Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 723 - 738, 29.06.2022


Consumers who could not visit shopping malls during the pandemic process, demanding online shopping sites caused the competition between brands to move to online channels. Marketing managers who want to stand out in this competitive environment often use the scarcity marketing method to force consumers to start purchasing as soon as possible, with messages such as a last product or a special discount only for today. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between scarcity messages and impulsive buying and shopping enjoyment variables in order to reveal whether the scarcity marketing tactics applied to the Z generation, who will constitute a significant part of the consumers in the near future, are really successful. Data from 405 participants were analyzed in the SPSS 25 program, and the test results revealed that female participants, 66.9% of generation Z representing 94.8% of the participants, were more affected by scarcity messages and enjoyed shopping more than male participants. Correlation analysis results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between scarcity marketing, shopping enjoyment and impulsive buying variables. The findings of the study show that marketing managers can get more efficient results if they apply the scarcity messages they use on online shopping sites to products for women compared to products for men.


  • Andani, K., & Wahyono, W. (2018). Influence of sales promotion, hedonic shopping motivation and fashion involvement toward impulse buying through a positive emotion. Management Analysis Journal, 7(4), 448-457.
  • Aytekin, P., & Ay, C. (2015). Hedonik tüketim ve anlık satın alma ilişkisi. Academic Review of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 8(1), 141-156.
  • Badgaiyan, A., & Verma, A. (2014). Intrinsic factors affecting impulsive buying behaviour—evidence from India. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(4), 537-549.
  • Bartlett, M. (1951). The effect of standardization on a chi-square approximation in factor analysis. Biometrika, 38(3/4), 337-344.
  • Beatty, S., & Ferrell, M. (1998). Impulse buying: modeling its precursors. Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 169-191.
  • Brock, T. C. (1968). Implications of commodity theory for value change. Psychological foundations of attitudes (s. 243-275). içinde New York: Academic Press.
  • Chen, T., Yeh, T., & Wang, Y. (2020). The drivers of desirability in scarcity marketing. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 924-944.
  • Chung, N., Song, H., & Lee, H. (2017). Consumers’ impulsive buying behavior of restaurant products in social commerce. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 709-731.
  • Cinjarevic, M., Tatic, K., & Petric, S. (2011). See it, like it, buy it! Hedonic shopping motivations and impulse buying. Economic Review: Journal of Economics and Business, 9(1), 3-15.
  • Fenton-O'creevy, M., Dibb, S., & Furnham, A. (2018). Antecedents and consequences of chronic impulsive buying: Can impulsive buying be understood as dysfunctional self‐regulation? Psychology & Marketing, 35(3), 175-188.
  • Gabler, C., & Reynolds, K. (2014). Buy now or buy later: the effects of scarcity and discounts on purchase decisions. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 21(4), 441-456.
  • Gaidhani, S., Arora , L., & Sharma, B. (2019). Understanding the attitude of generation Z towards workplace. International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, 9(1), 2804-2812.
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for windows step by step: a simple guide and reference, , 17.0 update (10a ed.). Pearson.
  • Gökçek, H., Yurtsever, A., & Yıldız, E. (2021). Online alışverişte dürtüsel kullanım, kaçırma korkusu, içtepisel satın alma, internet kaynaklı yorgunluk ve kaygı arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(3), 1985-2002.
  • Gupta, S., & Gentry, J. (2019). Should I Buy, Hoard, or Hide?’-Consumers’ responses to perceived scarcity. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 29(2), 178-197.
  • Hamilton, R., Thompson, D., Bone, S., Chaplin, L., Griskevicius, V., Goldsmith , K., & O'Guinn, T. (2019). The effects of scarcity on consumer decision journeys. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(3), 532-550.
  • Herpen, E. V., Pieters, R., & Zeelenberg, M. (2014). When less sells more or less: the scarcity principle in wine choice. Food Quality and Preference, 36, 153-160.
  • Imbriale, R. (2007). Motivational marketing: how to effectively motivate your prospects to buy now, buy more, and tell their friends too! Wiley Pres.
  • Kaiser , H. (1974). An index of factorial simplicity. Psychometrika, 39, 31-36.
  • Kalkan, P. (2021). Pandemi ekonomisinin internet alışverişine etkilerinin analizi. Sosyal, Beşerî ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 4(8), 740-758.
  • Khomenko, L. (2021). Scarcity marketing as an effective marketing tool (on the example of Clubhouse). Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Wroclaw Üniversitesi.
  • KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity. (2020, Mayıs 9). Haziran 2, 2022 tarihinde Analysis INN: adresinden alındı
  • Lee, E., Jeon, J., Li, Q., & Park, H. (2015). The differential effectiveness of scarcity message type on impulse buying: a cross-cultural study. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 25(2), 142-152.
  • Lee, G., & Yi, Y. (2008). The effect of shopping emotions and perceived risk on impulsive buying: the moderating role of buying impulsiveness trait. Seoul Journal of Business, 14(2), 67-92.
  • Lee, S., & Jung, S. (2019). Shelf-based scarcity and consumers’ product choice: the role of scarcity disconfirmation. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 47(5), 1-10.
  • Levin, A. (2020). Influencer marketing for brands: what YouTube and Instagram can teach you about the future of digital advertising. Apress.
  • Lynn, M. (1991). Scarcity effects on value: a quantitative review of the commodity theory literature. Psychology & Marketing, 8(1), 43-57.
  • Lynn, M. (1992). Scarcity's enhancement of desirability: the role of naive economic theories. Basic and Applied Social Pyschology, 13(1), 67-68.
  • Mamuaya, N. (2018). The effect of sales promotion and store atmosphere on hedonic shopping motivation and impulsive buying behavior in hypermart manado city. Derama (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, 13(1), 83-89.
  • Mazaheri, S. (2021, 3 26). Digital marketing: the gate to a new world.
  • Mihic, M., & Milakovic, K. (2017). Examining shopping enjoyment: personal factors, word of mouth and moderating effects of demographics. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 30(1), 1300-1317.
  • Nagadeepa, C., & Shirahatti, D. (2021). Impulse buying: concepts, frameworks and consumer Insights. Shanlax Publications.
  • Önder, N. (2021, Ekim 1). İş'te z kuşağı. Marketing Türkiye: adresinden alındı
  • Sari, D., & Pidada, I. (2020). Hedonic shopping motivation, shopping lifestyle, price reduction toward impulse buying behavior in shopping center. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 3(1), 48-54.
  • Sokolova, K., & Kefi, H. (2020). Instagram and YouTube bloggers promote it, why should I buy? How credibility and parasocial interaction influence purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53, 1-9.
  • Şen, A., & Ar, A. (2021). Cinsiyetler arası itkisel (dürtüsel) satın almanın farklılıkları üzerine nitel bir analiz: moda sektörü temelinde bir değerlendirme. Erciyes Akademi, 35(2), 461-485.
  • Şentürk, F., & Fındık, H. (2014). Rasyonel karar alan ekonomik birimin risk altında verdiği kararlara davranışsal yaklaşım: kahneman-tversky beklenti teorisi perspektifinden eleştirel bir bakış. Öneri Dergisi, 11(42), 127-139.
  • Thomsen, R. (2020, Kasım 24). Scarcity marketing: 6 innovative tactics you need to know (+ examples). Aralık 14, 2021 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Tuten, T. L. (2020). Social media marketing (4 b.). SAGE Publications.
  • Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1991). Loss aversion in riskless choice: a reference-dependent model. The quarterly journal of economics, 106(4), 1039-1061.
  • Ulukan, G. (2021, Nisan 15). Pandemi döneminde online satışların artması, alışveriş merkezlerinde bu duyguyu yaşayamayan tüketicilerin, alışveriş yaparak olumlu ruh halini sürdürme arayışlarını online sitelere taşımaları olarak da yorumlanabilir. Mayıs 27, 2022 tarihinde Webrazzi: adresinden alındı
  • Ustaahmetoğlu, E. (2015). Satın alma niyeti üzerinde ürün kıtlık mesajları, algılanan kalite ve algılanan değerin etkisi. Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 157-177.
  • Vitale, D. (2006). Consumer insights 2.0: how smart companies apply customer knowledge to the bottom line. Paramount Market Publishing.
  • Widagdow, B., & Roz, K. (2021). Hedonic shopping motivation and impulse buying: the effect of website quality on customer satisfaction. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 8(1), 395-405.
  • Worchel, S., Lee, J., & Adewole, A. (1975). Effects of supply and demand on ratings of object value. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32(5), 906-914.
  • Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2021). Online shopping therapy: if you want to be happy, shop around. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 34(3), 332-345.


Year 2022, Volume: 36 Issue: 2, 723 - 738, 29.06.2022


Yaşanan pandemi süreci boyunca alışveriş merkezlerini ziyaret edemeyen tüketicilerin, online alışveriş sitelerine rağbet göstermeleri markalar arasındaki rekabetin online mecralara taşınmasına neden olmuştur. Bu rekabet ortamında öne çıkmak isteyen pazarlama yöneticileri, son bir ürün ya da yalnızca bugüne özel indirim gibi mesajlarla tüketicilere çok düşünme fırsatı vermeden bir an önce satın alma faaliyetine geçmelerini zorlamak amacıyla sıklıkla kıtlık pazarlaması yöntemini kullanmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yakın gelecekte tüketicilerin önemli bir kısmını teşkil edecek olan Z kuşağına uygulanan kıtlık pazarlaması taktiklerinin gerçekten başarıya ulaşıp ulaşmadığını ortaya çıkarmak için kıtlık mesajları ile dürtüsel satın alma ve alışverişten keyif alma değişkenlerinin ilişkisini incelemektir. 405 katılımcıdan sağlanan veriler, SPSS 25 programında analiz edilmiş, test sonuçları katılımcıların %94,8’ini temsil eden Z kuşağının %66,9’unu oluşturan kadın katılımcıların erkek katılımcılara göre kıtlık mesajlarından daha fazla etkilendiklerini ve alışverişten daha fazla keyif aldıklarını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Korelasyon analizi sonuçları ise kıtlık pazarlaması, alışverişten keyif alma ve dürtüsel satın alma değişkenleri arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışmanın bulguları, pazarlama yöneticilerinin online alışveriş sitelerinde kullandıkları kıtlık mesajlarını erkeklere yönelik ürünlere nazaran kadınlara yönelik ürünlerde uygulamaları halinde daha verimli sonuçlar alabileceklerini göstermektedir.


  • Andani, K., & Wahyono, W. (2018). Influence of sales promotion, hedonic shopping motivation and fashion involvement toward impulse buying through a positive emotion. Management Analysis Journal, 7(4), 448-457.
  • Aytekin, P., & Ay, C. (2015). Hedonik tüketim ve anlık satın alma ilişkisi. Academic Review of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 8(1), 141-156.
  • Badgaiyan, A., & Verma, A. (2014). Intrinsic factors affecting impulsive buying behaviour—evidence from India. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(4), 537-549.
  • Bartlett, M. (1951). The effect of standardization on a chi-square approximation in factor analysis. Biometrika, 38(3/4), 337-344.
  • Beatty, S., & Ferrell, M. (1998). Impulse buying: modeling its precursors. Journal of Retailing, 74(2), 169-191.
  • Brock, T. C. (1968). Implications of commodity theory for value change. Psychological foundations of attitudes (s. 243-275). içinde New York: Academic Press.
  • Chen, T., Yeh, T., & Wang, Y. (2020). The drivers of desirability in scarcity marketing. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 924-944.
  • Chung, N., Song, H., & Lee, H. (2017). Consumers’ impulsive buying behavior of restaurant products in social commerce. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 709-731.
  • Cinjarevic, M., Tatic, K., & Petric, S. (2011). See it, like it, buy it! Hedonic shopping motivations and impulse buying. Economic Review: Journal of Economics and Business, 9(1), 3-15.
  • Fenton-O'creevy, M., Dibb, S., & Furnham, A. (2018). Antecedents and consequences of chronic impulsive buying: Can impulsive buying be understood as dysfunctional self‐regulation? Psychology & Marketing, 35(3), 175-188.
  • Gabler, C., & Reynolds, K. (2014). Buy now or buy later: the effects of scarcity and discounts on purchase decisions. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 21(4), 441-456.
  • Gaidhani, S., Arora , L., & Sharma, B. (2019). Understanding the attitude of generation Z towards workplace. International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, 9(1), 2804-2812.
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for windows step by step: a simple guide and reference, , 17.0 update (10a ed.). Pearson.
  • Gökçek, H., Yurtsever, A., & Yıldız, E. (2021). Online alışverişte dürtüsel kullanım, kaçırma korkusu, içtepisel satın alma, internet kaynaklı yorgunluk ve kaygı arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(3), 1985-2002.
  • Gupta, S., & Gentry, J. (2019). Should I Buy, Hoard, or Hide?’-Consumers’ responses to perceived scarcity. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 29(2), 178-197.
  • Hamilton, R., Thompson, D., Bone, S., Chaplin, L., Griskevicius, V., Goldsmith , K., & O'Guinn, T. (2019). The effects of scarcity on consumer decision journeys. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(3), 532-550.
  • Herpen, E. V., Pieters, R., & Zeelenberg, M. (2014). When less sells more or less: the scarcity principle in wine choice. Food Quality and Preference, 36, 153-160.
  • Imbriale, R. (2007). Motivational marketing: how to effectively motivate your prospects to buy now, buy more, and tell their friends too! Wiley Pres.
  • Kaiser , H. (1974). An index of factorial simplicity. Psychometrika, 39, 31-36.
  • Kalkan, P. (2021). Pandemi ekonomisinin internet alışverişine etkilerinin analizi. Sosyal, Beşerî ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 4(8), 740-758.
  • Khomenko, L. (2021). Scarcity marketing as an effective marketing tool (on the example of Clubhouse). Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Wroclaw Üniversitesi.
  • KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity. (2020, Mayıs 9). Haziran 2, 2022 tarihinde Analysis INN: adresinden alındı
  • Lee, E., Jeon, J., Li, Q., & Park, H. (2015). The differential effectiveness of scarcity message type on impulse buying: a cross-cultural study. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 25(2), 142-152.
  • Lee, G., & Yi, Y. (2008). The effect of shopping emotions and perceived risk on impulsive buying: the moderating role of buying impulsiveness trait. Seoul Journal of Business, 14(2), 67-92.
  • Lee, S., & Jung, S. (2019). Shelf-based scarcity and consumers’ product choice: the role of scarcity disconfirmation. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 47(5), 1-10.
  • Levin, A. (2020). Influencer marketing for brands: what YouTube and Instagram can teach you about the future of digital advertising. Apress.
  • Lynn, M. (1991). Scarcity effects on value: a quantitative review of the commodity theory literature. Psychology & Marketing, 8(1), 43-57.
  • Lynn, M. (1992). Scarcity's enhancement of desirability: the role of naive economic theories. Basic and Applied Social Pyschology, 13(1), 67-68.
  • Mamuaya, N. (2018). The effect of sales promotion and store atmosphere on hedonic shopping motivation and impulsive buying behavior in hypermart manado city. Derama (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen, 13(1), 83-89.
  • Mazaheri, S. (2021, 3 26). Digital marketing: the gate to a new world.
  • Mihic, M., & Milakovic, K. (2017). Examining shopping enjoyment: personal factors, word of mouth and moderating effects of demographics. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 30(1), 1300-1317.
  • Nagadeepa, C., & Shirahatti, D. (2021). Impulse buying: concepts, frameworks and consumer Insights. Shanlax Publications.
  • Önder, N. (2021, Ekim 1). İş'te z kuşağı. Marketing Türkiye: adresinden alındı
  • Sari, D., & Pidada, I. (2020). Hedonic shopping motivation, shopping lifestyle, price reduction toward impulse buying behavior in shopping center. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 3(1), 48-54.
  • Sokolova, K., & Kefi, H. (2020). Instagram and YouTube bloggers promote it, why should I buy? How credibility and parasocial interaction influence purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53, 1-9.
  • Şen, A., & Ar, A. (2021). Cinsiyetler arası itkisel (dürtüsel) satın almanın farklılıkları üzerine nitel bir analiz: moda sektörü temelinde bir değerlendirme. Erciyes Akademi, 35(2), 461-485.
  • Şentürk, F., & Fındık, H. (2014). Rasyonel karar alan ekonomik birimin risk altında verdiği kararlara davranışsal yaklaşım: kahneman-tversky beklenti teorisi perspektifinden eleştirel bir bakış. Öneri Dergisi, 11(42), 127-139.
  • Thomsen, R. (2020, Kasım 24). Scarcity marketing: 6 innovative tactics you need to know (+ examples). Aralık 14, 2021 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Tuten, T. L. (2020). Social media marketing (4 b.). SAGE Publications.
  • Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1991). Loss aversion in riskless choice: a reference-dependent model. The quarterly journal of economics, 106(4), 1039-1061.
  • Ulukan, G. (2021, Nisan 15). Pandemi döneminde online satışların artması, alışveriş merkezlerinde bu duyguyu yaşayamayan tüketicilerin, alışveriş yaparak olumlu ruh halini sürdürme arayışlarını online sitelere taşımaları olarak da yorumlanabilir. Mayıs 27, 2022 tarihinde Webrazzi: adresinden alındı
  • Ustaahmetoğlu, E. (2015). Satın alma niyeti üzerinde ürün kıtlık mesajları, algılanan kalite ve algılanan değerin etkisi. Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 157-177.
  • Vitale, D. (2006). Consumer insights 2.0: how smart companies apply customer knowledge to the bottom line. Paramount Market Publishing.
  • Widagdow, B., & Roz, K. (2021). Hedonic shopping motivation and impulse buying: the effect of website quality on customer satisfaction. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 8(1), 395-405.
  • Worchel, S., Lee, J., & Adewole, A. (1975). Effects of supply and demand on ratings of object value. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32(5), 906-914.
  • Zulauf, K., & Wagner, R. (2021). Online shopping therapy: if you want to be happy, shop around. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 34(3), 332-345.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Altuğ Ocak 0000-0002-8018-4158

Publication Date June 29, 2022
Submission Date April 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 36 Issue: 2



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