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Opportunities and Problems Offered to Software Companies by the Pandemic Process

Year 2021, , 18 - 25, 31.12.2021


The pandemic process is an event that we have never encountered in our lives, and it still continues as a reality that we do not know exactly when it will end. In fact, this problem experienced by individuals is also valid for all businesses. The pandemic continues to affect all sectors. Software is also one of the sectors affected by the pandemic. Although this influence has positive aspects, it also has serious negative aspects. Especially in this process, online working, information security, video conferencing systems, online education etc. While many new job opportunities have been provided for the software industry with many applications, a very significant need for experienced and qualified software developers has emerged. Especially the need for experienced software developers who can work independently and develop software has reached its peak in this process. These developments are seen in many countries in the world as well as in Turkey. Currently, the positive and negative effects of the pandemic on the software industry are felt much more aggressively in developed countries. As a result of this, there have been very serious transfers of experienced software developers to developed countries, especially in recent years.


  • Acarer, T. (2017). Trend book in information and communication systems, Istanbul, Dimension Publishing ISBN:978-975-23-1200-5.
  • Achsas, S. & Nfaoui, E. H. (2017). Improving relational aggregated search from big data sources using deep learning. Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision (ISCV), Morocco, pp.1-6.
  • Aktan, E. (2018). Big data: Application areas, analytics and security dimension. Journal of Information Management Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1-22.
  • Bilir, C, Şahiner A. & Durmaz, C. F.(2017). Present and future of computer, programming and digital industries in Istanbul region. The Journal of Knowledge Economy & Knowledge Management, 12(2), 125-142.
  • Chandra, S., Ray, S., & Goswami, R. T. (2017, January 05-07). Big data security: Survey on frameworks and algorithms. 2017 IEEE 7th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), Hyderabad, India, 48-54.
  • Ege, B., (2013). Where random ends big data. Science and Technology, 550, pp.22-26.
  • Gahi, Y., Guennoun, M., & Mouftah, H. T. (2016, 27-30 June). Big data analytics: Security and privacy challenges. 2016 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC), Messina, Italy, 952-957.
  • Gandomi, A. & Haider, M. (2015). Beyond the hype: Big data concepts, methods, and analytics. International Journal of Information Management, 35(2), p.140.
  • Giray, G. & Uysal M.P. (2017), The place of non-technical skills in software engineering curricula at universities: Initial results. 11th National Software Engineering Symposium. Alanya, Turkey.
  • Goes, P. B., (2014). Big data and IS research. MIS Quarterly, 38(3), iii-viii.
  • IDC Global DataSpere (2018). Data Age 2025. IDC White Paper sponsored by Seagate, 2018.
  • Katal, A., Wazid, M. & Goudar, R. H. (2013, August 8-10). Big data: Issues, challenges, tools and good practices. Sixth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), India, 404-409.
  • Kilinc, I. & Unal, A. (2019). AI is the new black: Effects of artificial intelligence on business world. Journal of Contemporary Administrative Science.
  • Kolbjørnsrud V., Amico, R., & Thomas, RJ (2016). The promise of artificial intelligences. Accenture: Dublin, Ireland.
  • Özdemir, D. M., (2009). Comparative analysis of the labor market in the IT sector in Turkey with India and Ireland. Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Özgün, T., (2015). Measurability of compatibility between information technologies and business strategies by factor analysis method. Master Thesis, Ankara University, Department of Business Administration. Ankara,
  • Schneider, R. D. (2012). Hadoop for Dummies. (Special Edition). Mississauga, Canada: John Wiley & Sons).
  • Schönberger, M. & Cukier K. (2013). Big data: a revolution that will transform that how we live, work and think. NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Tekin, P. D., Güleş, Y. D., & Burgess, D. T. (2000). Değişen Dünyada Teknoloji Yönetimi. Konya: Mikro Dizgi.
  • Turkey's Digital Transformation Index Report (Tübisad), 2020.
Year 2021, , 18 - 25, 31.12.2021



  • Acarer, T. (2017). Trend book in information and communication systems, Istanbul, Dimension Publishing ISBN:978-975-23-1200-5.
  • Achsas, S. & Nfaoui, E. H. (2017). Improving relational aggregated search from big data sources using deep learning. Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision (ISCV), Morocco, pp.1-6.
  • Aktan, E. (2018). Big data: Application areas, analytics and security dimension. Journal of Information Management Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1-22.
  • Bilir, C, Şahiner A. & Durmaz, C. F.(2017). Present and future of computer, programming and digital industries in Istanbul region. The Journal of Knowledge Economy & Knowledge Management, 12(2), 125-142.
  • Chandra, S., Ray, S., & Goswami, R. T. (2017, January 05-07). Big data security: Survey on frameworks and algorithms. 2017 IEEE 7th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), Hyderabad, India, 48-54.
  • Ege, B., (2013). Where random ends big data. Science and Technology, 550, pp.22-26.
  • Gahi, Y., Guennoun, M., & Mouftah, H. T. (2016, 27-30 June). Big data analytics: Security and privacy challenges. 2016 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC), Messina, Italy, 952-957.
  • Gandomi, A. & Haider, M. (2015). Beyond the hype: Big data concepts, methods, and analytics. International Journal of Information Management, 35(2), p.140.
  • Giray, G. & Uysal M.P. (2017), The place of non-technical skills in software engineering curricula at universities: Initial results. 11th National Software Engineering Symposium. Alanya, Turkey.
  • Goes, P. B., (2014). Big data and IS research. MIS Quarterly, 38(3), iii-viii.
  • IDC Global DataSpere (2018). Data Age 2025. IDC White Paper sponsored by Seagate, 2018.
  • Katal, A., Wazid, M. & Goudar, R. H. (2013, August 8-10). Big data: Issues, challenges, tools and good practices. Sixth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), India, 404-409.
  • Kilinc, I. & Unal, A. (2019). AI is the new black: Effects of artificial intelligence on business world. Journal of Contemporary Administrative Science.
  • Kolbjørnsrud V., Amico, R., & Thomas, RJ (2016). The promise of artificial intelligences. Accenture: Dublin, Ireland.
  • Özdemir, D. M., (2009). Comparative analysis of the labor market in the IT sector in Turkey with India and Ireland. Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Özgün, T., (2015). Measurability of compatibility between information technologies and business strategies by factor analysis method. Master Thesis, Ankara University, Department of Business Administration. Ankara,
  • Schneider, R. D. (2012). Hadoop for Dummies. (Special Edition). Mississauga, Canada: John Wiley & Sons).
  • Schönberger, M. & Cukier K. (2013). Big data: a revolution that will transform that how we live, work and think. NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Tekin, P. D., Güleş, Y. D., & Burgess, D. T. (2000). Değişen Dünyada Teknoloji Yönetimi. Konya: Mikro Dizgi.
  • Turkey's Digital Transformation Index Report (Tübisad), 2020.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Tayfun Acarer This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Acarer, T. (2021). Opportunities and Problems Offered to Software Companies by the Pandemic Process. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 22, 18-25.