Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 15, 55 - 64, 14.12.2019



  • Abou Ali, I. (1999). Etude des conceptions des élèves de 5ème et de 3ème sur la photosynthèse. Proposition d’une aide didactique. Master en didactique des sciences, Université libanaise, Faculté de pédagogie. Aguirre, J. M., Haggerty, S. M., & Linder, C. J. (1990). Students-teachers’ conceptions of science, teaching and learning: a case study in student teacher education. International Journal of Science Education, 12(4), 381-390. Astolfi, J.P. (1997). Pratiques de formation en didactique des sciences. Belgique: De Boeck. Ayoubi, Z. (2017). Research in science education in Lebanon:. Paper presented at the conference organized by entitled “المقالات المنشورة في الدوريات التربوية العربية في تعليم العلوم: مراجعة نقدية على ضوء الاتجاهات العالمية”. Amman, Jordan, July 6, 2017. Cardak, O. (2009). Science students’ misconceptions of water cycle according to their drawings. Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(5), 865-873. Cardak, O. (2015). Student Science Teachers’ Ideas of the Digestive System. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3 (5), 127-133. Chiapetta, E. L., & Koballa, T.R. Jr. (2010). Science instruction in the middle and secondary schools. Developing fundamental knowledge and skills for teaching. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Clement, P. (1991). Sur la persistance d’une conception: La tuyauterie continue digestion-excrétion. Aster, 13, 133-156. Clément, P. (2006). Didactic transposition and the KVP model: Conceptions as interactions between scientific knowledge, values and social practices. In Proceedings of ESERA Summer School 2006 (pp. 9-18). IEC: Braga, Portugal. Clement, P. (2010). Conceptions, représentations sociales et modèle KVP. Skholê (Univ. de Provence, IUFM), 16, 55-70. El Takach, S. (2018). How do early childhood education pre-service teachers view science and scientists? International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (ICEMST),Antalya/ Turkey. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS), 2018, Volume 9, Pages 14-119. El Takach, S., Rawas, S. & Dokmak, S. (2018). Evaluation of the Undergraduate Program in Higher Education: the case of the Science and Mathematics Department at the Faculty of Education, Lebanese University. The International Conference on Science and Education (IConSE), October 26 - 29, Antalya/Turkey. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS), 2018, Volume 11, Pages 87-99. Feuer, M. J., Floden, R. E., Chudowsky, N., and Ahn, J. (2013). Evaluation of teacher preparation programs: Purposes, methods, and policy options. Washington, DC: National Academy of Education. Hassard, J. (1990). Science experiences: Cooperative learning and the teaching of science. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Giordan, A. (1987). L’élève et/ou les connaissances scientifiques. Paris: Peter lang. 205p. Giordan, A. & De Vecchi, G. (1987). Les origins du savoir. Des conceptions des apprenants aux concepts scientifiques. Neuchatel: Delachaux & Niestle. Giordan, A. & De Vecchi, G. (1990). L’enseignement scientifique: comment faire pourque ça marche? Nice: Z Edition. Gönen, S. (2008). A study on student teachers’ misconceptions and scientifically acceptable conceptions about mass and gravity. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17, 70-81. Gustafson, B. F., & Rowell, P. M. (1995). Elementary pre service teachers: constructing conceptions about learning science, teaching science and the nature of science. International Journal of Science Education. 17(5), 589-605. Kanli, U. (2014). A Study on Identifying the Misconceptions of Pre-service and In-service Teachers about Basic Astronomy Concepts. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 10(5), 471-479. Khalid, T. (2001). Pre-service Teachers’ Misconceptions Regarding Three Environmental Issues. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 6, 102-120. Liang, J.C. (2009). How a science education course can influence early childhood teachers’ attitudes toward science? Asia-Pacific Journal of research in Early Childhood Education, 3 (2), 123-143. Mullet, E., & Gervais, H. (1990). Distinction between the concepts of weight and mass in high school students. International Journal of Science Education, 12, 217-226. National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education. Towards Preparing Professional and Humane Teacher, 2010. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), New Delhi. National Education Goals Panel (1997). Nation education goals report. Washington, D.C. : Nation Academy Press. National Research Council (1996). National science education standards. Washington, D.C.: Nation Academy Press. Sarabando, C., Cravino, J. P., & Soares, A. A. (2016). Improving student understanding of the concepts of weight and mass with a computer simulation. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 15 (1), 109-126. Shaaban, E. & Abou Ali, I. (2018). The Impact of Secondary School Teachers’ Training Program on the Professional Development of In-Service Biology Teachers. International Conference on Science and Education (IConSE), October 26-29, 2018, Antalya/ Turkey. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS) (volume 11, Pages 134-141). Stavy, R. (1990). Children’s conception of changes in the state of matter: from liquid (or solid) to gas. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27, 247-266. Stavy, R. & Stachel, D. (1985). Children’s ideas about ‘solid’ and ‘liquid’. European Journal of Science Education, 7 (4), 407-421. Tsai, C. C. & Chou, C. (2002). Diagnosing students‟ alternative conceptions in science. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18(2), 157-165. Wenner, G. (1993). Relationship between science knowledge levels and beliefs towards science instruction held by preservice elementary teachers. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2, 461-468. Yağbasan, R., & Gülçiçek, Ç. (2003). Describing the characteristics of misconception on science teaching. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(13), 102-120.

Investigating Science Misconceptions of Pre-service Early Childhood Education teachers at the Lebanese University, Faculty of Education

Year 2019, Volume: 15, 55 - 64, 14.12.2019


Teacher preparation programs aim mainly to develop both pedagogical and content knowledge of pre-service teachers. Graduate teachers should master all concepts and approaches related to their teaching field. In the Lebanese context Early Childhood Education (ECE) graduates should be able to teach languages, science and math from Kindergarten to grade 3 (K-3). As science educators at the Lebanese University, Faculty of Education, the researchers noticed that ECE pre-service teachers lack mastery in basic scientific concepts. This research aims to identify science misconceptions, compare ECE pre-service science teachers’ conceptions over the three years, and propose new strategies and techniques to overcome any misconceptions. For this purpose 150 pre-service ECE teachers distributed over the three year of the ECE preparation program completed an open ended questionnaire to merge their conceptions. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data collected was performed. Results show that pre-service ECE teachers hold major scientific misconceptions over the three years in all science related areas.


  • Abou Ali, I. (1999). Etude des conceptions des élèves de 5ème et de 3ème sur la photosynthèse. Proposition d’une aide didactique. Master en didactique des sciences, Université libanaise, Faculté de pédagogie. Aguirre, J. M., Haggerty, S. M., & Linder, C. J. (1990). Students-teachers’ conceptions of science, teaching and learning: a case study in student teacher education. International Journal of Science Education, 12(4), 381-390. Astolfi, J.P. (1997). Pratiques de formation en didactique des sciences. Belgique: De Boeck. Ayoubi, Z. (2017). Research in science education in Lebanon:. Paper presented at the conference organized by entitled “المقالات المنشورة في الدوريات التربوية العربية في تعليم العلوم: مراجعة نقدية على ضوء الاتجاهات العالمية”. Amman, Jordan, July 6, 2017. Cardak, O. (2009). Science students’ misconceptions of water cycle according to their drawings. Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(5), 865-873. Cardak, O. (2015). Student Science Teachers’ Ideas of the Digestive System. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3 (5), 127-133. Chiapetta, E. L., & Koballa, T.R. Jr. (2010). Science instruction in the middle and secondary schools. Developing fundamental knowledge and skills for teaching. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Clement, P. (1991). Sur la persistance d’une conception: La tuyauterie continue digestion-excrétion. Aster, 13, 133-156. Clément, P. (2006). Didactic transposition and the KVP model: Conceptions as interactions between scientific knowledge, values and social practices. In Proceedings of ESERA Summer School 2006 (pp. 9-18). IEC: Braga, Portugal. Clement, P. (2010). Conceptions, représentations sociales et modèle KVP. Skholê (Univ. de Provence, IUFM), 16, 55-70. El Takach, S. (2018). How do early childhood education pre-service teachers view science and scientists? International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (ICEMST),Antalya/ Turkey. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS), 2018, Volume 9, Pages 14-119. El Takach, S., Rawas, S. & Dokmak, S. (2018). Evaluation of the Undergraduate Program in Higher Education: the case of the Science and Mathematics Department at the Faculty of Education, Lebanese University. The International Conference on Science and Education (IConSE), October 26 - 29, Antalya/Turkey. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS), 2018, Volume 11, Pages 87-99. Feuer, M. J., Floden, R. E., Chudowsky, N., and Ahn, J. (2013). Evaluation of teacher preparation programs: Purposes, methods, and policy options. Washington, DC: National Academy of Education. Hassard, J. (1990). Science experiences: Cooperative learning and the teaching of science. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Giordan, A. (1987). L’élève et/ou les connaissances scientifiques. Paris: Peter lang. 205p. Giordan, A. & De Vecchi, G. (1987). Les origins du savoir. Des conceptions des apprenants aux concepts scientifiques. Neuchatel: Delachaux & Niestle. Giordan, A. & De Vecchi, G. (1990). L’enseignement scientifique: comment faire pourque ça marche? Nice: Z Edition. Gönen, S. (2008). A study on student teachers’ misconceptions and scientifically acceptable conceptions about mass and gravity. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17, 70-81. Gustafson, B. F., & Rowell, P. M. (1995). Elementary pre service teachers: constructing conceptions about learning science, teaching science and the nature of science. International Journal of Science Education. 17(5), 589-605. Kanli, U. (2014). A Study on Identifying the Misconceptions of Pre-service and In-service Teachers about Basic Astronomy Concepts. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 10(5), 471-479. Khalid, T. (2001). Pre-service Teachers’ Misconceptions Regarding Three Environmental Issues. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 6, 102-120. Liang, J.C. (2009). How a science education course can influence early childhood teachers’ attitudes toward science? Asia-Pacific Journal of research in Early Childhood Education, 3 (2), 123-143. Mullet, E., & Gervais, H. (1990). Distinction between the concepts of weight and mass in high school students. International Journal of Science Education, 12, 217-226. National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education. Towards Preparing Professional and Humane Teacher, 2010. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), New Delhi. National Education Goals Panel (1997). Nation education goals report. Washington, D.C. : Nation Academy Press. National Research Council (1996). National science education standards. Washington, D.C.: Nation Academy Press. Sarabando, C., Cravino, J. P., & Soares, A. A. (2016). Improving student understanding of the concepts of weight and mass with a computer simulation. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 15 (1), 109-126. Shaaban, E. & Abou Ali, I. (2018). The Impact of Secondary School Teachers’ Training Program on the Professional Development of In-Service Biology Teachers. International Conference on Science and Education (IConSE), October 26-29, 2018, Antalya/ Turkey. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS) (volume 11, Pages 134-141). Stavy, R. (1990). Children’s conception of changes in the state of matter: from liquid (or solid) to gas. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27, 247-266. Stavy, R. & Stachel, D. (1985). Children’s ideas about ‘solid’ and ‘liquid’. European Journal of Science Education, 7 (4), 407-421. Tsai, C. C. & Chou, C. (2002). Diagnosing students‟ alternative conceptions in science. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18(2), 157-165. Wenner, G. (1993). Relationship between science knowledge levels and beliefs towards science instruction held by preservice elementary teachers. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2, 461-468. Yağbasan, R., & Gülçiçek, Ç. (2003). Describing the characteristics of misconception on science teaching. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(13), 102-120.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Eman Shaaban This is me

İmane Abou Alı This is me

Hanadi Chatıla This is me

Publication Date December 14, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 15


APA Shaaban, E., Abou Alı, İ., & Chatıla, H. (2019). Investigating Science Misconceptions of Pre-service Early Childhood Education teachers at the Lebanese University, Faculty of Education. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 15, 55-64.