Ackermann MR, Kehril ME, Morfitt DC, 1993. Ventral dermatitis and vasculitis in a calf with bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 202: 413-415.
Agerholm S, Bendixen C, Andersen O, 2001. Arnbjerg malformation in Holstein calves. J Vet Diagn Invest, 13: 283–289. Complex vertebral
Agerholm JS, Bendixen C, Arnbjerg J, Andersen O, 2004. Morphological variation of “complex vertebral malformation” in Holstein calves. J Vet Diagn Invest, 16: 548–553.
Akyüz B, Kul BÇ, 2009. Türkiye’de Holştayn ırkı ineklerde üridin monofosfat senteaz eksikliğinin (DUMPS) belirlenmesi. Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 56: 231-232. Ankara
Akyüz B, Ertuğrul O, 2008. Türkiyede Holştsyan ve yerli sığırlarda üridin monofosfat senteaz eksikliğinin (DUMPS) belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 55: 57-60.
Akyüz B, Ertuğrul O, 2006. Detection of bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD) in Turkish native and Holstein cattle. Acta Vet Hung, 54: 173-178.
Andresen E, Basse A, Brummerstedt E, 1974. Lethal trait A 46 in cattle. Additional genetic investigations. Nord Vet Med, 26: 275-278.
Andresen E, Flagstad T, Basse A, 1970. Evidence of lethal trait A 46 in Black Pied Danish cattle of Friesian descent. Nord Vet Med, 22: 473-485.
Aprison MH, Daly EC, Shank RP, Mc Bride WJ, 1976. Neurochemical evidence for glycine as a transmitter and a model for its intra synaptosomal compartmentation. In metabolic compartmentation Anim Genet, 56: 37-63. neurotransmission.
Arthur PF, Renand G, Krauss D, 2001. Genetic and phenotypic relationships among different measures of growth and feed efficiency in young Charolais bulls. Lives Prod Sci, 68: 131–139.
Ayers J, Leipod HW, Padgett GA, 1988. Lession in Brangus cattle with chediak-higashi syndrome. Vet Pathol, 25: 432-436.
Başaran N, 1996. Tıbbi Genetik. Altıncı Baskı. İstanbul: Bilim Teknik Yayınevi, s. 49.
Batt CA, Wagner P, Wiedmann M, Luo J, Gilbert R, 1994. Detection of bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency by nonisotopic ligase chain reaction. Anim Genet, 25: 95-98.
Berg T, Healy PJ, Tollersrud OK, Nilssen O, 1997. Molecular heterogeneity for bovine α- mannosidosis: detection of breed-specific mutations. Res Vet Sci, 63: 279–282. based assays for
Berg T, Tollersrud OK, Walkley SU, Siegel DA, Nilssen O, 1997. Purification of feline lysosomal a-mannosidase, determination of its cDNA sequence and identification of a mutation causing a-mannosidosis in Persian cats. Biochem J, 328: 863–870.
Brush PJ, Anderson PH, Gunning RF, 1987. The identification of factor XI deficiency in Holstein-Friesian cattle in Britain. Vet Rec, 121: 14–17.
Citek J, Rehout V, Hajkova J, Pavkova J, 2006. Monitoring of the genetic health of cattle in the Czech Republic. Vet Med Czech, 51(6): 333–339.
Citek J, Rehout V, Vecerek L, Hajkova J, 2007. Genotyping glycogen storage disease type II and type V in cattle reared in the Czech Republic. J Vet Med, 54: 257-259.
Craznik U, Grzybowski G, Kaminski S, Prusak B, Zabolewicz T, 2007. Effectiveness of a program aimed at the elimination of BLAD- carrier bulls from Polish Holstein-Fresien cattle. Vet Rec, 43: 56-70.
Curtis DR, Jhonston GAR, 1974. Amino acid transmitters in the mammalian central nervous system. Ergebn Physiol, 69: 97-189.
Dennis JA, Healy PJ, 1999. Definition of the mutation responsible for maple syrup urine disease in Poll Shorthorns and genotyping Poll Shorthorns and Poll Herefords for maple syrup urine disease alleles. Res Vet Sci, 67 (1): 1–6.
Distl O, 2005. The use of molecular genetics in eliminating of inherited anomalies in cattle. Arch Tierz Dummerstorf, 48(3): 209-218.
El-Hamidi M, Leipold HW, Vestweber JG, Saperstein G, 1989. Spinal muscular atrophy on Brown Swiss calves. J Vet Med, 36: 731- 738.
Gentry PA, Black WD, 1980. Prevalence and inheritance thromboplastin antecedent) deficiency in cattle. J Dairy Sci, 63: 616-620. XI (plasma
Ghanem ME, Nakao T, Nishibori M, 2006. Deficiency syntheses (DUMPS) and X-chromosome deletion in fetal mummification in cattle. Anim Reprod Sci, 91: 45-54. monophosphate
Gilbert RO, Rebhun WC, Kim CA, Kehril ME, Schuster DE, Ackermann MR, 1993. Clinical manifestations deficiency in cattle: 14 cases (1977-1991). J Am Vet Med Assoc, 202: 445-449. adhesion
Grobet L, Martin RLJ, Poncelet D, Pirottin D, Brouwers B, Riquet J, Schoeberlein A, Dunner S, Menissier F, Massabanda J, Fries R, Hanset R, Georges M, 1997. A deletion in the myostatin gene causes double-muscling in cattle. Nat Genet, 17: 71-74.
Grupe S, Dietle G, Schwerin M, 1996. Population survey of citrullinaemia on German Holsteins. Livest Prod Sci, 45: 35–38.
Gundlach AL, 1990. Disorder of the inhibitory glycine receptor inherited myoclonus in Poll Hereford calves. FASEB J, 4: 2761-2767.
Gutierrez JP, Canon JP, Goyache F, 1997. Estimation of direct and maternal genetic parameters for preweaning traits in the Asturiana de los Vallesbeef cattle breed through animal and sire models. J Anim Breed Genet, 114: 261-266.
Hanset R, Michaux C, 1985. On the genetic determinism of muscular hypertrophy in the Belgian White and Blue cattle breed. Genet Sel Evol, 17: 359-368.
Harper PA, Healy PJ, Dennis JA, Obrine JJ, Rayward DH, 1986. Citrullinaemia as a cause of death in neonatal Friesian calves. Aust Vet J, 63: 378.
Healy PJ, 1996. Testing for undesirable traits in cattle: an Australian perspective. J Anim Sci, 74: 917–922.
Hirano T, Hirotsune S, Thomsen B, Horn P, Panitz F, Bendixen A, Petersen AH, Holm LE, Nielsen VH, Agerholm JS, Arnbjerg J, Bendixen C, 2006. A missense mutation in the bovine SLC35A3 gene, encoding a UDP-N- acetylglucosamine complex vertebral malformation. Res, 16: 97-105. transporter causes Genome
Hocking JD, Jolly RD, Batt RD 1972. Deficiency of a-mannosidase in Angus cattle: an inherited lysosomal storage disease. Biochem J, 128: 69–78.
Houweling P, Cavanagh J, Palmer D, Frugier T,Mitchell NL, Windsor PA, Raadsma HW, Tammen lipofuscinosis in Devon cattle is caused by a single base duplication (c.662dupG) in the bovine CLN5 gene. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1762: 890–897. Neuronal ceroid
Inaba M, Yawata A, Koshino I, Sato K, Takeuchi M, Takakuwa Y, Manno S, Yawata Y, Kanzaki A, Sakai J, Ban A, Ono K, Maede Y, 1996. Defective anion transport and marked instability caused by hereditary total deficiency of red cell band 3 in cattle due to a nonsense mutation. J Clin Invest, 97: 1804-1817.
Inaba M, 2000. Red blood cell membrane defects. Feldman BF. Zinkl JG. Jain NC. eds. Schalm’s Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 1012-1019. Hematology.
Jánosa Á, Baranyai B, Dohy J, 1999. Comparison of milk production of the progeny
teşhisinde hızlı ve kesin sonuçlar vermesi nedeniy
le son derece önemlidir. Tüm bu veriler göz önüne
alınacak olursa henüz Türkiye’de kalıtsal hastalık
lar ile ilgili araştırmalara ve kalıtsal hastalıkların
sebep olabileceği ekonomik kayıplara gereken
önemin verilmediği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Hastalıkla
rın moleküler teknikler kullanılarak gen düzeyinde
teşhisine önem verilmesi ile kalıtsal hastalıklar
ucuz ve pratik olarak teşhis edilirken ekonomik
kayıplar da azaltılabilir. Damızlık olarak seçilen
hayvanların damızlık olarak kullanılmasından önce
o ırkta en sık görülen kalıtsal hastalıklar yönünden
taranması ve taşıyıcı olup/olmadıklarının belirlen
mesi gerekmektedir. Kaynaklar
Ackermann MR, Kehril ME, Morfitt DC, 1993. Ventral dermatitis and vasculitis in a calf with bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 202: 413-415.
Agerholm S, Bendixen C, Andersen O, 2001. Arnbjerg malformation in Holstein calves. J Vet Diagn Invest, 13: 283–289. Complex vertebral
Agerholm JS, Bendixen C, Arnbjerg J, Andersen O, 2004. Morphological variation of “complex vertebral malformation” in Holstein calves. J Vet Diagn Invest, 16: 548–553.
Akyüz B, Kul BÇ, 2009. Türkiye’de Holştayn ırkı ineklerde üridin monofosfat senteaz eksikliğinin (DUMPS) belirlenmesi. Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 56: 231-232. Ankara
Akyüz B, Ertuğrul O, 2008. Türkiyede Holştsyan ve yerli sığırlarda üridin monofosfat senteaz eksikliğinin (DUMPS) belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 55: 57-60.
Akyüz B, Ertuğrul O, 2006. Detection of bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD) in Turkish native and Holstein cattle. Acta Vet Hung, 54: 173-178.
Andresen E, Basse A, Brummerstedt E, 1974. Lethal trait A 46 in cattle. Additional genetic investigations. Nord Vet Med, 26: 275-278.
Andresen E, Flagstad T, Basse A, 1970. Evidence of lethal trait A 46 in Black Pied Danish cattle of Friesian descent. Nord Vet Med, 22: 473-485.
Aprison MH, Daly EC, Shank RP, Mc Bride WJ, 1976. Neurochemical evidence for glycine as a transmitter and a model for its intra synaptosomal compartmentation. In metabolic compartmentation Anim Genet, 56: 37-63. neurotransmission.
Arthur PF, Renand G, Krauss D, 2001. Genetic and phenotypic relationships among different measures of growth and feed efficiency in young Charolais bulls. Lives Prod Sci, 68: 131–139.
Ayers J, Leipod HW, Padgett GA, 1988. Lession in Brangus cattle with chediak-higashi syndrome. Vet Pathol, 25: 432-436.
Başaran N, 1996. Tıbbi Genetik. Altıncı Baskı. İstanbul: Bilim Teknik Yayınevi, s. 49.
Batt CA, Wagner P, Wiedmann M, Luo J, Gilbert R, 1994. Detection of bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency by nonisotopic ligase chain reaction. Anim Genet, 25: 95-98.
Berg T, Healy PJ, Tollersrud OK, Nilssen O, 1997. Molecular heterogeneity for bovine α- mannosidosis: detection of breed-specific mutations. Res Vet Sci, 63: 279–282. based assays for
Berg T, Tollersrud OK, Walkley SU, Siegel DA, Nilssen O, 1997. Purification of feline lysosomal a-mannosidase, determination of its cDNA sequence and identification of a mutation causing a-mannosidosis in Persian cats. Biochem J, 328: 863–870.
Brush PJ, Anderson PH, Gunning RF, 1987. The identification of factor XI deficiency in Holstein-Friesian cattle in Britain. Vet Rec, 121: 14–17.
Citek J, Rehout V, Hajkova J, Pavkova J, 2006. Monitoring of the genetic health of cattle in the Czech Republic. Vet Med Czech, 51(6): 333–339.
Citek J, Rehout V, Vecerek L, Hajkova J, 2007. Genotyping glycogen storage disease type II and type V in cattle reared in the Czech Republic. J Vet Med, 54: 257-259.
Craznik U, Grzybowski G, Kaminski S, Prusak B, Zabolewicz T, 2007. Effectiveness of a program aimed at the elimination of BLAD- carrier bulls from Polish Holstein-Fresien cattle. Vet Rec, 43: 56-70.
Curtis DR, Jhonston GAR, 1974. Amino acid transmitters in the mammalian central nervous system. Ergebn Physiol, 69: 97-189.
Dennis JA, Healy PJ, 1999. Definition of the mutation responsible for maple syrup urine disease in Poll Shorthorns and genotyping Poll Shorthorns and Poll Herefords for maple syrup urine disease alleles. Res Vet Sci, 67 (1): 1–6.
Distl O, 2005. The use of molecular genetics in eliminating of inherited anomalies in cattle. Arch Tierz Dummerstorf, 48(3): 209-218.
El-Hamidi M, Leipold HW, Vestweber JG, Saperstein G, 1989. Spinal muscular atrophy on Brown Swiss calves. J Vet Med, 36: 731- 738.
Gentry PA, Black WD, 1980. Prevalence and inheritance thromboplastin antecedent) deficiency in cattle. J Dairy Sci, 63: 616-620. XI (plasma
Ghanem ME, Nakao T, Nishibori M, 2006. Deficiency syntheses (DUMPS) and X-chromosome deletion in fetal mummification in cattle. Anim Reprod Sci, 91: 45-54. monophosphate
Gilbert RO, Rebhun WC, Kim CA, Kehril ME, Schuster DE, Ackermann MR, 1993. Clinical manifestations deficiency in cattle: 14 cases (1977-1991). J Am Vet Med Assoc, 202: 445-449. adhesion
Grobet L, Martin RLJ, Poncelet D, Pirottin D, Brouwers B, Riquet J, Schoeberlein A, Dunner S, Menissier F, Massabanda J, Fries R, Hanset R, Georges M, 1997. A deletion in the myostatin gene causes double-muscling in cattle. Nat Genet, 17: 71-74.
Grupe S, Dietle G, Schwerin M, 1996. Population survey of citrullinaemia on German Holsteins. Livest Prod Sci, 45: 35–38.
Gundlach AL, 1990. Disorder of the inhibitory glycine receptor inherited myoclonus in Poll Hereford calves. FASEB J, 4: 2761-2767.
Gutierrez JP, Canon JP, Goyache F, 1997. Estimation of direct and maternal genetic parameters for preweaning traits in the Asturiana de los Vallesbeef cattle breed through animal and sire models. J Anim Breed Genet, 114: 261-266.
Hanset R, Michaux C, 1985. On the genetic determinism of muscular hypertrophy in the Belgian White and Blue cattle breed. Genet Sel Evol, 17: 359-368.
Harper PA, Healy PJ, Dennis JA, Obrine JJ, Rayward DH, 1986. Citrullinaemia as a cause of death in neonatal Friesian calves. Aust Vet J, 63: 378.
Healy PJ, 1996. Testing for undesirable traits in cattle: an Australian perspective. J Anim Sci, 74: 917–922.
Hirano T, Hirotsune S, Thomsen B, Horn P, Panitz F, Bendixen A, Petersen AH, Holm LE, Nielsen VH, Agerholm JS, Arnbjerg J, Bendixen C, 2006. A missense mutation in the bovine SLC35A3 gene, encoding a UDP-N- acetylglucosamine complex vertebral malformation. Res, 16: 97-105. transporter causes Genome
Hocking JD, Jolly RD, Batt RD 1972. Deficiency of a-mannosidase in Angus cattle: an inherited lysosomal storage disease. Biochem J, 128: 69–78.
Houweling P, Cavanagh J, Palmer D, Frugier T,Mitchell NL, Windsor PA, Raadsma HW, Tammen lipofuscinosis in Devon cattle is caused by a single base duplication (c.662dupG) in the bovine CLN5 gene. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1762: 890–897. Neuronal ceroid
Inaba M, Yawata A, Koshino I, Sato K, Takeuchi M, Takakuwa Y, Manno S, Yawata Y, Kanzaki A, Sakai J, Ban A, Ono K, Maede Y, 1996. Defective anion transport and marked instability caused by hereditary total deficiency of red cell band 3 in cattle due to a nonsense mutation. J Clin Invest, 97: 1804-1817.
Inaba M, 2000. Red blood cell membrane defects. Feldman BF. Zinkl JG. Jain NC. eds. Schalm’s Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 1012-1019. Hematology.
Jánosa Á, Baranyai B, Dohy J, 1999. Comparison of milk production of the progeny of BLAD-carrier and healthy Holstein bulls in Hungary. Acta Vet Hung, 47(3): 283-289.
Jhonstone AD, McSporran KD, Kenny JE, Anderson IL, MacPherson GR, Jolly RD, 2004. Myophosphorylase deficiency (glycogen storage disease Type V) in a herd of Charlolais cattle Conformation by PCR-RFLP testing. N Z Vet in J, 52(6): 404-408. New Zealand:
Jolly RD, Gibson AJ, Healy PJ, Slack PM, Birtles MJ, 1992. Bovine ceroid lipofuscinosis: pathology of blindness. N Z Vet J, 40: 107– 111.
Kaminski S, Grzybowski G, Prusak B, Rusc A, 2005. No incidence of DUMPS carriers in Polish dairy cattle. J Apply Genet, 46(4): 395- 397.
Kehril MK, Ackermann MR, Schuster DE, Van Der Maaten MJ, Schmalstieg FC, Anderson DC, Hughes BJ, 1992. Animal model of human disease, bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency, β2 integrin deficiency in young Holstein cattle. Cornell Vet, 82: 103-109.
Kishimoto TK, Larson RS, Corbi AL, Dustin ML, Staunton DE, Springer TA, 1989. The leukocyte integrins. Adv İmmunol, 46: 149- 182.
Kroneman J, vd Mey GJ, Helder A, 1975. Hereditary zinc deficiency in Dutch Friesian cattle. Zbl Vet Med, 22: 201-208.
Kunieda T, Ide H, Nakagiri M, Yoneda K, Konfortov B, 1999. Localization of the locus responsible for chediak-higashi syndrome in cattle to bovine chromosome 28. Anim Genet, 86: 591-594.
Laponten JM, Lachance S, Steffen DL, 2000. Tibial hemimelia meningocele and abdominal hernia in Shorthorn cattle. Vet Pathol, 37: 508–511. 50. Leipold HW, Schmidt G, Steffen DJ, Vestweber JG, Huston K, 1998. Hereditary syndactyly in Angus cattle. J Vet Diagn Invest, 10: 247–254.
Margo M, Montgomery T, Holland R, Dunstan Braselton Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan hereditary zinc deficiency: lethal trait A 46. J Vet Diagn Invest, 8: 219-227. 1996. V, Bovine
Marron BM, Robinson JL, Gentry PA, Beever JE, 2004. Identification of a mutation associated with factor XI deficiency in Holstayn cattle. Anim Genet, 35(6): 454-456.
Meydan H, Yildiz MA, Ozdil F, Gedik Y, Ozbeyaz C. 2009. Identification of factor XI deficiency in Holstein cattle in Turkey. Acta Vet Scand, 22: 51-55.
Müeller KE, Rutten VPMG, Becker CK, Hoek A, Bernadina WE, Wentink GH, Figdor CG, 1995. Allograft rejection in cattle with bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency. Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 48: 55-63.
Mukhopadhyaya PN, Jha M, Muraleedharan P, Gupta PP, Rathod RN, Mehta HH, Khoda VK,2006. Simulation of normal, carrier and affected controls for large-scale genotyping of cattle for factor XI deficiency. Genet Mol Res, 5 (2): 323-332.
Nagahata H, 2000. Bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD). J Vet Med Sci, 66(12): 1475-1482.
Nagahata H, Nochi H, Tamoto K, Taniyama H, Noda H, Morita M, Kanamaki M, Kociba GJ, 1993. Bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency in Holstein cattle. Can J Vet Res, 57: 255-261.
Nagahata H, Kehril ME, Murata H, Okada H, Noda H, Kociba GJ, 1994. Neutrophil function and pathologic findings in Holstein calves with leukocyte adhesion deficiency. Am J Vet Res, 55: 40-48.
Ojo SA, Guffy MM, Saperstein G, Leipold HW, 1974. Tibial hemimelia in Galloway calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 165(6): 548-550.
Olchowy TWJ, Bochsler PN, Welborn MG, 1994. Clinopathological findings in a Holstein calf with peripheral leukositosis and leukocyte adhesion deficiency. Can Vet J, 35: 242-243.
Padget GA, Reiquam CW, Gorham JR, Henson JB, O’mary CC, 1967. Comparative studies of the chediak-higashi syndrome. Am J Pathol, 51: 553-571.
Patel RK, Singh KM, Soni KJ, Chauhan B, Sambasiva RKRS, 2006. Lack of carriers of citrullinaemia and DUMPS in Indian Holstein cattle. J Appl Genet, 47(3): 239–242.
Rollins, WC, Tanaka M, Nott, CFG, Thiessen RB, 1972. On the mode of inheritance of double muscled conformation in bovine. Hilgardia Oakland, 41: 433-456.
Sasaki S, Kikuchi T, Sugimoto Y, 2002. A new deletion mutation in bovine claudin-16 (CL-16) deficiency and diagnosis. Anim Genet, 33: 118–122.
Schuster DE, Kehril ME, Ackermann MR, 1992. Gilbert prevalence of a genetic defect that causes leukocyte adhesion deficiency in Holstein cattle. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 89: 9225-9229. and
Schwenger W, Schöber S, Simon D, 1993. DUMPS cattle carry a point mutation in the uridine Genomics, 16: 241-244. synthase gene.
Smitt PAE, de Jong JMB, 1989. Animal models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the spinal muscular atrophies. J Neurolog Sci, 91: 231-258.
Soethout EC, Verkaar ELC, Jansen GH, Müller KE, Lenstra JA, 2002. A direct Styl polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) test for the myophosphorylase mutation in cattle. J Vet Med, 49: 289-290.
Tollersrud OK, Berg T, Healy PJ, Evjen G, U, Ramachandran Purification Nilssen bovine mannosidase, characterization of its gene and determination of two mutations that cause α- mannosidosis. Eur J Biochem, 246: 410–419.
Troyer D, Cash W C, Vestweber J, Hiraga T, Leipold HW, 1993. Review of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in Brown Swiss cattle. J Vet Diagn Invest, 5: 303-306. 72. Yeaman S, 1989. The 2-oxo acid dehydrogenase complexes recent advances. Biochem J, 257: 625–632.
Zhang B, Healy PJ, Zhao Y, Crabb DW, Harris R, 1990. Premature translation termination of the pre-E1alpha subunit of the branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase as a cause of maple syrup urine disease in polled Hereford calves. J Biol Chem, 265(5): 2425–2427.
Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar
Year 2009,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 43 - 51, 01.03.2009
Kalıtsal hastalıklar çiftlik hayvanlarında önemli verim ve ekonomik kayıplara sebep olan önemli bir hastalık grubudur. Kalıtsal hastalıkların moleküler mekanizmalarını anlamak, hastalıkları sürüden uzaklaştırmada önemli avantajlarsağlamaktadır. Hastalıkların gen düzeyinde moleküler tekniklerle teşhis yöntemlerine önem verilmesi ile kalıtsal hastalıklar ucuz ve pratik olarak teşhis edilirken ekonomik kayıplar azaltılabilir. Bu derlemede sığır kalıtsal hastalıkları hakkında bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır
Ackermann MR, Kehril ME, Morfitt DC, 1993. Ventral dermatitis and vasculitis in a calf with bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 202: 413-415.
Agerholm S, Bendixen C, Andersen O, 2001. Arnbjerg malformation in Holstein calves. J Vet Diagn Invest, 13: 283–289. Complex vertebral
Agerholm JS, Bendixen C, Arnbjerg J, Andersen O, 2004. Morphological variation of “complex vertebral malformation” in Holstein calves. J Vet Diagn Invest, 16: 548–553.
Akyüz B, Kul BÇ, 2009. Türkiye’de Holştayn ırkı ineklerde üridin monofosfat senteaz eksikliğinin (DUMPS) belirlenmesi. Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 56: 231-232. Ankara
Akyüz B, Ertuğrul O, 2008. Türkiyede Holştsyan ve yerli sığırlarda üridin monofosfat senteaz eksikliğinin (DUMPS) belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 55: 57-60.
Akyüz B, Ertuğrul O, 2006. Detection of bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD) in Turkish native and Holstein cattle. Acta Vet Hung, 54: 173-178.
Andresen E, Basse A, Brummerstedt E, 1974. Lethal trait A 46 in cattle. Additional genetic investigations. Nord Vet Med, 26: 275-278.
Andresen E, Flagstad T, Basse A, 1970. Evidence of lethal trait A 46 in Black Pied Danish cattle of Friesian descent. Nord Vet Med, 22: 473-485.
Aprison MH, Daly EC, Shank RP, Mc Bride WJ, 1976. Neurochemical evidence for glycine as a transmitter and a model for its intra synaptosomal compartmentation. In metabolic compartmentation Anim Genet, 56: 37-63. neurotransmission.
Arthur PF, Renand G, Krauss D, 2001. Genetic and phenotypic relationships among different measures of growth and feed efficiency in young Charolais bulls. Lives Prod Sci, 68: 131–139.
Ayers J, Leipod HW, Padgett GA, 1988. Lession in Brangus cattle with chediak-higashi syndrome. Vet Pathol, 25: 432-436.
Başaran N, 1996. Tıbbi Genetik. Altıncı Baskı. İstanbul: Bilim Teknik Yayınevi, s. 49.
Batt CA, Wagner P, Wiedmann M, Luo J, Gilbert R, 1994. Detection of bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency by nonisotopic ligase chain reaction. Anim Genet, 25: 95-98.
Berg T, Healy PJ, Tollersrud OK, Nilssen O, 1997. Molecular heterogeneity for bovine α- mannosidosis: detection of breed-specific mutations. Res Vet Sci, 63: 279–282. based assays for
Berg T, Tollersrud OK, Walkley SU, Siegel DA, Nilssen O, 1997. Purification of feline lysosomal a-mannosidase, determination of its cDNA sequence and identification of a mutation causing a-mannosidosis in Persian cats. Biochem J, 328: 863–870.
Brush PJ, Anderson PH, Gunning RF, 1987. The identification of factor XI deficiency in Holstein-Friesian cattle in Britain. Vet Rec, 121: 14–17.
Citek J, Rehout V, Hajkova J, Pavkova J, 2006. Monitoring of the genetic health of cattle in the Czech Republic. Vet Med Czech, 51(6): 333–339.
Citek J, Rehout V, Vecerek L, Hajkova J, 2007. Genotyping glycogen storage disease type II and type V in cattle reared in the Czech Republic. J Vet Med, 54: 257-259.
Craznik U, Grzybowski G, Kaminski S, Prusak B, Zabolewicz T, 2007. Effectiveness of a program aimed at the elimination of BLAD- carrier bulls from Polish Holstein-Fresien cattle. Vet Rec, 43: 56-70.
Curtis DR, Jhonston GAR, 1974. Amino acid transmitters in the mammalian central nervous system. Ergebn Physiol, 69: 97-189.
Dennis JA, Healy PJ, 1999. Definition of the mutation responsible for maple syrup urine disease in Poll Shorthorns and genotyping Poll Shorthorns and Poll Herefords for maple syrup urine disease alleles. Res Vet Sci, 67 (1): 1–6.
Distl O, 2005. The use of molecular genetics in eliminating of inherited anomalies in cattle. Arch Tierz Dummerstorf, 48(3): 209-218.
El-Hamidi M, Leipold HW, Vestweber JG, Saperstein G, 1989. Spinal muscular atrophy on Brown Swiss calves. J Vet Med, 36: 731- 738.
Gentry PA, Black WD, 1980. Prevalence and inheritance thromboplastin antecedent) deficiency in cattle. J Dairy Sci, 63: 616-620. XI (plasma
Ghanem ME, Nakao T, Nishibori M, 2006. Deficiency syntheses (DUMPS) and X-chromosome deletion in fetal mummification in cattle. Anim Reprod Sci, 91: 45-54. monophosphate
Gilbert RO, Rebhun WC, Kim CA, Kehril ME, Schuster DE, Ackermann MR, 1993. Clinical manifestations deficiency in cattle: 14 cases (1977-1991). J Am Vet Med Assoc, 202: 445-449. adhesion
Grobet L, Martin RLJ, Poncelet D, Pirottin D, Brouwers B, Riquet J, Schoeberlein A, Dunner S, Menissier F, Massabanda J, Fries R, Hanset R, Georges M, 1997. A deletion in the myostatin gene causes double-muscling in cattle. Nat Genet, 17: 71-74.
Grupe S, Dietle G, Schwerin M, 1996. Population survey of citrullinaemia on German Holsteins. Livest Prod Sci, 45: 35–38.
Gundlach AL, 1990. Disorder of the inhibitory glycine receptor inherited myoclonus in Poll Hereford calves. FASEB J, 4: 2761-2767.
Gutierrez JP, Canon JP, Goyache F, 1997. Estimation of direct and maternal genetic parameters for preweaning traits in the Asturiana de los Vallesbeef cattle breed through animal and sire models. J Anim Breed Genet, 114: 261-266.
Hanset R, Michaux C, 1985. On the genetic determinism of muscular hypertrophy in the Belgian White and Blue cattle breed. Genet Sel Evol, 17: 359-368.
Harper PA, Healy PJ, Dennis JA, Obrine JJ, Rayward DH, 1986. Citrullinaemia as a cause of death in neonatal Friesian calves. Aust Vet J, 63: 378.
Healy PJ, 1996. Testing for undesirable traits in cattle: an Australian perspective. J Anim Sci, 74: 917–922.
Hirano T, Hirotsune S, Thomsen B, Horn P, Panitz F, Bendixen A, Petersen AH, Holm LE, Nielsen VH, Agerholm JS, Arnbjerg J, Bendixen C, 2006. A missense mutation in the bovine SLC35A3 gene, encoding a UDP-N- acetylglucosamine complex vertebral malformation. Res, 16: 97-105. transporter causes Genome
Hocking JD, Jolly RD, Batt RD 1972. Deficiency of a-mannosidase in Angus cattle: an inherited lysosomal storage disease. Biochem J, 128: 69–78.
Houweling P, Cavanagh J, Palmer D, Frugier T,Mitchell NL, Windsor PA, Raadsma HW, Tammen lipofuscinosis in Devon cattle is caused by a single base duplication (c.662dupG) in the bovine CLN5 gene. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1762: 890–897. Neuronal ceroid
Inaba M, Yawata A, Koshino I, Sato K, Takeuchi M, Takakuwa Y, Manno S, Yawata Y, Kanzaki A, Sakai J, Ban A, Ono K, Maede Y, 1996. Defective anion transport and marked instability caused by hereditary total deficiency of red cell band 3 in cattle due to a nonsense mutation. J Clin Invest, 97: 1804-1817.
Inaba M, 2000. Red blood cell membrane defects. Feldman BF. Zinkl JG. Jain NC. eds. Schalm’s Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 1012-1019. Hematology.
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teşhisinde hızlı ve kesin sonuçlar vermesi nedeniy
le son derece önemlidir. Tüm bu veriler göz önüne
alınacak olursa henüz Türkiye’de kalıtsal hastalık
lar ile ilgili araştırmalara ve kalıtsal hastalıkların
sebep olabileceği ekonomik kayıplara gereken
önemin verilmediği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Hastalıkla
rın moleküler teknikler kullanılarak gen düzeyinde
teşhisine önem verilmesi ile kalıtsal hastalıklar
ucuz ve pratik olarak teşhis edilirken ekonomik
kayıplar da azaltılabilir. Damızlık olarak seçilen
hayvanların damızlık olarak kullanılmasından önce
o ırkta en sık görülen kalıtsal hastalıklar yönünden
taranması ve taşıyıcı olup/olmadıklarının belirlen
mesi gerekmektedir. Kaynaklar
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Akyüz, B., & Arslan, K. (2009). Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(1), 43-51.
Akyüz B, Arslan K. Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. March 2009;6(1):43-51.
Akyüz, B., and K. Arslan. “Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 6, no. 1 (March 2009): 43-51.
Akyüz B, Arslan K (March 1, 2009) Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 6 1 43–51.
B. Akyüz and K. Arslan, “Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 43–51, 2009.
Akyüz, B. - Arslan, K. “Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 6/1 (March 2009), 43-51.
Akyüz B, Arslan K. Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2009;6:43–51.
Akyüz, B. and K. Arslan. “Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1, 2009, pp. 43-51.
Akyüz B, Arslan K. Sığır Yetiştiriciliğini Tehdit Eden Kalıtsal Hastalıklar. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2009;6(1):43-51.