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Ectopic pancreas prevalence rates in upper GI endoscopy for different etiologies

Year 2013, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 39 - 42, 01.08.2013


Ectopic pancreas is a rare congenital anomaly. It is often an incidental finding and can be found at different sites in the gastrointestinal system. The aim of this study was to determine the ectopic pancreas incidence in patients undergoing upper endoscopy. Ectopic pancreas is usually detected incidentally during endoscopy or surgery, and ectopic pancreasit is the second most common epithelial lesion after gastrointestinal stromal tumors. The prevalence of ectopic pancreas in the literature is approximately 0.2%. In our series a frequency of 0.2% was determined in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.


  • Christodoulidis G, Zacharoulis D, Barbanis S, et al. Heterotopic pancreas in the stomach: A case report and literature review. World J Gastroen- terol 2007; 13: 6098-100.
  • Gokhale U, Nanda A, Pillai R, Al-Layla D. Heterotopic pancreas in the stomach: A case report and a brief review of the literature. JOP 2010; 11: 255-7.
  • Jiang L, Xu J, Wang W, et al. Gastric outlet obstruction caused by het- erotopic pancreas: A case report and a quick review: World J Gastroen- terol 2008; 14: 6757-9.
  • Lambert AW, Dale RF. A difficult case of pancreatitis. J R Soc Med 1997; 90: 44-5.
  • Khashab M, Cummings O, DeWitt J. Ligation-assisted endoscopic mu- cosal resection of gastric heterotopic pancreas. World J Gastroenterol 2009; 15: 2805-8.
  • Mızrak D, Bektaş M, Kaygusuz G, et al. Gastric aberrant pancreas. Turk J Gastroenterol 2010; 21: 68-9.
  • Inoue Y, Hayashi M, Arisaka Y, et al. Adenocarcinoma arising in a het- erotopic pancreas (Heinrich type III): A case report. J Med Case Rep 2010; 4: 39.
  • Hlavaty T, Lukac L, Vyskocil M, Galbavy S. Heterotopic pancreas in gastric antrum with macroscopic appearance of gastric polyp. Bratisl Lek Listy 2002; 103: 117-20.
  • Hudok J, Wanner H, Reilly C. Acute massive gastro-intestinal hemor- rhage associated with pancreatic heterotopic tissue of the stomach. Ann Surg 1956; 143: 121-5.
  • Küçük G, Durgun V. Mide kanserini taklit eden heterotopik pankreas: Olgu sunumu. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Dergisi 2009; 40: 38-40
  • Watanabe K, Irisawa A, Hikichi T, et al. Acute inflammation occurring in gastric aberrant pancreas followed up by endoscopic ultrasonography. World J Gastrointest Endosc 2012; 4: 331-4.
  • Trifan A, Târcoveanu E, Danciu M, et al. Heterotopic Pancreas: An un- usual case and review of the literature. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2012; 21: 209-12.
  • Cengiz C, Oğuz D, Yuyucu Y, et al. Gastrointestinal stromal tümörü tak- lit eden sıradışı bir gastrik ektopik pankreas olgusu. Endoskopi 2010; 18: 41-3.
  • Patil P, Shenoy V, Rao P. Aberrant pancreatic tissue causing gastric ulcer and pyloric obstruction. Indian Pediatr 1995; 32: 930-2.
  • Rubbia-Brandt L, Huber O, Hadengue A, Frossard JL. An unusual case of gastric heterotopic pancreas. JOP 2004; 5: 484-7.
  • Bromberg S, Neto C, Borges A, et al. Pancreatic heterotopias: clinico- pathological analysis of 18 patients. Rev Col Bras Cir 2010; 37: 413-9.
  • Yuan Z, Chen J, Zheng al. Heterotopic pancreas in the gastrointes- tinal tract. World J Gastroenterol 2009: 15(29): 3701-3703.
  • Hickman D, FREY C, Sacramento M et al. Adenocarcinoma arising in gastric heterotopic pancreas. West J Med. 1981: 135. 57-62
  • Gupta M, Karlitz J, Raines D, et al. Heterotopic pancreas. J La State Med Soc. 2010; 162: 310-3.
  • Temes T, Griffin N, CNP. The cantankerous pancreas. Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007; 3: 941-2.
  • Rao R, Kamlesh Y, Pallav G, et al. Ectopic pancreas presenting as periam- pullary tumor with obstructive jaundice and pruritus is a rare diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma: A case report. J Pancreas. 2011; 12: 607-9.
  • Karahan Ö, Kahrıman G, Soyuer I, et al. Distal koledokta yerleşen het- erotopik pankreatik dokunun MR kolanjiopankreatografi bulguları. Di- agn Interv Radiol 2006; 12: 180-2.
  • Yan M, Wang Y, Tian Y, Lin Y. Adenocarcinoma arising from intrahe- patic heterotopic pancreas: A case report and literature review. World J Gastroenterol 2012; 18: 2881-4.
  • Canbaz H, Çolak T, Düşmez ark. An unusual cause of acute abdo- men: Mesenteric heterotopic pancreatitis causing confusion in clinical diagnosis. Turk J Gastroenterol 2009; 20: 142-5.
  • Mayes R. Pancreatic heterotopia presenting as a gastric submucosal le- sion. Ulster Med J 2010; 79: 100-5.
  • Kantar F, Akarsu M, Atilla K, et al. Ectopic pancreas presenting with intractable diarrhea: case report. Turk J Gastroenterol 2011; 22: 426-9.
  • Erkan N, Vardar E, Vardar R. Heterotopic pancreas: report of two cases. J Pancreas 2007; 8: 588-91.
  • Hlavaty T, Lukac L, Vyskocil M, et al. Heterotopic pancreas in gastric antrum with macroscopic appearance of gastric polyp. Bratisl Lek Listy 2002; 103: 117-20.
  • Galloro G, Napolitano V, Magno L, et al. Diagnosis and therapeutic management of cystic dystrophy of the duodenal wall in heterotopic pancreac: A case report and revision of the literature. J Pancreas 2008; 9: 725-32.
  • Cankorkmaz L, Atalar M, Müsliheddinoğlu A, et al. Ektopik pankreas dokusunun sebep olduğu bir invajinasyon: Olgu sunumu. C. Ü. Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2005; 27: 129-32.
  • Sadeghi R, Godambe A, Shienbaum A. Premalignant gastric heterotopic pancreas. Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008; 3: 218-22.
  • Ryu D, Kim G, Park D, et al. Endoscopic removal of gastric ectopic pancreas: An initial experience with endoscopic submucosal dissection. World J Gastroenterol 2010; 16: 4589-93.

Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS endoskopisinde ektopik pankreas görülme oranı

Year 2013, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 39 - 42, 01.08.2013


Ektopik pankreas genellikle tesadüfen saptanan nadir bir konjenital anomalidir. Sıklıkla insidental bir bulgudur ve gastrointestinal sistemin farklı bölgelerinde saptanabilir. Bu çalışmada amacımız üst endoskopisi yapılan hastalarda ektopik pankreasın sıklığını belirlemektir. Ektopik pankreas genellikle endoskopi veya cerrahi esnasında tesadüfen tespit edilir. Gastrointestinal stromal tümörden sonra midedeki ikinci en sık subepitelyal lezyondur. Literatürde ektopik pankreas sıklığı %0,2 olarak verilmiştir. Bizim serimizde de üst gastrointestinal sistemde endoskopik olarak sıklık %0,2 tespit edilmiştir.


  • Christodoulidis G, Zacharoulis D, Barbanis S, et al. Heterotopic pancreas in the stomach: A case report and literature review. World J Gastroen- terol 2007; 13: 6098-100.
  • Gokhale U, Nanda A, Pillai R, Al-Layla D. Heterotopic pancreas in the stomach: A case report and a brief review of the literature. JOP 2010; 11: 255-7.
  • Jiang L, Xu J, Wang W, et al. Gastric outlet obstruction caused by het- erotopic pancreas: A case report and a quick review: World J Gastroen- terol 2008; 14: 6757-9.
  • Lambert AW, Dale RF. A difficult case of pancreatitis. J R Soc Med 1997; 90: 44-5.
  • Khashab M, Cummings O, DeWitt J. Ligation-assisted endoscopic mu- cosal resection of gastric heterotopic pancreas. World J Gastroenterol 2009; 15: 2805-8.
  • Mızrak D, Bektaş M, Kaygusuz G, et al. Gastric aberrant pancreas. Turk J Gastroenterol 2010; 21: 68-9.
  • Inoue Y, Hayashi M, Arisaka Y, et al. Adenocarcinoma arising in a het- erotopic pancreas (Heinrich type III): A case report. J Med Case Rep 2010; 4: 39.
  • Hlavaty T, Lukac L, Vyskocil M, Galbavy S. Heterotopic pancreas in gastric antrum with macroscopic appearance of gastric polyp. Bratisl Lek Listy 2002; 103: 117-20.
  • Hudok J, Wanner H, Reilly C. Acute massive gastro-intestinal hemor- rhage associated with pancreatic heterotopic tissue of the stomach. Ann Surg 1956; 143: 121-5.
  • Küçük G, Durgun V. Mide kanserini taklit eden heterotopik pankreas: Olgu sunumu. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Dergisi 2009; 40: 38-40
  • Watanabe K, Irisawa A, Hikichi T, et al. Acute inflammation occurring in gastric aberrant pancreas followed up by endoscopic ultrasonography. World J Gastrointest Endosc 2012; 4: 331-4.
  • Trifan A, Târcoveanu E, Danciu M, et al. Heterotopic Pancreas: An un- usual case and review of the literature. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2012; 21: 209-12.
  • Cengiz C, Oğuz D, Yuyucu Y, et al. Gastrointestinal stromal tümörü tak- lit eden sıradışı bir gastrik ektopik pankreas olgusu. Endoskopi 2010; 18: 41-3.
  • Patil P, Shenoy V, Rao P. Aberrant pancreatic tissue causing gastric ulcer and pyloric obstruction. Indian Pediatr 1995; 32: 930-2.
  • Rubbia-Brandt L, Huber O, Hadengue A, Frossard JL. An unusual case of gastric heterotopic pancreas. JOP 2004; 5: 484-7.
  • Bromberg S, Neto C, Borges A, et al. Pancreatic heterotopias: clinico- pathological analysis of 18 patients. Rev Col Bras Cir 2010; 37: 413-9.
  • Yuan Z, Chen J, Zheng al. Heterotopic pancreas in the gastrointes- tinal tract. World J Gastroenterol 2009: 15(29): 3701-3703.
  • Hickman D, FREY C, Sacramento M et al. Adenocarcinoma arising in gastric heterotopic pancreas. West J Med. 1981: 135. 57-62
  • Gupta M, Karlitz J, Raines D, et al. Heterotopic pancreas. J La State Med Soc. 2010; 162: 310-3.
  • Temes T, Griffin N, CNP. The cantankerous pancreas. Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007; 3: 941-2.
  • Rao R, Kamlesh Y, Pallav G, et al. Ectopic pancreas presenting as periam- pullary tumor with obstructive jaundice and pruritus is a rare diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma: A case report. J Pancreas. 2011; 12: 607-9.
  • Karahan Ö, Kahrıman G, Soyuer I, et al. Distal koledokta yerleşen het- erotopik pankreatik dokunun MR kolanjiopankreatografi bulguları. Di- agn Interv Radiol 2006; 12: 180-2.
  • Yan M, Wang Y, Tian Y, Lin Y. Adenocarcinoma arising from intrahe- patic heterotopic pancreas: A case report and literature review. World J Gastroenterol 2012; 18: 2881-4.
  • Canbaz H, Çolak T, Düşmez ark. An unusual cause of acute abdo- men: Mesenteric heterotopic pancreatitis causing confusion in clinical diagnosis. Turk J Gastroenterol 2009; 20: 142-5.
  • Mayes R. Pancreatic heterotopia presenting as a gastric submucosal le- sion. Ulster Med J 2010; 79: 100-5.
  • Kantar F, Akarsu M, Atilla K, et al. Ectopic pancreas presenting with intractable diarrhea: case report. Turk J Gastroenterol 2011; 22: 426-9.
  • Erkan N, Vardar E, Vardar R. Heterotopic pancreas: report of two cases. J Pancreas 2007; 8: 588-91.
  • Hlavaty T, Lukac L, Vyskocil M, et al. Heterotopic pancreas in gastric antrum with macroscopic appearance of gastric polyp. Bratisl Lek Listy 2002; 103: 117-20.
  • Galloro G, Napolitano V, Magno L, et al. Diagnosis and therapeutic management of cystic dystrophy of the duodenal wall in heterotopic pancreac: A case report and revision of the literature. J Pancreas 2008; 9: 725-32.
  • Cankorkmaz L, Atalar M, Müsliheddinoğlu A, et al. Ektopik pankreas dokusunun sebep olduğu bir invajinasyon: Olgu sunumu. C. Ü. Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2005; 27: 129-32.
  • Sadeghi R, Godambe A, Shienbaum A. Premalignant gastric heterotopic pancreas. Gastroenterol Hepatol 2008; 3: 218-22.
  • Ryu D, Kim G, Park D, et al. Endoscopic removal of gastric ectopic pancreas: An initial experience with endoscopic submucosal dissection. World J Gastroenterol 2010; 16: 4589-93.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Agil Ağakişiyev This is me

M. Sait Dağ This is me

Hakan Çam This is me

Nimet Yılmaz This is me

Musa Aydınlı This is me

M. Taner Gülşen This is me

İrfan Koruk This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 21 Issue: 2


APA Ağakişiyev, A., Dağ, M. S., Çam, H., Yılmaz, N., et al. (2013). Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS endoskopisinde ektopik pankreas görülme oranı. Endoskopi Gastrointestinal, 21(2), 39-42.
AMA Ağakişiyev A, Dağ MS, Çam H, Yılmaz N, Aydınlı M, Gülşen MT, Koruk İ. Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS endoskopisinde ektopik pankreas görülme oranı. Endoskopi Gastrointestinal. August 2013;21(2):39-42. doi:10.17940/endoskopi.74804
Chicago Ağakişiyev, Agil, M. Sait Dağ, Hakan Çam, Nimet Yılmaz, Musa Aydınlı, M. Taner Gülşen, and İrfan Koruk. “Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS Endoskopisinde Ektopik Pankreas görülme Oranı”. Endoskopi Gastrointestinal 21, no. 2 (August 2013): 39-42.
EndNote Ağakişiyev A, Dağ MS, Çam H, Yılmaz N, Aydınlı M, Gülşen MT, Koruk İ (August 1, 2013) Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS endoskopisinde ektopik pankreas görülme oranı. Endoskopi Gastrointestinal 21 2 39–42.
IEEE A. Ağakişiyev, “Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS endoskopisinde ektopik pankreas görülme oranı”, Endoskopi Gastrointestinal, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 39–42, 2013, doi: 10.17940/endoskopi.74804.
ISNAD Ağakişiyev, Agil et al. “Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS Endoskopisinde Ektopik Pankreas görülme Oranı”. Endoskopi Gastrointestinal 21/2 (August 2013), 39-42.
JAMA Ağakişiyev A, Dağ MS, Çam H, Yılmaz N, Aydınlı M, Gülşen MT, Koruk İ. Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS endoskopisinde ektopik pankreas görülme oranı. Endoskopi Gastrointestinal. 2013;21:39–42.
MLA Ağakişiyev, Agil et al. “Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS Endoskopisinde Ektopik Pankreas görülme Oranı”. Endoskopi Gastrointestinal, vol. 21, no. 2, 2013, pp. 39-42, doi:10.17940/endoskopi.74804.
Vancouver Ağakişiyev A, Dağ MS, Çam H, Yılmaz N, Aydınlı M, Gülşen MT, Koruk İ. Farklı amaçlarla yapılan üst GİS endoskopisinde ektopik pankreas görülme oranı. Endoskopi Gastrointestinal. 2013;21(2):39-42.