Şanlıurfa İlinde Satışa Sunulan Yoğurtlarda Listeria spp. Varlığının Real-Time PCR ile Araştırılması
Year 2017,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 81 - 86, 15.08.2017
Serap Kılıç Altun
Akın Yiğin
Mehmet Demirci
Bu çalışmada Şanlıurfa'da satışa sunulan yoğurtlarda Listeria spp. varlığını ve sıklığını belirlemek ve real-time PCR kullanılarak identifikasyonu amaçlanmıştır. Semt pazarları ve marketlerden toplanan, toplam 62 adet yoğurt örne-ğinde Listeria spp. varlığını belirlemek için ISO 11290-1/A1-2004 tarafından önerilen iki aşamalı bir seçici zenginleştir-me kullanılmıştır. Listeria spp. olarak izole edilen kolonilerden elde edilen DNA’lar kullanılarak yapılan real-time PCR yöntemi ile Listeria monocytogenes identifikasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. İncelenen yoğurt örneklerinde Listeria spp. pre-valansı %3.2 (2 örnek) olarak bulunmuştur. Şüpheli kolonilerin ön zenginleştirme broth’tan izole edilen DNA’larla yapı-lan real-time PCR çalışmasında, bu iki Listeria spp. izolatı L. monocytogenes olarak identifiye edilmiştir. Yoğurt örnek-leri 4oC’de 10 gün süreyle muhafaza edilmiş ve pozitif örnekler inkübasyonun birinci, üçüncü ve onuncu günlerinde pH, izolasyon ve real-time PCR ile identifikasyon tekrarlanmıştır. Çalışmamız; Şanlıurfa ilindeki semt marketleri ve pazar-larda satılan yoğurtlarda Listeria spp. türlerinin yaygınlığını göstermesinin yanında, Listeria spp. türleri moleküler yön-temle daha hızlı identifiye edilmiş ve insan sağlığı açısından çok tehlikeli olan L. monocytogenes’in yoğurtta varlığını ve bu yolla insanlarda ciddi gıda kaynaklı hastalıklara neden olabileceği gerçeğini göstermiştir.
- 1. Aygun O, Pehlivanlar S. Listeria spp. in the raw milk and dairy products in Antakya, Tur-key. Food Control 2006; 17(8): 676-9.
2. Bahk J, Marth EH. Listeriosis and L.monocytogenes. Cliver, DO. eds In: Food-borne Diseases. San Diego: Academic Press Inc, 1991; pp.248-6.
3. Benkerroum N, Oubel H, Sandine WE. Ef-fect of nisin on yogurt starter and on growth and survival of L.monocytogenes during fermentation and storage of yogurt. Int J Food Saf 2003; 1(1): 1-5.
4. Berrada H, Soriano JM, Pico Y, Manes J. Quantification of L.monocytogenes in salads by real time. Int J Food Microbiol 2006; 2(107): 202-6.
5. Carminati D, Perrone A, Giraffa G, Neviani E, Mucchetti G. Characterization of L.monocytogenes strains isolated from Gor-gonzola cheese rinds. Food Microbiol 2004; 6(21): 801-7.
6. Demirkaya AK, Ceylan ZG. Bilecik’te tüketi-me sunulan yoğurtların kimyasal ve mikrobi-yolojik kalitesinin araştırılması. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg 2013; 8(3): 202-9.
7. D’Urso O F, Poltronieri P, Marsigliante S, Storelli C, Hernandez M, Rodriguez-Lazaro D. Filtration-based real-time PCR method for the quantitative detection of viable Sal-monella enterica and L.monocytogenes in food samples. Food Microbiol 2009; 3(26): 311-6.
8. Guilbaud M, de Coppet P, Bourion F, Rach-man C, Prevost H, Dousset X. Quantitative detection of L. monocytogenes in biofilms by real-time PCR. Appl Environ Microbiol 2005; 71(4): 2190-4.
9. Goulet V, de Valk H, Pierre O, Stainer F, Rocourt J, Vaillant V. Effect of prevention measures on incidence of human listeriosis, France, 1987-1997. Emerg Infect Dis 2001; 7(6): 983-9.
10. International Organization for Standardiza-tion, Microbiology of Food and Animal Fee-ding Stuffs - Horizontal Method for the De-tection and Enumeration of L. monocytoge-nes Part 1: Detection Method. Amendment 1: Modification of the Isolation Media and the Haemolysis Test, and Inclusion of Preci-sion Data. ISO 11290-1: 1996/Amd 1, 2004; Geneva, Switzerland.
11. Jalali M, Abedi D. Prevalence of Listeria species in food products in Isfahan, Iran. Int J Food Microbiol 2008; 122(3): 336-40.
12. Muhammed W, Muleta D, Deneke Y, Gas-haw A, Bitew M. Studies on occurence of L. monocytogenes and other species in milk and milk products in retail market of Jimma town, Ethiopia. Asian J D Food Res 2013; 32(1): 35-9.
13. Mugampoza D, Muyanja CMBK, Ogwok P, Serunjogi ML, Nasinyama GW. Occurrence of L. monocytogenes in bulked raw milk and traditionally fermented dairy products inUganda. African J Food Agric, Nut Dev 2011; 2(11): 4610-22.
14. Oravcova K, Trncikova T, Kaclikova E. Comparison of three real-time PCR-based methods for the detection of L. monocytoge-nes in food. J Food Nut Res 2007; 46(2): 63-7.
15. Rodriguez-Lazaro D, Jofre A, Aymerich T, Hugas M, Pla M. Rapid quantitative detec-tion of L. monocytogenes in Meat Products by real-time PCR. App Env Microbiol 2004; 70(10): 6299-301.
16. Rossmanith P, Krassnig M, Wagner M, Hein I. Detection of L. monocytogenes in food using a combined enrichment/real-time PCR method targeting the prfA gene. Res Micro-biol 2006; 157(8): 763-71.
17. Seeliger H, Jones D. Genus Listeria. Sneath P, Mair N, Sharpe M. eds In: Bergey's Ma-nual of Systematic Bacteriology Volume 2. Baltimore: Springer, 1986; p. 1335-45.
18. Shamloo E, Jalali M, Mirlohi M, Madani G, Metcalf D, Merasi MR. Prevalence of Liste-ria species in raw milk and traditional dairy products in Isfahan. Iran Int J Env Health Eng 2015; 4(1): 1-5.
19. Wijendra WAS, Kulathunga KAKC, Ramesh R, Barbuddhe SB, Malik SVS, Rawool DB. First report of L.monocytogenes serotypes detected from milk and milk products in Sri Lanka. Adv Anim Vet Sci 2014; 2(5S): 11-6.
Year 2017,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 81 - 86, 15.08.2017
Serap Kılıç Altun
Akın Yiğin
Mehmet Demirci
- 1. Aygun O, Pehlivanlar S. Listeria spp. in the raw milk and dairy products in Antakya, Tur-key. Food Control 2006; 17(8): 676-9.
2. Bahk J, Marth EH. Listeriosis and L.monocytogenes. Cliver, DO. eds In: Food-borne Diseases. San Diego: Academic Press Inc, 1991; pp.248-6.
3. Benkerroum N, Oubel H, Sandine WE. Ef-fect of nisin on yogurt starter and on growth and survival of L.monocytogenes during fermentation and storage of yogurt. Int J Food Saf 2003; 1(1): 1-5.
4. Berrada H, Soriano JM, Pico Y, Manes J. Quantification of L.monocytogenes in salads by real time. Int J Food Microbiol 2006; 2(107): 202-6.
5. Carminati D, Perrone A, Giraffa G, Neviani E, Mucchetti G. Characterization of L.monocytogenes strains isolated from Gor-gonzola cheese rinds. Food Microbiol 2004; 6(21): 801-7.
6. Demirkaya AK, Ceylan ZG. Bilecik’te tüketi-me sunulan yoğurtların kimyasal ve mikrobi-yolojik kalitesinin araştırılması. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg 2013; 8(3): 202-9.
7. D’Urso O F, Poltronieri P, Marsigliante S, Storelli C, Hernandez M, Rodriguez-Lazaro D. Filtration-based real-time PCR method for the quantitative detection of viable Sal-monella enterica and L.monocytogenes in food samples. Food Microbiol 2009; 3(26): 311-6.
8. Guilbaud M, de Coppet P, Bourion F, Rach-man C, Prevost H, Dousset X. Quantitative detection of L. monocytogenes in biofilms by real-time PCR. Appl Environ Microbiol 2005; 71(4): 2190-4.
9. Goulet V, de Valk H, Pierre O, Stainer F, Rocourt J, Vaillant V. Effect of prevention measures on incidence of human listeriosis, France, 1987-1997. Emerg Infect Dis 2001; 7(6): 983-9.
10. International Organization for Standardiza-tion, Microbiology of Food and Animal Fee-ding Stuffs - Horizontal Method for the De-tection and Enumeration of L. monocytoge-nes Part 1: Detection Method. Amendment 1: Modification of the Isolation Media and the Haemolysis Test, and Inclusion of Preci-sion Data. ISO 11290-1: 1996/Amd 1, 2004; Geneva, Switzerland.
11. Jalali M, Abedi D. Prevalence of Listeria species in food products in Isfahan, Iran. Int J Food Microbiol 2008; 122(3): 336-40.
12. Muhammed W, Muleta D, Deneke Y, Gas-haw A, Bitew M. Studies on occurence of L. monocytogenes and other species in milk and milk products in retail market of Jimma town, Ethiopia. Asian J D Food Res 2013; 32(1): 35-9.
13. Mugampoza D, Muyanja CMBK, Ogwok P, Serunjogi ML, Nasinyama GW. Occurrence of L. monocytogenes in bulked raw milk and traditionally fermented dairy products inUganda. African J Food Agric, Nut Dev 2011; 2(11): 4610-22.
14. Oravcova K, Trncikova T, Kaclikova E. Comparison of three real-time PCR-based methods for the detection of L. monocytoge-nes in food. J Food Nut Res 2007; 46(2): 63-7.
15. Rodriguez-Lazaro D, Jofre A, Aymerich T, Hugas M, Pla M. Rapid quantitative detec-tion of L. monocytogenes in Meat Products by real-time PCR. App Env Microbiol 2004; 70(10): 6299-301.
16. Rossmanith P, Krassnig M, Wagner M, Hein I. Detection of L. monocytogenes in food using a combined enrichment/real-time PCR method targeting the prfA gene. Res Micro-biol 2006; 157(8): 763-71.
17. Seeliger H, Jones D. Genus Listeria. Sneath P, Mair N, Sharpe M. eds In: Bergey's Ma-nual of Systematic Bacteriology Volume 2. Baltimore: Springer, 1986; p. 1335-45.
18. Shamloo E, Jalali M, Mirlohi M, Madani G, Metcalf D, Merasi MR. Prevalence of Liste-ria species in raw milk and traditional dairy products in Isfahan. Iran Int J Env Health Eng 2015; 4(1): 1-5.
19. Wijendra WAS, Kulathunga KAKC, Ramesh R, Barbuddhe SB, Malik SVS, Rawool DB. First report of L.monocytogenes serotypes detected from milk and milk products in Sri Lanka. Adv Anim Vet Sci 2014; 2(5S): 11-6.