleler

H. Beyza Albayrak 0000-0001-5596-5019

Kamuran Tarım 0000-0002-2048-5207

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date August 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Albayrak, H. B., & Tarım, K. (2022). Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Matematiksel Modelleme Yeterlikleri: Okulda Zaman Problemi. Eğitimde Kuram Ve Uygulama, 18(2), 95-112.