Süt verimi keçi yetiştiriciliğinde büyük öneme
sahiptir. Sütün içeriğinde bulunan kalsiyum insan sağlığı için önemlidir. Kalsiyum
hücre membran geçirgenliği, hormonların salınımı, enzim aktivitesi gibi birçok
fizyolojik olayda görev almaktadır. Metabolizma bakımından değerlendirildiğinde
laktasyon döneminde süt verimine bağlı olarak kalsiyum ihtiyacı artmaktadır.
Kalsiyum düzeyi ise önemli oranda Kalsiyuma Duyarlı Reseptör (CaSR) geni
aracılığıyla düzenlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada laktasyondaki Damascus keçilerinde
CaSR geni ekspresyon seviyesi ile kan kalsiyum seviyesi ölçülerek laktasyon ile
aralarındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. CaSR geni ekspresyon seviyesi RT-qPCR ile
ölçülürken plazma kalsiyum seviyesi mikroplazma atomik emisyon spektrofotometresi
(MP- AES) ile ölçülmüştür. Laktasyonun 1. ayına göre 3., 5. ve 7. aylarında
CaSR genine ait ekspresyon seviyesinin önemli derecede azaldığı tespit
edilmiştir. Laktasyonun 1. ve 3. aylarına göre diğer aylarda kalsiyum seviyelerinde
önemli derecede azalma tespit edilmiştir. Plazma kalsiyum miktarındaki azalma CaSR
geninin ekspresyon seviyesindeki azalma ile uyumlu olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Böylece
laktasyon ile kaybolan kalsiyumun plazmadaki düşüşünü engellemek için
metabolizmanın koruma refleksi oluşturarak CaSR ekspresyonunu azalttığı
görülmüştür. Yapılan bu çalışmayla laktasyon dönemindeki keçilerde süt ile
birlikte ortaya çıkan kalsiyum kaybının kandaki regülasyonunu CaSR geni ile
sağlandığı tespit edilmiştir.
1. Allen WM, Samson BF. Milk fever and calcium metabolism. J Vet Pharma Therap 1985; 8(1): 19-29.
2. Ardeshirpour L, Dann P, Pollak M, Wysolmerski J, VanHouten J. The calcium-sensing receptor regulates PTHrP production and calcium transport in the lactating mammary gland. Bone 2006; 38(6): 787-93.
3. Brendehaug J, Abrahamsen RK. Chemical composition of milk from a herd of Norwegiangoats. J Dairy Res 1986; 53(2): 211-21.
4. Brennan SC, Conigrave AD. Regulation of cellular signal transduction pathways by the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor. Current Pharma Biotech 2009; 10(3): 270-81.
5. Brown EM, MacLeod RJ. Extracellular calcium sensing and extracellular calcium signaling. Physiol Rev 2001; 81(1): 239- 97.
6. Coşkun H, Öndül E. Keçi sütü ve insan beslenmesindeki önemi. Sekizinci Gıda Kongresi. Mayıs, 26-28, 2004; Bursa- Türkiye.
7. Erdoğan S, Ergün Y, Erdoğan Z, Kontaş T. Hatay bölgesinde merada yetiştirilen koyun ve keçi serumlarında bazı mineral madde düzeyleri. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2002; 26: 177- 82.
8. Finot L, Marnet PG, Dessauge F. Reference gene selection for quantitative realtimePCR normalization: application in the caprine mammary gland. Small Rumin Res, 2011; 95: 20- 26.
9. Fleet IR, Peaker M. Mammary function and its control at the cessation of lactation in the goat. J Physiol 1978; 279(1): 491- 507.
10. Günlü A, Alaşahan S. Türkiye’de keçi yetiştiriciliği ve geleceği üzerine bazı değerlendirmeler. Vet Hek Der Derg 2010; 81 (2): 15- 20.
11. Harpio R, Einarsson R. S100 proteins as cancer biomarkers with focus on S100B in malignant melanoma. Clin Biochem 2004; 37 (7): 512- 8.
12. Hoffmann WE, Solter PF. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. Kaneko JJ, Harvey W, Bruss ML eds. Diagnostic enzymology of domestic animals. 6th edition. San Diego: Elsiver Academic Press. 2008; pp. 351- 78.
13. Kohler M, Leiber F, Willems H, Merbold L, Liesegang A. Influence of altitude on vitamin D and bone metabolism of lactating sheep and goats. J Anim Sci 2013; 91(11): 5259-68.
14. Kirby BJ. Ardeshirpour L, Woodrow JP, Wysolmerski JJ, Sims NA, Karaplis AC, Kovacs CS. Skelatal recovery after weaning does not require PTHrP. J Bone & Mineral Res 2011; 26(6): 1242-51.
15. Liesegang A, Riner K, Boosb A. Effects of gestation and lactation on Vitamin D receptor amounts in goats and sheep. Domestic Anim Endocrin 2007; 33(2):190-202.
16. Liesegang A, Risteli J, Wanner M. Bone metabolism of milk goats and sheep during second pregnancy and lactation in comparison to first lactation. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutri 2007; 91(5-6): 217- 25.
17. Liesegang A, Risteli J, Wanner M. The effects of first gestation and lactation on bone metabolism in dairy goats and milk sheep. Bone 2006; 38(6): 792-802.
18. Liesegang A, Sassi ML, Risteli J, Eicher R, Riond JL, Wanner M. Comparison of bone resorption markers during hypocalcemia in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 1998; 81(10): 2614-22.
19. Livak KJ, Schmittgen TD. Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2−ΔΔCT method. Methods 2001; 25(4): 402- 08.
20. Mamillapalli R, Wysolmerski J. The calcium-sensing receptor couples to Gαs and regulates PTHrP and ACTH secretion in pituitary cells. J Endocrin 2010; 204 (3): 287- 97.
21. Mbassa GK, Poulsen JSD. Influence of pregnancy, lactation and environment of haematological profiles in danish landrace dairy goats (capra hircus) of different party. In Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comp Biochem1991; 100(2): 403- 12.
22. Milewskil S, Sobiech P, Zqbekl K, Zarczyriska K, Antoszkiewicz Z, Wielgosz-Groth Z. Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast on milk protein content and composition and serum mineral concentrations in sheep. J Element 2012; 17(1):79-86.
23. Ntailianas HA, Whitney RM. Calcein as an indicatorfor the determination of total calcium and magnesium and calcium alone in the same aliquot of milk. J Dairy Sci 1964; 47(1):19-27.
24. Pineda MH. Dooley, MP. eds. Mc Donald’s Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction. In: The calcium regulation hormones: Parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and cholecalciferol. 5th Revised edition. Arnes, Al: Iowa State University Press, 2003; pp. 71-140.
25. Samardzija M, Dobranic T, Lipar M, Harapin I, Prvanovic N Grizelj J, Gracner GG, Dobranic V, Radisic B, Duricic D. Comparison of blood serum macromineral concentrations in meat and dairy goats during puerperium. Veterinarski Arhiv 2011; 81(1): 1-11.
26. Thomas M, Weisman SM. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy and lactation: Effects on the mother and the fetus. American J Obst Gynecol 2006; 194(4): 937- 45.
27. Yakan A. Koyun ve keçilerde süt verim kontrol yöntemleri ve laktasyon süt veriminin hesaplanması. AVKAE Dergisi 2012; 18-23.
28. Yakan A, Doğruer G, Ateş CT, Özbeyaz C, Ünal N, Koçak Ö. Özkan H, Şakar Eraslan A. Damascus keçilerinde süt üretimindeki farklı uygulamaların süt verimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Hatay: Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü, 2016, Proje kesin raporu (Proje no: 10560).
Determination of Leucocyte CaSR Gene Expression Level and Plasma Calcium Level in Lactated Goats
Milk efficiency has a big importance in goat
breeding. Calcium exist in milk’s ingredient is significant for human health.
Calcium takes part in many physological processes such as cell membrane
permeability, oscillation of hormones, enzyme activity. The need for calcium also
rises according to milk efficiency in lactation period for metabolism. Calcium
is primarily organized by means of the Calcium Sensitive Receptor (CaSR) gene.
In this study the relationship between the lactation and expression level of
CaSR gene eith blood calcium level were evaluated in lactating Damascus goats.
While CaSR expression gene was measured with RT-qPCR, plasma calcium level was
measured with micro plasm atomic emission spectrophotometer (MP-AES). An
important level of decline in calcium levels was found in the other months
except for 1st and 3rd months. It has been found that the decline in the level
of plasm calcium quantity was coherent with the decline of the expression level
of CaSR. By this way it has been observed that metabolism lessens the CaSR
expression by forming a protection reflex in order to prevent the falling of
calcium lost with lactation. In this study, it has been found that regulation
of calcium loss in blood which appears with milk of goats in lactation period
is provided with CaSR gene.
1. Allen WM, Samson BF. Milk fever and calcium metabolism. J Vet Pharma Therap 1985; 8(1): 19-29.
2. Ardeshirpour L, Dann P, Pollak M, Wysolmerski J, VanHouten J. The calcium-sensing receptor regulates PTHrP production and calcium transport in the lactating mammary gland. Bone 2006; 38(6): 787-93.
3. Brendehaug J, Abrahamsen RK. Chemical composition of milk from a herd of Norwegiangoats. J Dairy Res 1986; 53(2): 211-21.
4. Brennan SC, Conigrave AD. Regulation of cellular signal transduction pathways by the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor. Current Pharma Biotech 2009; 10(3): 270-81.
5. Brown EM, MacLeod RJ. Extracellular calcium sensing and extracellular calcium signaling. Physiol Rev 2001; 81(1): 239- 97.
6. Coşkun H, Öndül E. Keçi sütü ve insan beslenmesindeki önemi. Sekizinci Gıda Kongresi. Mayıs, 26-28, 2004; Bursa- Türkiye.
7. Erdoğan S, Ergün Y, Erdoğan Z, Kontaş T. Hatay bölgesinde merada yetiştirilen koyun ve keçi serumlarında bazı mineral madde düzeyleri. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2002; 26: 177- 82.
8. Finot L, Marnet PG, Dessauge F. Reference gene selection for quantitative realtimePCR normalization: application in the caprine mammary gland. Small Rumin Res, 2011; 95: 20- 26.
9. Fleet IR, Peaker M. Mammary function and its control at the cessation of lactation in the goat. J Physiol 1978; 279(1): 491- 507.
10. Günlü A, Alaşahan S. Türkiye’de keçi yetiştiriciliği ve geleceği üzerine bazı değerlendirmeler. Vet Hek Der Derg 2010; 81 (2): 15- 20.
11. Harpio R, Einarsson R. S100 proteins as cancer biomarkers with focus on S100B in malignant melanoma. Clin Biochem 2004; 37 (7): 512- 8.
12. Hoffmann WE, Solter PF. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. Kaneko JJ, Harvey W, Bruss ML eds. Diagnostic enzymology of domestic animals. 6th edition. San Diego: Elsiver Academic Press. 2008; pp. 351- 78.
13. Kohler M, Leiber F, Willems H, Merbold L, Liesegang A. Influence of altitude on vitamin D and bone metabolism of lactating sheep and goats. J Anim Sci 2013; 91(11): 5259-68.
14. Kirby BJ. Ardeshirpour L, Woodrow JP, Wysolmerski JJ, Sims NA, Karaplis AC, Kovacs CS. Skelatal recovery after weaning does not require PTHrP. J Bone & Mineral Res 2011; 26(6): 1242-51.
15. Liesegang A, Riner K, Boosb A. Effects of gestation and lactation on Vitamin D receptor amounts in goats and sheep. Domestic Anim Endocrin 2007; 33(2):190-202.
16. Liesegang A, Risteli J, Wanner M. Bone metabolism of milk goats and sheep during second pregnancy and lactation in comparison to first lactation. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutri 2007; 91(5-6): 217- 25.
17. Liesegang A, Risteli J, Wanner M. The effects of first gestation and lactation on bone metabolism in dairy goats and milk sheep. Bone 2006; 38(6): 792-802.
18. Liesegang A, Sassi ML, Risteli J, Eicher R, Riond JL, Wanner M. Comparison of bone resorption markers during hypocalcemia in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 1998; 81(10): 2614-22.
19. Livak KJ, Schmittgen TD. Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2−ΔΔCT method. Methods 2001; 25(4): 402- 08.
20. Mamillapalli R, Wysolmerski J. The calcium-sensing receptor couples to Gαs and regulates PTHrP and ACTH secretion in pituitary cells. J Endocrin 2010; 204 (3): 287- 97.
21. Mbassa GK, Poulsen JSD. Influence of pregnancy, lactation and environment of haematological profiles in danish landrace dairy goats (capra hircus) of different party. In Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comp Biochem1991; 100(2): 403- 12.
22. Milewskil S, Sobiech P, Zqbekl K, Zarczyriska K, Antoszkiewicz Z, Wielgosz-Groth Z. Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast on milk protein content and composition and serum mineral concentrations in sheep. J Element 2012; 17(1):79-86.
23. Ntailianas HA, Whitney RM. Calcein as an indicatorfor the determination of total calcium and magnesium and calcium alone in the same aliquot of milk. J Dairy Sci 1964; 47(1):19-27.
24. Pineda MH. Dooley, MP. eds. Mc Donald’s Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction. In: The calcium regulation hormones: Parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and cholecalciferol. 5th Revised edition. Arnes, Al: Iowa State University Press, 2003; pp. 71-140.
25. Samardzija M, Dobranic T, Lipar M, Harapin I, Prvanovic N Grizelj J, Gracner GG, Dobranic V, Radisic B, Duricic D. Comparison of blood serum macromineral concentrations in meat and dairy goats during puerperium. Veterinarski Arhiv 2011; 81(1): 1-11.
26. Thomas M, Weisman SM. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy and lactation: Effects on the mother and the fetus. American J Obst Gynecol 2006; 194(4): 937- 45.
27. Yakan A. Koyun ve keçilerde süt verim kontrol yöntemleri ve laktasyon süt veriminin hesaplanması. AVKAE Dergisi 2012; 18-23.
28. Yakan A, Doğruer G, Ateş CT, Özbeyaz C, Ünal N, Koçak Ö. Özkan H, Şakar Eraslan A. Damascus keçilerinde süt üretimindeki farklı uygulamaların süt verimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Hatay: Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü, 2016, Proje kesin raporu (Proje no: 10560).