Selefiliğe ve Endonezya İslamı’nın Araplaşmasına Direniş: Kamaruddin Hidayet’in Didaktik Bir Çağdaş Endonezya Hikâyesi
Yıl 2020,
, 315 - 354, 30.06.2020
Mark R. Woodward
Çevirmen: İsmail Göksoy
Çevirmen: Kamile Ünlüsoy
Çevirmen: Nida Sultan Çelikkaya
Çevirmen: Mehmet Hilmi Güler
Arap giyinme tarzlarını benimsemek ve başka bir ifade ile Suudi Arabistan kültürel uygulamalarını taklit etmek, Endonezya’daki Terbiye (İslâmî eğitim) hareketinin, 1980’li yılların başından itibaren ülkede ortaya çıkan Ortadoğu tarzındaki Selefîliğin diğer formlarının ve Suudi Arabistan Vehhabîliğinin daha genel etkisinin belirleyici özelliklerinden biridir. Bu makale, bu eğilime karşı oldukça eleştirel yaklaşan Cakarta’daki Şerif Hidayetullah Devlet İslâm Üniversitesi’nden Profesör Kamaruddin Hidayet tarafından yazılan kısa hikâyenin bir tercümesini ve genişletilmiş açıklamasını içermektedir. Hikâye, iki Endonezyalı milli kahramana atıfta bulunan muhalif bir anlatıdır: Bunlar, ülkenin en büyük Müslüman teşkilatı olan Nehdatü’l-Ulema’nın kurucularından Kiai Haşim Eşarî (1875-1947) ve ilk cumhurbaşkanı yardımcısı Muhammed Hatta (1902-1980) adlı kahramanlardır. Profesör Hidayet, otantik (gerçek) İslam’ın, Suudi Arabistan’ın kültürel uygulamalarını taklit etmeye dayanmasına gerek olmadığına ve İslamiyet’in Endonezya kültürleri ve milliyetçiliği ile tamamen uyumlu olduğuna dikkat çekmek için kısa bir hikâye kullanır.
- Abu Khalil, A. (1994). “The Incoherence of Islamic Fundamentalism: Arab Islamic Thought at the End of the 20th Century”, Middle East Journal, 48 (4), s.677-694.
- Abuza, Z. (2003). Militant Islam in Southeast Asia: Crucible of Terror. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
- Adang, C., Ansari, H., Fierro, M., & Schmidtke, S. (2015). Accusations of Unbelief in Islam: A Diachronic Perspective on Takfir. Leiden: Brill.
- Ahmed, S. (2016). What is Islam? The Importance of Being Islamic. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Ahnaf, M. (2006). The Image of the Other as Enemy. Radical Discourse in Indonesia. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books.
- Alatas, S. H. (1972). “The Captive Mind in Development Studies”. International Social Science Journal, 24 (1), s.9–25.
- Algar, H. (2002). Wahhabism: A Critical Essay. New York: Islamic Publication International.
- Anderson, B. (2006). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (New Edition). New York: Verso.
- Appadurai, A. (1996). Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Arifianto, A. (2016). “Islam Nusantara: NU’s Bid to Promote ‘Moderate Indonesian Islam’”. RSIS Commentary, nr. 114, s.1-3.
- Asad, T. (1995). Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter. New York: Humanities Books.
- Aspinall, E. (2009). Islam and Nation: Separatist Rebellion in Aceh, Indonesia. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
- Azra, A. (2002). “The Globalization of Indonesian Muslim Discourse: Contemporary Religio-intellectual Connections between Indonesia and the Middle East”. J. Meulman (ed.),
Islam in the Era of Globalization: Muslim Attitudes toward Modernity and Identity London: Routledge-Cruzon. s.309-319.
- Barton, G. (2005). Jemaah Islamiyah: Radical Islamism in Indonesia. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
- Barton, G., & Fealy, G. (eds.). (1996). Entrenching Traditional Islam and Modernity in Indonesia. Canberra: Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University.
- Benda, H. (1958). “Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje and the Foundations of Dutch Islamic Policy in Indonesia”. The Journal of Modern History, 30 (4), s.338-347.
- Bhabha, H. (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.
- Bourdieu, P. (1986). “The Forms of Capital”. J. Richardson (ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood. s.241-258.
- Burridge, K. (1969). New Heaven, New Earth: A Study of Millenarian Activities. London: Basil Blackwell.
- Cady, L., & Fessenden, T. (2013). “Gendering the Divide: Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference”. L. Cady & T. Fessenden (eds.), Religion, the Secular and
the Politics of Sexual Difference. New York: Columbia University Press. s.3-24.
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- Comaroff, J. & Comaroff, J. (1997). Of Revelation and Revolution, Vol. II: The Dialectics of Modernity on South African Frontier. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Commins, D. (2009). The Wahhabi Mission and Saudi Arabia. New York: I. B. Tarus.
- Cook, M. (2001). Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Cribb, R. (1993). “Development Policy in the Early 20th Century”. J. Dirkse, F. Hüsken, & M. Rutten (eds.), Development and Social Welfare: Indonesia’s Experiences under the
New Order. Leiden: Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. s.225-245.
- De Long-Bas, N. (2004). Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad. Oxford/ New York: Oxford University Press.
- Dhofier, Z. (1999). The Pesantren Tradition: The Role of the Kyai in the Maintenance of Traditional Islam in Java. Tempe: Program for Southeast Asian Studies Arizona State
- Eliade, M. (1954). The Myth of Eternal Return or Cosmos and History. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Errington, J. (2007). Linguistics in a Colonial World: A Story of Language, Meaning and Power. New York: Blackwell Publishing.
- Esposito, J. (2002). Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Federspiel, H. (2009). Persatuan Islam: Islamic Reform in Twentieth Century Indonesia. Singapore: Equinox Books.
- Feener, M. (2013). Sharia and Social Engineering: The Implementation of Islamic Law in Contemporary Aceh, Indonesia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Firro, T. (2013). “The Political Context of Early Wahhabi Discourse of Takfir”. Middle Eastern Studies, 49 (5), s.770-789.
- Fisher-Onar, N., Liu, J., &Woodward, M. (2014). “Symbologies, Technologies and Identities: Critical Junctures Theory and the Multi-layered Nation-state”. International Journal of
Intercultural Relations, 43, s.2-12.
- Furnivall, J. S. (1944). Netherlands India: A Study of Plural Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Giddens, A. (1984). The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Goertz, H. (1996). The Anabaptists (Christianity and Society in the Modern World). New York: Routledge.
- Gold, D. (2003). Hatred’s Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia supports the New Global Terror. Washington DC: Regnery Publishing.
- Halverson, J., Corman, S., & Goodall, H. (2011). Master Narratives of Islamist Extremism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hasan, N. (2006). Laskar Jihad: Islam, Militancy, and the Quest for Identity in Post-new Order Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program.
- Hegghammer, T. (2010). Jihad in Saudi Arabia: Violence and Pan-Islamism since 1979. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Jones, S. (2002). The Case of ‘Ngruki Network’ in Indonesia. Brussels: International Crisis Group.
- Jones, C. (2007). “Fashion and Faith in Urban Indonesia”. Fashion Theory, 11 (2/3), s.211-232.
- Kahin, A. (2012). Islam, Nationalism and Democracy: A Political Biography of Mohammad Natsir. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
- Kartodirdjo, S. (1966). The Peasants’ Revolt of Banten in 1888: Its Conditions, Course and Sequel. A Case Study of Social Movements in Indonesia. Leiden: Verhandelingen van
het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde.
- La Barre, W. (1990). Ghost Dance: The Origins of Religion. Denver: Waveland Press.
- Liddle, W. (1996). “Media Dakwah Scripturalism. One Form of Political Thought and Action in New Order Indonesia”. M. Woodward (ed.), Toward a New Paradigm: Recent
Developments in Indonesian Islamic Thought. Tempe: Program for Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series, Arizona State University.
- Lukens-Bull, R. & Woodward, M. (2010). “Goliath and David in Gaza: Indonesian Myth-building and Conflict as a Cultural System”. Contemporary Islam, s.1-17.
- Lyotard, J. (1989). The Postmodern Condition: A Report of Knowledge. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Machmudi, Y. (2008). Islamising Indonesia: The Rise of Jemaah Tarbiyah and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). Canberra: Australian University Press.
- Martin, R. & Woodward, M. (1997). Defenders of Reason in Islam: Mu’tazililism from Medieval School to Modern Symbol. Oxford: One World.
- Masyharuddin, H. (2010). “Hasyim Asy’ari: Education for Moral Reform and Independence”. R. Hashim (ed.), Reclaiming the Conversation: Islamic Intellectual Tradition in the
Malay Archipelago. Kuala Lumpur: The Other Press. s.143-166.
- Meijer, R. (2009). Global Salafism: Islam’s New Religious Movement. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Memon, M. (1976). Ibn Taimīya’s Struggle against Popular Religion: With an Annotated Translation of his Kitāb Iqtiḍā aṣ-Sirāṭ al-Mustaquīm Mukhālafat Aṣḥāb al-Jaḥīm. The
Hague: Mouton.
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Macmillan. s.45-59.
- Myrsiades, L. (1993).” Constituting Resistance: Narrative Construction and the Social Theory of Resistance”. Symploke, 1 (2), s.101-120.
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Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
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- Rahmat, I. (2008). Ideologi Politik PKS: Dari Masjid Kampus ke Gedung Parlemen. Yogyakarta: LKiS.
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- Van Dijk, K. (1998). “Dakwah and Indigenous Culture: the Dissemination of Islam”. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 154 (2), s.218-235.
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Resisting Salafism and the Arabization of Indonesian Islam: a Contemporary Indonesian Didactic Tale by Komaruddin Hidayat
Yıl 2020,
, 315 - 354, 30.06.2020
Mark R. Woodward
Çevirmen: İsmail Göksoy
Çevirmen: Kamile Ünlüsoy
Çevirmen: Nida Sultan Çelikkaya
Çevirmen: Mehmet Hilmi Güler
Adopting Arabic clothing styles and in other ways mimicking Saudi Arabian cultural practice is one of the defining characteristics of the Indonesian tarbiyah (Islamic edu-cation) movement and the more general influence of Saudi Arabian Wahhabism and other forms of Middle Eastern style Salafism that has emerged in Indonesia since the early 1980s. This paper includes a translation of and extended com-mentary on a short story by Profes-sor Komaruddin Hidayat of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Univer-sity in Jakarta that is highly critical of this trend. This is a counter nar-rative that references two Indone¬sian national heroes: Kyai Hasyim Asy’ari (1875-1947) one of the fo¬unders of Nahdatul Ulama, the country’s largest Muslim organiza¬tion and Mohammad Hatta (1902-1980), the first Vice President. Pro¬fessor Hidayat uses a short story to make the point that Islamic aut¬henticity need not be based on the emulation of Saudi Arabian cultural practices and that Islam, Indone¬sian cultures, and nationalism are entirely compatible.
- Abu Khalil, A. (1994). “The Incoherence of Islamic Fundamentalism: Arab Islamic Thought at the End of the 20th Century”, Middle East Journal, 48 (4), s.677-694.
- Abuza, Z. (2003). Militant Islam in Southeast Asia: Crucible of Terror. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
- Adang, C., Ansari, H., Fierro, M., & Schmidtke, S. (2015). Accusations of Unbelief in Islam: A Diachronic Perspective on Takfir. Leiden: Brill.
- Ahmed, S. (2016). What is Islam? The Importance of Being Islamic. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Ahnaf, M. (2006). The Image of the Other as Enemy. Radical Discourse in Indonesia. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books.
- Alatas, S. H. (1972). “The Captive Mind in Development Studies”. International Social Science Journal, 24 (1), s.9–25.
- Algar, H. (2002). Wahhabism: A Critical Essay. New York: Islamic Publication International.
- Anderson, B. (2006). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (New Edition). New York: Verso.
- Appadurai, A. (1996). Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Arifianto, A. (2016). “Islam Nusantara: NU’s Bid to Promote ‘Moderate Indonesian Islam’”. RSIS Commentary, nr. 114, s.1-3.
- Asad, T. (1995). Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter. New York: Humanities Books.
- Aspinall, E. (2009). Islam and Nation: Separatist Rebellion in Aceh, Indonesia. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
- Azra, A. (2002). “The Globalization of Indonesian Muslim Discourse: Contemporary Religio-intellectual Connections between Indonesia and the Middle East”. J. Meulman (ed.),
Islam in the Era of Globalization: Muslim Attitudes toward Modernity and Identity London: Routledge-Cruzon. s.309-319.
- Barton, G. (2005). Jemaah Islamiyah: Radical Islamism in Indonesia. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
- Barton, G., & Fealy, G. (eds.). (1996). Entrenching Traditional Islam and Modernity in Indonesia. Canberra: Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University.
- Benda, H. (1958). “Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje and the Foundations of Dutch Islamic Policy in Indonesia”. The Journal of Modern History, 30 (4), s.338-347.
- Bhabha, H. (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.
- Bourdieu, P. (1986). “The Forms of Capital”. J. Richardson (ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. New York: Greenwood. s.241-258.
- Burridge, K. (1969). New Heaven, New Earth: A Study of Millenarian Activities. London: Basil Blackwell.
- Cady, L., & Fessenden, T. (2013). “Gendering the Divide: Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference”. L. Cady & T. Fessenden (eds.), Religion, the Secular and
the Politics of Sexual Difference. New York: Columbia University Press. s.3-24.
- Comaroff, J., & Comaroff, J. (1986). “Christianity and Colonialism in South Africa”. American Ethnologist, 13 (1), s.1-22.
- Comaroff, J. & Comaroff, J. (1997). Of Revelation and Revolution, Vol. II: The Dialectics of Modernity on South African Frontier. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Commins, D. (2009). The Wahhabi Mission and Saudi Arabia. New York: I. B. Tarus.
- Cook, M. (2001). Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Cribb, R. (1993). “Development Policy in the Early 20th Century”. J. Dirkse, F. Hüsken, & M. Rutten (eds.), Development and Social Welfare: Indonesia’s Experiences under the
New Order. Leiden: Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. s.225-245.
- De Long-Bas, N. (2004). Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad. Oxford/ New York: Oxford University Press.
- Dhofier, Z. (1999). The Pesantren Tradition: The Role of the Kyai in the Maintenance of Traditional Islam in Java. Tempe: Program for Southeast Asian Studies Arizona State
- Eliade, M. (1954). The Myth of Eternal Return or Cosmos and History. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Errington, J. (2007). Linguistics in a Colonial World: A Story of Language, Meaning and Power. New York: Blackwell Publishing.
- Esposito, J. (2002). Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Federspiel, H. (2009). Persatuan Islam: Islamic Reform in Twentieth Century Indonesia. Singapore: Equinox Books.
- Feener, M. (2013). Sharia and Social Engineering: The Implementation of Islamic Law in Contemporary Aceh, Indonesia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Firro, T. (2013). “The Political Context of Early Wahhabi Discourse of Takfir”. Middle Eastern Studies, 49 (5), s.770-789.
- Fisher-Onar, N., Liu, J., &Woodward, M. (2014). “Symbologies, Technologies and Identities: Critical Junctures Theory and the Multi-layered Nation-state”. International Journal of
Intercultural Relations, 43, s.2-12.
- Furnivall, J. S. (1944). Netherlands India: A Study of Plural Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Giddens, A. (1984). The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Goertz, H. (1996). The Anabaptists (Christianity and Society in the Modern World). New York: Routledge.
- Gold, D. (2003). Hatred’s Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia supports the New Global Terror. Washington DC: Regnery Publishing.
- Halverson, J., Corman, S., & Goodall, H. (2011). Master Narratives of Islamist Extremism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hasan, N. (2006). Laskar Jihad: Islam, Militancy, and the Quest for Identity in Post-new Order Indonesia. Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program.
- Hegghammer, T. (2010). Jihad in Saudi Arabia: Violence and Pan-Islamism since 1979. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Jones, S. (2002). The Case of ‘Ngruki Network’ in Indonesia. Brussels: International Crisis Group.
- Jones, C. (2007). “Fashion and Faith in Urban Indonesia”. Fashion Theory, 11 (2/3), s.211-232.
- Kahin, A. (2012). Islam, Nationalism and Democracy: A Political Biography of Mohammad Natsir. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
- Kartodirdjo, S. (1966). The Peasants’ Revolt of Banten in 1888: Its Conditions, Course and Sequel. A Case Study of Social Movements in Indonesia. Leiden: Verhandelingen van
het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde.
- La Barre, W. (1990). Ghost Dance: The Origins of Religion. Denver: Waveland Press.
- Liddle, W. (1996). “Media Dakwah Scripturalism. One Form of Political Thought and Action in New Order Indonesia”. M. Woodward (ed.), Toward a New Paradigm: Recent
Developments in Indonesian Islamic Thought. Tempe: Program for Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series, Arizona State University.
- Lukens-Bull, R. & Woodward, M. (2010). “Goliath and David in Gaza: Indonesian Myth-building and Conflict as a Cultural System”. Contemporary Islam, s.1-17.
- Lyotard, J. (1989). The Postmodern Condition: A Report of Knowledge. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Machmudi, Y. (2008). Islamising Indonesia: The Rise of Jemaah Tarbiyah and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). Canberra: Australian University Press.
- Martin, R. & Woodward, M. (1997). Defenders of Reason in Islam: Mu’tazililism from Medieval School to Modern Symbol. Oxford: One World.
- Masyharuddin, H. (2010). “Hasyim Asy’ari: Education for Moral Reform and Independence”. R. Hashim (ed.), Reclaiming the Conversation: Islamic Intellectual Tradition in the
Malay Archipelago. Kuala Lumpur: The Other Press. s.143-166.
- Meijer, R. (2009). Global Salafism: Islam’s New Religious Movement. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Memon, M. (1976). Ibn Taimīya’s Struggle against Popular Religion: With an Annotated Translation of his Kitāb Iqtiḍā aṣ-Sirāṭ al-Mustaquīm Mukhālafat Aṣḥāb al-Jaḥīm. The
Hague: Mouton.
- Merican, A. (2012). “Beyond Boundaries: Imagining the Post-Colonial Dislocation”. S. Nair-Venugopal (ed.), The Gaze of the West and Framings of the East. London: Palgrave
Macmillan. s.45-59.
- Myrsiades, L. (1993).” Constituting Resistance: Narrative Construction and the Social Theory of Resistance”. Symploke, 1 (2), s.101-120.
- Nakamura, M. (2012). The Crescent Arises over the Banyan Tree: A Study of the Muhammadiyah Movement in a Central Javanese Town. Singapore: National University of
Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
- National Monument Office. (1996). National Monument: The Monument of the Indonesian National Struggle. Jakarta: National Monument Office.
- Panikar, K. (2007). Colonialism, Culture, and Resistance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rahmat, I. (2008). Ideologi Politik PKS: Dari Masjid Kampus ke Gedung Parlemen. Yogyakarta: LKiS.
- Reid, A. (ed.). (2007). Verandah of Violence: The Background to the Aceh Problem. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
- Ricklefs, M. (1974). Jogjakarta under Sultan Mangkubumi 1749–1792: A History of the Division of Java. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Rinkes, D. (1996). Nine Saints of Java. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Sociological Research Institute.
- Rose, M. (1987). Indonesia Free. A Political Biography of Mohammad Hatta. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Roy, O. (2004). Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Snouck Hurgronje, C. (2007/1899). Mekka in the Latter Part of the 19th Century: Daily Life, Customs and Learning. The Moslims of the East-Indian Archipelago. Leiden: Brill.
- Solahudin. (2013). The Roots of Terrorism in Indonesia: From Darul Islam to Jema’ah Islamiyah. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press.
- Tinker, G. (1993). Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Genocide. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
- Turmudi, E. (2006). Struggle for the Umma. Changing Leadership Voices of Kia in Jombang East Java. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
- Van Dijk, K. (1998). “Dakwah and Indigenous Culture: the Dissemination of Islam”. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 154 (2), s.218-235.
- Van Ess, J. (2006). The Flowering of Muslim Theology. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Volpi, F. (2011). Political Islam: A Critical Reader. London: Routledge.
- Wahid, D. (2014). Nurturing the Salafi Manhaj: A Study of Salafi Pesantrens in Contemporary Indonesia. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen, The
- Wallace, A. (1956). “Revitalization Movements”. American Anthropologist, 58, s.264-281.
- Ward, K. (2009). “Non-Violent Extremists? Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia”. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 63 (2), s.149-164.
- Watt, M. (1998). The Formative Period of Islamic Thought. Oxford: One World.
- Woodward, M. (1989). Islam in Java: Normative Piety and Mysticism in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Association for Asian Studies Monograph Series. Tucson: University of
Arizona Press.
- Woodward, M. (2008). “Contesting Wahhabi Colonialism in Yogyakarta”. COMOPS Journal: Analysis, Commentary and News from the World of Strategic Communications.
- Woodward, M. (2014). “Jerusalem in Java”. M. Cohen & M. Adelman (eds.), Jerusalem: Conflict and Cooperation in a Contested City. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
- Woodward, M. & Rohmaniyah, I. (2014). “The Tawdry Tale of ‘Syech Puji’ and Luftiana: Child Marriage and Polygamy on the Boundary of the Pesantren World”. B. Smith & M.
Woodward (eds.), Gender and Power in Indonesian Islam: Leaders, Feminists, Sufis and Pesantren Selves. London: Routledge. s.157-174.
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