Research Article
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Susceptibility of different plant species to two populations of Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey

Year 2021, , 77 - 86, 01.03.2021


Stem and bulb nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae), is one of the most important plant parasitic nematodes worldwide. The host range of local populations needs to be determined for control using crop rotation. Susceptibility of 29 plant species was tested for onion and garlic populations of D. dipsaci from Central Anatolian Plateau in Turkey under growth chamber conditions in Karaman in 2019. Based on the reproduction factor of the nematodes, garlic, onion and tomato were excellent hosts for both populations of D. dipsaci. Pea and spinach were excellent hosts for the onion population, while good host for the garlic population with cucumber a good host for both populations. Eggplant, pepper and zucchini were identified as poor hosts for both nematode populations. Bean and potato were poor hosts for the onion population, and were non-hosts for the garlic population. Alfalfa, barley, carrot, chickpea, daffodil, hyacinth, kale, leek, lettuce, maize, melon, oat, rye, strawberry, sugar beet, tobacco, tulip and wheat were non-hosts for both populations of D. dipsaci. Infection with D. dipsaci significantly reduced plant weight of onion and tomato, and plant height of pepper. Rotational crops for use in areas infected with D. dipsaci in Central Anatolian Plateau in Turkey were indicated by the current study.

Supporting Institution

Turkish Scientific and Technical Researches Council (TÜBİTAK)

Project Number



The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by Turkish Scientific and Technical Researches Council (TÜBİTAK) (Project No: 215O468).


  • Anonymous, 2020. The Plant List, Version 1.1. (Web page: (Date accessed: July 2020).
  • Behmand, T., L. Ozturk & I. H. Elekcioglu, 2017. Mass culturing of stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) for use in screening and impression training on carrot discs. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2 (6): 3148-3150.
  • Brzeski, M. W., 1991. Review of the genus Ditylenchus (Filipjev 1936) (Nematoda: Anguinidae). Revue de Nematologie, 14 (1): 9-59.
  • Chizhov, V. N., B. A. Borisov & S. A. Subbotin, 2010. A new stem nematode, Ditylenchus weischeri sp. n. (Nematoda: Tylenchida), a parasite of Cirsium arvense (L.) scop. in the central region of the non-chernozem zone of Russia. Russian Journal of Nematology, 18 (1): 95-102.
  • Edwards, D. I. & D. P. Taylor, 1963. Host range of and Illinois population of the Stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) isolated from onion. Nematologica, 9 (3): 305-312.
  • EPPO, 2020. Ditylenchus dipsaci. (Web page: (Date accessed: July 2020).
  • Esquibet, M., E. Grenier, O. Plantard, A. Andaloussi & G. Caubel, 2003. DNA polymorphism in the stem nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci: development of diagnostic markers for normal and giant races. Genome, 46 (6): 1077-1083.
  • Hajihassani, A., M. Tenuta & R. H. Gulden, 2016. Host preference and seed-borne transmission of the stem nematodes, Ditylenchus weischeri and D. dipsaci on select pulse and non-pulse crops grown in the Canadian Prairies. Plant Disease, 100 (6): 1087-1092.
  • Hallmann, J. & S. A. Subbotin, 2005. “Methods for Extraction, Processing and Detection of Plant and Soil Nematodes, 87-119” In: Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture (Eds. M. Luc, R. A. Sikora & J. Bridge). CABI Publishing London, 841 pp.
  • Janssen, G. J. W., 1994. The relevance of races in Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev, the stem nematode. Fundamental and Applied Nematology, 17 (5): 469-473.
  • JMP, 2020. Statistics (Web page: (Date accessed: July 2020).
  • Kepenekçi, İ., 1999. Orta Anadolu Bölgesinde Yemeklik Baklagil Ekiliş Alanlarındaki Tylenchida (Nematoda) Türleri Üzerinde Taksonomik Araştırmalar. Ankara University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Ankara, Turkey, 270 pp (in Turkish with abstract in English).
  • Kühn, J., 1857. Über das vorkommen von Anguillulen in erkranktenBlüthenköpfen von Dipsacusfullonum L. Zeitschr. wissenschaftl. Zoologie, 9 (1): 129-137.
  • Kühnhold, V., S. Kiewnick & R. Sikora, 2006. Development of an in vitro bioassay to identify sugar beet resistance to the stem nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci. Nematology, 8 (5): 641-645.
  • Marek, M., M. Zouhar, O. Douda & J. V. R. Mazakova, 2010. Bioinformatics-assisted characterization of the ITS1-5-8S-ITS2 segments of nuclear rRNA gene clusters and its exploitation in molecular diagnostics of European crop-parasitic nematodes of the genus Ditylenchus. Plant Pathology, 59 (5): 931-943.
  • Mennan, S., 2001. Amasya Suluova İlçesi Soğan Ekim Alanlarında Soğan Sak Nematodu Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn, 1857) (Nematoda: Tylenchida: Anguinidae) Populasyonunun Bitki Koruma Yönünden Araştırılması. Ondokuz Mayıs University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Samsun, Turkey, 137 pp (in Turkish with abstract in English).
  • Mennan, S. & O. Ecevit, 2002. Investigations on effectiveness of different preparations on onion race of Ditylenchus dipsaci. Journal of OMU Faculty of Agriculture, 17 (16): 20-24.
  • Öztürk, G., 1990. Taxonomic studies on plant parasitic nematodes in Tylenchida order in Konya, Karaman and Nevsehir provinces onion (Allium cepa L.) planting areas. Ankara University, (Unpublished) PhD thesis, Ankara, 214 pp (in Turkish with abstract in English).
  • Poirier, S., N. Dauphinais, H. Van Der Heiden, P. Y. Veronneau, G. Belair, V. Gravel & B. Mimee, 2019. Host range and genetic characterization of Ditylenchus dipsaci Populations from Eastern Canada. Plant Disease, 103 (3): 456-460.
  • Roberts, P. A. & S. S. Grathead, 1986. Control of Ditylenchus dipsaci in infected cloves by non-fumigant nematicides. Journal of Nematology, 18 (1): 66-73.
  • Seinhorst, J. W., 1957. Some aspects of the biology and ecology of stem eelworms. Nematologica, 2 (Supplementary issue): 355-361.
  • Sturhan, D. & M. W. Brzeski, 1991. “Stem and Bulb Nematodes, Ditylenchus spp., 423-465” In: Manual of Agricultural Nematology (Ed. W. R. Nickle). Marcel Dekker Publications, New York, 925 pp.
  • Subbotin, S. A., M. Madani, E. Krall, D. Sturhan & M. Moens, 2005. Molecular diagnostics, taxonomy and phylogeny of the stem nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci species complex based on the sequences of the inter transcribed spacer-rDNA. Phytopathology, 95 (9): 1308-1315.
  • Viglierchio, D. R., 1971. Race genesis in Ditylenchus dipsaci. Nematologica, 17 (3): 386-392.
  • Wright, D. J. & R. N. Perry, 2006. “Reproduction, Physiology and Biochemistry, 187-210” In: Plant Nematology (Eds. R. N. Perry & M. Moens). CABI Publishing London, 392 pp.
  • Yavuzaslanoglu, E., A. Dikici & I. H. Elekcioğlu, 2015. Effect of Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) on onion yield in Karaman Province, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 39 (2): 227-233.
  • Yavuzaslanoglu, E., O. Ates Sonmezoglu, N. Genc, Z. M. Akar & B. Terzi, 2018. Molecular characterization of Ditylenchus dipsaci on onion in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 151 (1): 195-200.
  • Yavuzaslanoglu, E., O. Ates Sonmezoglu, N. Genc, Z. M. Akar, A. Ocal, S. M. Karaca, I. H. Elekcioglu, V. S. Ozsoy & M. Aydogdu, 2019. Occurrence and abundance of nematodes on onion in Turkey and their relationship with soil physicochemical properties. Nematology, 21 (10): 1063-1079.

Farklı bitki türlerinin Türkiye’den iki Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) popülasyonuna hassasiyetleri

Year 2021, , 77 - 86, 01.03.2021


Soğan sak nematodu Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) dünyanın her yerine yayılmış önemli bitki paraziti nematodlardan biridir. Nematodun kontrolü için yerel popülasyonların konukçu spektrumunun bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Yirmi dokuz bitki türünün hassasiyet durumları Türkiye'de Orta Anadolu Bölgesi’nden elde edilen D. dipsaci'nin soğan ve sarımsak izolatları için Karaman’da 2019 yılında büyütme dolabı koşullarında test edilmiştir. Soğan, sarımsak ve domates, her iki D. dipsaci popülasyonu için de mükemmel konukçu olarak belirlenmiştir. Bezelye ve ıspanak, soğan popülasyonu için mükemmel bir konukçu iken, sarımsak popülasyonu için iyi konukçudur. Salatalık her iki popülasyon için de iyi konukçudur. Biber, kabak ve patlıcan her iki nematod popülasyonu için zayıf konukçu olarak tanımlanmıştır. Fasulye ve patates bitkileri soğan popülasyonu için zayıf konukçu iken, sarımsak popülasyonu için konukçu değildir. Arpa, buğday, çavdar, çilek, havuç, kara lahana, kavun, lale, marul, mısır, nergis, nohut, pırasa, sümbül, şeker pancarı tütün, yonca ve yulaf, her iki nematod popülasyonuna da konukçu değildir. Ditylenchus dipsaci ile enfeksiyon, soğan ve domatesin bitki ağırlığını ve biberin bitki boyunu önemli ölçüde azaltmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen çalışma ile Türkiye'de Orta Anadolu Bölgesi’nde D. dipsaci ile bulaşık alanlarda kullanılabilecek rotasyon bitkileri belirlenmiştir.

Project Number



  • Anonymous, 2020. The Plant List, Version 1.1. (Web page: (Date accessed: July 2020).
  • Behmand, T., L. Ozturk & I. H. Elekcioglu, 2017. Mass culturing of stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) for use in screening and impression training on carrot discs. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2 (6): 3148-3150.
  • Brzeski, M. W., 1991. Review of the genus Ditylenchus (Filipjev 1936) (Nematoda: Anguinidae). Revue de Nematologie, 14 (1): 9-59.
  • Chizhov, V. N., B. A. Borisov & S. A. Subbotin, 2010. A new stem nematode, Ditylenchus weischeri sp. n. (Nematoda: Tylenchida), a parasite of Cirsium arvense (L.) scop. in the central region of the non-chernozem zone of Russia. Russian Journal of Nematology, 18 (1): 95-102.
  • Edwards, D. I. & D. P. Taylor, 1963. Host range of and Illinois population of the Stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) isolated from onion. Nematologica, 9 (3): 305-312.
  • EPPO, 2020. Ditylenchus dipsaci. (Web page: (Date accessed: July 2020).
  • Esquibet, M., E. Grenier, O. Plantard, A. Andaloussi & G. Caubel, 2003. DNA polymorphism in the stem nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci: development of diagnostic markers for normal and giant races. Genome, 46 (6): 1077-1083.
  • Hajihassani, A., M. Tenuta & R. H. Gulden, 2016. Host preference and seed-borne transmission of the stem nematodes, Ditylenchus weischeri and D. dipsaci on select pulse and non-pulse crops grown in the Canadian Prairies. Plant Disease, 100 (6): 1087-1092.
  • Hallmann, J. & S. A. Subbotin, 2005. “Methods for Extraction, Processing and Detection of Plant and Soil Nematodes, 87-119” In: Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture (Eds. M. Luc, R. A. Sikora & J. Bridge). CABI Publishing London, 841 pp.
  • Janssen, G. J. W., 1994. The relevance of races in Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev, the stem nematode. Fundamental and Applied Nematology, 17 (5): 469-473.
  • JMP, 2020. Statistics (Web page: (Date accessed: July 2020).
  • Kepenekçi, İ., 1999. Orta Anadolu Bölgesinde Yemeklik Baklagil Ekiliş Alanlarındaki Tylenchida (Nematoda) Türleri Üzerinde Taksonomik Araştırmalar. Ankara University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Ankara, Turkey, 270 pp (in Turkish with abstract in English).
  • Kühn, J., 1857. Über das vorkommen von Anguillulen in erkranktenBlüthenköpfen von Dipsacusfullonum L. Zeitschr. wissenschaftl. Zoologie, 9 (1): 129-137.
  • Kühnhold, V., S. Kiewnick & R. Sikora, 2006. Development of an in vitro bioassay to identify sugar beet resistance to the stem nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci. Nematology, 8 (5): 641-645.
  • Marek, M., M. Zouhar, O. Douda & J. V. R. Mazakova, 2010. Bioinformatics-assisted characterization of the ITS1-5-8S-ITS2 segments of nuclear rRNA gene clusters and its exploitation in molecular diagnostics of European crop-parasitic nematodes of the genus Ditylenchus. Plant Pathology, 59 (5): 931-943.
  • Mennan, S., 2001. Amasya Suluova İlçesi Soğan Ekim Alanlarında Soğan Sak Nematodu Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn, 1857) (Nematoda: Tylenchida: Anguinidae) Populasyonunun Bitki Koruma Yönünden Araştırılması. Ondokuz Mayıs University, (Unpublished) PhD Thesis, Samsun, Turkey, 137 pp (in Turkish with abstract in English).
  • Mennan, S. & O. Ecevit, 2002. Investigations on effectiveness of different preparations on onion race of Ditylenchus dipsaci. Journal of OMU Faculty of Agriculture, 17 (16): 20-24.
  • Öztürk, G., 1990. Taxonomic studies on plant parasitic nematodes in Tylenchida order in Konya, Karaman and Nevsehir provinces onion (Allium cepa L.) planting areas. Ankara University, (Unpublished) PhD thesis, Ankara, 214 pp (in Turkish with abstract in English).
  • Poirier, S., N. Dauphinais, H. Van Der Heiden, P. Y. Veronneau, G. Belair, V. Gravel & B. Mimee, 2019. Host range and genetic characterization of Ditylenchus dipsaci Populations from Eastern Canada. Plant Disease, 103 (3): 456-460.
  • Roberts, P. A. & S. S. Grathead, 1986. Control of Ditylenchus dipsaci in infected cloves by non-fumigant nematicides. Journal of Nematology, 18 (1): 66-73.
  • Seinhorst, J. W., 1957. Some aspects of the biology and ecology of stem eelworms. Nematologica, 2 (Supplementary issue): 355-361.
  • Sturhan, D. & M. W. Brzeski, 1991. “Stem and Bulb Nematodes, Ditylenchus spp., 423-465” In: Manual of Agricultural Nematology (Ed. W. R. Nickle). Marcel Dekker Publications, New York, 925 pp.
  • Subbotin, S. A., M. Madani, E. Krall, D. Sturhan & M. Moens, 2005. Molecular diagnostics, taxonomy and phylogeny of the stem nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci species complex based on the sequences of the inter transcribed spacer-rDNA. Phytopathology, 95 (9): 1308-1315.
  • Viglierchio, D. R., 1971. Race genesis in Ditylenchus dipsaci. Nematologica, 17 (3): 386-392.
  • Wright, D. J. & R. N. Perry, 2006. “Reproduction, Physiology and Biochemistry, 187-210” In: Plant Nematology (Eds. R. N. Perry & M. Moens). CABI Publishing London, 392 pp.
  • Yavuzaslanoglu, E., A. Dikici & I. H. Elekcioğlu, 2015. Effect of Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) on onion yield in Karaman Province, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 39 (2): 227-233.
  • Yavuzaslanoglu, E., O. Ates Sonmezoglu, N. Genc, Z. M. Akar & B. Terzi, 2018. Molecular characterization of Ditylenchus dipsaci on onion in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 151 (1): 195-200.
  • Yavuzaslanoglu, E., O. Ates Sonmezoglu, N. Genc, Z. M. Akar, A. Ocal, S. M. Karaca, I. H. Elekcioglu, V. S. Ozsoy & M. Aydogdu, 2019. Occurrence and abundance of nematodes on onion in Turkey and their relationship with soil physicochemical properties. Nematology, 21 (10): 1063-1079.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Elif Yavuzaslanoglu 0000-0002-5836-7011

Gamze Aksay This is me 0000-0002-6363-1905

Project Number 215O468
Publication Date March 1, 2021
Submission Date September 17, 2020
Acceptance Date January 22, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Yavuzaslanoglu, E., & Aksay, G. (2021). Susceptibility of different plant species to two populations of Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 45(1), 77-86.
AMA Yavuzaslanoglu E, Aksay G. Susceptibility of different plant species to two populations of Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey. TED. March 2021;45(1):77-86. doi:10.16970/entoted.795993
Chicago Yavuzaslanoglu, Elif, and Gamze Aksay. “Susceptibility of Different Plant Species to Two Populations of Ditylenchus Dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 45, no. 1 (March 2021): 77-86.
EndNote Yavuzaslanoglu E, Aksay G (March 1, 2021) Susceptibility of different plant species to two populations of Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Entomology 45 1 77–86.
IEEE E. Yavuzaslanoglu and G. Aksay, “Susceptibility of different plant species to two populations of Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey”, TED, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 77–86, 2021, doi: 10.16970/entoted.795993.
ISNAD Yavuzaslanoglu, Elif - Aksay, Gamze. “Susceptibility of Different Plant Species to Two Populations of Ditylenchus Dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 45/1 (March 2021), 77-86.
JAMA Yavuzaslanoglu E, Aksay G. Susceptibility of different plant species to two populations of Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey. TED. 2021;45:77–86.
MLA Yavuzaslanoglu, Elif and Gamze Aksay. “Susceptibility of Different Plant Species to Two Populations of Ditylenchus Dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Entomology, vol. 45, no. 1, 2021, pp. 77-86, doi:10.16970/entoted.795993.
Vancouver Yavuzaslanoglu E, Aksay G. Susceptibility of different plant species to two populations of Ditylenchus dipsaci Kühn, 1857 (Tylenchida: Anguinidae) from Turkey. TED. 2021;45(1):77-86.