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Morbillivirus Infections in Marine Mammals

Year 2012, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 33 - 41, 01.03.2012




  • Aguilar A, Raga JA. The striped dolphin epizootic in the Mediterranean Sea. Ambio 1993; 22: 524-8.
  • Arbelo M, Sierra E, Esperón F, Watanabe TTN, Bellière EN. Herpesvirus infection with severe lymphoid necrosis affecting a beaked whale stranded in the Canary Islands. Dis Aquat Organ 2010; 89: 261-4.
  • Banyard AC, Tiwari A, Barrett T. Morbillivirus infection in pilot whales: strict protein requirement drives genetic conservation. Arch Virol 2011; DOI: 10.1007/s00705-011-1042-8.
  • Barrett T, Blixenkrone-Mİller M, Domingo M, Harder T, Have P, Liess B, Orvell C, Osterhaus AD, Plana J, Svansson V. Round table on morbilliviruses in marine mammals. Vet Microbiol 1992; 33: 287-95.
  • Barrett T, Crowther J, Osterhaus AD, Subbarao SM, Groen J, Haas L, Mamaev LV, Titenko AM, Visser IK, Bostock CJ. Molecular and serological studies on the recent seal virus epizootics in Europe and Siberia. Sci Total Environ 1992; 115: 117-32.
  • Barrett T, Visser IK, Mamaev L, Goatley L, van Bressem MF, Osterhaust AD. Dolphin and porpoise morbilliviruses are genetically distinct from phocine distemper virus. Virology 1993; 193:1010-2.
  • Barrett T, Wohlsein P, Bidewell CA, Rowell SF. Canine distemper virus in a Californian sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Vet Rec 2004; 154: 334-6.
  • Bellière EN, Esperón F, Arbelo M, Muñoz MJ, Fernández A. Presence of herpesvirus in striped dolphins stranded during the cetacean morbilliviru s Mediterranean Spanish coast in 2007. Arch Virol 2010; 155: 1307-11. along the
  • Bellière EN, Esperón F, Fernández A, Arbelo M, Muñoz MJ, Sánchez-Vizcaíno JM. Phylogenetic analysis of a new Cetacean morbillivirus from a short-finned pilot whale stranded in the Canary Islands. Res Vet Sci 2011; 90(2): 324-8.
  • Bergman A, Järplid B, Svensson BM. Pathological findings indicative of distemper in European seals. Vet Microbiol 1990; 23: 331- 41.
  • Blixenkrone-Mİller M, Bolt G, Dannemann Jensen T, Harder TC, Svansson V. Comparative analysis of the attachment protein gene (H) of dolphin morbillivirus. Virus Res 1996; 40: 47-56.
  • Dede A, Arda M, Tonay M. 2011. Türkiye’nin Deniz Memelileri. Erişim adresi: http:// w w w . t u d a v . o r g / i n d e x . p h p ? option=com_content&view=article&id=84% 3Atuerkiyenin-deniz-memelileri&catid=36% 3Abalina-ve-yunus-aratrmalar&Itemid= 50&lang=tr. Erişim tarihi: 17.08.2011.
  • Di Guardo G, Agrimi U, Amaddeo D, McAliskey M, Kennedy S. Morbillivirus infection in a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the coast of Italy. Vet Rec 1992; 26: 579-80.
  • Di Guardo G, Agrimi U, Morelli L, Cardeti G, Terracciano G, Kennedy S. Post mortem investigations on cetaceans found stranded on the coasts of Italy between 1990 and 1993. Vet Rec 1995; 136: 439-42.
  • Di Guardo G, Marruchella G, Agrimi U, Kennedy S. Morbillivirus infections in aquatic mammals: a brief overview. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med 2005; 52: 88-93.
  • Follmann EH, Garner GW, Evermann JF, McKeirnan AJ. Serological evidence of morbillivirus infection in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from Alaska and Russia. Vet Rec 1996; 138(25): 615-8.
  • Gencay A, Oncel T, Karaoğlu T, Sancak AA, Demir AB, Ozkul A. Antibody prevalence to canine distemper virus (CDV) in Stray dogs in Turkey. Rev Med Vet 2004; 155(8-9): 432-4.
  • Grant RJ, Kelley KL, Maruniak JE, Garcia-Maruniak A, Barrett T, Manire CA, Romero CH. Expression from baculovirus and serological reactivity of the nucleocapsid protein of dolphin morbillivirus. Vet Microbiol 2010; 143(2-4): 384-8.
  • Hall AJ, Jepson PD, Goodman SJ, Harkonen T. Phocine distemper virus in the North and European seas–data and models, nature and nurture. Biol Cons 2006; 131: 221-9.
  • Harder TC. Herpesviruses and Morbilliviruses of aquatic and terrestrial carnivores. PhD thesis. Erasmus Univ. And Hannover Vet Sch. Institute of Virology. Virology Program, Hannover-Germany, 1992.
  • Harder TC, Klusmeyer K, Frey HR, Orvell C, Liess B. Intertypic differentiation and detection of intratypic variants among canine and phocid morbillivirus isolates by kinetic neutralization using a novel immunoplaque assay. J Virol Methods 1993; 41: 77-92.
  • Härkönen T, Dietz R, Reijnders P, Teilmann J, Harding K, Hall A, Brasseur S, Siebert U, Goodman SJ, Jepson PD, Dau Rasmussen T, Thompson P. The 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper virus epidemics in European harbour seals. Dis Aquat Organ 2006; 68(2): 115-30.
  • Jauniaux T, Charlier G, Desmecht M, Haelters J, Jacques T, Losson B, Van Gompel J, Tavernier J, Coignoul F. Pathological findings in two fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) with evidence of morbillivirus infection. J Comp Pathol 2000; 123: 198-201.
  • Kennedy S, Smyth JA, Cush PF, Duignan P, Platten M, McCullough SJ, Allan GM. Histopathologic and immunocytochemical studies of distemper in seals. Vet Pathol 1989; 26(2): 97-103.
  • Liess B, Frey HR, Zaghawa A. Morbillivirus in seals: characteristics in cell cultures. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 1989; 96: 180-2. growth
  • Liess B, Frey HR, Zaghawa A, Stede M. Morbillivirus infection of seals (Phoca vitulina) during the 1988 epidemic in the Bay of Heligoland. I. Mode, frequency and significance of cultural virus isolation and neutralizing antibody detection. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B 1989; 36: 601-8.
  • Lonergan M, Hall A, Thompson H, Thompson PM, Pomeroy P, Harwood J. Comparison of the 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper epizootics in British harbour seal Phoca vitulina populations. Dis Aquat Organ 2010; 88: 183-8.
  • McCarthy AJ, Shaw MA, Jepson PD, Brasseur SM, Reijnders PJ, Goodman SJ. Variation in European harbour seal immune response genes and susceptibility to phocine distemper virus (PDV). Infect Genet Evol 2011; DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2011.06.002.
  • Osterhaus AD, Groen J, Spijkers HE,
  • Broeders HW, UytdeHaag FG, de Vries P, Teppema JS, Visser IK, van de Bildt MW, Vedder EJ. Mass mortality in seals caused by a newly discovered morbillivirus. Vet Microbiol 1990; 23: 343-50.
  • Osterhaus AD, Groen H, Niesters M, van de Bildt B, Martina L, Vedder J, Vos H, van Egmond B, Abou-Sidi M E, Barham. Morbilli- virus in monk seal mass mortality. Nature 1997; 388: 838–9.
  • Ozkul A, Akca Y, Alkan F, Barrett T, Karaoglu T, Dagalp SB, Anderson J, Yesilbag K, Cokca- liskan C, Gencay A, Burgu I. Prevalence, dist- ribution, and host range of Peste des petits ruminants virus, Turkey. Emerg Infect Dis 2002; 8(7):708-12.
  • Öztürk B. Akdeniz Foku. Anahtar Kitaplar Yayınevi. İstanbul: 1992; p.13- 30.
  • Pehlivanoğlu F, Yardımcı H. Deniz memelile- rinin bakteriyel infeksiyonları. Vet Hek Der 2007; 78(3): 51-6.
  • Samal SK. Paramxoviruses of animals. Mahy BWC. Regenmortel MHVV. eds. In: Desk En- cyclopedia of Animal and Bacterial Virology. Oxford: Academic Press, 2010; pp. 175-83.
  • Schulman FY, Lipscomb TP, Moffett D, Krafft AE, Lichy JH, Tsai MM, Taubenberger JK, Kennedy S. Histologic, immunohistochemical, and polymerase chain reaction studies of bot- tlenose dolphins from the 1987-1988 United States Atlantic coast epizootic. Vet Pathol 1997; 34: 288-95.
  • Sharma B, Norrby E, Blixenkrone-Möller M, Kövamees J. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the M gene of phocid distemper virus (PDV). The most conserved protein of morbilliviruses shows a uniquely close relationship between PDV and canine distemper virus. Virus Res 1992; 23: 13-25.
  • Soto S, González B, Willoughby K, Maley M, Olvera A, Kennedy S, Marco A, Domingo M. Systemic co-infection in a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). J Comp Pathol 2011; DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2011.04.002. morbillivirus
  • Swart RL, Harder TC, Ross PS, Vos HW, Osterhaus morbillivirus diseases of marine mammals. Infect Agents Dis 1995; 4: 125-30. and
  • Taubenberger JK, Tsai M, Atkin TJ, Fanning TG, Krafft AE, Moeller RB, Kodsi SE, Mense MG, Lipscomb TP. Molecular genetic evidence of a novel morbillivirus in a longfinned pilo whale (Globicephalus melas). Emerg Infect Dis 2000; 6: 42-5.
  • Taubenberger JK, Tsai M, Krafft AE, Lichy JH, Reid AH, Schulman FY, Lipscomb TP. Two morbilliviruses implicated in bottlenose dolphin epizootics. Emerg Infect Dis 1996; 2: 213–6.
  • Van de Bildt MW, Vedder EJ, Martina BE, Sidi BA, Jiddou AB, Ould Barham ME, Androukaki E, Komnenou A, Niesters HG, Osterhaus AD. Morbilliviruses in Mediterranean monk seals. Vet Microbiol 1999; 69(1-2): 19-21.
  • Van Bressem MF, Visser IK, De Swart RL, Orvell C, Stanzani L, Androukaki E, Siakavara K, Osterhaus AD. Dolphin morbillivirus infection Mediterranean Sea. Arch Virol 1993; 129: 235 -42. parts of the
  • Van Bressem MF, Waerebeek KV, Fleming M, Barrett T. Serological evidence of morbillivirus infection in small cetaceans from the Southeast Pacific. Vet Microbiol 1998; 59: 89- 98.
  • Van Bressem M, Waerebeek KV, Jepson PD, Raga JA, Duignan PJ, Nielsen O, Di Beneditto AP, Siciliano S, Ramos R, Kant W, Peddemors V, Kinoshita R, Ross PS, Lopez-Fernandez A, Evans K, Crespo E, Barrett T. An insight into the epidemiology of dolphin morbillivirus worldwide. Vet Microbiol 2001; 81: 287–304.
  • Visser IK, Van Bressem MF, de Swart RL, van de Bildt MW, Vos HW, van der Heijden RW, Saliki JT, Orvell C, Kitching P, Kuiken T. Characterization of morbilliviruses isolated from dolphins and porpoises in Europe. J Gen Virol 1993; 74: 631-41.
  • Welsh MJ, Lyons C, Trudgett A, Rima BK, McCullough SJ, Orvell C. Characteristics of a cetacean morbillivirus isolated from a porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Arch Virol 1992; 125: 305-11.
  • Wikipedia. Cetacea. Erişim adresi: http://; Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2011.
  • Wikipedia. Marine mammal. Erişim adresi:; Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2011.
  • Wikipedia. Pinniped. Erişim adresi: http://; Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2011.

Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları

Year 2012, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 33 - 41, 01.03.2012


Deniz memelilerinin morbillivirus enfeksiyonları 1987 yılından beri tüm dünya deniz ve okyanusları boyunca bildirilmiştir. İlk kez 1988 de canine distemper virus (köpek gençlik hastalığı virusu, CDV) ile ilişkili bir morbillivirus Kuzey Avrupa kıyıları boyunca tahmini 23.000 liman foku (Phoca vitulina) ve gri fokunun (Halichoerus grypus) ölümüne sebep olan bir salgının sebebi olarak identifiye edilmiştir. Daha sonraki yıllarda genetik ve antijenik olarak yakın ilişkili distemper benzeri memeli virusları; dünyadaki çoğu pinniped (yüzgeç ayaklılar) ve cetacea (balinalar) populasyonunda geniş oranda ölümlere sebep olmuşlardır. Bu derlemede; Akdeniz kıyılarına kadar etkili olan ve güncel olarak saha ve genetik çalışmaları devam eden deniz memeli morbillivirusları hakkında bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır


  • Aguilar A, Raga JA. The striped dolphin epizootic in the Mediterranean Sea. Ambio 1993; 22: 524-8.
  • Arbelo M, Sierra E, Esperón F, Watanabe TTN, Bellière EN. Herpesvirus infection with severe lymphoid necrosis affecting a beaked whale stranded in the Canary Islands. Dis Aquat Organ 2010; 89: 261-4.
  • Banyard AC, Tiwari A, Barrett T. Morbillivirus infection in pilot whales: strict protein requirement drives genetic conservation. Arch Virol 2011; DOI: 10.1007/s00705-011-1042-8.
  • Barrett T, Blixenkrone-Mİller M, Domingo M, Harder T, Have P, Liess B, Orvell C, Osterhaus AD, Plana J, Svansson V. Round table on morbilliviruses in marine mammals. Vet Microbiol 1992; 33: 287-95.
  • Barrett T, Crowther J, Osterhaus AD, Subbarao SM, Groen J, Haas L, Mamaev LV, Titenko AM, Visser IK, Bostock CJ. Molecular and serological studies on the recent seal virus epizootics in Europe and Siberia. Sci Total Environ 1992; 115: 117-32.
  • Barrett T, Visser IK, Mamaev L, Goatley L, van Bressem MF, Osterhaust AD. Dolphin and porpoise morbilliviruses are genetically distinct from phocine distemper virus. Virology 1993; 193:1010-2.
  • Barrett T, Wohlsein P, Bidewell CA, Rowell SF. Canine distemper virus in a Californian sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Vet Rec 2004; 154: 334-6.
  • Bellière EN, Esperón F, Arbelo M, Muñoz MJ, Fernández A. Presence of herpesvirus in striped dolphins stranded during the cetacean morbilliviru s Mediterranean Spanish coast in 2007. Arch Virol 2010; 155: 1307-11. along the
  • Bellière EN, Esperón F, Fernández A, Arbelo M, Muñoz MJ, Sánchez-Vizcaíno JM. Phylogenetic analysis of a new Cetacean morbillivirus from a short-finned pilot whale stranded in the Canary Islands. Res Vet Sci 2011; 90(2): 324-8.
  • Bergman A, Järplid B, Svensson BM. Pathological findings indicative of distemper in European seals. Vet Microbiol 1990; 23: 331- 41.
  • Blixenkrone-Mİller M, Bolt G, Dannemann Jensen T, Harder TC, Svansson V. Comparative analysis of the attachment protein gene (H) of dolphin morbillivirus. Virus Res 1996; 40: 47-56.
  • Dede A, Arda M, Tonay M. 2011. Türkiye’nin Deniz Memelileri. Erişim adresi: http:// w w w . t u d a v . o r g / i n d e x . p h p ? option=com_content&view=article&id=84% 3Atuerkiyenin-deniz-memelileri&catid=36% 3Abalina-ve-yunus-aratrmalar&Itemid= 50&lang=tr. Erişim tarihi: 17.08.2011.
  • Di Guardo G, Agrimi U, Amaddeo D, McAliskey M, Kennedy S. Morbillivirus infection in a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the coast of Italy. Vet Rec 1992; 26: 579-80.
  • Di Guardo G, Agrimi U, Morelli L, Cardeti G, Terracciano G, Kennedy S. Post mortem investigations on cetaceans found stranded on the coasts of Italy between 1990 and 1993. Vet Rec 1995; 136: 439-42.
  • Di Guardo G, Marruchella G, Agrimi U, Kennedy S. Morbillivirus infections in aquatic mammals: a brief overview. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med 2005; 52: 88-93.
  • Follmann EH, Garner GW, Evermann JF, McKeirnan AJ. Serological evidence of morbillivirus infection in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from Alaska and Russia. Vet Rec 1996; 138(25): 615-8.
  • Gencay A, Oncel T, Karaoğlu T, Sancak AA, Demir AB, Ozkul A. Antibody prevalence to canine distemper virus (CDV) in Stray dogs in Turkey. Rev Med Vet 2004; 155(8-9): 432-4.
  • Grant RJ, Kelley KL, Maruniak JE, Garcia-Maruniak A, Barrett T, Manire CA, Romero CH. Expression from baculovirus and serological reactivity of the nucleocapsid protein of dolphin morbillivirus. Vet Microbiol 2010; 143(2-4): 384-8.
  • Hall AJ, Jepson PD, Goodman SJ, Harkonen T. Phocine distemper virus in the North and European seas–data and models, nature and nurture. Biol Cons 2006; 131: 221-9.
  • Harder TC. Herpesviruses and Morbilliviruses of aquatic and terrestrial carnivores. PhD thesis. Erasmus Univ. And Hannover Vet Sch. Institute of Virology. Virology Program, Hannover-Germany, 1992.
  • Harder TC, Klusmeyer K, Frey HR, Orvell C, Liess B. Intertypic differentiation and detection of intratypic variants among canine and phocid morbillivirus isolates by kinetic neutralization using a novel immunoplaque assay. J Virol Methods 1993; 41: 77-92.
  • Härkönen T, Dietz R, Reijnders P, Teilmann J, Harding K, Hall A, Brasseur S, Siebert U, Goodman SJ, Jepson PD, Dau Rasmussen T, Thompson P. The 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper virus epidemics in European harbour seals. Dis Aquat Organ 2006; 68(2): 115-30.
  • Jauniaux T, Charlier G, Desmecht M, Haelters J, Jacques T, Losson B, Van Gompel J, Tavernier J, Coignoul F. Pathological findings in two fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) with evidence of morbillivirus infection. J Comp Pathol 2000; 123: 198-201.
  • Kennedy S, Smyth JA, Cush PF, Duignan P, Platten M, McCullough SJ, Allan GM. Histopathologic and immunocytochemical studies of distemper in seals. Vet Pathol 1989; 26(2): 97-103.
  • Liess B, Frey HR, Zaghawa A. Morbillivirus in seals: characteristics in cell cultures. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr 1989; 96: 180-2. growth
  • Liess B, Frey HR, Zaghawa A, Stede M. Morbillivirus infection of seals (Phoca vitulina) during the 1988 epidemic in the Bay of Heligoland. I. Mode, frequency and significance of cultural virus isolation and neutralizing antibody detection. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B 1989; 36: 601-8.
  • Lonergan M, Hall A, Thompson H, Thompson PM, Pomeroy P, Harwood J. Comparison of the 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper epizootics in British harbour seal Phoca vitulina populations. Dis Aquat Organ 2010; 88: 183-8.
  • McCarthy AJ, Shaw MA, Jepson PD, Brasseur SM, Reijnders PJ, Goodman SJ. Variation in European harbour seal immune response genes and susceptibility to phocine distemper virus (PDV). Infect Genet Evol 2011; DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2011.06.002.
  • Osterhaus AD, Groen J, Spijkers HE,
  • Broeders HW, UytdeHaag FG, de Vries P, Teppema JS, Visser IK, van de Bildt MW, Vedder EJ. Mass mortality in seals caused by a newly discovered morbillivirus. Vet Microbiol 1990; 23: 343-50.
  • Osterhaus AD, Groen H, Niesters M, van de Bildt B, Martina L, Vedder J, Vos H, van Egmond B, Abou-Sidi M E, Barham. Morbilli- virus in monk seal mass mortality. Nature 1997; 388: 838–9.
  • Ozkul A, Akca Y, Alkan F, Barrett T, Karaoglu T, Dagalp SB, Anderson J, Yesilbag K, Cokca- liskan C, Gencay A, Burgu I. Prevalence, dist- ribution, and host range of Peste des petits ruminants virus, Turkey. Emerg Infect Dis 2002; 8(7):708-12.
  • Öztürk B. Akdeniz Foku. Anahtar Kitaplar Yayınevi. İstanbul: 1992; p.13- 30.
  • Pehlivanoğlu F, Yardımcı H. Deniz memelile- rinin bakteriyel infeksiyonları. Vet Hek Der 2007; 78(3): 51-6.
  • Samal SK. Paramxoviruses of animals. Mahy BWC. Regenmortel MHVV. eds. In: Desk En- cyclopedia of Animal and Bacterial Virology. Oxford: Academic Press, 2010; pp. 175-83.
  • Schulman FY, Lipscomb TP, Moffett D, Krafft AE, Lichy JH, Tsai MM, Taubenberger JK, Kennedy S. Histologic, immunohistochemical, and polymerase chain reaction studies of bot- tlenose dolphins from the 1987-1988 United States Atlantic coast epizootic. Vet Pathol 1997; 34: 288-95.
  • Sharma B, Norrby E, Blixenkrone-Möller M, Kövamees J. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of the M gene of phocid distemper virus (PDV). The most conserved protein of morbilliviruses shows a uniquely close relationship between PDV and canine distemper virus. Virus Res 1992; 23: 13-25.
  • Soto S, González B, Willoughby K, Maley M, Olvera A, Kennedy S, Marco A, Domingo M. Systemic co-infection in a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). J Comp Pathol 2011; DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2011.04.002. morbillivirus
  • Swart RL, Harder TC, Ross PS, Vos HW, Osterhaus morbillivirus diseases of marine mammals. Infect Agents Dis 1995; 4: 125-30. and
  • Taubenberger JK, Tsai M, Atkin TJ, Fanning TG, Krafft AE, Moeller RB, Kodsi SE, Mense MG, Lipscomb TP. Molecular genetic evidence of a novel morbillivirus in a longfinned pilo whale (Globicephalus melas). Emerg Infect Dis 2000; 6: 42-5.
  • Taubenberger JK, Tsai M, Krafft AE, Lichy JH, Reid AH, Schulman FY, Lipscomb TP. Two morbilliviruses implicated in bottlenose dolphin epizootics. Emerg Infect Dis 1996; 2: 213–6.
  • Van de Bildt MW, Vedder EJ, Martina BE, Sidi BA, Jiddou AB, Ould Barham ME, Androukaki E, Komnenou A, Niesters HG, Osterhaus AD. Morbilliviruses in Mediterranean monk seals. Vet Microbiol 1999; 69(1-2): 19-21.
  • Van Bressem MF, Visser IK, De Swart RL, Orvell C, Stanzani L, Androukaki E, Siakavara K, Osterhaus AD. Dolphin morbillivirus infection Mediterranean Sea. Arch Virol 1993; 129: 235 -42. parts of the
  • Van Bressem MF, Waerebeek KV, Fleming M, Barrett T. Serological evidence of morbillivirus infection in small cetaceans from the Southeast Pacific. Vet Microbiol 1998; 59: 89- 98.
  • Van Bressem M, Waerebeek KV, Jepson PD, Raga JA, Duignan PJ, Nielsen O, Di Beneditto AP, Siciliano S, Ramos R, Kant W, Peddemors V, Kinoshita R, Ross PS, Lopez-Fernandez A, Evans K, Crespo E, Barrett T. An insight into the epidemiology of dolphin morbillivirus worldwide. Vet Microbiol 2001; 81: 287–304.
  • Visser IK, Van Bressem MF, de Swart RL, van de Bildt MW, Vos HW, van der Heijden RW, Saliki JT, Orvell C, Kitching P, Kuiken T. Characterization of morbilliviruses isolated from dolphins and porpoises in Europe. J Gen Virol 1993; 74: 631-41.
  • Welsh MJ, Lyons C, Trudgett A, Rima BK, McCullough SJ, Orvell C. Characteristics of a cetacean morbillivirus isolated from a porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Arch Virol 1992; 125: 305-11.
  • Wikipedia. Cetacea. Erişim adresi: http://; Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2011.
  • Wikipedia. Marine mammal. Erişim adresi:; Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2011.
  • Wikipedia. Pinniped. Erişim adresi: http://; Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2011.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

A. Gençay This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2012
Submission Date June 24, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Gençay, A. (2012). Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(1), 33-41.
AMA Gençay A. Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. March 2012;9(1):33-41.
Chicago Gençay, A. “Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 9, no. 1 (March 2012): 33-41.
EndNote Gençay A (March 1, 2012) Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 9 1 33–41.
IEEE A. Gençay, “Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 33–41, 2012.
ISNAD Gençay, A. “Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 9/1 (March 2012), 33-41.
JAMA Gençay A. Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2012;9:33–41.
MLA Gençay, A. “Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 1, 2012, pp. 33-41.
Vancouver Gençay A. Deniz Memelilerinde Morbillivirus Enfeksiyonları. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2012;9(1):33-41.