Portfolio diversification is often used by individual and institutional investors to achieve optimal results under various economic conditions. Portfolio diversification is frequently used by individual and institutional investors to achieve optimal results under various economic conditions. If assets in a portfolio have different responses to current market conditions, the investor may have an opportunity to minimize the risk. One way to minimize portfolio risk is to allocate investments to some non-interrelated sector indices based on a specific market condition on the local stock exchange. In this study, the relationship between financial, industrial, services and technology indices in Borsa Istanbul are examined by using the Johansen cointegration test considering the daily and weekly data for the period 02.01.2014-14.05.2017. As a result of the study, no cointegration relationship is found between indices. In addition, no causal relationship is found determined the indices as a result of Granger causality test. These results show that especially domestic investors can make sectorial diversification in the stock market.