Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignancies. Radical prostatectomy is the gold standard treatment for clinically localized prostate cancer, and the main purpose of surgery has been to treat the main disease and to avoid side effects. Retzius sparing robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is slightly different from the standard technique and has fewer side effects. In this article, we aimed to present our retzius sparing robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy technique and its known results.
1- Dirie NI, Pokhrel G, Guan W, Mumin MA, Yang J, Masau JF, Hu H, Wang S. Is Retzius-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy associated with better functional and oncological outcomes? Literature review and meta-analysis. Asian J Urol 2019;6:174-182.
2- Chang KD, Abdel Raheem A, Santok GDR, Kim LHC, Lum TGH, Lee SH, Ham WS, Choi YD, Rha KH. Anatomical Retzius-space preservation is associated with lower incidence of postoperative inguinal hernia development after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. Hernia 2017;21:555-561.
3- Bianco FJ Jr, Scardino PT, Eastham JA. Radical prostatectomy: long-term cancer control and recovery of sexual and urinary function ("trifecta") Urology 2005;66:83-94.
4- Galfano A, Ascione A, Grimaldi S, Petralia G, Strada E, Bocciardi AM. A new anatomic approach for robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: a feasibility study for completely intrafascial surgery. Eur Urol 2010;58:457-61.
5- Jenjitranant P, Sangkum P, Sirisreetreerux P, Viseshsindh W, Patcharatrakul S, Kongcharoensombat W. Retzius Space Preservation Technique for Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy in a Kidney Transplant Patient: First Case in Thailand and Our First Experience. Transplant Proc 2016;48:3130-3133.
6- Galfano A, Di Trapani D, Sozzi F, Strada E, Petralia G, Bramerio M, Ascione A, Gambacorta M, Bocciardi AM. Beyond the learning curve of the Retzius-sparing approach for robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: oncologic and functional results of the first 200 patients with ≥ 1 year of follow-up. Eur Urol 2013;64:974-80.
7- Eden CG, Moschonas D, Soraes R. Urinary continence four weeks following Retzius-sparing robotic radikal prostatectomy: the UK experience. J Clin Urol 2017;11:15-20.
8- Sayyid RK, Simpson WG, Lu C, Terris MK, Klaassen Z, Madi R. Retzius-Sparing Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: A Safe Surgical Technique with Superior Continence Outcomes. J Endourol 2017;31:1244-1250.
9- Lim SK, Kim KH, Shin TY, Han WK, Chung BH, Hong SJ, Choi YD, Rha KH. Retzius-sparing robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: combining the best of retropubic and perineal approaches. BJU Int 2014;114:236-244.
10- Asimakopoulos AD, Topazio L, De Angelis M, Agrò EF, Pastore AL, Fuschi A, Annino F. Retzius-sparing versus standard robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: a prospective randomized comparison on immediate continence rates. Surg Endosc 2019;33:2187-2196.
11- Santok GD, Abdel Raheem A, Kim LH, Chang K, Lum TG, Chung BH, Choi YD, Rha KH. Perioperative and short-term outcomes of Retzius-sparing robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy stratified by gland size. BJU Int 2017;119:135-141.
12- Dalela D, Jeong W, Prasad MA, Sood A, Abdollah F, Diaz M, Karabon P, Sammon J, Jamil M, Baize B, Simone A, Menon M. A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Impact of the Retzius-sparing Approach on Early Urinary Continence Recovery After Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy. Eur Urol 2017;72:677-685.
13- Raheem AA, Santok GD, Kim DK, Troya IS, Alabdulaali I, Choi YD, Rha KH. Simultaneous Retzius-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy and partial nephrectomy. Investig Clin Urol 2016;57:146-149.
14- Patel VR, Coelho RF, Rocco B, Orvieto M, Sivaraman A, Palmer KJ, Kameh D, Santoro L, Coughlin GD, Liss M, Jeong W, Malcolm J, Stern JM, Sharma S, Zorn KC, Shikanov S, Shalhav AL, Zagaja GP, Ahlering TE, Rha KH, Albala DM, Fabrizio MD, Lee DI, Chauhan S. Positive surgical margins after robotic assisted radical prostatectomy: a multi-institutional study. J Urol 2011;186:511-516.
15- Walz J, Burnett AL, Costello AJ, Eastham JA, Graefen M, Guillonneau B, Menon M, Montorsi F, Myers RP, Rocco B, Villers A. A critical analysis of the current knowledge of surgical anatomy related to optimization of cancer control and preservation of continence and erection in candidates for radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol 2010;57:179-192.
16- Altinova S, Micoogulları U, Asil E. Retzius sparing robotic radical prostatectomy. Robotics, Lap, Endosurg 2017;3:16-18.
Retzius Koruyucu Robot Yardımlı Laparoskopik Radikal Prostatektomi
Year 2020,
Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 168 - 175, 23.07.2020
Klinik lokalize prostat kanserinde
radikal prostatektomi halen altın standart tedavidir. Retzius koruyucu radikal prostatektomide konvansiyonel
robot yardımlı radikal prostatektomiye göre daha yüksek kontinans oranları
bildirilmiştir. Prostat hacmi bazı teknik sorunlar yaratsa da Retzius alanındaki
anterior tabakaların korunma fikri yüksek oranda fonksiyonel sonuçlar
verebileceği fikrini doğurarak daha çok uygulanmasını da sağlamıştır.
Klinik lokalize prostat kanserinde radikal prostatektomi halen altın standart tedavidir. Retzius koruyucu radikal prostatektomide konvansiyonel robot yardımlı radikal prostatektomiye göre daha yüksek kontinans oranları bildirilmiştir. Prostat hacmi bazı teknik sorunlar yaratsa da Retzius alanındaki anterior tabakaların korunma fikri yüksek oranda fonksiyonel sonuçlar verebileceği fikrini doğurarak daha çok uygulanmasını da sağlamıştır.
1- Dirie NI, Pokhrel G, Guan W, Mumin MA, Yang J, Masau JF, Hu H, Wang S. Is Retzius-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy associated with better functional and oncological outcomes? Literature review and meta-analysis. Asian J Urol 2019;6:174-182.
2- Chang KD, Abdel Raheem A, Santok GDR, Kim LHC, Lum TGH, Lee SH, Ham WS, Choi YD, Rha KH. Anatomical Retzius-space preservation is associated with lower incidence of postoperative inguinal hernia development after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. Hernia 2017;21:555-561.
3- Bianco FJ Jr, Scardino PT, Eastham JA. Radical prostatectomy: long-term cancer control and recovery of sexual and urinary function ("trifecta") Urology 2005;66:83-94.
4- Galfano A, Ascione A, Grimaldi S, Petralia G, Strada E, Bocciardi AM. A new anatomic approach for robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: a feasibility study for completely intrafascial surgery. Eur Urol 2010;58:457-61.
5- Jenjitranant P, Sangkum P, Sirisreetreerux P, Viseshsindh W, Patcharatrakul S, Kongcharoensombat W. Retzius Space Preservation Technique for Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy in a Kidney Transplant Patient: First Case in Thailand and Our First Experience. Transplant Proc 2016;48:3130-3133.
6- Galfano A, Di Trapani D, Sozzi F, Strada E, Petralia G, Bramerio M, Ascione A, Gambacorta M, Bocciardi AM. Beyond the learning curve of the Retzius-sparing approach for robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: oncologic and functional results of the first 200 patients with ≥ 1 year of follow-up. Eur Urol 2013;64:974-80.
7- Eden CG, Moschonas D, Soraes R. Urinary continence four weeks following Retzius-sparing robotic radikal prostatectomy: the UK experience. J Clin Urol 2017;11:15-20.
8- Sayyid RK, Simpson WG, Lu C, Terris MK, Klaassen Z, Madi R. Retzius-Sparing Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: A Safe Surgical Technique with Superior Continence Outcomes. J Endourol 2017;31:1244-1250.
9- Lim SK, Kim KH, Shin TY, Han WK, Chung BH, Hong SJ, Choi YD, Rha KH. Retzius-sparing robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: combining the best of retropubic and perineal approaches. BJU Int 2014;114:236-244.
10- Asimakopoulos AD, Topazio L, De Angelis M, Agrò EF, Pastore AL, Fuschi A, Annino F. Retzius-sparing versus standard robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: a prospective randomized comparison on immediate continence rates. Surg Endosc 2019;33:2187-2196.
11- Santok GD, Abdel Raheem A, Kim LH, Chang K, Lum TG, Chung BH, Choi YD, Rha KH. Perioperative and short-term outcomes of Retzius-sparing robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy stratified by gland size. BJU Int 2017;119:135-141.
12- Dalela D, Jeong W, Prasad MA, Sood A, Abdollah F, Diaz M, Karabon P, Sammon J, Jamil M, Baize B, Simone A, Menon M. A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Impact of the Retzius-sparing Approach on Early Urinary Continence Recovery After Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy. Eur Urol 2017;72:677-685.
13- Raheem AA, Santok GD, Kim DK, Troya IS, Alabdulaali I, Choi YD, Rha KH. Simultaneous Retzius-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy and partial nephrectomy. Investig Clin Urol 2016;57:146-149.
14- Patel VR, Coelho RF, Rocco B, Orvieto M, Sivaraman A, Palmer KJ, Kameh D, Santoro L, Coughlin GD, Liss M, Jeong W, Malcolm J, Stern JM, Sharma S, Zorn KC, Shikanov S, Shalhav AL, Zagaja GP, Ahlering TE, Rha KH, Albala DM, Fabrizio MD, Lee DI, Chauhan S. Positive surgical margins after robotic assisted radical prostatectomy: a multi-institutional study. J Urol 2011;186:511-516.
15- Walz J, Burnett AL, Costello AJ, Eastham JA, Graefen M, Guillonneau B, Menon M, Montorsi F, Myers RP, Rocco B, Villers A. A critical analysis of the current knowledge of surgical anatomy related to optimization of cancer control and preservation of continence and erection in candidates for radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol 2010;57:179-192.
16- Altinova S, Micoogulları U, Asil E. Retzius sparing robotic radical prostatectomy. Robotics, Lap, Endosurg 2017;3:16-18.