Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 11 , 228 - 238, 01.12.2018



  • Atiyas, İ. ve Sayın Ş.,(1997), Siyasi Sorumluluk, Yönetsel Sorumluluk ve Bütçe Sistemi: Bir Yeniden Yapılanma Önerisine Doğru, İstanbul: TESEV Yayını, Boyut Matbaacılık. Biçer, M., (2017), Türkiye’de Kurala Bağlı Maliye Politikası ve Bütçe Hakkı Temelinde Parlamentonun Etkinliği, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi. CRT, (2018) Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, Çağan, N., (1986), Anayasa Çerçevesinde Kamu Maliyesinin Parlamenter Kontrolü, Anayasa Yargısı, Cilt 2, Anayasa Mahkemesi Yayını, Ankara, pp. 199-224. Erdoğan M., (2010) Anayasal Demokrasi, 8. Baskı, Siyasal Kitabevi. Fabrizio S. and Ashoka M., (2006), Can Budget Institutions Counteract Political Indiscipline? International Monetary Fund WP/06/123, 2006. Harfst, P. and Schnapp, K., (2003) Are Agents Able to Control their Principal’s Control Structures? An Empirical Attempt to Measure the Institutional Potential of Parliaments to Control their Executives”, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Workshop 5: Institutional Theory: Issues of Measurement and Change, Edinburgh, March 28 – April 2, Edinburgh.pdf, (15.05.2010) Hetzel, R., L., (1997) The Case for a Monetary Rule in a Constitutional Democracy, FRB Richmond Economic Quarterly, Vol. 83, No. 2, Spring, pp. 45-66. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Parliament,(2004) The Budget and Gender Process: Handbook for Parliamentarians, No. 6. Available at: (30.03.2017). Mouffe C., (2008) Siyasetin Dönüşü, Çev. Fahri Bakırcı ve Ali Çolak, Epos Yayınları. Musgrave A. R. and Musgrave P. B., (1989) Public Finance in Theory and Practice, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company. O’connor J.,(1973) The Fiscal Crisis of the State, St. Martin Press, New York. OECD/SIGMA (2010), The Administrative Capacity of The Turkish Grand National Assembly, SIGMA Peer Review Report, OECD- SIGMA. Santiso, C., (2005) “Parliaments and Budgeting: Understanding the politics of the budget”, presented at the XVII Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) in Santiago, Chile, on 24-27 January 2005 and at the Third Annual Meeting Euro-Latino-American Governance for Development Network of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Hamburg, Germany, on 12-13 December 2005. Sartori, G., (1996) Demokrasi Teorisine Geri Dönüş, Çev. Tuncer Karamustafaoğlu ve. Mehmet Turan, Yetkin Yayınevi. Saybaşılı, K., (1992), İktisat, Siyaset, Devlet ve Türkiye, Bağlam Yayınevi. Strøm, K., Wolfgang C. M., and Bergman, T., (eds.), (2003) Delegation And Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies Delegation and Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies, Oxford University Press. Şaylan G., (1998) Demokrasi ve Demokrasi Düşüncesinin Gelişmesi, TODAİE İnsan Hakları Araştırma ve Derleme Merkezi, Ankara. Şaylan G., (2008) Temsili Liberal Demokrasinin Önlenemez Krizi, 1. Baskı, İmge Kitapevi, Ankara. TBMM (2008) Bütçe Sürecinde Parlamentonun Değişen Rolü, Uluslararası Sempozyum, Bildiri ve Makaleler, Afyonkarahisar 8 – 9 Ekim 2008. Wolfgang, M., C., Bergman T., and Strøm, K., (2003) Parliamentary Democracy: Promise and Problems’. In Strøm vd., (ed.) Delegation And Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies Delegation and Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies, Oxford University Press, (pp. 3-32). Yıldıran Mustafa, Mahmure Eşgünoğlu and Süleyman Bolat (Ed) (2010), Maliye Politikasının Oluşturulmasında Parlamentonun Rolü, Uluslararası Sempozyum Bildiri ve Makaleler, 21–22 Ekim 2010, Sivas. Yılmaz, H. H. and Biçer, M., Parlamentonun Bütçe Hakkını Etkin Kullanımının Yeni Bütçe Sistemi Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi, 2010, Maliye Dergisi, Ocak-Haziran 2010, Sayı 158, pp. 201-225.

Evaluate the Existing Political Oversight Role of Turkish Parliament over the Public Finance and in This Context Analyzed the New Turkish Presidential Government System

Year 2018, Volume: 11 , 228 - 238, 01.12.2018


Turkey changed its 1982 Constitution
and adopted a presidential form of government in 2017. This constitutional
amendment changed the approval of the budget radically. Along with that,
debates may arise in terms of political responsibility for not approved the
budget by the Parliament, how the budget will accepted when the president and
majority of the Parliament are from different party, and there is not any
mechanism being in classical presidential system as public account committee to
enhance parliamentary supervision over the executive branch. In this study,

- we deliberate the concept of  political power in representative democracy
in terms of public decision-making and resource allocation process and then we
analyze the existing political oversight role of Turkish Parliament over the
public finance on the basis of 
democratic legitimacy of public decision-making process and political

- we focus on oversight role of
Turkish Parliament over the public finance at the point of using "power of
purse after the Constitutional Amendment adopted on April 16, 2017. Within the
context of this analysis, the new constitutional structure of Parliament's
budget approval and audit process in Turkish Parliament was evaluated.


  • Atiyas, İ. ve Sayın Ş.,(1997), Siyasi Sorumluluk, Yönetsel Sorumluluk ve Bütçe Sistemi: Bir Yeniden Yapılanma Önerisine Doğru, İstanbul: TESEV Yayını, Boyut Matbaacılık. Biçer, M., (2017), Türkiye’de Kurala Bağlı Maliye Politikası ve Bütçe Hakkı Temelinde Parlamentonun Etkinliği, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi. CRT, (2018) Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, Çağan, N., (1986), Anayasa Çerçevesinde Kamu Maliyesinin Parlamenter Kontrolü, Anayasa Yargısı, Cilt 2, Anayasa Mahkemesi Yayını, Ankara, pp. 199-224. Erdoğan M., (2010) Anayasal Demokrasi, 8. Baskı, Siyasal Kitabevi. Fabrizio S. and Ashoka M., (2006), Can Budget Institutions Counteract Political Indiscipline? International Monetary Fund WP/06/123, 2006. Harfst, P. and Schnapp, K., (2003) Are Agents Able to Control their Principal’s Control Structures? An Empirical Attempt to Measure the Institutional Potential of Parliaments to Control their Executives”, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Workshop 5: Institutional Theory: Issues of Measurement and Change, Edinburgh, March 28 – April 2, Edinburgh.pdf, (15.05.2010) Hetzel, R., L., (1997) The Case for a Monetary Rule in a Constitutional Democracy, FRB Richmond Economic Quarterly, Vol. 83, No. 2, Spring, pp. 45-66. Inter-Parliamentary Union, Parliament,(2004) The Budget and Gender Process: Handbook for Parliamentarians, No. 6. Available at: (30.03.2017). Mouffe C., (2008) Siyasetin Dönüşü, Çev. Fahri Bakırcı ve Ali Çolak, Epos Yayınları. Musgrave A. R. and Musgrave P. B., (1989) Public Finance in Theory and Practice, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company. O’connor J.,(1973) The Fiscal Crisis of the State, St. Martin Press, New York. OECD/SIGMA (2010), The Administrative Capacity of The Turkish Grand National Assembly, SIGMA Peer Review Report, OECD- SIGMA. Santiso, C., (2005) “Parliaments and Budgeting: Understanding the politics of the budget”, presented at the XVII Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) in Santiago, Chile, on 24-27 January 2005 and at the Third Annual Meeting Euro-Latino-American Governance for Development Network of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Hamburg, Germany, on 12-13 December 2005. Sartori, G., (1996) Demokrasi Teorisine Geri Dönüş, Çev. Tuncer Karamustafaoğlu ve. Mehmet Turan, Yetkin Yayınevi. Saybaşılı, K., (1992), İktisat, Siyaset, Devlet ve Türkiye, Bağlam Yayınevi. Strøm, K., Wolfgang C. M., and Bergman, T., (eds.), (2003) Delegation And Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies Delegation and Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies, Oxford University Press. Şaylan G., (1998) Demokrasi ve Demokrasi Düşüncesinin Gelişmesi, TODAİE İnsan Hakları Araştırma ve Derleme Merkezi, Ankara. Şaylan G., (2008) Temsili Liberal Demokrasinin Önlenemez Krizi, 1. Baskı, İmge Kitapevi, Ankara. TBMM (2008) Bütçe Sürecinde Parlamentonun Değişen Rolü, Uluslararası Sempozyum, Bildiri ve Makaleler, Afyonkarahisar 8 – 9 Ekim 2008. Wolfgang, M., C., Bergman T., and Strøm, K., (2003) Parliamentary Democracy: Promise and Problems’. In Strøm vd., (ed.) Delegation And Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies Delegation and Accountability in Parliamentary Democracies, Oxford University Press, (pp. 3-32). Yıldıran Mustafa, Mahmure Eşgünoğlu and Süleyman Bolat (Ed) (2010), Maliye Politikasının Oluşturulmasında Parlamentonun Rolü, Uluslararası Sempozyum Bildiri ve Makaleler, 21–22 Ekim 2010, Sivas. Yılmaz, H. H. and Biçer, M., Parlamentonun Bütçe Hakkını Etkin Kullanımının Yeni Bütçe Sistemi Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi, 2010, Maliye Dergisi, Ocak-Haziran 2010, Sayı 158, pp. 201-225.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Bıcer This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 11


APA Bıcer, M. (2018). Evaluate the Existing Political Oversight Role of Turkish Parliament over the Public Finance and in This Context Analyzed the New Turkish Presidential Government System. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 11, 228-238.