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Yıl 2024, , 269 - 301, 01.09.2024


Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de yeni mezun endüstri mühendislerinin iş seçim kararlarında kriterlerin etkisini değerlendirmek ve şirketlere yeni işe alım ve markalaşma süreçlerini buna göre tasarlamaları için gerekli bilgileri sağlamak amacıyla yapılmıştır. İlgili literatürde iş seçim kararlarını etkilediği tespit edilen faktörler, 2019-23 yılları arasında Türkiye'de bir endüstri mühendisliği programından mezun olan veya 2023-24 akademik yılı sonunda mezun olacak katılımcılar tarafından çevrim içi bir ankette değerlendirilmiştir. Kartopu örnekleme yoluyla elde edilen yanıtlar, çeşitli istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, yeni mezunların kişilik ve demografik özellikleri ile kariyer ilgi alanlarının yanı sıra şirketlerin kurumsal sorumluluk ve sosyal performansı, iş ilânlarının yapısı ve içeriği, işin ve kurumun özellikleri, iş ön izlemeleri ve işe alım sürecinin özellikleri gibi faktörlerin ilgili süreçte önemli rol oynadığını ortaya koymuştur. Bu çalışma, kuruluşların büyüme ve iyileştirme alanlarını belirlemelerine, potansiyel tehditleri veya zorlukları öngörmelerine ve azaltmalarına, kârlılıklarını etkileyebilecek faktörleri anlayarak rekabet avantajı geliştirmelerine ve her düzeyde karar alma süreçlerini iyileştirmelerine yardımcı olabilecek öneriler sunması nedeniyle ilgili literatüre ve Türkiye'deki şirketlere katkıda bulunmaktadır.


  • Albinger, H. S. ve Freeman, S. J. (2000). Corporate social performance and attractiveness as an employer to different job seeking populations. Journal of Business Ethics, 28(3), 243-253. Doi : a:1006289817941
  • Backhaus, K. B., Stone, B. A., ve Heiner, K. (2002). Exploring the relationship between corporate social performance and employer attractiveness. Business ve Society, 41(3), 292-318. Doi :
  • Baum, M. ve Kabst, R. (2013). Conjoint implications on job preferences: the moderating role of involvement. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(7), 1393-1417. Doi : 09585192.2012.712542
  • Boswell, W. R., Roehling, M. V., LePine, M. A., ve Moynihan, L. M. (2003). Individual job-choice decisions and the impact of job attributes and recruitment practices: a longitudinal field study. Human Resource Management, 42(1), 23-37. Doi :
  • Cable, D. M., ve Judge, T. A. (1996). Person-organization fit, job choice decisions, and organizational entry. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 67(3), 294-311. Doi :
  • Carless, S. A., ve Imber, A. (2007). The influence of perceived interviewer and job and organizational characteristics on applicant attraction and job choice intentions: the role of applicant anxiety. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 15(4), 359-371. Doi :
  • Carroll, A. B. (1991). The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: toward the moral management of organizational stakeholders. Business Horizons, 34(4), 39-48. Doi :
  • Chapman, D. S., Uggerslev, K. L., Carroll, S. A., Piasentin, K. A., ve Jones, D. A. (2005). Applicant attraction to organizations and job choice: a meta-analytic review of the correlates of recruiting outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(5), 928-944. Doi :
  • Chi, H., Yeh, H., ve Guo, T. (2018). Salary or job interest? How salary and job interest moderates the willingness to apply for a job. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 10(1), 64-78. Doi :
  • Di Battista, A., Grayling, S., Hasselaar, E., Leopold, T. A., Li, R., Rayner, M., ve Zahidi, S. (2023). Future of jobs report 2023. Geneva: World Economic Forum, Doi :
  • Digman, J. M. (1989). Five robust trait dimensions: development, stability, and utility. Journal of Personality, 57(2), 195-214. Doi :
  • Dursun, S., ve Aytaç, S. (2012). Üniversite öğrencilerinin işgücü piyasasına yönelik beklentileri ve iş deneyimleri ile umutsuzluk ve kaygı düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki üzerine bir araştırma. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 373-388.
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1990). An alternative “description of personality”: the big five factor structure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59(6), 1216-1229. Doi :
  • Güleri, M. (1994). Üniversiteli ve işçi gençliğin gelecek beklentileri ve kötümserlik-iyimserlik düzeyleri. Kriz Dergisi, 6(1), 55-65. Doi :
  • Handcock, M. S., ve Gile, K. J. (2011). Comment: on the concept of snowball sampling. Sociological Methodology, 41(1), 367-371. Doi :
  • Jaidi, Y., van Hooft, E. A. J., ve Arends, L. R. (2011). Recruiting highly educated graduates: a study on the relationship between recruitment ınformation sources, the theory of planned behavior, and actual job pursuit. Human Performance, 24(2), 135-157. Doi : 08959285.2011.554468
  • Kidd J. M. (1998). Emotion: an absent presence in career theory. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 52, 275-288. Doi :
  • Kirchherr J., ve Charles, K. (2018). Enhancing the sample diversity of snowball samples: recommendations from a research project on anti-dam movements in Southeast Asia. PLoS ONE, 13(8), e0201710. Doi :
  • Kleinbaum, D. G., Kupper, L. L., Nizam, A., ve Rosenberg, E. S. (2013). Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods. Cengage Learning.
  • Korkmaz, O., ve Çevik, N. (2014). Üniversite son sınıf öğrencilerinin iş seçim kriterlerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma. Business and Economics Research Journal, 5(3), 167-186.
  • Leveson, L., ve Joiner, T. A. (2014). Exploring corporate social responsibility values of millennial job-seeking students. Education and Training, 56(1), 21-34. Doi :
  • Lis, B. (2018). Corporate social responsibility’s influence on organizational attractiveness: an investigation in the context of employer choice. Journal of General Management, 43(3), 106-114. Doi : 0306307017749627
  • Loewenstein, G., ve Lerner, J. S. (2003). The role of affect in decision making. In Davidson R. J., Scherer K. R., Goldsmith H. H. (Eds.), Handbook of Affective Sciences (pp. 619-642). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Doi :
  • Maddikunta, P. K. R., Pham, Q. V., Prabadevi, B., Deepa, N., Dev, K., Gadekallu, T. R., Ruby, R., ve Liyanage, M. (2022). Industry 5.0: a survey on enabling technologies and potential applications. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 26, 100257. Doi :
  • Mahony, D. F., Mondello, M., Hums, M. A., ve Judd, M. (2006). Recruiting and retaining sport management faculty: factors affecting job choice. Journal of Sport Management, 20(3), 414-430. Doi :
  • Nahavandi, S. (2019). Industry 5.0—a human-centric solution. Sustainability, 11(16), 4371. Doi :
  • Nieß, C., ve Zacher, H. (2015). Openness to experience as a predictor and outcome of upward job changes into managerial and professional positions. PLoS ONE, 10(6) Doi :
  • Rammstedt, B., ve John, O.P. (2007). Measuring personality in one minute or less: a 10-item short version of the big five inventory in English and German. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 203-212. Doi :
  • Rynes, S. L., Bretz, R. D., Jr, ve Gerhart, B. (1991). The importance of recruitment in job choice: a different way of looking. Personnel Psychology, 44(3), 487-521. Doi :
  • Saks, A. M., Wiesner, W. H., ve Summers, R. J. (1994). Effects of job previews on self-selection and job choice. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 44(3), 297-316. Doi :
  • Shiroishi, Y., Uchiyama, K., ve Suzuki, N. (2018). Society 5.0: for human security and well-being. Computer, 51(7), 91-95. Doi : mc.2018.3011041
  • Tektaş, N. (2014). Üniversite mezunlarının kaygı düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 31.1, 243-253.
  • Tom, V. R. (1971). The role of personality and organizational images in the recruiting process. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 6, 573-592. Doi :
  • Tümerdem, R. (2007). Dicle üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi ve fen-edebiyat fakültesi kimya son sınıf öğrencilerinin kaygılarını etkileyen etmenler. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(20), 32-45.
  • Turban, D. B., Forret, M. L., ve Hendrickson, C. L. (1998). Applicant attraction to firms: influences of organization reputation, job and organizational attributes, and recruiter behaviors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 52(1), 24-44. Doi :
  • Uggerslev, K. L., Fassina, N. E., ve Kraichy, D. (2012). Recruiting through the stages: a meta-analytic test of predictors of applicant attraction at different stages of the recruiting process. Personnel Psychology, 65(3), 597-660. Doi :
  • van Hooft, E. A. J., Taris, T. W., Born, M. P., ve Van Der Flier, H. (2006). Ethnic and gender differences in applicants’ decision-making processes: an application of the theory of reasoned action. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 14(2), 156-166. Doi :
  • Wanberg, C. R., Zhu J., ve van Hooft, E. A. (2010). The job search grind: perceived progress, self-reactions, and self-regulation of search effort. Academy of Management Journal, 53, 788-807. Doi :
  • Wanous, J. P. (1973). Effects of a realistic job preview on job acceptance, job attitudes, and job survival. Journal of Applied Psychology, 58(3), 327-332. Doi :
  • Wanous, J. P. (1989). Installing a realistic job preview: ten tough choices. Personnel Psychology, 42(1), 117-134. Doi :
  • Wiesner, W. H., Saks, A. M., ve Summers, R. J. (1991). Job alternatives and job choice. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 38(2), 198-207. Doi :
  • Wood, D. J. (1991). Corporate social performance revisited. Academy of Management Review, 16, 691-718. Doi :
  • Xu, X., Lu, Y., Vogel-Heuser, B., ve Wang, L. (2021). Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0—inception, conception and perception. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 61, 530-535. Doi :
  • Zusman, R. R., ve Landis, R. S. (2002). Applicant preferences for web-based versus traditional job postings. Computers in Human Behavior, 18(3), 285-296. Doi :


Yıl 2024, , 269 - 301, 01.09.2024



  • Albinger, H. S. ve Freeman, S. J. (2000). Corporate social performance and attractiveness as an employer to different job seeking populations. Journal of Business Ethics, 28(3), 243-253. Doi : a:1006289817941
  • Backhaus, K. B., Stone, B. A., ve Heiner, K. (2002). Exploring the relationship between corporate social performance and employer attractiveness. Business ve Society, 41(3), 292-318. Doi :
  • Baum, M. ve Kabst, R. (2013). Conjoint implications on job preferences: the moderating role of involvement. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(7), 1393-1417. Doi : 09585192.2012.712542
  • Boswell, W. R., Roehling, M. V., LePine, M. A., ve Moynihan, L. M. (2003). Individual job-choice decisions and the impact of job attributes and recruitment practices: a longitudinal field study. Human Resource Management, 42(1), 23-37. Doi :
  • Cable, D. M., ve Judge, T. A. (1996). Person-organization fit, job choice decisions, and organizational entry. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 67(3), 294-311. Doi :
  • Carless, S. A., ve Imber, A. (2007). The influence of perceived interviewer and job and organizational characteristics on applicant attraction and job choice intentions: the role of applicant anxiety. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 15(4), 359-371. Doi :
  • Carroll, A. B. (1991). The pyramid of corporate social responsibility: toward the moral management of organizational stakeholders. Business Horizons, 34(4), 39-48. Doi :
  • Chapman, D. S., Uggerslev, K. L., Carroll, S. A., Piasentin, K. A., ve Jones, D. A. (2005). Applicant attraction to organizations and job choice: a meta-analytic review of the correlates of recruiting outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(5), 928-944. Doi :
  • Chi, H., Yeh, H., ve Guo, T. (2018). Salary or job interest? How salary and job interest moderates the willingness to apply for a job. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 10(1), 64-78. Doi :
  • Di Battista, A., Grayling, S., Hasselaar, E., Leopold, T. A., Li, R., Rayner, M., ve Zahidi, S. (2023). Future of jobs report 2023. Geneva: World Economic Forum, Doi :
  • Digman, J. M. (1989). Five robust trait dimensions: development, stability, and utility. Journal of Personality, 57(2), 195-214. Doi :
  • Dursun, S., ve Aytaç, S. (2012). Üniversite öğrencilerinin işgücü piyasasına yönelik beklentileri ve iş deneyimleri ile umutsuzluk ve kaygı düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki üzerine bir araştırma. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 373-388.
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1990). An alternative “description of personality”: the big five factor structure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59(6), 1216-1229. Doi :
  • Güleri, M. (1994). Üniversiteli ve işçi gençliğin gelecek beklentileri ve kötümserlik-iyimserlik düzeyleri. Kriz Dergisi, 6(1), 55-65. Doi :
  • Handcock, M. S., ve Gile, K. J. (2011). Comment: on the concept of snowball sampling. Sociological Methodology, 41(1), 367-371. Doi :
  • Jaidi, Y., van Hooft, E. A. J., ve Arends, L. R. (2011). Recruiting highly educated graduates: a study on the relationship between recruitment ınformation sources, the theory of planned behavior, and actual job pursuit. Human Performance, 24(2), 135-157. Doi : 08959285.2011.554468
  • Kidd J. M. (1998). Emotion: an absent presence in career theory. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 52, 275-288. Doi :
  • Kirchherr J., ve Charles, K. (2018). Enhancing the sample diversity of snowball samples: recommendations from a research project on anti-dam movements in Southeast Asia. PLoS ONE, 13(8), e0201710. Doi :
  • Kleinbaum, D. G., Kupper, L. L., Nizam, A., ve Rosenberg, E. S. (2013). Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods. Cengage Learning.
  • Korkmaz, O., ve Çevik, N. (2014). Üniversite son sınıf öğrencilerinin iş seçim kriterlerinin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma. Business and Economics Research Journal, 5(3), 167-186.
  • Leveson, L., ve Joiner, T. A. (2014). Exploring corporate social responsibility values of millennial job-seeking students. Education and Training, 56(1), 21-34. Doi :
  • Lis, B. (2018). Corporate social responsibility’s influence on organizational attractiveness: an investigation in the context of employer choice. Journal of General Management, 43(3), 106-114. Doi : 0306307017749627
  • Loewenstein, G., ve Lerner, J. S. (2003). The role of affect in decision making. In Davidson R. J., Scherer K. R., Goldsmith H. H. (Eds.), Handbook of Affective Sciences (pp. 619-642). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Doi :
  • Maddikunta, P. K. R., Pham, Q. V., Prabadevi, B., Deepa, N., Dev, K., Gadekallu, T. R., Ruby, R., ve Liyanage, M. (2022). Industry 5.0: a survey on enabling technologies and potential applications. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 26, 100257. Doi :
  • Mahony, D. F., Mondello, M., Hums, M. A., ve Judd, M. (2006). Recruiting and retaining sport management faculty: factors affecting job choice. Journal of Sport Management, 20(3), 414-430. Doi :
  • Nahavandi, S. (2019). Industry 5.0—a human-centric solution. Sustainability, 11(16), 4371. Doi :
  • Nieß, C., ve Zacher, H. (2015). Openness to experience as a predictor and outcome of upward job changes into managerial and professional positions. PLoS ONE, 10(6) Doi :
  • Rammstedt, B., ve John, O.P. (2007). Measuring personality in one minute or less: a 10-item short version of the big five inventory in English and German. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 203-212. Doi :
  • Rynes, S. L., Bretz, R. D., Jr, ve Gerhart, B. (1991). The importance of recruitment in job choice: a different way of looking. Personnel Psychology, 44(3), 487-521. Doi :
  • Saks, A. M., Wiesner, W. H., ve Summers, R. J. (1994). Effects of job previews on self-selection and job choice. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 44(3), 297-316. Doi :
  • Shiroishi, Y., Uchiyama, K., ve Suzuki, N. (2018). Society 5.0: for human security and well-being. Computer, 51(7), 91-95. Doi : mc.2018.3011041
  • Tektaş, N. (2014). Üniversite mezunlarının kaygı düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 31.1, 243-253.
  • Tom, V. R. (1971). The role of personality and organizational images in the recruiting process. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 6, 573-592. Doi :
  • Tümerdem, R. (2007). Dicle üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi ve fen-edebiyat fakültesi kimya son sınıf öğrencilerinin kaygılarını etkileyen etmenler. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(20), 32-45.
  • Turban, D. B., Forret, M. L., ve Hendrickson, C. L. (1998). Applicant attraction to firms: influences of organization reputation, job and organizational attributes, and recruiter behaviors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 52(1), 24-44. Doi :
  • Uggerslev, K. L., Fassina, N. E., ve Kraichy, D. (2012). Recruiting through the stages: a meta-analytic test of predictors of applicant attraction at different stages of the recruiting process. Personnel Psychology, 65(3), 597-660. Doi :
  • van Hooft, E. A. J., Taris, T. W., Born, M. P., ve Van Der Flier, H. (2006). Ethnic and gender differences in applicants’ decision-making processes: an application of the theory of reasoned action. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 14(2), 156-166. Doi :
  • Wanberg, C. R., Zhu J., ve van Hooft, E. A. (2010). The job search grind: perceived progress, self-reactions, and self-regulation of search effort. Academy of Management Journal, 53, 788-807. Doi :
  • Wanous, J. P. (1973). Effects of a realistic job preview on job acceptance, job attitudes, and job survival. Journal of Applied Psychology, 58(3), 327-332. Doi :
  • Wanous, J. P. (1989). Installing a realistic job preview: ten tough choices. Personnel Psychology, 42(1), 117-134. Doi :
  • Wiesner, W. H., Saks, A. M., ve Summers, R. J. (1991). Job alternatives and job choice. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 38(2), 198-207. Doi :
  • Wood, D. J. (1991). Corporate social performance revisited. Academy of Management Review, 16, 691-718. Doi :
  • Xu, X., Lu, Y., Vogel-Heuser, B., ve Wang, L. (2021). Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0—inception, conception and perception. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 61, 530-535. Doi :
  • Zusman, R. R., ve Landis, R. S. (2002). Applicant preferences for web-based versus traditional job postings. Computers in Human Behavior, 18(3), 285-296. Doi :
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Endüstri Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Erkan Işıklı 0000-0002-8319-8782

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 1 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 1 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

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