Year 2017,
, 734 - 758, 30.10.2017
Görsev Sönmez
Ayşe Semra Akyel
Bu araştırmanın
amacı, Yabancı Dil (TEFL) Öğretimi Yüksek Lisans (MA) programının bir bileşeni
olan Hizmet içi Öğretmen Eğitimi (INSET) dersinin katılımcı öğretmenlerin
araştırmacı öğretmen olarak gelişmelerine yardımcı olup olmadığını
araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya, İngilizceyi yabancı dil olarak öğreten 17 öğretmen
katıldı Katılımcıların araştırma bilgi ve uygulamasındaki farklılıklar Öğretmen
Araştırma Bilgi Anketi ve diğer kaynaklarla araştırılmıştır. Bulgular,
katılımcıların araştırma bilgilerinin, ders boyunca ve kazandıkları
deneyimlerin bir sonucu olarak genişlediğini ortaya koymuştur.
- Allison, D., & Carey, J. (2007). What do university language teachers say about language teaching research?. TESL Canada Journal, 24(2), 61-81.
- Allwright, D. (2003). Exploratory practice: Rethinking practitioner research in language teaching. Language Teaching Research, 7(2), 113-141.
- Allwright, D., & Bailey, K. M. (1991). Focus on the language classroom: An introduction to classroom research for language teachers. Cambridge University Press.
- Akyel, A. (2000). Collaboration to explore teaching: A case study report. TESL Canada Journal, 18(1), 58-74.
- Atay, D. (2006). Teachers’ professional development: Partnership in research. TESL- EJ, 10, 1-15. Retrieved from http://www.tesl-ej.org/ej38/a8.html
- Atay, D. (2008). Teacher research for professional development. ELT Journal, 62, 139-147.
- Benton, J. & Wasko, J. (2000). Anything worthwhile takes time: Eight schools discuss impacts and impressions of doing action research. Retrieved from http://journals.library.wisc.edu/index.php/networks/article/view/88/89
- Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: A review of research on what language teachers think, know, believe, and do. Language teaching, 36(02), 81-109.
- Borg, S. (2006). Conditions for teacher research. English Teaching Forum, 4, 22-27.
- Borg, S. (2009). English language teachers’ conceptions of research. Applied Linguistics, 30(3), 358-388.
- Borg, S. (2013). Teacher research in language teaching: A critical analysis. Cambridge University Press.
- Burns, A. (2005). Research and teacher education: Some distinctions. E-Journal for Researching Teachers.
- Carr, W., & Kemmis, S. (1983). Becoming critical: Knowing through action research. Deakin University.
- Cochran-Smith, M., Barnatt, J., Friedman, A., & Pine, G. (2009). Inquiry on inquiry: Practitioner research and student learning. Action in Teacher Education, 31(2), 17-32.
- Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2013). Research methods in education. Routledge.
- Cooper-Twamley, S. M. (2009). Action Research and Its Impact on Teacher Efficacy: A Mixed Methods Case Study. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Baylor University.
- Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
- Darling-Hammond, L., & Bransford, J. (Eds.). (2007). Preparing teachers for a changing world: What teachers should learn and be able to do. John Wiley & Sons.
- Davies, P. (1999). What is evidence‐based education?. British journal of educational studies, 47(2), 108-121.
- Dikilitaş, K. (2015). Professional development through teacher-research. Teacher-researchers in action, 47-55.
- Edwards, C., & Willis, J. R. (Eds.). (2005). Teachers exploring tasks in English language teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2003). How to design and evaluate research in education. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
- Freeman, D. (1998). Doing teacher research: From inquiry to understanding. Heinle & Heinle Pub.
- Gao, X., & Chow, A. W. K. (2011). Primary school English teachers’ research engagement. ELT journal, 66(2), 224-232.
- Hatch, E. M., & Lazaraton, A. (1991). The research manual: Design and statistics for applied linguistics. New York, NY: Newbury House Publishers.
- Henson, R. K. (2001). The effects of participation in teacher research on teacher efficacy. Teaching and Teacher education, 17(7), 819-836.
- Kemmis, S. (1980). Action research in retrospect and prospect. Paper presented to the annual Meeting of the Australian Association for Research in Education (Sydney, Australia, November 6-9, 1960).
- Kincheloe, J. (2003). Teachers as researchers: Qualitative inquiry as a path to enlightenment. New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Kirkwood, M., & Christie, D. (2006) The role of teacher research in continuing professional development. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59 (4), 429-448.
- Korucu, S. (2011). The use of action research as a model in the professional development of an English teacher: A case study. Unpublished Masters Thesis, Selçuk University, Konya.
- Lankshear, C., & Knobel, M. (2004). A handbook for teacher research. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
- Macaro, E and Mutton, T. (2002) Developing language teachers through a co-researcher model. Language Learning Journal, 25, 27-39.
- Maharaj-Sharma, R. (2011). Case study of five science teachers’ understandings of classroom research and their willingness to become active classroom researchers. Asian Social Science, 7(9).
- Rainey, I. (2000). Action research and the English as a Foreign Language Practitioner: Time to Take Stock. Educational Action Research, 8(1), 65-91.
- Ratcliffe, M., Bartholomew, H., Hames, V., Hind, A., Leach, J., Millar, R., & Osborne, J. (2004). Science education practitioners’ views of research and its influence on their practice. York: Department of Educational Studies, University of York.
- Reis-Jorge, J. (2007). Teachers’ conceptions of teacher-research and self-perceptions as enquiring practitioners—A longitudinal case study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(4), 402-417.
- Roberts, S. K., Crawford, P. A., & Hickmann, R. (2010). Teacher research as a robust and reflective path to professional development. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 31(3), 258-275.
- Stenhouse, L. (1975). An Introduction to Curriculum Research and Development. Heinemann, London.
- Stremmel, A. (2002). The cultural construction of childhood: United States and Reggio perspectives. In V. R. Fu, A. J. Stremmel & L. T. Hill (Eds)., Teaching and Learning: Collaborative exploration of the Reggio Emilia approach (pp.37-50). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
- Wyatt, M. (2010). An English teacher’s developing self-efficacy beliefs in using groupwork. System, 38(4), 603-613.
- Wyatt, M., & Dikilitaş, K. (2016). English language teachers becoming more efficacious through research engagement at their Turkish University. Educational Action Research, 24(4), 550-570.
- Yayli, D. (2012). Professional language use by pre-service English as a foreign language teachers in a teaching certificate program. Teachers and Teaching, 18(1), 59-73.
Year 2017,
, 734 - 758, 30.10.2017
Görsev Sönmez
Ayşe Semra Akyel
The purpose of this
study is to investigate whether Current Issues in In-service Teacher education
(INSET) course, one of the components of a Masters of Art (MA) program in
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), helps participating teachers
develop as teacher-researchers. Seventeen non-native English as a Foreign
Language (EFL) teachers participated in the study. The differences in
participants’ research knowledge and practice were investigated through
Teachers’ Research Knowledge Questionnaire, and other sources. The findings
indicated that the participants’ research knowledge was broadened as a result
of the instruction and the hands-on experience they gained throughout the
- Allison, D., & Carey, J. (2007). What do university language teachers say about language teaching research?. TESL Canada Journal, 24(2), 61-81.
- Allwright, D. (2003). Exploratory practice: Rethinking practitioner research in language teaching. Language Teaching Research, 7(2), 113-141.
- Allwright, D., & Bailey, K. M. (1991). Focus on the language classroom: An introduction to classroom research for language teachers. Cambridge University Press.
- Akyel, A. (2000). Collaboration to explore teaching: A case study report. TESL Canada Journal, 18(1), 58-74.
- Atay, D. (2006). Teachers’ professional development: Partnership in research. TESL- EJ, 10, 1-15. Retrieved from http://www.tesl-ej.org/ej38/a8.html
- Atay, D. (2008). Teacher research for professional development. ELT Journal, 62, 139-147.
- Benton, J. & Wasko, J. (2000). Anything worthwhile takes time: Eight schools discuss impacts and impressions of doing action research. Retrieved from http://journals.library.wisc.edu/index.php/networks/article/view/88/89
- Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: A review of research on what language teachers think, know, believe, and do. Language teaching, 36(02), 81-109.
- Borg, S. (2006). Conditions for teacher research. English Teaching Forum, 4, 22-27.
- Borg, S. (2009). English language teachers’ conceptions of research. Applied Linguistics, 30(3), 358-388.
- Borg, S. (2013). Teacher research in language teaching: A critical analysis. Cambridge University Press.
- Burns, A. (2005). Research and teacher education: Some distinctions. E-Journal for Researching Teachers.
- Carr, W., & Kemmis, S. (1983). Becoming critical: Knowing through action research. Deakin University.
- Cochran-Smith, M., Barnatt, J., Friedman, A., & Pine, G. (2009). Inquiry on inquiry: Practitioner research and student learning. Action in Teacher Education, 31(2), 17-32.
- Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2013). Research methods in education. Routledge.
- Cooper-Twamley, S. M. (2009). Action Research and Its Impact on Teacher Efficacy: A Mixed Methods Case Study. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Baylor University.
- Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.
- Darling-Hammond, L., & Bransford, J. (Eds.). (2007). Preparing teachers for a changing world: What teachers should learn and be able to do. John Wiley & Sons.
- Davies, P. (1999). What is evidence‐based education?. British journal of educational studies, 47(2), 108-121.
- Dikilitaş, K. (2015). Professional development through teacher-research. Teacher-researchers in action, 47-55.
- Edwards, C., & Willis, J. R. (Eds.). (2005). Teachers exploring tasks in English language teaching. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2003). How to design and evaluate research in education. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
- Freeman, D. (1998). Doing teacher research: From inquiry to understanding. Heinle & Heinle Pub.
- Gao, X., & Chow, A. W. K. (2011). Primary school English teachers’ research engagement. ELT journal, 66(2), 224-232.
- Hatch, E. M., & Lazaraton, A. (1991). The research manual: Design and statistics for applied linguistics. New York, NY: Newbury House Publishers.
- Henson, R. K. (2001). The effects of participation in teacher research on teacher efficacy. Teaching and Teacher education, 17(7), 819-836.
- Kemmis, S. (1980). Action research in retrospect and prospect. Paper presented to the annual Meeting of the Australian Association for Research in Education (Sydney, Australia, November 6-9, 1960).
- Kincheloe, J. (2003). Teachers as researchers: Qualitative inquiry as a path to enlightenment. New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Kirkwood, M., & Christie, D. (2006) The role of teacher research in continuing professional development. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59 (4), 429-448.
- Korucu, S. (2011). The use of action research as a model in the professional development of an English teacher: A case study. Unpublished Masters Thesis, Selçuk University, Konya.
- Lankshear, C., & Knobel, M. (2004). A handbook for teacher research. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
- Macaro, E and Mutton, T. (2002) Developing language teachers through a co-researcher model. Language Learning Journal, 25, 27-39.
- Maharaj-Sharma, R. (2011). Case study of five science teachers’ understandings of classroom research and their willingness to become active classroom researchers. Asian Social Science, 7(9).
- Rainey, I. (2000). Action research and the English as a Foreign Language Practitioner: Time to Take Stock. Educational Action Research, 8(1), 65-91.
- Ratcliffe, M., Bartholomew, H., Hames, V., Hind, A., Leach, J., Millar, R., & Osborne, J. (2004). Science education practitioners’ views of research and its influence on their practice. York: Department of Educational Studies, University of York.
- Reis-Jorge, J. (2007). Teachers’ conceptions of teacher-research and self-perceptions as enquiring practitioners—A longitudinal case study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(4), 402-417.
- Roberts, S. K., Crawford, P. A., & Hickmann, R. (2010). Teacher research as a robust and reflective path to professional development. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 31(3), 258-275.
- Stenhouse, L. (1975). An Introduction to Curriculum Research and Development. Heinemann, London.
- Stremmel, A. (2002). The cultural construction of childhood: United States and Reggio perspectives. In V. R. Fu, A. J. Stremmel & L. T. Hill (Eds)., Teaching and Learning: Collaborative exploration of the Reggio Emilia approach (pp.37-50). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
- Wyatt, M. (2010). An English teacher’s developing self-efficacy beliefs in using groupwork. System, 38(4), 603-613.
- Wyatt, M., & Dikilitaş, K. (2016). English language teachers becoming more efficacious through research engagement at their Turkish University. Educational Action Research, 24(4), 550-570.
- Yayli, D. (2012). Professional language use by pre-service English as a foreign language teachers in a teaching certificate program. Teachers and Teaching, 18(1), 59-73.