Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1207 - 1223, 22.04.2015


It was begun to be given more importance to gifted education in Turkey after the early 2000s. The aim of this article is to describe the characteristics of gifted education in Turkey. Firstly, the researcher presents a definition of ability. The article will focus on giftedness concept, societal dynamics influencing the curriculum and programs, educational laws and policies, special schools for gifted students, supporting actions for gifted students, and examples of good practices. Also, proposals included in the Parlimentary Investigation Commission Reports, which reflect the future vision on gifted education in Turkey as a candidate Europe Union, and strategic goals included in Gifted Children Action Plan (2012-2013) are specified in the study.


  • Ayas, B., & Sak, U. (2014). Objective measure of scientific creativity: Psychometric validity of the creative scientific ability test. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 13, 195-205.
  • Başbakanlık, 2009. Bilim ve teknoloji yüksek kurulu’nun 18. ve 19. toplantısı konulu genelgesi (Sayı: 2009/16) [The circular of the 18th and 19th meetings of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology (Number: 2009/16)], Retrieved February 11, 2011, from
  • Baykoc, N., Uyaroglu, B., Aydemir, D., & Seval, C. (2012). A new dimension in education of Turkish gifted children. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 47, Doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.940.
  • DPT, (1963). Birinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1963 - 1967) [The first five-year development plan (1963 - 1967)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (1973). Üçüncü beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1973 - 1977) [The third five-year development plan (1973 - 1977)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (1985). Beşinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1985 - 1989) [The fifty five-year development plan (1985 - 1989)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (1990). Altıncı beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1990 - 1994) [The sixth five-year development plan (1990 - 1994)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (1996). Yedinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1996 - 2000) [The seventh five-year development plan (1996 - 2000)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (2000). Sekizinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı (2001-2005) [The eigth five-year development plan (2001 - 2005)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (2006). Dokuzuncu beş yıllık kalkınma planı (2007 - 2014) [The ninth five-year development plan (2007 - 2014)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (2007). Dokuzuncu kalkınma planı 2007 yılı programı [Ninth development plan the 2007 programme], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • Enç, M. (2004a). Enderun [Place school]. In Şirin, M. R., Kulaksızoğlu A, ve Bilgili A. E. (Ed), 1st Türkiye Üstün Yetenekli Çocuklar Kongresi Makaleler Kitabı (pp. 37 - 84). İstanbul: Children Foundation Publishing.
  • Enç, M. (2004b). Özel eğitimin tarihçesi [The history of special education]. In Şirin, M. R., Kulaksızoğlu A, ve Bilgili A. E. (Ed), 1. Türkiye Üstün Yetenekli Çocuklar Kongresi Makaleler Kitabı (pp. 15-35). İstanbul: Children Foundation Publishing.
  • Enç, M. (2005). Üstün beyin gücü gelişim ve eğitimleri [Developing and training of highly superior intelligent students], (2nd ed.). Gündüz Training & Publishing, Ankara.
  • MEB, (1982). On birinci milli eğitim şura kararları [Eleventh national education council decisions], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (1988). On ikinci milli eğitim şura kararları [Twelfth national education council decisions], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (2003). Milli eğitim bakanlığı ilköğretim kurumları yönetmeliği [Ministry of education primary schools regulation], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (2006). On yedinci milli eğitim şura kararları [Seventeenth national education council decisions], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (2007). Bilim ve sanat merkezleri yönergesi [Science and arts centers directive]. Retrieved April 20, 2010, from
  • MEB, (2012a). On sekizinci milli eğitim şura kararları [Eighteenth national education council decisions], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (2012b). Özel eğitim hizmetleri yönetmeliği [Special education services regulation], Retrieved March 14, 2013, from
  • MEB, (2012c). 12 Yıllık zorunlu hizmete yönelik uygulamalar [12-year compulsory service-oriented applications]. Directive Number: 2012/ 20. Retrieved October 10, 2014, from
  • MEB, (2013a). MEB 2013 yılı hizmet içi eğitim planı [MEB in-service training plan for 2013], Retrieved October 10, 2014, from
  • MEB, (2013b). Milli eğitim bakanlığı ortaöğretim kurumları yönetmeliği [Ministry of National Education secondary school regulation], Retrieved December 14, 2013, from
  • MEB, (2013c). Örgün eğitim istatistikleri (2012-2013) [Formal education statistics (2012-2013)], Retrieved January 11, 2014, from
  • MEB, (2013d). Üstün yetenekli bireyler strateji ve uygulama planı (2013 - 2017) [The strategy and action plan for gifted students (2013-2017)], Retrieved January 11, 2014, from
  • MEB, (2014). MEB 201 yılı hizmet içi eğitim planı [MEB in-service training plan for 2014], Retrieved October 10, 2014, from
  • Mestçi, A., (2007). Türkiye internet raporu 2007 [Turkey web report 2007]. XII. Türkiye’de İnternet Konferansı, (oral presentation), 8-10 Kasım 2007, Ankara.
  • Sak, U. (2007). Giftedness and the Turkish culture. In S. N. Philipson & M. McCann (Eds), Conceptions of giftedness: Socio-cultural perspectives (283-310). London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Sak, U. (2009). Üstün yetenekliler eğitim programları [Gifted education programs], Ankara: Maya Publishing.
  • Sak, U. (2010). Educational programs and services for gifted students in Turkey. In J. Maker, & S. Schiever (Eds), Curriculum development and teaching strategies for gifted learners. (3rd edt.) (pp.432-441). Austin, TX: Pro-ed.
  • Sak, U. (2011a). Üstün yetenekliler eğitim programları modeli (ÜYEP) ve sosyal geçerliliği [An overview and social validity of the education programs for talented students model (EPTS)]. Education and Science, 36, 213-229.
  • Sak, U. (2011b). Prevalence of misconceptions, dogmas, and popular views about giftedness and intelligence: a case from Turkey. High Ability Studies, 22 (2), 179-197.
  • Sak, U. (2013). Education programs for talented students model (EPTS) and its effectiveness on gifted students’ mathematical creativity. Education and Science, 38 (169), 51-61.
  • Sak, U., & Ayas, B. (2013). Creative scientific ability test (C-SAT): A new measure of scientific creativity. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 55, 315-328.
  • Şahin, F. (2013). The scale for rating the behavioral characteristics of gifted and talented students: Factor structure, reliability and validity analysis, Journal of Educational Sciences, 38, 119-132, Doi: 10.15285/EBD.2013385570.
  • Şahin, F. (2014). Testing of the Scale for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Gifted and Talented Students, Unpublished manuscript.
  • Şahin, F., & Kargın, T. (2013). Sınıf öğretmenlerine üstün yetenekli öğrencilerin belirlenmesi konusunda verilen bir eğitim programının etkililiği [The effect of a training program on primary school teachers’ knowledge to identify talented students], Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 14(2), 1-23.
  • Şahin, F., & Levent, F. (2014). Examining the methods and strategies which classroom teachers use in the education of gifted students. Unpublished manuscript.
  • UNDP, (2014). Human Development Report 2014, United Nations Development Programme publishing.
  • TBMM, (2012). Üstün yetenekli çocukların keşfi, eğitimleriyle ilgili sorunların tespiti ve ülkemizin gelişimine katkı sağlayacak etkin istihdamlarının sağlanması amacıyla kurulan meclis araştırması komisyonu raporu [The Parliamentary Research Commission Report of formed to identify gifted children and their educational problems and to create opportunities for community development], Retrieved Retrieved May 14, 2013, from
  • TÜİK, (2012). Türkiye istatistik yıllığı 2012 [Turkey’s statistical yearbook 2012], Turkish Statistical Institute Publishing, Ankara.
  • TÜİK, (2013). Türkiye istatistik yıllığı 2013 [Turkey’s statistical yearbook 2013], Turkish Statistical Institute Publishing, Ankara.


Year 2015, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1207 - 1223, 22.04.2015


Türkiye’de özellikle 2000’li yıllardan sonra üstün zekalı bireylerin eğitimine daha fazla önem verilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’deki üstün zekalılar eğitiminin özelliklerinin tanımlanmasıdır. Çalışma, literatür taraması yöntemine uygun olarak sürdürülmüştür. Çalışmada; eğitim programlarını etkileyen toplumsal dinamikler, eğitim yasa ve politikaları, üstün zekalılar için özel okullar, üstün zeka eğitimini destekleyen çalışmalar ve iyi uygulama örneklerine odaklanılmıştır. Ayrıca, bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin üstün zekalı öğrencilerin eğitimine ilişkin gelecek vizyonunu yansıtan Meclis Araştırma Komisyonu Raporu’nda yer alan öneriler ve Üstün Yetenekli Çocuklar Eylem Planı’nda yer alan stratejik hedeflere de değinilmiştir


  • Ayas, B., & Sak, U. (2014). Objective measure of scientific creativity: Psychometric validity of the creative scientific ability test. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 13, 195-205.
  • Başbakanlık, 2009. Bilim ve teknoloji yüksek kurulu’nun 18. ve 19. toplantısı konulu genelgesi (Sayı: 2009/16) [The circular of the 18th and 19th meetings of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology (Number: 2009/16)], Retrieved February 11, 2011, from
  • Baykoc, N., Uyaroglu, B., Aydemir, D., & Seval, C. (2012). A new dimension in education of Turkish gifted children. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 47, Doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.940.
  • DPT, (1963). Birinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1963 - 1967) [The first five-year development plan (1963 - 1967)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (1973). Üçüncü beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1973 - 1977) [The third five-year development plan (1973 - 1977)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (1985). Beşinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1985 - 1989) [The fifty five-year development plan (1985 - 1989)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (1990). Altıncı beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1990 - 1994) [The sixth five-year development plan (1990 - 1994)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (1996). Yedinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı (1996 - 2000) [The seventh five-year development plan (1996 - 2000)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (2000). Sekizinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı (2001-2005) [The eigth five-year development plan (2001 - 2005)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (2006). Dokuzuncu beş yıllık kalkınma planı (2007 - 2014) [The ninth five-year development plan (2007 - 2014)], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • DPT, (2007). Dokuzuncu kalkınma planı 2007 yılı programı [Ninth development plan the 2007 programme], Retrieved January 21, 2012, from
  • Enç, M. (2004a). Enderun [Place school]. In Şirin, M. R., Kulaksızoğlu A, ve Bilgili A. E. (Ed), 1st Türkiye Üstün Yetenekli Çocuklar Kongresi Makaleler Kitabı (pp. 37 - 84). İstanbul: Children Foundation Publishing.
  • Enç, M. (2004b). Özel eğitimin tarihçesi [The history of special education]. In Şirin, M. R., Kulaksızoğlu A, ve Bilgili A. E. (Ed), 1. Türkiye Üstün Yetenekli Çocuklar Kongresi Makaleler Kitabı (pp. 15-35). İstanbul: Children Foundation Publishing.
  • Enç, M. (2005). Üstün beyin gücü gelişim ve eğitimleri [Developing and training of highly superior intelligent students], (2nd ed.). Gündüz Training & Publishing, Ankara.
  • MEB, (1982). On birinci milli eğitim şura kararları [Eleventh national education council decisions], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (1988). On ikinci milli eğitim şura kararları [Twelfth national education council decisions], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (2003). Milli eğitim bakanlığı ilköğretim kurumları yönetmeliği [Ministry of education primary schools regulation], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (2006). On yedinci milli eğitim şura kararları [Seventeenth national education council decisions], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (2007). Bilim ve sanat merkezleri yönergesi [Science and arts centers directive]. Retrieved April 20, 2010, from
  • MEB, (2012a). On sekizinci milli eğitim şura kararları [Eighteenth national education council decisions], Retrieved January 25, 2012, from
  • MEB, (2012b). Özel eğitim hizmetleri yönetmeliği [Special education services regulation], Retrieved March 14, 2013, from
  • MEB, (2012c). 12 Yıllık zorunlu hizmete yönelik uygulamalar [12-year compulsory service-oriented applications]. Directive Number: 2012/ 20. Retrieved October 10, 2014, from
  • MEB, (2013a). MEB 2013 yılı hizmet içi eğitim planı [MEB in-service training plan for 2013], Retrieved October 10, 2014, from
  • MEB, (2013b). Milli eğitim bakanlığı ortaöğretim kurumları yönetmeliği [Ministry of National Education secondary school regulation], Retrieved December 14, 2013, from
  • MEB, (2013c). Örgün eğitim istatistikleri (2012-2013) [Formal education statistics (2012-2013)], Retrieved January 11, 2014, from
  • MEB, (2013d). Üstün yetenekli bireyler strateji ve uygulama planı (2013 - 2017) [The strategy and action plan for gifted students (2013-2017)], Retrieved January 11, 2014, from
  • MEB, (2014). MEB 201 yılı hizmet içi eğitim planı [MEB in-service training plan for 2014], Retrieved October 10, 2014, from
  • Mestçi, A., (2007). Türkiye internet raporu 2007 [Turkey web report 2007]. XII. Türkiye’de İnternet Konferansı, (oral presentation), 8-10 Kasım 2007, Ankara.
  • Sak, U. (2007). Giftedness and the Turkish culture. In S. N. Philipson & M. McCann (Eds), Conceptions of giftedness: Socio-cultural perspectives (283-310). London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Sak, U. (2009). Üstün yetenekliler eğitim programları [Gifted education programs], Ankara: Maya Publishing.
  • Sak, U. (2010). Educational programs and services for gifted students in Turkey. In J. Maker, & S. Schiever (Eds), Curriculum development and teaching strategies for gifted learners. (3rd edt.) (pp.432-441). Austin, TX: Pro-ed.
  • Sak, U. (2011a). Üstün yetenekliler eğitim programları modeli (ÜYEP) ve sosyal geçerliliği [An overview and social validity of the education programs for talented students model (EPTS)]. Education and Science, 36, 213-229.
  • Sak, U. (2011b). Prevalence of misconceptions, dogmas, and popular views about giftedness and intelligence: a case from Turkey. High Ability Studies, 22 (2), 179-197.
  • Sak, U. (2013). Education programs for talented students model (EPTS) and its effectiveness on gifted students’ mathematical creativity. Education and Science, 38 (169), 51-61.
  • Sak, U., & Ayas, B. (2013). Creative scientific ability test (C-SAT): A new measure of scientific creativity. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 55, 315-328.
  • Şahin, F. (2013). The scale for rating the behavioral characteristics of gifted and talented students: Factor structure, reliability and validity analysis, Journal of Educational Sciences, 38, 119-132, Doi: 10.15285/EBD.2013385570.
  • Şahin, F. (2014). Testing of the Scale for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Gifted and Talented Students, Unpublished manuscript.
  • Şahin, F., & Kargın, T. (2013). Sınıf öğretmenlerine üstün yetenekli öğrencilerin belirlenmesi konusunda verilen bir eğitim programının etkililiği [The effect of a training program on primary school teachers’ knowledge to identify talented students], Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 14(2), 1-23.
  • Şahin, F., & Levent, F. (2014). Examining the methods and strategies which classroom teachers use in the education of gifted students. Unpublished manuscript.
  • UNDP, (2014). Human Development Report 2014, United Nations Development Programme publishing.
  • TBMM, (2012). Üstün yetenekli çocukların keşfi, eğitimleriyle ilgili sorunların tespiti ve ülkemizin gelişimine katkı sağlayacak etkin istihdamlarının sağlanması amacıyla kurulan meclis araştırması komisyonu raporu [The Parliamentary Research Commission Report of formed to identify gifted children and their educational problems and to create opportunities for community development], Retrieved Retrieved May 14, 2013, from
  • TÜİK, (2012). Türkiye istatistik yıllığı 2012 [Turkey’s statistical yearbook 2012], Turkish Statistical Institute Publishing, Ankara.
  • TÜİK, (2013). Türkiye istatistik yıllığı 2013 [Turkey’s statistical yearbook 2013], Turkish Statistical Institute Publishing, Ankara.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Makaleler

Feyzullah Şahin

Publication Date April 22, 2015
Submission Date April 22, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 11 Issue: 4
