Research Article
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Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in terms of Education Equity

Year 2021, Issue: 26, 53 - 87, 30.04.2021


The present study aimed to evaluate educational equality in regional boarding secondary schools (YBO) in Turkey opened to meet the educational needs of children who live in rural areas and are in the age of compulsory education. The research was qualitative using the in-depth interview technique and was carried out with the participation of 39 teachers working in BSSs in Ankara, Bingöl and Bartın provinces. The data collected was analyzed with the content analysis technique. In the analysis, according to teachers working in these schools, the education given in YBOs was of sufficient quality and YBOs provide disadvantaged children with access to quality education. However, the children studying in these schools experienced family deprivation, which reflected negatively on their academic success. In Turkey, YBOs provide educational equity in terms of access to education for children living in rural areas, but children have some problems stemming from staying away from family. Additionally, since schools do not meet certain standards, the problem of inequality continues. Based on the results of the research, it is recommended that the differences in quality between boarding schools should be eliminated, teacher turnover rates in these schools should be reduced and permanent teachers should be employed. Also, boarding secondary schools should not be an obligation but an option for children considering that children long for a family which in the absence can have negative effects on academic success.


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There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Tuğba Demirel This is me

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 26


APA Demirel, T. (2021). Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in terms of Education Equity. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi(26), 53-87.
AMA Demirel T. Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in terms of Education Equity. Derginin Amacı ve Kapsamı. April 2021;(26):53-87.
Chicago Demirel, Tuğba. “Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in Terms of Education Equity”. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, no. 26 (April 2021): 53-87.
EndNote Demirel T (April 1, 2021) Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in terms of Education Equity. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi 26 53–87.
IEEE T. Demirel, “Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in terms of Education Equity”, Derginin Amacı ve Kapsamı, no. 26, pp. 53–87, April 2021.
ISNAD Demirel, Tuğba. “Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in Terms of Education Equity”. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi 26 (April 2021), 53-87.
JAMA Demirel T. Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in terms of Education Equity. Derginin Amacı ve Kapsamı. 2021;:53–87.
MLA Demirel, Tuğba. “Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in Terms of Education Equity”. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, no. 26, 2021, pp. 53-87.
Vancouver Demirel T. Evaluation of Boarding Secondary Schools in terms of Education Equity. Derginin Amacı ve Kapsamı. 2021(26):53-87.