Writing Rules

1. The   Journal   of   Faculty   of   Veterinary   Medicine,   Erciyes University publishes original research articles, short communications, case reports, letter to editor and original review articles related to the field of Veterinary Medicine.

2. Formal    language    of    manuscripts    is    Turkish. Manuscripts in English are also accepted. The publication of English-language manuscripts is given priority.

3. Publications should be in A4 format, double spacing and Arial 10 font size. With a margin of 2.5 cm from each edge, the page number should be placed at the bottom right of the pages. Original articles and reviews should not exceed 14 pages and case reports, research notes and short papers should not exceed 7 pages including illustrations, figures and references.,

4. For correspondence, author's name, title, ORCID number, and E-mail address should be written on cover page of the manuscripts.

5. Studies were presented in a meeting and published as an abstract can be published with indication of this status at the bottom of the cover page.

6. Information should be included on any institutions financially contributed to the study as a footnote on the cover page.

7. The  cover  page  should  be  supplied  as  a  separate  page  and include: Turkish running title (bold and first letters capital), English title (first letters capital), short title (max 40 characters and first letters of first word is capital, others should be written as small), author(s) names (without titles), author(s) affiliations (Superscript numbers should be given to the surnames of authors as affiliation information). 

8. The summaries in Turkish and English should be written on the next page. The title page must contain the Turkish and English summaries (up to 250 words) with no paragraph and not more than five Key words in Turkish and English. Key words must be placed below summary with an alphabetical order (comma delimited). Only the first Key word must start with a capital letter. For non-Turkish authors, there is no obligation to write summary and keywords in Turkish.

9. Original research paper must be organized as follows: Cover page, Summary (Turkish and English), Key words (Turkish and English), Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion,   Acknowledgements,   References,   Tables and Figures and Correspondence.  All titles in the text should be written in bold. There should be no paragraph indent in the text and continuous line number should be given.

10. Review articles are considered for publications if they are original and contain recent developments and accepted for publication if the authors have at least 3 papers directly related to the subject. Reviews must be organized as follows: Summary (Turkish and English), Key Words (Turkish and English), Introduction, Sub-headings of the subject, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables and Figures and Correspondence.

11. Case reports must be organized as follows: Summary (Turkish and English), Key Words (Turkish and English), Introduction, Case(s), Discussion and Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables and Figures and Correspondence.

12. In the studies requiring the ethics approval, the name and approval number of the institution of the Ethics Committee must be specified in the Materials and Methods section of manuscript.

13. The place where the tables and figures belong in the text should be indicated as underlined and upperlined.

14. Decimal expressions should be used in the dot.

15. Species names and anatomical terms in Latin should be italicized. All measurement specifications must follow the SI (Systeme Internationale) units.

16. Tables must be given in a separate page after the text. First letters of first word should be capital, others should be written as small in the headings of the tables. Title of tables and figures should be numbered in order as Table 1. Internal and lateral lines should not be used in the tables. Descriptive information and explanations should be placed below the tables. 

17. Each picture, graphic and drawing; should be given as figure and should be written as Figure 1. Each one should be on a separate page. Descriptive information and explanations should be placed below the figures. Pictures should be the least 300dpi resolution.

18. References should be specified in the text at the end of the sentence. Author surnames and the date of publication should be specified in parentheses. If the reference has two names, the names should be given after the publication year (eg, Kaldhone and Nayak, 2008). If the reference has more than two names should be given as “et al.,” (eg, Kaldhone et al., 2008). If the source is used at the beginning of the sentence, the year of publication should be specified in parentheses after the names of the authors.

19. References should be placed in alphabetical order and hanging 0.5 cm inwards in the references section. Punctuation should be taken into consideration as shown in the examples, Journal abbreviations must be in line with Index Medicus. The reference list must not contain more than 30, 45, and 15 references for original research articles, reviews and case reports, respectively.

20.  References;

20.1. If the reference is a periodical, citation must be done as shown below;

Example: Kaldhone P, Nayak R, Lynne AM, Dvaid DE, McDermott PF, Logue CM, Foley SL. Characterisation of Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg from turkey-associated sources. Appl Environ Microbiol 2008; 74(16): 5038-46.

20.2. If the reference is from chapter of a book with an editor, citation must be done as shown below;

Example:  Hornbeck P. Assay for antibody production. Colign  JE. Kruisbeek AM. Marguiles DH.  eds. In: Current Protocols  in  Immunology. New York:  Greene  Publishing Associates, 1991; pp. 105-32.

20.3. If the reference is a book, citation must be done as shown below;

Example: Fleiss JL. Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. Second Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons,1981; p.103.

20.4. If the reference is whole book with an editor, citation must be as  below;

Example: Balows  A,  Mousier  WJ,  Herramafl  KL,  eds. Manual  of  Clinical  Microbiology.  Fifth Edition.  Washington DC: IRL Press, 1990; p. 37.

20.5. If the reference is from meeting, citation must be done as shown below;

Example: Entrala E, Mascarp C. New structural findings in Cryptosporidium   parvum   oocysts.   Eighth   International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA VIII). October, 10-14, 1994; İzmir-Türkiye.

20.6. If the reference is from a thesis, citation must be done as shown below;

Example: Erakinci G. Investigation of Antibodies Against Parasites in Blood Donors. PhD Thesis. Ege Univ. Institute of Health Sciences. Parasitology Program, Izmir-Turkey, 1993.

20.7. The reference is a website on the internet, citation must be done as shown below;

Example: TUIK. Hayvancılık İstatistikleri. http://www.tuik.gov.tr/ hayvancilik.app/hayvancilik.zul; Accessed Date: 14.03.2010.

21.    Once the studies one published in the journal, all the responsibility belongs to the authors.

22.    The final checklist should be followed when submitting manuscripts and the “Copyright Release Form” must be signed by all authors in order. Manuscripts which are not prepared in accordance with the “Instructions for authors” will not be processed.