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Year 2014, , 131 - 155, 18.05.2015


Turkish-American Lausanne Treaty has been signed on August 6, 1923, 13 days after the Treaty of Turkish-Allied Associated Powers. With this treaty it had been aimed to restart TurkishAmerican diplomatic relations which had been ceased on April 10, 1917.Whereas, when the Lausanne Treaty has been signed there was a reverse Turkish perception in USA. Actually it was missioners who had escalated this opposition during pre-war decades to collect more donations. Due to this reason an effective opposition emerged in USA against the ratification of Lausanne Treaty. Despite this negative perception, there were some disorganized groups favoring ratification of the Treaty. During the confrontation of opponent and favoring groups in three and half years, at the last year the favoring party to affect Senate compiled all the works in a Book supporting the ratification. But, the Treaty was rejected in Senate and Turkish-USA relations had to continue on de facto grounds for a while


  • BILMEZ, Bülent; (2000), “The Place of the Turkish Independence War in the American Press (1918-1923)”, Turkish Yearbook, 31, ss. 51-74.
  • BROWN, Philip Marshall; (1924), “From Sevres to Lausanne”, The American Journal of International Law, American Society of International Law, 18(1), ss. 111-116.
  • BROWN, Philip Marshall; (1927), “The Lausanne Treaty”, The American Journal of International Law, 21(3), ss. 503-505.
  • DANIEL, Robert L.; (1959), “The Armenian Question and American-Turkish Relations, 1914-1927”, The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 46(2), ss. 252-275.
  • DELGADILLO, Charles Edward; (2002), “Facing the New Turkey: The Turco- Amerikan Treaty of Lausanne, 1900-1927”, Unpublished Master Thesis, California: California State University.
  • ELLIS, Willam T.; (1924, April 20), “Ratification of Turkish Treaty”, New York Times, s. 172.
  • ELLIS, William T.; (1927, January 2), “New Turkey Declared to be Product of Slogans Issued to the World by Wilson During World War”, Washing- ton Post, s. 45.
  • GRABILL, Joseph L.; (1971), Protestant Diplomacy and the Near East, Mis- sionary Influence on American Policy, 1810-1927, Minnesota: Uni- versity of Minnesota.
  • HERRICK, George F.; (1923, December 12), “Turkish Treaty Questions”, New York Times. s. 20.
  • Journal Of The Senate Of The USA; (1924), Begun December 3, 1923, Wash- ington: Government Printing Office.
  • KÖSE, İsmail; (2013), “ABD’nin İstanbul Büyükelçisi Henry Morgenthau’nun Türk Algısı”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Tarih Dergisi, 56, ss. 55-85
  • KURAT, Akdes Nimet; (1959), Türk Amerikan Münasebetlerine Kısa Bir Bakış, Ankara: Doğuş Limited Şirketi.
  • LCMD [ABD Kongre Kütüphanesi El Yazmaları Bölümü], The Papers of Mark L. Bristol-V; (1923), Confidential Diary.
  • LCMD, The Papers of Mark L. Bristol-VI; (1925), Confidential Diary.
  • LCMD, The Papers of Mark L. Bristol-VII; (1926), Confidential Diary.
  • LIPPE, John M. Vander; (1993), “The “Other” Treaty of Lausanne: The Ameri- can Public and Official Debate on Turkish-American Relations”, Turk- ish Yearbook, 23, ss. 31-63.
  • Los Angeles Daily Times; (1927, January 17), “Lausanne Pact Foes Win Test”, s. 1.
  • Los Angeles Daily Times; (1927, January 19), “Slap Given to Turkey”, s.2.
  • MARASHLIAN, Levon; (1992), “The Armenian Question from Sérves to Lau- sanne, Economics and Morality in American and British Policies 1920- 1923”, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Los Angeles: University of California.
  • New York Times; (1923, July 30), “Assails Lausanne Treaty”,s. 12.
  • New York Times; (1923, November 29), “Gerard Denounce Lausanne Treaty”, s. 15.
  • New York Times; (1923, March 19), “Morgenthau Near Fight After Speech”, s. 18.
  • New York Times; (1923, August 9), “Morgenthau Predicts Turkey Treaty Fail- ure”, s. 13.
  • New York Times; (1923, July 28), “Morgenthau Scores Isolation Policy”, s. 5.
  • New York Times; (1923, April 11), “Says Allies Agreed Play Turk’s Game”, s. 4.
  • New York Times; (1923, June 7), “Score Turk Treaty as Disgrace to Us”, s. SE2.
  • New York Times; (1923, November 25), “Score Turk Treaty as Disgrace to Us”, s. SE2.
  • New York Times; (1923, November 26), “Urges Ratification of Lausanne Trea- ty”, s. 4.
  • New York Times; (1924, April 6), “Assail and Defent Lausanne Treaty”, s. 2.
  • New York Times; (1924, October 31), “Turkey Wants Us to Act on Treaty”, s. 13.
  • New York Times; (1926, April 7), “Americans in Turkey for Lausanne Treaty”, s. 6.
  • New York Times; (1927, January 18), “Lausanne Test Negative”, s. 8.
  • New York Times; (1927, January 19), “Senate Rejects Lausanne Treaty”, s. 1.
  • New York Times; (1927, January 4), “To Decide Lausanne Treaty at Secret”, s. 27.
  • Government Printing Office; (1938), “Papers Related to Foreign Relations of US 1923”, C. II, Washington: Government Printing Office, Internet Ad- dress: =header&id =FRUS.FRUS1923v02, Date Of Access: 20.06. 2014.
  • PETERSON, Merril D.; (2004), America and Armenian Genocide, 1915-1930 And After Starving Armenians, Virginia: Univeristy of Virgina.
  • ŞIMŞIR, Bilal; (1977), “Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Yeniden Kurulması ve Ahmet Muhtar Bey’in Vaşington Büyükelçiliği (1920-1927), Belleten, XLI(162), ss. 277-356.
  • The Treaty with Turkey, Statements and Resolutions and Reports in Favor of Ratification of the Treaty of Lausanne; (1926), New York: General Comittee of American Institutions and Associations in Favor of Ratifi- cation of the Treaty with Turkey.
  • Washington Post; (1927, January 18), “Lausanne Test Negative”, s. 3.
  • Washington Post; (1927, January 19), “Senate Rejects Lausanne Treaty”, s. 1.
  • YAYLALIER, Dinç; (1996), “American Perceptions of Turkey, 1919-1927”, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Utah: The University of Utah.


Year 2014, , 131 - 155, 18.05.2015


Türk-ABD Lozan Antlaşması, Türk-Bağlaşık Lozan Barış Antlaşması’ndan 13 gün sonra, 6 Ağustos 1923 tarihinde imzalandı. Bu Antlaşma ile 20 Nisan 1917 tarihinde kesilmiş olan Türk-ABD diplomatik ilişkilerinin yeniden başlatılması amaçlanmıştı. Oysa, Lozan Antlaşması imzalandığında ABD’de Türk karşıtı bir algı vardı. Böyle bir algının oluşmasında, misyonerlerin Savaş öncesi yıllarda halktan bağış toplayabilmek için yapmış oldukları kara propagandanın payı büyüktü. Belirtilen nedenle Lozan Antlaşması’nın onayına karşı ABD’de etkili bir muhalefet oluştu.

Olumsuz algıya rağmen, Antlaşma’nın onaylanması taraftarları dağınık bir şekilde onay için çalıştı. Onay karşıtı ve taraftarı cephelerin üç buçuk yıl süren mücadelesinin son yılında onay taraftarları yapmış oldukları çalışmaları bir Kitapçık’ta toplayarak Senato üzerinde etkin olmaya çalıştılar. Fakat buna rağmen, Antlaşma Senato’da reddedildi ve Türk Amerikan ilişkileri bir süre daha de facto zeminde yürümek zorunda kaldı.  


  • BILMEZ, Bülent; (2000), “The Place of the Turkish Independence War in the American Press (1918-1923)”, Turkish Yearbook, 31, ss. 51-74.
  • BROWN, Philip Marshall; (1924), “From Sevres to Lausanne”, The American Journal of International Law, American Society of International Law, 18(1), ss. 111-116.
  • BROWN, Philip Marshall; (1927), “The Lausanne Treaty”, The American Journal of International Law, 21(3), ss. 503-505.
  • DANIEL, Robert L.; (1959), “The Armenian Question and American-Turkish Relations, 1914-1927”, The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 46(2), ss. 252-275.
  • DELGADILLO, Charles Edward; (2002), “Facing the New Turkey: The Turco- Amerikan Treaty of Lausanne, 1900-1927”, Unpublished Master Thesis, California: California State University.
  • ELLIS, Willam T.; (1924, April 20), “Ratification of Turkish Treaty”, New York Times, s. 172.
  • ELLIS, William T.; (1927, January 2), “New Turkey Declared to be Product of Slogans Issued to the World by Wilson During World War”, Washing- ton Post, s. 45.
  • GRABILL, Joseph L.; (1971), Protestant Diplomacy and the Near East, Mis- sionary Influence on American Policy, 1810-1927, Minnesota: Uni- versity of Minnesota.
  • HERRICK, George F.; (1923, December 12), “Turkish Treaty Questions”, New York Times. s. 20.
  • Journal Of The Senate Of The USA; (1924), Begun December 3, 1923, Wash- ington: Government Printing Office.
  • KÖSE, İsmail; (2013), “ABD’nin İstanbul Büyükelçisi Henry Morgenthau’nun Türk Algısı”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Tarih Dergisi, 56, ss. 55-85
  • KURAT, Akdes Nimet; (1959), Türk Amerikan Münasebetlerine Kısa Bir Bakış, Ankara: Doğuş Limited Şirketi.
  • LCMD [ABD Kongre Kütüphanesi El Yazmaları Bölümü], The Papers of Mark L. Bristol-V; (1923), Confidential Diary.
  • LCMD, The Papers of Mark L. Bristol-VI; (1925), Confidential Diary.
  • LCMD, The Papers of Mark L. Bristol-VII; (1926), Confidential Diary.
  • LIPPE, John M. Vander; (1993), “The “Other” Treaty of Lausanne: The Ameri- can Public and Official Debate on Turkish-American Relations”, Turk- ish Yearbook, 23, ss. 31-63.
  • Los Angeles Daily Times; (1927, January 17), “Lausanne Pact Foes Win Test”, s. 1.
  • Los Angeles Daily Times; (1927, January 19), “Slap Given to Turkey”, s.2.
  • MARASHLIAN, Levon; (1992), “The Armenian Question from Sérves to Lau- sanne, Economics and Morality in American and British Policies 1920- 1923”, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Los Angeles: University of California.
  • New York Times; (1923, July 30), “Assails Lausanne Treaty”,s. 12.
  • New York Times; (1923, November 29), “Gerard Denounce Lausanne Treaty”, s. 15.
  • New York Times; (1923, March 19), “Morgenthau Near Fight After Speech”, s. 18.
  • New York Times; (1923, August 9), “Morgenthau Predicts Turkey Treaty Fail- ure”, s. 13.
  • New York Times; (1923, July 28), “Morgenthau Scores Isolation Policy”, s. 5.
  • New York Times; (1923, April 11), “Says Allies Agreed Play Turk’s Game”, s. 4.
  • New York Times; (1923, June 7), “Score Turk Treaty as Disgrace to Us”, s. SE2.
  • New York Times; (1923, November 25), “Score Turk Treaty as Disgrace to Us”, s. SE2.
  • New York Times; (1923, November 26), “Urges Ratification of Lausanne Trea- ty”, s. 4.
  • New York Times; (1924, April 6), “Assail and Defent Lausanne Treaty”, s. 2.
  • New York Times; (1924, October 31), “Turkey Wants Us to Act on Treaty”, s. 13.
  • New York Times; (1926, April 7), “Americans in Turkey for Lausanne Treaty”, s. 6.
  • New York Times; (1927, January 18), “Lausanne Test Negative”, s. 8.
  • New York Times; (1927, January 19), “Senate Rejects Lausanne Treaty”, s. 1.
  • New York Times; (1927, January 4), “To Decide Lausanne Treaty at Secret”, s. 27.
  • Government Printing Office; (1938), “Papers Related to Foreign Relations of US 1923”, C. II, Washington: Government Printing Office, Internet Ad- dress: =header&id =FRUS.FRUS1923v02, Date Of Access: 20.06. 2014.
  • PETERSON, Merril D.; (2004), America and Armenian Genocide, 1915-1930 And After Starving Armenians, Virginia: Univeristy of Virgina.
  • ŞIMŞIR, Bilal; (1977), “Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Yeniden Kurulması ve Ahmet Muhtar Bey’in Vaşington Büyükelçiliği (1920-1927), Belleten, XLI(162), ss. 277-356.
  • The Treaty with Turkey, Statements and Resolutions and Reports in Favor of Ratification of the Treaty of Lausanne; (1926), New York: General Comittee of American Institutions and Associations in Favor of Ratifi- cation of the Treaty with Turkey.
  • Washington Post; (1927, January 18), “Lausanne Test Negative”, s. 3.
  • Washington Post; (1927, January 19), “Senate Rejects Lausanne Treaty”, s. 1.
  • YAYLALIER, Dinç; (1996), “American Perceptions of Turkey, 1919-1927”, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Utah: The University of Utah.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

İsmail Köse This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014



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