Although cabbage cyst nematode is one of the most common pests in the cabbage growing areas of Samsun, there were no records related to resistance of cabbages. The aim of this research was to screen cabbage cultivars resistance level for their potential to be included in breeding programs for resistance against Heterodera cruciferae. Franklin, 1945 (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae) Thirty cabbage cultivars were tested in controlled greenhouse trials and 3 cultivars were determined susceptible, 11 cultivars were partially susceptible, 9 cultivars were resistant and 7 cultivars were highly resistant. White head cabbage cultivars were the most resistant; 7 of them were highly resistant and 5 of them were resistant. Forty % of kale were resistant and 60% were partially susceptible. Chinese cabbage and Brussels sprouts were all classified as partially susceptible.
Chitwood, D. J., 2002. Pytochemical based strategies for nematode control. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 40: 221–249.
Ecevit, O., 1975. Lahana sist nematodu (Heterodera cruciferae Franklin) üzerinde biyolojik ve morfolojik çalışmalar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 376. İşletme Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 180, Araştırma Serisi No: 111.
Hussey, R. S., 1990. “Staining nematodes in plant tissue, 190-193”. In: Plant Nematology Laboratory Manual (Eds. B. M. Zuckerman, W. F. Mai & L. R. Krusberg). University of Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station, Arnherst, 252 pp.
Jabbari, H. & G. Niknam, 2008. SEM observations and morphometrics of the cabbage cyst nematode, Heterodera cruciferae Franklin, 1945, collected where Brassica spp. are grown in Tabriz, Iran. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32: 253-262.
Khan, A. A. & M. V. Khan, 1991. Reaction of cauliflower cultivars to Meloidogyne javanica and race of Meloidogyne incognita. Nematropica, 21 (2):161-166.
Lewis, S., 1971. Observations on the development of the Brassica cyst eelworm. Plant Pathology, 20: 144-148.
McSorley, R. & J. J. Frederick, 1995. Responses of some common cruciferae to root-knot nematodes. Journal of Nematology, 27 (4S): 550-554.
Mennan, S. & Z. Handoo, 2006. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with cabbages (Brassica oleracea) in the Samsun (middle black sea region) of Turkey. Nematropica, 36 (1): 99-104.
Mennan, S, Z. Handoo & O. Ecevit, 2009. Samsun ili lahana ekim alanlarındaki kist nematodları (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae)’nın yayılışı ve bulaşıklık derecesi. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 33 (4): 289-303.
Noel, G. R., J. Franco & P. Jatala, 1990. “Screening for resistance to cyst nematodes, Globodera and Heterodera species, 24-32”. In: Methods for Evaluating Plant Species for Resistance to Plant-Parasitic Nematodes (Ed. J. L. Starr). The Society of Nematologists, Maryland, 86 pp.
Pattison, A. B., C. Versteeg, S. Akiew & J. Kirkegaard, 2006. Resistance of Brassicaceae plants to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) in northern Australia. International Journal of Pest Management, 52 (1): 53-62.
Roberts, P. A., 1992. Current status of the availability, development, and use of host plant resistance to nematodes. Journal of Nematology, 24 (2): 213-227.
SAS Institute, 1985. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. Cary, NC, USA, The SAS Institute Inc.
Stone, A. R. & J. A. Rowe, 1976. Heterodera cruciferae. C.I.H. Plant-parasitic Nematodes, Set 6, No, 9.
Sturhan, D. & M. Liskova, 2004. Cyst nematodes in the Slovak Republic. Helminthologia, 41 (4): 217-219.
Sykes, G. B. & A. L. Winfield, 1966. Studies on Brassica Cyst Nematode Heterodera cruciferae. Nematologica, 12 (4): 530-538.
Thorne, G., 1961. Principles of Nematology. MC Graw-Hill Book Company. New York, 553 pp.
Trudgill, D. L., 1991. Resistance to and tolerance of plant parasitic nematodes in plants. Annual Review Phytopathology, 29: 167-192.
Whitehead, A. G., 1998. Plant Nematode Control. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxford, UK, 384 pp.
Williamson, V. M. & A. Kumar, 2006. Nematode resistance in plants: the battle underground. Trends Genetic, 22: 396-403.
Winfield, A. L., L. J. Coppock & A. J. Whitlock, 1970. A survey of Brassica cyst eelworm in Bedfordshire. Plant Pathology, 19: 91-92.
Lahana kist nematodu, Samsun’un lahana yetiştirilen alanlarındaki en yaygın zararlılardan biri olmasına rağmen lahana çeşitlerinin dayanıklılığı ile ilgili bir bilgi mevcut değildir. Bu nedenle, lahana çeşitlerinin Heterodera cruciferae Franklin, 1945 (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae)’ye dayanıklılık seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesi ile ıslah programlarında dayanıklılık kaynağı olarak kullanılabilme potansiyelinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Otuz lahana genotipi kontrollü seralarda testlenmiştir. Değerlendirilen genotipler arasından 3’ü hassas, 11’i kısmen hassas, 9’u dayanıklı ve 7’si yüksek oranda dayanıklı olarak tespit edilmiştir. Dayanıklılığın en yüksek olduğu beyaz baş lahana çeşitlerinin 7 tanesi yüksek dayanıklı, 5 tanesi ise dayanıklı olarak bulunmustur. Yaprak lahanaların % 40’ı dayanıklı, % 60’ı ise kısmen hassas iken, Çin lahanası ve Brüksel lahanası kısmen hassas olarak belirlenmiştir
Chitwood, D. J., 2002. Pytochemical based strategies for nematode control. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 40: 221–249.
Ecevit, O., 1975. Lahana sist nematodu (Heterodera cruciferae Franklin) üzerinde biyolojik ve morfolojik çalışmalar. Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları, No: 376. İşletme Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 180, Araştırma Serisi No: 111.
Hussey, R. S., 1990. “Staining nematodes in plant tissue, 190-193”. In: Plant Nematology Laboratory Manual (Eds. B. M. Zuckerman, W. F. Mai & L. R. Krusberg). University of Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station, Arnherst, 252 pp.
Jabbari, H. & G. Niknam, 2008. SEM observations and morphometrics of the cabbage cyst nematode, Heterodera cruciferae Franklin, 1945, collected where Brassica spp. are grown in Tabriz, Iran. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32: 253-262.
Khan, A. A. & M. V. Khan, 1991. Reaction of cauliflower cultivars to Meloidogyne javanica and race of Meloidogyne incognita. Nematropica, 21 (2):161-166.
Lewis, S., 1971. Observations on the development of the Brassica cyst eelworm. Plant Pathology, 20: 144-148.
McSorley, R. & J. J. Frederick, 1995. Responses of some common cruciferae to root-knot nematodes. Journal of Nematology, 27 (4S): 550-554.
Mennan, S. & Z. Handoo, 2006. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with cabbages (Brassica oleracea) in the Samsun (middle black sea region) of Turkey. Nematropica, 36 (1): 99-104.
Mennan, S, Z. Handoo & O. Ecevit, 2009. Samsun ili lahana ekim alanlarındaki kist nematodları (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae)’nın yayılışı ve bulaşıklık derecesi. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 33 (4): 289-303.
Noel, G. R., J. Franco & P. Jatala, 1990. “Screening for resistance to cyst nematodes, Globodera and Heterodera species, 24-32”. In: Methods for Evaluating Plant Species for Resistance to Plant-Parasitic Nematodes (Ed. J. L. Starr). The Society of Nematologists, Maryland, 86 pp.
Pattison, A. B., C. Versteeg, S. Akiew & J. Kirkegaard, 2006. Resistance of Brassicaceae plants to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) in northern Australia. International Journal of Pest Management, 52 (1): 53-62.
Roberts, P. A., 1992. Current status of the availability, development, and use of host plant resistance to nematodes. Journal of Nematology, 24 (2): 213-227.
SAS Institute, 1985. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. Cary, NC, USA, The SAS Institute Inc.
Stone, A. R. & J. A. Rowe, 1976. Heterodera cruciferae. C.I.H. Plant-parasitic Nematodes, Set 6, No, 9.
Sturhan, D. & M. Liskova, 2004. Cyst nematodes in the Slovak Republic. Helminthologia, 41 (4): 217-219.
Sykes, G. B. & A. L. Winfield, 1966. Studies on Brassica Cyst Nematode Heterodera cruciferae. Nematologica, 12 (4): 530-538.
Thorne, G., 1961. Principles of Nematology. MC Graw-Hill Book Company. New York, 553 pp.
Trudgill, D. L., 1991. Resistance to and tolerance of plant parasitic nematodes in plants. Annual Review Phytopathology, 29: 167-192.
Whitehead, A. G., 1998. Plant Nematode Control. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxford, UK, 384 pp.
Williamson, V. M. & A. Kumar, 2006. Nematode resistance in plants: the battle underground. Trends Genetic, 22: 396-403.
Winfield, A. L., L. J. Coppock & A. J. Whitlock, 1970. A survey of Brassica cyst eelworm in Bedfordshire. Plant Pathology, 19: 91-92.