The purpose of the study is to determine the Turkey's position among the Europian Union member countries and Middle Eastern countries in terms of discrimination against women according to the Social Institutions and Gender Index indicators. For this purpose, countries are classified according to their similarities in terms of Social Institutions and Gender Index indicators with the help of cluster analysis. The index used in the study consists of four indicators that represent discrimination against women in social institutions: discrimination in family, restricted physical integrity, restricted access to productive and financial resources, and restricted civil liberties. As a result of the hierarchical cluster analysis, it is decided to divide the countries into 3 clusters. According to the k-means clustering analysis, It’s seen that Turkey is in the same cluster with all the EU member countries. In the next step of the analysis, discriminant analysis is applied to test the accuracy of the results obtained from the cluster analysis. When the classification results obtained from discriminant analysis are examined, it is seen that all countries are correctly classified by k-means cluster analysis method. If the results are evaluated in general, the findings obtained from the cluster analysis reveal that Turkey is not as bad as the countries in the Middle East in terms of discrimination against women, and that it has caught up with the EU member countries in this regard. However, the results show that gender equality is not fully achieved both in Turkey and in EU member states. Similar problems are experienced in EU member countries. But this situation is not as bad as in the middle east countries. Women will be able to have their basic rights and freedoms by strengthening the economic structure, increasing the education level of families and girls, and applying legal sanctions against the injustices and violence after identifying the underlying causes of inequalities on the basis of social institutions.