Year 2021,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 80 - 85, 20.06.2021
Dıckson Davıd Olodu
Osagie Ihenyen
- Osaretin, M.O. and Olodu, D.D. (2021). Stress Mechanics of Reinforced Polyester Composites. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Research, 3(1): 39-54
- Ladeveze, P. and Le Dantec, E. (1992). Damage Modelling of the Elementary Ply for Laminated Composites. Composite Science and Technology Journal, 43: 257-267.
- Kao, W. S. (2003). Fracture Toughness of a Laminated Composite. Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives II, Elsevier, 355-364
- Mueller, D. H. and Krobjilowski, A. (2004). Improving the Impact Strength of Natural Fibre Reinforced Composites By Specifically Designed Materials and Process Parameter. International Nonwovens Journal, 13(4): 31–38.
- Silva, J. F., Vieira, P., Morais, A. B., Marques, A. T. and De Castro, P. M. S. T. (2007). Mode-II Fracture Toughness of Glass Reinfored Composites. Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal, 38-50.
- Williams, J. G. (1978). Linear Fracture Mechanics. Advances in Polymer Science, Springer Varlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 27: 69 – 82.
- Parhizgar, S., Zachary, L. W. and Sun, C. T. (1982). Application of the Principle of Linear Fracture Mechanics to the Composite Materials. International Journal of Fracture Mechanics, 20: 3-15.
- Mandel, J. A., Pack, S. C. and Tarazi, S. (1982). Micromechanical Studies of Crack Growth in Fibre Reinforced Materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 16: 741-754.
- Garo, A. C. and Trotman C. K. (1980). Effect of Water on Fracture Toughness of Reinforced Composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics Journal, 24(2): 34-45
- Radif, Z. S. and Ali, A. (2001). Fracture Toughness of Kenaf Mat Reinforced Polyester Composite. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 99(1): 177-187.
- Idicula, M., Joseph, K. and Thomas, S. (2009). Mechanical Performance of Short Banana/Sisal Hybrid Fibre Polyester Composite. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 29(1): 12 – 29
- Liu, Q., Hughes, M. (2008). The Fracture Behaviour and Toughness of Woven Flax Fibre reinforced epoxy Composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 8(4): 23-30.
Fibre Volume Fraction and Impact Strength Analysis of Reinforced Polyester Composites
Year 2021,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 80 - 85, 20.06.2021
Dıckson Davıd Olodu
Osagie Ihenyen
Improper fibre volume analyses in most reinforced composites poses great challenges in polymer industries which results to the production of composites with low mechanical strength. This study investigates the fibre volume fraction and impact strength analysis of reinforced polyester composites. In this study, E-Glass fibres (hard and soft mat) were mixed with polyester at different composition by volume. The E-glass serves as reinforcement to the polyester, fourteen test specimens of the reinforced composites were developed with each of them having dimension of 210mm length, 150mm width and 50mm thickness respectively. The properties of the developed reinforced composites such as volume fraction, impact energy, and impact strength were analysed from the values obtained from compact tension and Charpy impact test respectively. The results obtained shows that the effective thickness of the developed reinforced composites ranged from 60mm to 100mm at fibre fraction which ranges from 0.32 to 0.50. The results obtained also shows that the specimens containing woven roving have greater resistance to fracture and impact damages due to high fibre volume fraction. Hence, the laminates impact strength is a function of its fibre volume fraction.
- Osaretin, M.O. and Olodu, D.D. (2021). Stress Mechanics of Reinforced Polyester Composites. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Research, 3(1): 39-54
- Ladeveze, P. and Le Dantec, E. (1992). Damage Modelling of the Elementary Ply for Laminated Composites. Composite Science and Technology Journal, 43: 257-267.
- Kao, W. S. (2003). Fracture Toughness of a Laminated Composite. Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives II, Elsevier, 355-364
- Mueller, D. H. and Krobjilowski, A. (2004). Improving the Impact Strength of Natural Fibre Reinforced Composites By Specifically Designed Materials and Process Parameter. International Nonwovens Journal, 13(4): 31–38.
- Silva, J. F., Vieira, P., Morais, A. B., Marques, A. T. and De Castro, P. M. S. T. (2007). Mode-II Fracture Toughness of Glass Reinfored Composites. Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal, 38-50.
- Williams, J. G. (1978). Linear Fracture Mechanics. Advances in Polymer Science, Springer Varlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 27: 69 – 82.
- Parhizgar, S., Zachary, L. W. and Sun, C. T. (1982). Application of the Principle of Linear Fracture Mechanics to the Composite Materials. International Journal of Fracture Mechanics, 20: 3-15.
- Mandel, J. A., Pack, S. C. and Tarazi, S. (1982). Micromechanical Studies of Crack Growth in Fibre Reinforced Materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 16: 741-754.
- Garo, A. C. and Trotman C. K. (1980). Effect of Water on Fracture Toughness of Reinforced Composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics Journal, 24(2): 34-45
- Radif, Z. S. and Ali, A. (2001). Fracture Toughness of Kenaf Mat Reinforced Polyester Composite. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 99(1): 177-187.
- Idicula, M., Joseph, K. and Thomas, S. (2009). Mechanical Performance of Short Banana/Sisal Hybrid Fibre Polyester Composite. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 29(1): 12 – 29
- Liu, Q., Hughes, M. (2008). The Fracture Behaviour and Toughness of Woven Flax Fibre reinforced epoxy Composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 8(4): 23-30.