Research Article
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Year 2018, Issue: 51, 21 - 38, 04.07.2018


As the first major global challenge faced by the AK Party, which came to
power with an important majority in November 2002 elections, the March 1 Permit
has opened the gate to a period of change of the balances regarding both the
internal dynamics in Turkey and the US-Turkey relations. In this context, in
terms of both internal and external dynamics of Turkey, Iraq invasion showed
that the beginning of a very difficult process will be a long-term process. This
troubled period’s first explosion point in the whole process yet, was the case
of March 1, 2003. In this regard, it will be useful to discuss domestic and
foreign policy implications for Turkey and the future ground of the probable
vulnerabilities on the relations with the US. This will create a horizon both for
the current breaks and regional and global oriented policy making processes, as


  • “A Friendship on Hold”. The Economist. 29.03.2003
  • Athanassopoulou, E. 2001. “American-Turkish Relations since the End of the Cold War”. Middle East Policy. Vol. 8. No. 3
  • Ayman, G. 2008. “Bir Güvenlik Sorunsalı Olarak Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde Irak Açmazı”. Irak Açmazı: Türkiye Açısından Temel Parametreler (ed.) Boğaziçi Üniversitesi-TÜSİAD Dış Politika Forumu
  • Bacik, G. and Aras, B. 2004. “Turkey’s Inescapable Dilemma: America or Europe?”. Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations. Vol. 3. No. 1
  • Bölükbaşı, D. 2008. 1 Mart Vakası: Irak Tezkeresi ve Sonrası. Doğan Kitap
  • Brzezinski, Z. 1997. The Grand Chessboard. New York: Basic Books
  • Bush, George W. The White House. Washington. 24.02.2003
  • Cagaptay, S. 2004. “Where Goes the US-Turkish Relationship?”. Middle East Quarterly
  • Cornell, E. 2001. Turkey in the 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges, Threats Curzone Press
  • Dejevsky, M. “Türkiye’den Demokrasi Dersi”. The Independent (Radikal 05.03.2003)
  • Edelman, E. “Stratejik Ortaklığı Yeniden İnşa Etmemiz Gerek”. Anadolu Ajansı 13.06.2003
  • Gregg, Heather S. “Divided They Conquer: The Success of Armenian Ethnic Lobbies in the US”. paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Political Science Association. 28.08.2002
  • Günlübol, M. 1999. Olaylarla Türk Dış Politikası 1919-1995. Siyasal Kitabevi
  • Huntington, Samuel P. 1997. “The Erosion of National Interests”. Foreign Affairs
  • İşyar, Ömer G. 2005. “An Analysis of Turkish-American Relations from 1945 to 2004”. Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations. Vol. 4. No. 3
  • Krugman, P. “Threats, Promises and Lies”. New York Times. 25.02.2003
  • Larabee, F. Steven and Lesser, Ian O. 2003. “Turkish Foreign Policy in an Age of Uncertainty”. Rand Corp.
  • Makovsky, A. 2000. “US Policy towards Turkey”. in Abramowitz (ed.) Turkey’s Transformation and American Policy
  • Mardini, N. “Turkey’s New Crises”. El Sefir. 25.02.2003
  • Mourinson, A. 2006. “The Strategic Depth Doctrine of Turkish Foreign Policy”. Middle Eastern Studies. Vol. 42. No. 6 Prager, R. 2003. “Turkish-American Relations: Historical Context and Current Issues” Robins, P. 2007. “The Opium Crisis and the Iraq War: Historical Paralells in Turkey-US Relations”. Mediterranean Politics. Vol. 12. No. 1
  • Sözen, A. “A Paradigmatic Shift: New Principles of Turkish Foreign Policy Making”. paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Studies Association. 26-29 March 2008
  • Türkmen, F. 2009. “Turkish-American Relations: A Challenging Transition”. Turkish Studies. Vol. 10. No. 1
  • “US-Turkish Relations and the Challenges Ahead”. House of Representatives. Subcommittee on Europe. Committee on Foreign Affairs. 15.03.2007. Washington DC.
  • Yetkin, M. “Washington’la Sinir Harbi”. Radikal. 22.02.2003


Year 2018, Issue: 51, 21 - 38, 04.07.2018


AK Parti’nin tek başına iktidara geldiği Kasım 2002
seçimlerinin hemen ardından küresel çapta karşılaştığı ilk büyük meydan okuma
olan 1 Mart Tezkeresi, gerek Türkiye’deki iç dinamikler, gerekse Türkiye-ABD ilişkisinin
mahiyeti açısından çoğu dengeyi değiştirebilecek bir döneme kapı açmıştır. Bu
bağlamda, Irak işgali, Türkiye’nin hem iç hem dış dinamikleri açısından,
sonuçları uzun vadeli olacak hayli zor bir sürecin başladığını göstermiştir. Bu
sıkıntılı dönemin, henüz sürecin tam içerisindeki ilk patlama noktası ise, 1
Mart 2003 yılındaki tezkere olmuştur. Bu bakımdan 1 Mart Tezkeresi sürecinin bir
bütün olarak analizini yaparken, Türkiye açısından iç ve dış politika
yansımalarını tartışmak ve buradan ABD ile ilişkilerde gelecekteki olası kırılganlıkların
oluştuğu zemini analiz etmek yerinde ve faydalı olacaktır. Zira bu, hem bugün
yaşanan kopuşlara dair hem de bölgesel ve küresel oryantasyonlu politika yapım
süreçlerine dair bizlere bir ufuk sağlayacaktır.  


  • “A Friendship on Hold”. The Economist. 29.03.2003
  • Athanassopoulou, E. 2001. “American-Turkish Relations since the End of the Cold War”. Middle East Policy. Vol. 8. No. 3
  • Ayman, G. 2008. “Bir Güvenlik Sorunsalı Olarak Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde Irak Açmazı”. Irak Açmazı: Türkiye Açısından Temel Parametreler (ed.) Boğaziçi Üniversitesi-TÜSİAD Dış Politika Forumu
  • Bacik, G. and Aras, B. 2004. “Turkey’s Inescapable Dilemma: America or Europe?”. Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations. Vol. 3. No. 1
  • Bölükbaşı, D. 2008. 1 Mart Vakası: Irak Tezkeresi ve Sonrası. Doğan Kitap
  • Brzezinski, Z. 1997. The Grand Chessboard. New York: Basic Books
  • Bush, George W. The White House. Washington. 24.02.2003
  • Cagaptay, S. 2004. “Where Goes the US-Turkish Relationship?”. Middle East Quarterly
  • Cornell, E. 2001. Turkey in the 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges, Threats Curzone Press
  • Dejevsky, M. “Türkiye’den Demokrasi Dersi”. The Independent (Radikal 05.03.2003)
  • Edelman, E. “Stratejik Ortaklığı Yeniden İnşa Etmemiz Gerek”. Anadolu Ajansı 13.06.2003
  • Gregg, Heather S. “Divided They Conquer: The Success of Armenian Ethnic Lobbies in the US”. paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Political Science Association. 28.08.2002
  • Günlübol, M. 1999. Olaylarla Türk Dış Politikası 1919-1995. Siyasal Kitabevi
  • Huntington, Samuel P. 1997. “The Erosion of National Interests”. Foreign Affairs
  • İşyar, Ömer G. 2005. “An Analysis of Turkish-American Relations from 1945 to 2004”. Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations. Vol. 4. No. 3
  • Krugman, P. “Threats, Promises and Lies”. New York Times. 25.02.2003
  • Larabee, F. Steven and Lesser, Ian O. 2003. “Turkish Foreign Policy in an Age of Uncertainty”. Rand Corp.
  • Makovsky, A. 2000. “US Policy towards Turkey”. in Abramowitz (ed.) Turkey’s Transformation and American Policy
  • Mardini, N. “Turkey’s New Crises”. El Sefir. 25.02.2003
  • Mourinson, A. 2006. “The Strategic Depth Doctrine of Turkish Foreign Policy”. Middle Eastern Studies. Vol. 42. No. 6 Prager, R. 2003. “Turkish-American Relations: Historical Context and Current Issues” Robins, P. 2007. “The Opium Crisis and the Iraq War: Historical Paralells in Turkey-US Relations”. Mediterranean Politics. Vol. 12. No. 1
  • Sözen, A. “A Paradigmatic Shift: New Principles of Turkish Foreign Policy Making”. paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Studies Association. 26-29 March 2008
  • Türkmen, F. 2009. “Turkish-American Relations: A Challenging Transition”. Turkish Studies. Vol. 10. No. 1
  • “US-Turkish Relations and the Challenges Ahead”. House of Representatives. Subcommittee on Europe. Committee on Foreign Affairs. 15.03.2007. Washington DC.
  • Yetkin, M. “Washington’la Sinir Harbi”. Radikal. 22.02.2003
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler


Publication Date July 4, 2018
Acceptance Date March 6, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 51


APA Babacan, A. (2018). AK PARTİ DÖNEMİ İLK KÜRESEL KARŞILAŞMA: 1 MART 2003 TEZKERESİ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(51), 21-38.

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