e-ISSN: 2148-0532
Founded: 2020
Publisher: Endourology Association
Cover Image

Information About Journal
Endourology Bulletin is published three times a year- in January, May, and September.
Endourology Bulletin is an international, scientific, open access, online/published journal following independent, unbiased, and double-blinded peer-review principles.
Endourology Bulletin welcomes original articles, case reports, and reviews on urology and related topics and is a peer-reviewed journal.
The journal's publication language is Turkish and English.
There is no charge for publishing, or no copyright fee is paid to the authors.
Endourology Bulletin has adopted the policy of providing open access to the publication.

Journal Title: Endoüroloji Bülteni / Endourology Bulletin
Journal Abbreviation: Endourol Bull
Publication Date: 2008-2017 / Online since 2020
Frequency: Tri-annual (January, May, September)
Publisher: Pera Publishing Services

Grant Holder: Endoüroloji Derneği (Endourology Society)

Language: English/Turkish
eISSN: 2148-0532
DOI Prefix: 10.54233
Broad Subject Term(s): Urology & Nephrology
Open Access: OA-nc-sa (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
Electronic Links: https://endourolojibulteni.com/en/
İndeks / Entegrasyon: TR Dizin (ULAKBIM), Google Scholar / Index Copernicus, EuroPub, Scilit, Asos Indeks, Türkiye Atıf Dizini / ORCID / Crossref