Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 9 , 52 - 58, 18.08.2018



  • Ainley, M., Hidi, S., & Berndorff, D. (2002). Interest, learning, and the psychological processes that mediate their relationship. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 545-561. Borget, M. M., & Gilroy, F. D. (1994). Interests and self-efficacy as predictors of Mathematics/science-based career choice. Psychological Reports, 75, 753-754. Brotman , J.S. & Moore, F.M (2008) Girls and science: A review of four themes in the science education literature. J.Research in Science Teaching (45) pp. 971-1082. Calabrese-Barton, A., & Basu, S. J. (2007). Developing a sustained interest in science among urban minority youth. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(3), 466-489. Chang, C. Y., & Cheng, W. Y. (2008). Science achievement and students’ self-confidence and interest in science: A Taiwanese representative sample study. International Journal of Research of Science Education, 30, 1183-1200. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997). Finding flow: The psychology of engagement with everyday life. New York, NY:Basic.(cf. Shumow and Schmidt 2014). Farenga, S. J., & Joyce, B. A. (1998). Science-related attitudes and science course selection: A study of high-ability boys and girls. Roeper Review, 20(4), 9, 247-251 Harter, S. “Effectance motivation reconsidered: Toward a developmental model”. Human Development, 21(1), pp.34-64. Glynn, S. M., Taasoobshirazi, G. and Brickman, P. (2009), “Science Motivation Questionnaire: Construct validation with non-science majors”. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 46, 127–146. Hidi, S. (1990). Interest and its contribution as a mental resource for learning. Review of Educational Research, 60, 549-571. Greenfield, T. A. (1997). Gender- and grade-level differences in science interest and participation. Science Education, 81(3), 259–275. Jarvis, T. and Pell, A. (2005) Factors influencing elementary school children's attitudes to science before, during and following a visit to the UK National Space Centre. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 42(1), 53-83 Kelly, A. (1986). The development of girls’ and boys’ attitudes to science: A longitudinal study. European Journal of Science Education, 8, 39F9-412. Koballa, T. R., & Crawley, F. E. (1985). The influence of attitude on science teaching and learning. School Science and Mathematics, 85, 223–232. Lavonen, J., Byman, R., Uitto, A., Juuti, K., & Meisalo, V. (2008). Students’ interest and experiences in physics and chemistry related themes: reflections based on a ROSE-survey in Finland. Themes in Science and Technology Education, 1(1), 7–36. Laukenmann, M., Bleicher, M., Fu, S., Gläser-Zikuda, M., Mayring, P., & von Rhöneck, C.(2003). An investigation of the influence of emotional factors on learning in physics instruction. International Journal of Science Education, 25, 489-507. Lovelace, M. & Brickman, P. (2013). Best Practices for Measuring Students’ Attitudes towardLearning Science. Life Sciences Education Vol. 12, 606–617. Downloaded from October 20, 2014 Mason, C. L., & Kahle, J. B. (1989). Student attitudes toward science and science related careers: A program designed to promote a stimulating gender-free learning environment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 26(1), 25-39. Osborne, J., Simon, S., & Collins, S. (2003). Attitude towards science: A review of the literature and its implications. International Journal of Science Education, 25(9), 1049-1079. Shumow, L. and Schmidt, J. (2014) “Enhancing Adolescents’ Motivation for Science”, SAGE publication, California, pp. 112-114. Said, Z, and. Friesen. H. (2013)."The impact of educational reform on science and mathematics education in Qatar." European Scientific Journal 9, 19 (2013). Said, Z. (2016a). Science Education Reform in Qatar: Progress and Challenges. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 12(8), 2253-2265. doi:10.12973/eurasia.2016.1301a Said, Z (2016b). Developing a Framework for Effective Delivery of Practical in Science Teaching in the State of Qatar. International Journal of Educational Science and Research, 6(2), pp. 25-33. Shrigley, R.L., Koballa,T.R. & Simpson, R.D. (1988). Defining attitude for science educators. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25, 659-678. Simpson, R. D., & Oliver, J. S. (1985). Attitude toward science and achievement motivation profiles of male and female science students in grades six through ten. Science Education, 69(4), 511–526. Tobias, S. (1994). Interest, prior knowledge and learning. Review of Educational Research, 64, 37-54. Tytler, R., & Osborne, J. (2012). Student attitudes and aspirations towards science. In Second international handbook of science education (pp. 597-625). Netherlands: Springer. Weinburgh, M. (1995). Gender differences in student attitudes toward science: A meta-analysis of the literature from 1970 to 1991. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32(4), 387–398. Yager, R. E. & McCormack, A. J. (1989). Assessing teaching/learning successes in multiple domains of science and science education. Science Education, 73(1), 45-58.

Enhancement of School Students’ Interest in, and Attitude toward Science by Training Their Teachers on Effective Delivery of Practical Activities

Year 2018, Volume: 9 , 52 - 58, 18.08.2018


In this paper we report on enhancing students’ attitude toward and
interest in science by training teachers on Effective Practical Delivery in science.
Teachers from 17 schools in Qatar, among them 24 secondary school teachers
teaching grade 11, and 11 preparatory school teachers teaching grade 8, were enrolled in two, independent, extended
training courses (four hours per week for 16 to 18 weeks) on delivery of
practical science lessons. Each course was designed to train teachers on
delivering practical activities aligned with science curriculum standards, in a
way that allowed teachers to practice each activity during the training before
delivery to their students. Teachers would then reflect on their teaching and
discuss feedback with their trainers and colleagues in the subsequent training
session.Evaluation of the program was based on Trainees’ performances, student
performance and measurement of students’ attitudes toward science before and
after training. Results suggest a notable and significant change in the skills,
knowledge and confidence of teachers in delivery of practicals in their science
classes as reflected by results from tests and observations. This paper will
focus on the measurement of secondary school trainees’ students’ attitude
toward science before and after training. 
Main findings using t-test show:

Very significant increase
in attitude of trainees’ students after training (p <0.0001)

No significant change in
control schools’ students over the same period (p 0.78 - 0.86)

Male students show higher
attitude & higher self-efficacy than female students toward practical part
of science and future science career but no significant difference in attitude
toward science in general.


  • Ainley, M., Hidi, S., & Berndorff, D. (2002). Interest, learning, and the psychological processes that mediate their relationship. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 545-561. Borget, M. M., & Gilroy, F. D. (1994). Interests and self-efficacy as predictors of Mathematics/science-based career choice. Psychological Reports, 75, 753-754. Brotman , J.S. & Moore, F.M (2008) Girls and science: A review of four themes in the science education literature. J.Research in Science Teaching (45) pp. 971-1082. Calabrese-Barton, A., & Basu, S. J. (2007). Developing a sustained interest in science among urban minority youth. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(3), 466-489. Chang, C. Y., & Cheng, W. Y. (2008). Science achievement and students’ self-confidence and interest in science: A Taiwanese representative sample study. International Journal of Research of Science Education, 30, 1183-1200. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997). Finding flow: The psychology of engagement with everyday life. New York, NY:Basic.(cf. Shumow and Schmidt 2014). Farenga, S. J., & Joyce, B. A. (1998). Science-related attitudes and science course selection: A study of high-ability boys and girls. Roeper Review, 20(4), 9, 247-251 Harter, S. “Effectance motivation reconsidered: Toward a developmental model”. Human Development, 21(1), pp.34-64. Glynn, S. M., Taasoobshirazi, G. and Brickman, P. (2009), “Science Motivation Questionnaire: Construct validation with non-science majors”. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 46, 127–146. Hidi, S. (1990). Interest and its contribution as a mental resource for learning. Review of Educational Research, 60, 549-571. Greenfield, T. A. (1997). Gender- and grade-level differences in science interest and participation. Science Education, 81(3), 259–275. Jarvis, T. and Pell, A. (2005) Factors influencing elementary school children's attitudes to science before, during and following a visit to the UK National Space Centre. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 42(1), 53-83 Kelly, A. (1986). The development of girls’ and boys’ attitudes to science: A longitudinal study. European Journal of Science Education, 8, 39F9-412. Koballa, T. R., & Crawley, F. E. (1985). The influence of attitude on science teaching and learning. School Science and Mathematics, 85, 223–232. Lavonen, J., Byman, R., Uitto, A., Juuti, K., & Meisalo, V. (2008). Students’ interest and experiences in physics and chemistry related themes: reflections based on a ROSE-survey in Finland. Themes in Science and Technology Education, 1(1), 7–36. Laukenmann, M., Bleicher, M., Fu, S., Gläser-Zikuda, M., Mayring, P., & von Rhöneck, C.(2003). An investigation of the influence of emotional factors on learning in physics instruction. International Journal of Science Education, 25, 489-507. Lovelace, M. & Brickman, P. (2013). Best Practices for Measuring Students’ Attitudes towardLearning Science. Life Sciences Education Vol. 12, 606–617. Downloaded from October 20, 2014 Mason, C. L., & Kahle, J. B. (1989). Student attitudes toward science and science related careers: A program designed to promote a stimulating gender-free learning environment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 26(1), 25-39. Osborne, J., Simon, S., & Collins, S. (2003). Attitude towards science: A review of the literature and its implications. International Journal of Science Education, 25(9), 1049-1079. Shumow, L. and Schmidt, J. (2014) “Enhancing Adolescents’ Motivation for Science”, SAGE publication, California, pp. 112-114. Said, Z, and. Friesen. H. (2013)."The impact of educational reform on science and mathematics education in Qatar." European Scientific Journal 9, 19 (2013). Said, Z. (2016a). Science Education Reform in Qatar: Progress and Challenges. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 12(8), 2253-2265. doi:10.12973/eurasia.2016.1301a Said, Z (2016b). Developing a Framework for Effective Delivery of Practical in Science Teaching in the State of Qatar. International Journal of Educational Science and Research, 6(2), pp. 25-33. Shrigley, R.L., Koballa,T.R. & Simpson, R.D. (1988). Defining attitude for science educators. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25, 659-678. Simpson, R. D., & Oliver, J. S. (1985). Attitude toward science and achievement motivation profiles of male and female science students in grades six through ten. Science Education, 69(4), 511–526. Tobias, S. (1994). Interest, prior knowledge and learning. Review of Educational Research, 64, 37-54. Tytler, R., & Osborne, J. (2012). Student attitudes and aspirations towards science. In Second international handbook of science education (pp. 597-625). Netherlands: Springer. Weinburgh, M. (1995). Gender differences in student attitudes toward science: A meta-analysis of the literature from 1970 to 1991. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32(4), 387–398. Yager, R. E. & McCormack, A. J. (1989). Assessing teaching/learning successes in multiple domains of science and science education. Science Education, 73(1), 45-58.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ziad Said This is me

Azzam Abu-hannieh This is me

Elina Adam This is me

Publication Date August 18, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 9


APA Said, Z., Abu-hannieh, A., & Adam, E. (2018). Enhancement of School Students’ Interest in, and Attitude toward Science by Training Their Teachers on Effective Delivery of Practical Activities. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 9, 52-58.