e-ISSN: 1304-9496
Founded: 2005
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Journal of Theory & Practice in Education (EKU) is an online international peer-reviewed and scientific journal that aims to publish original theoretical and applied quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method research in the field of education. In addition, it also includes original compilation studies that comprehensively scan the literature. It is anticipated that the articles published in the journal will provide implications for researchers, teachers, administrators, and policymakers.

EKU is published biannually, in June and December. In addition, it can publish special issues on current and important issues in order to contribute to the literature. EKU does not charge any fee from the authors and publishes in open-access format. Studies to be sent to EKU can be written in Turkish or English. However, in Turkish publications, an extended summary between 750-1000 words is requested.

2024 - Volume: 20 Issue: 2