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Year 2010, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 235 - 266, 14.01.2013


Bu çalışma, problem çözme ve işbirlikçi öğrenme stratejilerinin ilköğretim ikinci kademe son sınıf (İİSS) öğrencilerinin Fizik'teki başarısına etkilerini araştırmaktadır. Çalışma, ön-test, son-test ve kontrol grubundaki 3x2 faktöriyel deseniyle temsil edilen yarı deneysel bir araştırma desenini kullanmıştır. 78 erkek ve 63 bayandan oluşan 141 Fizik öğrencisini seçmek için çok aşamalı bir örneklem tekniği kullanıldı. 0.75 güvenilirlik katsayısı olan geçerli bir Fizik Başarı Testi (FBT)  uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca, sırasıyla 0.82, 0.79 ve 0.76 güvenilirlik değerlerine sahip Problem-çözme Stratejisiyle ilgili Yönergesel Paketler (PSYP), İşbirlikçi Öğrenme Stratejisi (İÖS) ve Geleneksel Yöntem (GY) adında üç geçerli yönerge materyali kullanılmıştır. Deney grubu I ve II üzerinde PS ve İÖS uygulanırken, kontrol grubunda GY kullanılmıştır. Beş haftalık çalışmanın bir haftasında araştırma görevlilerinin ve katılımcı öğretmenlerin eğitimi sürerken, diğer dört haftada da iyileştirme toplantısı yapıldı. Toplanan veriler ANCOVA kullanılarak analiz edildi. Çalışma için üretilen üç araştırma sorusuna cevaplar bulundu. Sonuçlara göre başarı sıralamasında Problem çözme Stratejisinin (PS)  uygulandığı öğrencilerin takip ettiği İşbirlikçi öğrenme stratejisinin uygulandığı öğrencilerde daha yüksek başarının görülmesi ilköğretim ikinci kademe son sınıf öğrencileri (İİSS) arasında Fizik başarısı açısından önemli bir tedavi etkisinin olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışma erkeklerin lehine bir cinsiyet faktörünün ve tedaviyle cinsiyet arasındaki etkileşimin fizik başarısına önemli etkisinin olduğunu da göstermektedir. Araştırma İşbirlikçi Öğrenme Stratejisinin (İÖS) öğretme/öğrenme sürecinde Fizik öğretmenleri tarafından kullanılmaya teşvik edilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varmıştır. Bu sonuca bağlı olarak, son sınıf ilköğretim seviyesindeki uygulama yapan Fizik öğretmenlerinin İÖS'yi kullanmaları tavsiye edilmiştir.


  • Adeoye, F.A. (2000). Assessment procedure, cognitive style and gender as determinants of students’ performance in hierarchical cognitive tasks in physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Adeyemi, S. B. (2002). Relative effects of cooperative and individualistic learning strategies on students’ declarative and procedural knowledge in map work in Osun state. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Adesoji, F. A. and Ibraheem, T. L. (2009). Effects of student team- achievement division strategy and mathematics knowledge on learning outcomes in chemical kinetics. The Journal of International Social Research, 2(6): 1-11.
  • Agbayewa, J. O. (1996). The effects of enhanced problem-solving instructional strategy on students’ concept learning in secondary school physics. Research in Curriculum Studies, 1 (1): 43 – 46.
  • Aina, S.A. (2006). Student’s cognitive and affective factors as determinants of achievement in senior secondary physics in Oyo and Ogun states, Nigeria. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Akinbobola, A. O. (2006). Effects of cooperative and competitive learning strategies on academic performance of students in physics. Journal of Research in Education, 3(1): 1-5.
  • Alant, B. (2004). Researching problem in introductory physics: Towards a new understanding of familiarity. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 8 : 29 – 40.
  • Alebiosu, K. A. (1998). Effects of two cooperative learning models on senior secondary students’ learning outcomes in chemistry. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Alio, B. C. and Harbor Paters, V. F. (2003). The effect of polya’s problem- solving technique on secondary school students achievement in mathematics. Abacus: The Journal of the Mathematics Association of Nigeria, 25(1): 27-39.
  • Ary, D.L., Jacobs, C. and Razavien, A. (1996). Introduction to research in education. (5th ed.), Texas: Harcourt Brace College Publishers: 462.
  • Balfakih, N.M.A. (2003). The effectiveness of student team-achievement division
  • (STAD) for teaching high school chemistry in the United Arab Emirate
  • International Journal of Science Education, 25: 605 – 624.
  • Balogun, T.A. (1994). Gender issues in the teaching of science, technology and mathematics. In Erinosho, S.Y. (ed). Perspectives on women in science and technology in Nigeria. Ibadan. Sam Bookman Education and Communication Services: 47 – 61.
  • Balogun, T.A. and Olanrewaju, A.O. (1983). The effects of the instruction objectives and hierarchically organized learning tasks on students’ problem solving skill. Journal of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria, 23 (182): 191 – 198.
  • Berliner, D.C. (1975). Educational Psychology. Educational series Chicago: Rand MC Wally College Publishing Co. Best, J.W. and Kahn, J.V. (1989). Research in Education. 6th Edn. Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi: 231-235.
  • Bolton, J. and Ross, S. (1997). Developing students’ physics problem-solving skills. Physics Education, 32: 176-185.
  • Boxtel, C., Linden, J. and Kanselaar, G. (2000). The use of textbooks as a tool during collaborative physical learning. The Journal of Experimental Education, 69: 57-76.
  • Bruner, J.S. (1969). The act of discovery on knowing essays for left hand. New York: Athenum.
  • Chabay, R. and Sherwood, B. (2006) Restructuring the introductory electricity and magnetism course. American Journal of Physics, 74: 329-336.
  • Daramola, S.O. (1982). Factors influencing enrolments in physics in the upper forms of high schools of Kwara state, Nigeria. Doctoral dissertation. New York University.
  • Daubenmire, P.L. (2004). A longitudinal investigation of student learning in general chemistry with the guided inquiry approach. Dissertation Abstracts international, 65, 880A. (UMI No. 3124889).
  • Deboer, G.E. (1986). Perceived science ability as a factor in the course selections of men and women in college. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 23 (4): 343 – 352.
  • Dhillon, A. S. (1998). Individual differences within problem-solving strategies used in physics. Science Education, 82: 379-405.
  • Dieck, A.P. (1997). An effect of a newsletter on children’s interest in an attitude toward science. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Arizona state University.
  • Egbugara, U.O. (1985). The pattern of enrolment in school certificate physics. Journal of Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria; 21(2): 137-144.
  • Erinosho, S.Y. (1994). Perspectives on Women in Science and technology in Nigeria, Sam Bookman, Ibadan.
  • Esan, A.D. (1999). Effects of cooperative and individualistic problem-solving strategies on students learning outcomes in secondary mathematics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Fenton, E. (1967). The new Social Studies. London: Holt, Rhine hart and Winston Inc.
  • Gaigher E. (2004). Effects of a structured problem-solving strategy on and conceptual understanding of physics: A study in disadvantaged South African Schools. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Pretoria. Retrieved - 02022066 - 160908 January, 10, 2008 from
  • Gök, T and Silay, I (2008). Effects of Problem-solving strategies teaching on the problem-solving attitudes of cooperative learning groups in Physics Education. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 4 (2): 253- 266.
  • Golbeck, S.L. (1986). The role of physical content in piagetian spatial tasks: sex differences in spatial knowledge? Journal Research Science Teaching, 23(4): 365-376.
  • Heller, P., Keith, R. and Anderson, S. (1992). Teaching problem-solving through cooperative grouping Part 1: Group versus individual problem- solving. American Journal of Physics, 60: 627-636.
  • Heller, P. and Hollabaugh, M. (1992). Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping part 2: Designing problems and structuring groups. American Journal of Physics 60: 637 – 644.
  • Hollabaugh, M, (1995). Physics problem solving in cooperative learning groups. Unpublished Ph.D dissertation. Minnesota University.
  • Howe, A.C. and Shayer, M. (1981). Sex related differences on a task of volume and density. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 18 (2): 169 – 175.
  • Iroegbu, T.O. (1998). Problem based learning, numerical ability and gender as determinants of achievement/problem-solving and line-graphing skills in senior secondary physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Ivowi, U.M.O. (1983) Achievement level in understanding science concepts in secondary schools. Journal of Research in curriculum, 1 (283): 23-34.
  • Johnson, S. D. (1994). Research on problem solving instruction: What works, what doesn’t. The Technology Teacher, 53:27-29.
  • Johnson, D.W. and Johnson, R.T. (1994). Learning together and alone: Cooperative, competitive and individualistic learning. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Johnson, D.W. and Johnson, R.T. (1999). Making cooperative learning work. Theory into practice, 38 (2): 67-73.
  • Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T. and Holubec, E.J. (1991). Cooperative in the classroom. Edina: Interaction Book Co.
  • Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T. and Smith, K.A. (1998). Cooperative learning returns to college what evidence is there that it works? Change, 30: 26- 35.
  • Jonassen, D. H. (1997). Instructional design models for well-structured and ill- structured Problem-solving learning outcomes. Educational Technology Research and Development, 45(1): 65-94.
  • Klausmeier, H.J. and Goodwin, W. (1993). Human skills and learning. Mexico: Editorial Harla, S.A.
  • Kocakulah, M.S. (1999). A study of the development of Turkish first year university students’ understanding of electromagnetism and the implications for instruction. Unpublished Doctorate thesis, the University of Leeds, School of Education, Leeds, UK.
  • Kolawole, E.B. (2008). Effects of competitive and cooperative learning strategies on academic performance of Nigerian students in mathematics. Educational Research and Review, 3(1): 33-37.
  • Kolawole, E.B. and Ilugbusi, A.A. (2007). Comparative effectiveness of three problems-solving instructional strategies on students’ heuristic transfer in Mathematics at the senior secondary school level in Nigeria. Research Journal of Applied Sciences,2(10):1031-1035.
  • Kort, M. S. (1992). Down from the podium. In E. S. Samuel (eds.), New
  • Directions for community Colleges. Journal of Research Education,
  • (1): 1-5. San Francisco CA: Jossey- Bass.
  • Loftus, M. (1996). Students’ idea about electromagnetism School Science
  • Review, 77: 93 – 94.
  • Lynch, P.P. and Patterson, R.E. (1980. An examination of gender differences
  • in respect to pupils recognition of science concept definitions. Journal
  • of Research in Science Teaching, 17 (4): 307-314.
  • Maloney, D.P. (1994). Research on problem solving: Physics hand book of
  • research on science teaching and learning. A project on the National
  • Science Teachers Association (Ed). Dorothy Gabel. New York:
  • Macmillan Publishing Co: 327-354.
  • Mills, D., Mc Kittrick, V., Mulhall, P. and Feteris, S., Cup (1999). Cooperative
  • learning that works. Physics Education, 34: 11-16.
  • Nworgu, B.G. (1986). A problem-centred laboratory investigative approach to science practical in secondary school pilot study 1 (biology). Unpublished Research Paper.
  • Nworgu, B.G. (1985). The development and preliminary validation of physics achievement test (PAT). Unpublished M.Ed Project, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
  • Obanya, P.A.I. (2004). Educating for the knowledge economy. Mosuro Publishers (Nig.) Ltd.: 197.
  • Okebukola, P.A.O. (1984). Effects of cooperative, competitive and individualistic laboratory interaction patterns on students’ performance in Biology. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Okpala, N.P. (1985) Teacher attitudinal variables in instructional and assessment practice as correlates of learning outcomes in physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Okpala, N.P. and Adeoye, F.A. (1999). Assessment procedure, student cognitive style and gender as determinants of physics performance at cognitive level of thinking, African Journal of Educational Research 5 (1), 39-50.
  • Okpala, N.P. and Onocha, C.O. (1995). Teacher assessment of a physics curriculum for Nigerian schools. Olumo Journal of Education, 2 (2): 28-35.
  • Okpala, N.P. and Onocha, C.O. (1988). The relative effects of two instructional methods on students’ perceived difficulty in learning physics concepts. Kenya Journal of Education (published by Bureau of Educational Research, Kenyatta University) 4 (1): 147-161.
  • Olarinoye, R.D. (1979). A well structured method of teaching physics: The guided inquiry method. Journal of Science: Teachers’ Association of Nigeria, 17 (3): 63-59.
  • Onafowokan, O. and Okpala, N.P. (1998). Developing and testing a model communicating science at the junior secondary level: A causal interaction of learner characteristics with conception of heat and temperature. 39 Annual Conference Proceedings of the Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria,: 212-218.
  • Opyene, E.P. and Okurut, C.O. (1995). Gender and school type differences in mathematics achievement of senior 3 pupils in central Uganda: An exploratory student. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 26 (6): 871-886.
  • Orji, A.B.C. (1998). Effects of problem-solving and concept-mapping instructional strategies on students’ learning outcomes in physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Polya, G. (1957). How to solve it. 2nd ed., Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ.
  • Park, H. and Norton, S. (1996). Gender differences of gifted and talented students in mathematics performance. A paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association (Tuscaloosa, al. November, 6-8).
  • Raimi, S.M. (2002). Problem solving technique and laboratory skills as supplements to laboratory teaching in senior secondary school students’ learning of volumetric analysis. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Rivard, L.P. and Straw, S.B. (2000). The effect of talk and writing on learning science: An exploratory study. Science Education, 84(5): 566-593.
  • Raduta, C. (2005). General students’ misconceptions related to electricity and magnetism. Retrieved October 13 from
  • Saglam, M. and Millar, R. (2006). Upper high school students’ understanding of electromagnetism. International Journal of science Education, 28: 543-566.
  • Samiullah, M. (1995). Effect of in-class student-student interaction on the learning of physics in a college physics course. American Journal of Physics, 63: 944-950.
  • Selçuk, G. S., Çaliskan, S. and Erol, M. (2008). The effects of problem solving instruction on physics achievement, problem solving performance and strategy use. Latin American Journal of Physics Education, 2(3): 151- 165.
  • Slavin, R.E. (1992). When and why does cooperative learning increase achievement? Theoretical and Empirical perspectives. In A. E. Hertz- Lazaarowitz and E. R. Miller (eds.), Interaction in Cooperative Groups,: 41-45. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Slavin, R.E. (1995). Cooperative learning theory, research and practice. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Sotayo, M.A.O. (2002). Impact of computer – and text-assisted instruction on secondary school students’ achievement in physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Tanel, Z and Erol, M. (2008) Effects of cooperative learning on instructing magnetism: Analysis of an experimental teaching sequence. Latin American Journal of physics Education, 2 (2): 124-136.
  • Weham, E.J., Dorlin, G.W., Snell, J.A.N. and Taylor, B. (1984). Physics: Concepts and Models (2 nd
  • ed). Addison Wesley.
  • Wright, D.S. and Williams, C.D. (1986). A wise-strategy for introductory physics. The Physics Teacher, 24: 211-216.
  • Yu, K.N. and Stokes, M.J. (1998). Students teaching students in a teaching studio. Physics Education, 33: 282 – 285.
  • Zhaoyao, M. (2002). Physics Education for the 21st Century: Avoiding a Crisis. Physics Education, 37 (1): 18-24.
Year 2010, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 235 - 266, 14.01.2013



  • Adeoye, F.A. (2000). Assessment procedure, cognitive style and gender as determinants of students’ performance in hierarchical cognitive tasks in physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Adeyemi, S. B. (2002). Relative effects of cooperative and individualistic learning strategies on students’ declarative and procedural knowledge in map work in Osun state. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Adesoji, F. A. and Ibraheem, T. L. (2009). Effects of student team- achievement division strategy and mathematics knowledge on learning outcomes in chemical kinetics. The Journal of International Social Research, 2(6): 1-11.
  • Agbayewa, J. O. (1996). The effects of enhanced problem-solving instructional strategy on students’ concept learning in secondary school physics. Research in Curriculum Studies, 1 (1): 43 – 46.
  • Aina, S.A. (2006). Student’s cognitive and affective factors as determinants of achievement in senior secondary physics in Oyo and Ogun states, Nigeria. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Akinbobola, A. O. (2006). Effects of cooperative and competitive learning strategies on academic performance of students in physics. Journal of Research in Education, 3(1): 1-5.
  • Alant, B. (2004). Researching problem in introductory physics: Towards a new understanding of familiarity. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 8 : 29 – 40.
  • Alebiosu, K. A. (1998). Effects of two cooperative learning models on senior secondary students’ learning outcomes in chemistry. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Alio, B. C. and Harbor Paters, V. F. (2003). The effect of polya’s problem- solving technique on secondary school students achievement in mathematics. Abacus: The Journal of the Mathematics Association of Nigeria, 25(1): 27-39.
  • Ary, D.L., Jacobs, C. and Razavien, A. (1996). Introduction to research in education. (5th ed.), Texas: Harcourt Brace College Publishers: 462.
  • Balfakih, N.M.A. (2003). The effectiveness of student team-achievement division
  • (STAD) for teaching high school chemistry in the United Arab Emirate
  • International Journal of Science Education, 25: 605 – 624.
  • Balogun, T.A. (1994). Gender issues in the teaching of science, technology and mathematics. In Erinosho, S.Y. (ed). Perspectives on women in science and technology in Nigeria. Ibadan. Sam Bookman Education and Communication Services: 47 – 61.
  • Balogun, T.A. and Olanrewaju, A.O. (1983). The effects of the instruction objectives and hierarchically organized learning tasks on students’ problem solving skill. Journal of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria, 23 (182): 191 – 198.
  • Berliner, D.C. (1975). Educational Psychology. Educational series Chicago: Rand MC Wally College Publishing Co. Best, J.W. and Kahn, J.V. (1989). Research in Education. 6th Edn. Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi: 231-235.
  • Bolton, J. and Ross, S. (1997). Developing students’ physics problem-solving skills. Physics Education, 32: 176-185.
  • Boxtel, C., Linden, J. and Kanselaar, G. (2000). The use of textbooks as a tool during collaborative physical learning. The Journal of Experimental Education, 69: 57-76.
  • Bruner, J.S. (1969). The act of discovery on knowing essays for left hand. New York: Athenum.
  • Chabay, R. and Sherwood, B. (2006) Restructuring the introductory electricity and magnetism course. American Journal of Physics, 74: 329-336.
  • Daramola, S.O. (1982). Factors influencing enrolments in physics in the upper forms of high schools of Kwara state, Nigeria. Doctoral dissertation. New York University.
  • Daubenmire, P.L. (2004). A longitudinal investigation of student learning in general chemistry with the guided inquiry approach. Dissertation Abstracts international, 65, 880A. (UMI No. 3124889).
  • Deboer, G.E. (1986). Perceived science ability as a factor in the course selections of men and women in college. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 23 (4): 343 – 352.
  • Dhillon, A. S. (1998). Individual differences within problem-solving strategies used in physics. Science Education, 82: 379-405.
  • Dieck, A.P. (1997). An effect of a newsletter on children’s interest in an attitude toward science. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Arizona state University.
  • Egbugara, U.O. (1985). The pattern of enrolment in school certificate physics. Journal of Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria; 21(2): 137-144.
  • Erinosho, S.Y. (1994). Perspectives on Women in Science and technology in Nigeria, Sam Bookman, Ibadan.
  • Esan, A.D. (1999). Effects of cooperative and individualistic problem-solving strategies on students learning outcomes in secondary mathematics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Fenton, E. (1967). The new Social Studies. London: Holt, Rhine hart and Winston Inc.
  • Gaigher E. (2004). Effects of a structured problem-solving strategy on and conceptual understanding of physics: A study in disadvantaged South African Schools. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Pretoria. Retrieved - 02022066 - 160908 January, 10, 2008 from
  • Gök, T and Silay, I (2008). Effects of Problem-solving strategies teaching on the problem-solving attitudes of cooperative learning groups in Physics Education. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 4 (2): 253- 266.
  • Golbeck, S.L. (1986). The role of physical content in piagetian spatial tasks: sex differences in spatial knowledge? Journal Research Science Teaching, 23(4): 365-376.
  • Heller, P., Keith, R. and Anderson, S. (1992). Teaching problem-solving through cooperative grouping Part 1: Group versus individual problem- solving. American Journal of Physics, 60: 627-636.
  • Heller, P. and Hollabaugh, M. (1992). Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping part 2: Designing problems and structuring groups. American Journal of Physics 60: 637 – 644.
  • Hollabaugh, M, (1995). Physics problem solving in cooperative learning groups. Unpublished Ph.D dissertation. Minnesota University.
  • Howe, A.C. and Shayer, M. (1981). Sex related differences on a task of volume and density. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 18 (2): 169 – 175.
  • Iroegbu, T.O. (1998). Problem based learning, numerical ability and gender as determinants of achievement/problem-solving and line-graphing skills in senior secondary physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Ivowi, U.M.O. (1983) Achievement level in understanding science concepts in secondary schools. Journal of Research in curriculum, 1 (283): 23-34.
  • Johnson, S. D. (1994). Research on problem solving instruction: What works, what doesn’t. The Technology Teacher, 53:27-29.
  • Johnson, D.W. and Johnson, R.T. (1994). Learning together and alone: Cooperative, competitive and individualistic learning. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Johnson, D.W. and Johnson, R.T. (1999). Making cooperative learning work. Theory into practice, 38 (2): 67-73.
  • Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T. and Holubec, E.J. (1991). Cooperative in the classroom. Edina: Interaction Book Co.
  • Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T. and Smith, K.A. (1998). Cooperative learning returns to college what evidence is there that it works? Change, 30: 26- 35.
  • Jonassen, D. H. (1997). Instructional design models for well-structured and ill- structured Problem-solving learning outcomes. Educational Technology Research and Development, 45(1): 65-94.
  • Klausmeier, H.J. and Goodwin, W. (1993). Human skills and learning. Mexico: Editorial Harla, S.A.
  • Kocakulah, M.S. (1999). A study of the development of Turkish first year university students’ understanding of electromagnetism and the implications for instruction. Unpublished Doctorate thesis, the University of Leeds, School of Education, Leeds, UK.
  • Kolawole, E.B. (2008). Effects of competitive and cooperative learning strategies on academic performance of Nigerian students in mathematics. Educational Research and Review, 3(1): 33-37.
  • Kolawole, E.B. and Ilugbusi, A.A. (2007). Comparative effectiveness of three problems-solving instructional strategies on students’ heuristic transfer in Mathematics at the senior secondary school level in Nigeria. Research Journal of Applied Sciences,2(10):1031-1035.
  • Kort, M. S. (1992). Down from the podium. In E. S. Samuel (eds.), New
  • Directions for community Colleges. Journal of Research Education,
  • (1): 1-5. San Francisco CA: Jossey- Bass.
  • Loftus, M. (1996). Students’ idea about electromagnetism School Science
  • Review, 77: 93 – 94.
  • Lynch, P.P. and Patterson, R.E. (1980. An examination of gender differences
  • in respect to pupils recognition of science concept definitions. Journal
  • of Research in Science Teaching, 17 (4): 307-314.
  • Maloney, D.P. (1994). Research on problem solving: Physics hand book of
  • research on science teaching and learning. A project on the National
  • Science Teachers Association (Ed). Dorothy Gabel. New York:
  • Macmillan Publishing Co: 327-354.
  • Mills, D., Mc Kittrick, V., Mulhall, P. and Feteris, S., Cup (1999). Cooperative
  • learning that works. Physics Education, 34: 11-16.
  • Nworgu, B.G. (1986). A problem-centred laboratory investigative approach to science practical in secondary school pilot study 1 (biology). Unpublished Research Paper.
  • Nworgu, B.G. (1985). The development and preliminary validation of physics achievement test (PAT). Unpublished M.Ed Project, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
  • Obanya, P.A.I. (2004). Educating for the knowledge economy. Mosuro Publishers (Nig.) Ltd.: 197.
  • Okebukola, P.A.O. (1984). Effects of cooperative, competitive and individualistic laboratory interaction patterns on students’ performance in Biology. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Okpala, N.P. (1985) Teacher attitudinal variables in instructional and assessment practice as correlates of learning outcomes in physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Okpala, N.P. and Adeoye, F.A. (1999). Assessment procedure, student cognitive style and gender as determinants of physics performance at cognitive level of thinking, African Journal of Educational Research 5 (1), 39-50.
  • Okpala, N.P. and Onocha, C.O. (1995). Teacher assessment of a physics curriculum for Nigerian schools. Olumo Journal of Education, 2 (2): 28-35.
  • Okpala, N.P. and Onocha, C.O. (1988). The relative effects of two instructional methods on students’ perceived difficulty in learning physics concepts. Kenya Journal of Education (published by Bureau of Educational Research, Kenyatta University) 4 (1): 147-161.
  • Olarinoye, R.D. (1979). A well structured method of teaching physics: The guided inquiry method. Journal of Science: Teachers’ Association of Nigeria, 17 (3): 63-59.
  • Onafowokan, O. and Okpala, N.P. (1998). Developing and testing a model communicating science at the junior secondary level: A causal interaction of learner characteristics with conception of heat and temperature. 39 Annual Conference Proceedings of the Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria,: 212-218.
  • Opyene, E.P. and Okurut, C.O. (1995). Gender and school type differences in mathematics achievement of senior 3 pupils in central Uganda: An exploratory student. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 26 (6): 871-886.
  • Orji, A.B.C. (1998). Effects of problem-solving and concept-mapping instructional strategies on students’ learning outcomes in physics. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
  • Polya, G. (1957). How to solve it. 2nd ed., Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ.
  • Park, H. and Norton, S. (1996). Gender differences of gifted and talented students in mathematics performance. A paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association (Tuscaloosa, al. November, 6-8).
  • Raimi, S.M. (2002). Problem solving technique and laboratory skills as supplements to laboratory teaching in senior secondary school students’ learning of volumetric analysis. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis. Ibadan, Nigeria: University of Ibadan.
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There are 91 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Femi Adetunji Adeoye This is me

Publication Date January 14, 2013
Submission Date December 19, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 6 Issue: 2
