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Anasız Bir Tayın Yetiştirilmesi

Year 2012, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 183 - 196, 01.09.2012




  • AOAC. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14 th ed., Inc., Arlington, Virginia. 1984.
  • Al-Bast HAM. The Effect of Force Molting Method on Post Molt Performance of Laying Hens, Master Thesis, An-Najah National University Faculty of Graduate Studies, Palestine-Nabar, 2011.
  • Balasundram N, Sundram K, Samman S. Phenolic agri-inductrial by products: antioxidant activity, occurcence and potential uses. Food Chemist 2006; 99: 191-203. in plants and
  • Bell DD. Is molting still a viable replacement alternative. Poult Trib 1987; 93: 32-5.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P. Physiological changes in caged layers during a forced molt. 2. Gross changes in organs. Poult Sci 1979; 58: 707- 16. 6. Brake J. Mechanisms and metabolic requirements reproductive rejuvenation during and induced molt-a brief review. Ornis Scand 1992; 23: 335 -9. and rapid
  • Brake J. Recent advances in induced molting. Poult Sci 1993; 72: 929-31.
  • Brenes A, Viveros A, Goni I, Centeno C, Sayago-Ayerdi SG, Arija I, Saura-Calixto F. Effect of grape pomace concentrate and vitamin E on digestibility of polyphenols and antioxidant activity in chickens. Poult Sci 2008; 87: 307-16.
  • Donalson LM, Kim WK, Herrera P, Herrera P, Kubena LF, Nisbet DJ, Ricke SC. Utilizing different ratios of alfalfa and layer ration for molt induction and performance in commercial laying hens. Poult Sci 2005; 84: 362-9.
  • Donalson LM, McReynolds JL, Kim WK, Chalova VI, Woodward CL, Kubena LF, Nisbet DJ, Ricke SC. The influence of a fructooligosaccharide prebiotic combined with alfalfa molt diets on the gastrointestinal tract fermentation, Salmonella enteritidis infection, and intestinal shedding in laying hens. Poult Sci 2008; 87: 1253-62.
  • Eseceli H, Kahraman R. Ayçiçek ve balık yağı katılan yumurta tavuğu rasyonlarına E ve C vitamin ilavesinin yumurta sarısı yağ asitleri kompozisyonu ile malondialdehit düzeyine etkisi, IV. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, 01- 03 Eylül 2004; Isparta-Türkiye
  • Hempe JM, Lauxen RC, Savage JE. Rapid determination of egg weight and specific gravity using a computerized data collection system. Poult Sci 1988; 67: 902-7.
  • Holt PS. Moulting and Salmonella enterica serovar enteridis infection: The problem and some solutions. Poult Sci 2003; 82: 1008-10.
  • Kara K, Kocaoğlu Güçlü B, Baytok E, Gültekin M. Yumurtacı tavuk karma yemlerine ilave edilen üzüm posasının performans, yumurta kalitesi ve lipid peroksidasyonuna etkisi. VI Ulusal Hayvan Besleme Kongresi, 29 Haziran- 02 Temmuz 2011; Samsun-Türkiye
  • Keshavarz K, Quimby FW. An investigation of different molting techniques with an emphasis on animal welfare. J Appl Poult Res 2002; 10: 54–67.
  • Kim WK, Donalson LM, Mitchell AD, Kubena LF, Nisbet DJ, Ricke SC. Effects of alfalfa and fructooligosaccharide on molting parameters and bone qualities using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and conventional bone assays. Poult Sci 2006; 85: 15-20.
  • Koelkebeck KW, Anderson KE. Molting layers - alternative methods and their effectiveness. Poult Sci 2007; 86: 1260-4. 18. Kornbrust DJ, Mavis susceptibility of microsomes from lung, heart, liver, kidney, brain and tettes to lipid peroxidation; correlation with vitamin E content. Lipid 1980; 15: 315-22. Relative
  • Mansoori B, Modirsanei M, Farkhoy M, Kiaei nin verim ve kuluçka performansı ile yumurta kalitesine etkisi. Erciyes Üniv Sağlık Bilim MM, Honarzad J. The influence of different single dietary sources on moult induction in laying hens. J Sci Food Agric 2007; 87: 2555- 9.
  • Na JC, Yu DJ, Bang HT, Kim SH, Kim JH, Kang GH, Kim HK, Park SB, Sub OS, Jang BG, Choi JT, Choi HS. Effect of feeding-induced molting on the performance and egg quality in laying hens. Korean J Poult Sci 2008; 35: 171-6.
  • Özdüven ML, Coşkuntuna L, Koç F. Üzüm posası silajının fermentasyon ve yem değeri özelliklerinin saptanması. Trakya Üniv Fen Bilim Derg 2005; 6: 45-50.
  • Özkan G, Sağdıç O, Göktürk BN, Kurumahmutoglu Z. Antibacterial activities and total phenolic contents of grape pomace extracts. J Sci Food Agric 2004; 84: 1807–11.
  • Rice-Evans NJ, Miller NJ, Balwell PG, Bramley PM, Pridham JB. The relative antioxidant activities of plant derived polyphenolic flavanoids. Free Radic Res 1995; 22: 375-83.
  • Sarıçiçek BZ, Kılıç Ü. Üzüm cibresinin yem değerinin belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv Ziraat Fak Derg 2002; 17: 9-12.
  • Sayago-Ayerdi SG, Brenes A, Viveros A, Goni I. Antioxidative effect of dietary grape pomace concentrate on lipid oxidation of chilled and long-term frozen stored chicken patties. Meat Sci 2009; 83: 528-33.
  • Sgavioli S, Filardi RS, Praes MFFM, Assuena V, Pileggi J, Andrade PC, Boleli IC, Junqueira OM. Performance of layers submitted to different forced-molting methods and different temperatures. Brazil J Poult Sci 2011; 13: 207 -10.
  • Shi J, Yu J, Pohorly JE, Kakuda Y. Polyphenolics in grape seeds-biochemistry and functionality. J Med Food 2003; 6: 291-9.
  • Silici S, Kocaoğlu Güçlü B, Kara K. Yumurtacı Enst Derg 2011; 20: 68-76.
  • Thompson BK, Hamilton RMG. Comparision of the precision and accuracy of the spesific gravity of eggs. Poult Sci 1982; 61: 1599-605.
  • TSE. Hayvan Yemleri-Metabolik (Çevrilebilir) Enerji Tayini (Kimyasal Metod), TSE No: 9610, Türk Standartları Endüstrisi, Ankara, 1991.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson BJ, Lewis BA. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci 1991; 74: 3583-97.
  • Vieira JLF, Gomes ALS. Oxidative stress at different stages of the molting cycle of captive Coturnix coturnix. Res J Biol Sci 2010; 5: 610-4.
  • Viveros A, Chamorro S, Pizarro M, Arija I, Centeno C, Brenes A. Effects of dietary polyphenol-rich grape products on intestinal microflora and gut morphology in broiler chicks. Poult Sci 2011; 90: 566-78.
  • Wells RG. Egg quality characteristics. Egg Quality: A study of the hens egg. T.C. Carter, ed. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh 1968; pp. 214-25.

Rearing of an Orphan Foal

Year 2012, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 183 - 196, 01.09.2012


Bu çalışma, verim dönemi sonundaki yumurtacı tavuklara (Bovans, 72 haftalık, 300 adet), Kaliforniya tüy dökümü yöntemi (kontrol) veya buna alternatif olarak % 100 yonca unu (Y100), % 80 yonca unu + % 20 karma yem (Y80), % 100 üzüm posası (ÜP100) ve % 80 üzüm posası + % 20 karma yem (ÜP80) (deneme grupları) ile yapılan tüy dökümü yöntemlerinin (TDY) ve tüy dökümü sonrası II. verim döneminde (Bovans, 76 haftalık, 200 adet), karma yeme % 2 üzüm posası (ÜP) ilavesinin performans, yumurta kalitesi ve yumurta lipid peroksidasyonuna etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmanın tüy dökümü döneminde (10.gün), kontrol grubu ile Y100, Y80 ve ÜP100 grupları arasında canlı ağırlık kaybındaki farkın önemsiz olduğu (P>0,05), ÜP80 grubunda ise canlı ağırlık kaybının daha düşük (P0,05). Tüy dökümü sonrası ikinci verim döneminde yumurtaya başlama günü ile % 25, % 50 ve pik yumurta verimine ulaşma günü, ortalama yumurta verimi, yumurta ağırlığı, yemden yararlanma, yumurta kalitesi (yumurta kabuk kalınlığı, kabuk ağırlığı, kabuk ağırlığı oranı, ak indeksi ve özgül ağırlığı) üzerine denenen TDY’leri ve yeme % 2 ÜP ilavesinin önemli bir etkisinin olmadığı belirlendi (P>0,05). Tüy dökümü sonrası Y100 grubundaki yem tüketiminin, kontrol grubuna göre daha fazla olduğu saptandı (P


  • AOAC. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 14 th ed., Inc., Arlington, Virginia. 1984.
  • Al-Bast HAM. The Effect of Force Molting Method on Post Molt Performance of Laying Hens, Master Thesis, An-Najah National University Faculty of Graduate Studies, Palestine-Nabar, 2011.
  • Balasundram N, Sundram K, Samman S. Phenolic agri-inductrial by products: antioxidant activity, occurcence and potential uses. Food Chemist 2006; 99: 191-203. in plants and
  • Bell DD. Is molting still a viable replacement alternative. Poult Trib 1987; 93: 32-5.
  • Brake J, Thaxton P. Physiological changes in caged layers during a forced molt. 2. Gross changes in organs. Poult Sci 1979; 58: 707- 16. 6. Brake J. Mechanisms and metabolic requirements reproductive rejuvenation during and induced molt-a brief review. Ornis Scand 1992; 23: 335 -9. and rapid
  • Brake J. Recent advances in induced molting. Poult Sci 1993; 72: 929-31.
  • Brenes A, Viveros A, Goni I, Centeno C, Sayago-Ayerdi SG, Arija I, Saura-Calixto F. Effect of grape pomace concentrate and vitamin E on digestibility of polyphenols and antioxidant activity in chickens. Poult Sci 2008; 87: 307-16.
  • Donalson LM, Kim WK, Herrera P, Herrera P, Kubena LF, Nisbet DJ, Ricke SC. Utilizing different ratios of alfalfa and layer ration for molt induction and performance in commercial laying hens. Poult Sci 2005; 84: 362-9.
  • Donalson LM, McReynolds JL, Kim WK, Chalova VI, Woodward CL, Kubena LF, Nisbet DJ, Ricke SC. The influence of a fructooligosaccharide prebiotic combined with alfalfa molt diets on the gastrointestinal tract fermentation, Salmonella enteritidis infection, and intestinal shedding in laying hens. Poult Sci 2008; 87: 1253-62.
  • Eseceli H, Kahraman R. Ayçiçek ve balık yağı katılan yumurta tavuğu rasyonlarına E ve C vitamin ilavesinin yumurta sarısı yağ asitleri kompozisyonu ile malondialdehit düzeyine etkisi, IV. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, 01- 03 Eylül 2004; Isparta-Türkiye
  • Hempe JM, Lauxen RC, Savage JE. Rapid determination of egg weight and specific gravity using a computerized data collection system. Poult Sci 1988; 67: 902-7.
  • Holt PS. Moulting and Salmonella enterica serovar enteridis infection: The problem and some solutions. Poult Sci 2003; 82: 1008-10.
  • Kara K, Kocaoğlu Güçlü B, Baytok E, Gültekin M. Yumurtacı tavuk karma yemlerine ilave edilen üzüm posasının performans, yumurta kalitesi ve lipid peroksidasyonuna etkisi. VI Ulusal Hayvan Besleme Kongresi, 29 Haziran- 02 Temmuz 2011; Samsun-Türkiye
  • Keshavarz K, Quimby FW. An investigation of different molting techniques with an emphasis on animal welfare. J Appl Poult Res 2002; 10: 54–67.
  • Kim WK, Donalson LM, Mitchell AD, Kubena LF, Nisbet DJ, Ricke SC. Effects of alfalfa and fructooligosaccharide on molting parameters and bone qualities using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and conventional bone assays. Poult Sci 2006; 85: 15-20.
  • Koelkebeck KW, Anderson KE. Molting layers - alternative methods and their effectiveness. Poult Sci 2007; 86: 1260-4. 18. Kornbrust DJ, Mavis susceptibility of microsomes from lung, heart, liver, kidney, brain and tettes to lipid peroxidation; correlation with vitamin E content. Lipid 1980; 15: 315-22. Relative
  • Mansoori B, Modirsanei M, Farkhoy M, Kiaei nin verim ve kuluçka performansı ile yumurta kalitesine etkisi. Erciyes Üniv Sağlık Bilim MM, Honarzad J. The influence of different single dietary sources on moult induction in laying hens. J Sci Food Agric 2007; 87: 2555- 9.
  • Na JC, Yu DJ, Bang HT, Kim SH, Kim JH, Kang GH, Kim HK, Park SB, Sub OS, Jang BG, Choi JT, Choi HS. Effect of feeding-induced molting on the performance and egg quality in laying hens. Korean J Poult Sci 2008; 35: 171-6.
  • Özdüven ML, Coşkuntuna L, Koç F. Üzüm posası silajının fermentasyon ve yem değeri özelliklerinin saptanması. Trakya Üniv Fen Bilim Derg 2005; 6: 45-50.
  • Özkan G, Sağdıç O, Göktürk BN, Kurumahmutoglu Z. Antibacterial activities and total phenolic contents of grape pomace extracts. J Sci Food Agric 2004; 84: 1807–11.
  • Rice-Evans NJ, Miller NJ, Balwell PG, Bramley PM, Pridham JB. The relative antioxidant activities of plant derived polyphenolic flavanoids. Free Radic Res 1995; 22: 375-83.
  • Sarıçiçek BZ, Kılıç Ü. Üzüm cibresinin yem değerinin belirlenmesi üzerine bir araştırma. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv Ziraat Fak Derg 2002; 17: 9-12.
  • Sayago-Ayerdi SG, Brenes A, Viveros A, Goni I. Antioxidative effect of dietary grape pomace concentrate on lipid oxidation of chilled and long-term frozen stored chicken patties. Meat Sci 2009; 83: 528-33.
  • Sgavioli S, Filardi RS, Praes MFFM, Assuena V, Pileggi J, Andrade PC, Boleli IC, Junqueira OM. Performance of layers submitted to different forced-molting methods and different temperatures. Brazil J Poult Sci 2011; 13: 207 -10.
  • Shi J, Yu J, Pohorly JE, Kakuda Y. Polyphenolics in grape seeds-biochemistry and functionality. J Med Food 2003; 6: 291-9.
  • Silici S, Kocaoğlu Güçlü B, Kara K. Yumurtacı Enst Derg 2011; 20: 68-76.
  • Thompson BK, Hamilton RMG. Comparision of the precision and accuracy of the spesific gravity of eggs. Poult Sci 1982; 61: 1599-605.
  • TSE. Hayvan Yemleri-Metabolik (Çevrilebilir) Enerji Tayini (Kimyasal Metod), TSE No: 9610, Türk Standartları Endüstrisi, Ankara, 1991.
  • Van Soest PJ, Robertson BJ, Lewis BA. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber and non-starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci 1991; 74: 3583-97.
  • Vieira JLF, Gomes ALS. Oxidative stress at different stages of the molting cycle of captive Coturnix coturnix. Res J Biol Sci 2010; 5: 610-4.
  • Viveros A, Chamorro S, Pizarro M, Arija I, Centeno C, Brenes A. Effects of dietary polyphenol-rich grape products on intestinal microflora and gut morphology in broiler chicks. Poult Sci 2011; 90: 566-78.
  • Wells RG. Egg quality characteristics. Egg Quality: A study of the hens egg. T.C. Carter, ed. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh 1968; pp. 214-25.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

A. Yakan This is me

A. Akçay This is me

S. Durmaz This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2012
Submission Date June 24, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Yakan, A., Akçay, A., & Durmaz, S. (2012). Rearing of an Orphan Foal. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(3), 183-196.
AMA Yakan A, Akçay A, Durmaz S. Rearing of an Orphan Foal. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. September 2012;9(3):183-196.
Chicago Yakan, A., A. Akçay, and S. Durmaz. “Rearing of an Orphan Foal”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 9, no. 3 (September 2012): 183-96.
EndNote Yakan A, Akçay A, Durmaz S (September 1, 2012) Rearing of an Orphan Foal. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 9 3 183–196.
IEEE A. Yakan, A. Akçay, and S. Durmaz, “Rearing of an Orphan Foal”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 183–196, 2012.
ISNAD Yakan, A. et al. “Rearing of an Orphan Foal”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 9/3 (September 2012), 183-196.
JAMA Yakan A, Akçay A, Durmaz S. Rearing of an Orphan Foal. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2012;9:183–196.
MLA Yakan, A. et al. “Rearing of an Orphan Foal”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 3, 2012, pp. 183-96.
Vancouver Yakan A, Akçay A, Durmaz S. Rearing of an Orphan Foal. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2012;9(3):183-96.